2,235 research outputs found

    Universal efficiency at optimal work with Bayesian statistics

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    If the work per cycle of a quantum heat engine is averaged over an appropriate prior distribution for an external parameter aa, the work becomes optimal at Curzon-Ahlborn efficiency. More general priors of the form Π(a)1/aγ\Pi(a) \propto 1/a^{\gamma} yield optimal work at an efficiency which stays close to CA value, in particular near equilibrium the efficiency scales as one-half of the Carnot value. This feature is analogous to the one recently observed in literature for certain models of finite-time thermodynamics. Further, the use of Bayes' theorem implies that the work estimated with posterior probabilities also bears close analogy with the classical formula. These findings suggest that the notion of prior information can be used to reveal thermodynamic features in quantum systems, thus pointing to a new connection between thermodynamic behavior and the concept of information.Comment: revtex4, 5 pages, abstract changed and presentation improved; results unchanged. New result with Bayes Theorem adde

    One-shot information-theoretical approaches to fluctuation theorems

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    Traditional thermodynamics governs the behaviour of large systems that evolve between states of thermal equilibrium. For these large systems, the mean values of thermodynamic quantities (such as work, heat and entropy) provide a good characterisation of the process. Conversely, there is ever-increasing interest in the thermal behaviour of systems that evolve quickly and far from equilibrium, and that are too small for their behaviour to be well-described by mean values. Two major fields of modern thermodynamics seek to tackle such systems: non-equilibrium thermodynamics, and the nascent field of one-shot statistical mechanics. The former provides tools such as fluctuation theorems, whereas the latter applies "one-shot" R\'enyi entropies to thermal contexts. In this chapter to the upcoming book "Thermodynamics in the quantum regime - Recent progress and outlook" (Springer International Publishing), I provide a gentle introduction to recent research that draws from both fields: the application of one-shot information theory to fluctuation theorems.Comment: As a chapter of: F. Binder, L. A. Correa, C. Gogolin, J. Anders, and G. Adesso (eds.), "Thermodynamics in the quantum regime - Recent progress and outlook", (Springer International Publishing

    Validity of Landauer's principle in the quantum regime

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    We demonstrate the validity of Landauer's erasure principle in the strong coupling quantum regime by treating the system-reservoir interaction in a consistent way. We show that the initial coupling to the reservoir modifies both energy and entropy of the system and provide explicit expressions for the latter in the case of a damped quantum harmonic oscillator. These contributions are related to the Hamiltonian of mean force and dominate in the strong damping limit. They need therefore to be fully taken into account in any low-temperature thermodynamic analysis of quantum systems.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Statistics of the dissipated energy in driven single-electron transitions

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    We analyze the distribution of heat generated in driven single-electron transitions and discuss the related non-equilibrium work theorems. In the adiabatic limit, the heat distribution is shown to become Gaussian, with the heat noise that, in spite of thermal fluctuations, vanishes together with the average dissipated energy. We show that the transitions satisfy Jarzynski equality for arbitrary drive and calculate the probability of the negative heat values. We also derive a general condition on the heat distribution that generalizes the Bochkov-Kuzovlev equality and connects it to the Jarzynski equality.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Influence of corruption on economic growth rate and foreign investments

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    In order to investigate whether government regulations against corruption can affect the economic growth of a country, we analyze the dependence between Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita growth rates and changes in the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). For the period 1999-2004 on average for all countries in the world, we find that an increase of CPI by one unit leads to an increase of the annual GDP per capita by 1.7 %. By regressing only European transition countries, we find that Δ\DeltaCPI = 1 generates increase of the annual GDP per capita by 2.4 %. We also analyze the relation between foreign direct investments received by different countries and CPI, and we find a statistically significant power-law functional dependence between foreign direct investment per capita and the country corruption level measured by the CPI. We introduce a new measure to quantify the relative corruption between countries based on their respective wealth as measured by GDP per capita.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, elsart styl

    Correlation functions of eigenvalues of multi-matrix models, and the limit of a time dependent matrix

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    We consider the correlation functions of eigenvalues of a unidimensional chain of large random hermitian matrices. An asymptotic expression of the orthogonal polynomials allows to find new results for the correlations of eigenvalues of different matrices of the chain. Eventually, we consider the limit of the infinite chain of matrices, which can be interpreted as a time dependent one-matrix model, and give the correlation functions of eigenvalues at different times.Comment: Tex-Harvmac, 27 pages, submitted to Journ. Phys.

    Neural patterns of conscious visual awareness in the Riddoch syndrome

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    The Riddoch syndrome is one in which patients blinded by lesions to their primary visual cortex can consciously perceive visual motion in their blind field, an ability that correlates with activity in motion area V5. Our assessment of the characteristics of this syndrome in patient ST, using multimodal MRI, showed that: 1. ST's V5 is intact, receives direct subcortical input, and decodable neural patterns emerge in it only during the conscious perception of visual motion; 2. moving stimuli activate medial visual areas but, unless associated with decodable V5 activity, they remain unperceived; 3. ST's high confidence ratings when discriminating motion at chance levels, is associated with inferior frontal gyrus activity. Finally, we report that ST's Riddoch Syndrome results in hallucinatory motion with hippocampal activity as a correlate. Our results shed new light on perceptual experiences associated with this syndrome and on the neural determinants of conscious visual experience

    Correspondence between geometrical and differential definitions of the sine and cosine functions and connection with kinematics

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    In classical physics, the familiar sine and cosine functions appear in two forms: (1) geometrical, in the treatment of vectors such as forces and velocities, and (2) differential, as solutions of oscillation and wave equations. These two forms correspond to two different definitions of trigonometric functions, one geometrical using right triangles and unit circles, and the other employing differential equations. Although the two definitions must be equivalent, this equivalence is not demonstrated in textbooks. In this manuscript, the equivalence between the geometrical and the differential definition is presented assuming no a priori knowledge of the properties of sine and cosine functions. We start with the usual length projections on the unit circle and use elementary geometry and elementary calculus to arrive to harmonic differential equations. This more general and abstract treatment not only reveals the equivalence of the two definitions but also provides an instructive perspective on circular and harmonic motion as studied in kinematics. This exercise can help develop an appreciation of abstract thinking in physics.Comment: 6 pages including 1 figur

    Breakdown of universality in multi-cut matrix models

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    We solve the puzzle of the disagreement between orthogonal polynomials methods and mean field calculations for random NxN matrices with a disconnected eigenvalue support. We show that the difference does not stem from a Z2 symmetry breaking, but from the discreteness of the number of eigenvalues. This leads to additional terms (quasiperiodic in N) which must be added to the naive mean field expressions. Our result invalidates the existence of a smooth topological large N expansion and some postulated universality properties of correlators. We derive the large N expansion of the free energy for the general 2-cut case. From it we rederive by a direct and easy mean-field-like method the 2-point correlators and the asymptotic orthogonal polynomials. We extend our results to any number of cuts and to non-real potentials.Comment: 35 pages, Latex (1 file) + 3 figures (3 .eps files), revised to take into account a few reference

    Designing optimal discrete-feedback thermodynamic engines

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    Feedback can be utilized to convert information into useful work, making it an effective tool for increasing the performance of thermodynamic engines. Using feedback reversibility as a guiding principle, we devise a method for designing optimal feedback protocols for thermodynamic engines that extract all the information gained during feedback as work. Our method is based on the observation that in a feedback-reversible process the measurement and the time-reversal of the ensuing protocol both prepare the system in the same probabilistic state. We illustrate the utility of our method with two examples of the multi-particle Szilard engine.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, submitted to New J. Phy