233 research outputs found

    Adiabatic Landau-Zener-St\"uckelberg transition with or without dissipation in low spin molecular system V15

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    The spin one half molecular system V15 shows no barrier against spin reversal. This makes possible direct phonon activation between the two levels. By tuning the field sweeping rate and the thermal coupling between sample and thermal reservoir we have control over the phonon-bottleneck phenomena previously reported in this system. We demonstrate adiabatic motion of molecule spins in time dependent magnetic fields and with different thermal coupling to the cryostat bath. We also discuss the origin of the zero-field tunneling splitting for a half-integer spin.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. B - Rapid Communication

    Re-interpreting the data on the cost and effectiveness of population screening for colorectal cancer in Australia

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    Three studies report estimates of the cost and effectiveness of alternate strategies for screening the average-risk Australian population for colorectal cancer. The options considered are faecal occult blood testing, double contrast barium enema, sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy. At present, there is no consensus over which screening method is optimal by the economic criterion. Also, the existing studies report a mixture of average and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios derived from data collected between 1994 and 2002. We suggest average cost-effectiveness ratios are not useful for decision-making and illustrate how they differ from the preferred incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. We then update the cost data reported in the three studies to 2002 prices and calculate incremental cost-effectiveness ratios where not previously available. Our re-analysis of one study contradicts the conclusions drawn by the authors, who had only calculated average cost-effectiveness ratios. In particular, we find their recommendation of population screening with colonoscopy would cause, annually, between 33 and 1,322 years of life to be lost and between M17andM17 and M87 to be wasted. Based on updated cost data and the incremental analysis, our findings indicate that population screening using biennial faecal occult blood testing (39,459perlife−yeargained),annualfaecaloccultbloodtesting(39,459 per life-year gained), annual faecal occult blood testing (30,556 per life-year gained) and colonoscopy ($26,587 per life-year gained) are cost-effective. Hence, the decision over which method of screening is optimal remains ambiguous across the three studies. We recommend policy-makers choose the study they believe produces the most accurate estimates of cost and health effect, identify their willingness to pay for health benefits and consider other issues relevant to the decision

    First- and second-order transitions of the escape rate in ferrimagnetic or antiferromagnetic particles

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    Quantum-classical escape-rate transition has been studied for two general forms of magnetic anisotropy in ferrimagnetic or antiferromagnetic particles. It is found that the range of the first-order transition is greatly reduced as the system becomes ferrimagnetic and there is no first-order transition in almost compensated antiferromagnetic particles. These features can be tested experimentally in nanomagnets like molecular magnets.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Europhys. Let

    Phase locking in quantum and classical oscillators: polariton condensates, lasers, and arrays of Josephson junctions

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    We connect three phenomena in which a coherent electromagnetic field could be generated: polariton condensation, phase-locking in arrays of underdamped Josephson junctions, and lasing. All these phenomena have been described using Dicke-type models of spins coupled to a single photon mode. These descriptions may be distinguished by whether the spins are quantum or classical, and whether they are strongly or weakly damped.Comment: 6 pages, RevTex. To appear in a special edition of Solid State Communications on "Quantum Phases at the Nanoscale

    Nuclear spin driven quantum relaxation in LiY_0.998Ho_0.002F_4

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    Staircase hysteresis loops of the magnetization of a LiY_0.998Ho_0.002F_4 single crystal are observed at subkelvin temperatures and low field sweep rates. This behavior results from quantum dynamics at avoided level crossings of the energy spectrum of single Ho^{3+} ions in the presence of hyperfine interactions. Enhanced quantum relaxation in constant transverse fields allows the study of the relative magnitude of tunnel splittings. At faster sweep rates, non-equilibrated spin-phonon and spin-spin transitions, mediated by weak dipolar interactions, lead to magnetization oscillations and additional steps.Comment: 5 pages, 5 eps figures, using RevTe

    Quantum Coherence Oscillations in Antiferromagnetic Chains

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    Macroscopic quantum coherence oscillations in mesoscopic antiferromagnets may appear when the anisotropy potential creates a barrier between the antiferromagnetic states with opposite orientations of the Neel vector. This phenomenon is studied for the physical situation of the nuclear spin system of eight Xe atoms arranged on a magnetic surface along a chain. The oscillation period is calculated as a function of the chain constant. The environmental decoherence effects at finite temperature are accounted assuming a dipole coupling between the spin chain and the fluctuating magnetic field of the surface. The numerical calculations indicate that the oscillations are damped by a rate ∼(N−1)/τ\sim (N-1)/ \tau, where NN is the number of spins and τ\tau is the relaxation time of a single spin.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, two postscript figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling of Ferromagnetic Domain Walls

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    Quantum tunneling of domain walls out of an impurity potential in a mesoscopic ferromagnetic sample is investigated. Using improved expressions for the domain wall mass and for the pinning potential, we find that the cross-over temperature between thermal activation and quantum tunneling is of a different functional form than found previously. In materials like Ni or YIG, the crossover temperatures are around 5 mK. We also find that the WKB exponent is typically two orders of magnitude larger than current estimates. The sources for these discrepancies are discussed, and precise estimates for the transition from three-dimensional to one-dimensional magnetic behavior of a wire are given. The cross-over temperatures from thermal to quantum transitions and tunneling rates are calculated for various materials and sample sizes.Comment: 10 pages, 2 postscript figures, REVTe

    Analysis of the Association between CIMP and BRAFV600E in Colorectal Cancer by DNA Methylation Profiling

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    A CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) is displayed by a distinct subset of colorectal cancers with a high frequency of DNA hypermethylation in a specific group of CpG islands. Recent studies have shown that an activating mutation of BRAF (BRAFV600E) is tightly associated with CIMP, raising the question of whether BRAFV600E plays a causal role in the development of CIMP or whether CIMP provides a favorable environment for the acquisition of BRAFV600E. We employed Illumina GoldenGate DNA methylation technology, which interrogates 1,505 CpG sites in 807 different genes, to further study this association. We first examined whether expression of BRAFV600E causes DNA hypermethylation by stably expressing BRAFV600E in the CIMP-negative, BRAF wild-type COLO 320DM colorectal cancer cell line. We determined 100 CIMP-associated CpG sites and examined changes in DNA methylation in eight stably transfected clones over multiple passages. We found that BRAFV600E is not sufficient to induce CIMP in our system. Secondly, considering the alternative possibility, we identified genes whose DNA hypermethylation was closely linked to BRAFV600E and CIMP in 235 primary colorectal tumors. Interestingly, genes that showed the most significant link include those that mediate various signaling pathways implicated in colorectal tumorigenesis, such as BMP3 and BMP6 (BMP signaling), EPHA3, KIT, and FLT1 (receptor tyrosine kinases) and SMO (Hedgehog signaling). Furthermore, we identified CIMP-dependent DNA hypermethylation of IGFBP7, which has been shown to mediate BRAFV600E-induced cellular senescence and apoptosis. Promoter DNA hypermethylation of IGFBP7 was associated with silencing of the gene. CIMP-specific inactivation of BRAFV600E-induced senescence and apoptosis pathways by IGFBP7 DNA hypermethylation might create a favorable context for the acquisition of BRAFV600E in CIMP+ colorectal cancer. Our data will be useful for future investigations toward understanding CIMP in colorectal cancer and gaining insights into the role of aberrant DNA hypermethylation in colorectal tumorigenesis

    Suppression of tunneling by interference in half-integer--spin particles

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    Within a wide class of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic systems, quantum tunneling of magnetization direction is spin-parity dependent: it vanishes for magnetic particles with half-integer spin, but is allowed for integer spin. A coherent-state path integral calculation shows that this topological effect results from interference between tunneling paths.Comment: 14 pages (RevTeX), 2 postscript figures available upon reques

    Tunnel splitting and quantum phase interference in biaxial ferrimagnetic particles at excited states

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    The tunneling splitting in biaxial ferrimagnetic particles at excited states with an explicit calculation of the prefactor of exponent is obtained in terms of periodic instantons which are responsible for tunneling at excited states and is shown as a function of magnetic field applied along an arbitrary direction in the plane of hard and medium axes. Using complex time path-integral we demonstrate the oscillation of tunnel splitting with respect to the magnitude and the direction of the magnetic field due to the quantum phase interference of two tunneling paths of opposite windings . The oscillation is gradually smeared and in the end the tunnel splitting monotonously increases with the magnitude of the magnetic field when the direction of the magnetic field tends to the medium axis. The oscillation behavior is similar to the recent experimental observation with Fe8_8 molecular clusters. A candidate of possible experiments to observe the effect of quantum phase interference in the ferrimagnetic particles is proposed.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, acceptted to be pubblished in Physical Review
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