4 research outputs found

    Research of future furniture design : exploring trends and aesthetics in futurism

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    Conceptual furniture that appear in many movies can be a great source of inspiration. Unique artifacts are intended to create a sense of place within the physical and psychological context of the movie. Many science-fiction movies upgrade and expand perspectives to feature the technical nature of the background. Inside those films, intriguing furniture play a huge role to create the space and such different furniture designs. Imagining the specific characteristics of the designs that seem as though they belong in outer space, how do they contribute to the overall environment? Current furniture design spans a wide range of genres, and many recent movie films describe many new spaces with existing furniture. These designs illustrate a completely different environment, especially in science-fiction films that take place in outer space. The current technological trends affect the ongoing development of furniture design, and this thesis explores recent, past, and current trends to imagine a potential trend in the furniture industry. Therefore, my design research will find elements that explain future design and feature a body of work examining the next future furniture trends. I will develop a design process that integrates new technologies and making of furniture pieces

    Collective Communication Performance Evaluation for Distributed Deep Learning Training

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    In distributed deep learning, the improper use of the collective communication library can lead to a decline in deep learning performance due to increased communication time. Representative collective communication libraries such as MPI, GLOO, and NCCL exhibit varying performance based on server environment and communication architecture. In this study, we investigate three key aspects to evaluate the performance of the collective communication libraries in a distributed deep learning setting in an intra-node environment. First, we conduct a comparison and analysis of collective communication library performance within common distributed deep learning architectures, such as parameter servers and ring all-reduce methods. Second, we evaluate the performance of these libraries in different environments, including various container platforms and bare metal setups, considering the scalability and flexibility advantages offered by cloud virtualization. Last, to ensure practicality, we assess the libraries’ performance in a Linux shell and within the PyTorch framework. In the cross-docker virtualization environment, NCCL shows up to 213% higher latency compared to single docker, while GLOO exhibits 36% lower latency in single docker than in cross docker, and NCCL achieves up to 345% lower execution time in all-reduce operations compared to other libraries (MPI and GLOO). These findings will inform the selection of an appropriate collective communication library for designing effective distributed deep learning environments

    Effects of Electromagnetic Acupuncture Combined with Integrative Korean Medicine Treatment on Pain and Dysfunction in a Patient with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Case Report

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    Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is a prevalent degenerative joint disease causing significant pain and dysfunction. This case report presents the use of electromagnetic acupuncture utilizing a Whata 153 device generating a magnetic field to enhance acupuncture stimulation for the treatment of KOA. A 69-year-old female diagnosed with KOA experienced a reduction in pain (numerical rating scale score from 7 to 4), improved gait, and decreased stiffness and swelling after daily electromagnetic acupuncture treatments during hospitalization. In addition, the Korean Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index scoreimproved from 20 to 14, and the patient rated her overall improvement as “significantly improved” on the patient’s global impression of change scale. Although these findings suggest potential benefits of electromagnetic acupuncture for KOA, the case report design limits its generalizability. More controlled trials are warranted to confirm the efficacy and safety of electromagnetic acupuncture as a treatment of KOA

    Development and Single-Lab Validation of an UHPLC-APCI-MS/MS Method for Vitamin K1 in Infant Formulas and Other Nutritional Formulas

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    Accurate analysis of vitamins is essential to help the public maintain adequate intakes of vitamins. Currently in Atlanta Center for Nutrient Analysis (ACNA), AOAC Method 999.15 with fluorescence detection is utilized for the analysis of vitamin K in infant formulas, dietary supplements and other medical foods. An UHPLC-(+)-APCI-MS/MS method for vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) was developed to improve the accuracy, selectivity and eciency of the analysis. SRM1849a and infant formula samples were used to demonstrate that vitamin K1 data by LC-MS/MS analysis matched well with those from the AOAC Method 999.15. A single-laboratory validation of an UHPLC-MS/MS method for vitamin K1 analysis in SRM1849a showed good accuracy with a mean value of 99.6% of the certified value (n = 8). Recoveries of vitamin K1 at two dierent spike levels were 99.6 and 103.7% from SRM1849a. Mean recovery of vitamin K1 from four dierent infant formula samples was 102.4% ranging from 95.6 to 115.5% with %RSD of 7.8 15.6. Precision, measured as repeatability (%RSDr), was 8.7 for SRM1849a and ranged from 3.7 to 13.4 for four infant formula samples. Application of this method will help ACNA facilitate the accurate analysis of vitamin K in infant formulas and other samples.https://doi.org/10.21423/jrs-v03n02p027 (DOI assigned 8/7/2019