3,582 research outputs found

    Demonstration of a Bias Tunable Quantum Dots-in-a-well Focal Plane Array

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    Infrared detectors based on quantum wells and quantum dots have attracted a lot of attention in the past few years. Our previous research has reported on the development of the first generation of quantum dots-in-a-well (DWELL) focal plane arrays, which are based on InAs quantum dots embedded in an InGaAs well having GaAs barriers. This focal plane array has successfully generated a two-color imagery in the mid-wave infrared (i.e. 3–5 μm) and the long-wave infrared (i.e. 8–12 μm) at a fixed bias voltage. Recently, the DWELL device has been further modified by embedding InAs quantum dots in InGaAs and GaAs double wells with AlGaAs barriers, leading to a less strained InAs/InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure. This is expected to improve the operating temperature while maintaining a low dark current level. This paper examines 320 × 256 double DWELL based focal plane arrays that have been fabricated and hybridized with an Indigo 9705 read-out integrated circuit using Indium-bump (flip-chip) technology. The spectral tunability is quantified by examining images and determining the transmittance ratio (equivalent to the photocurrent ratio) between mid-wave and long-way infrared filter targets. Calculations were performed for a bias range from 0.3 to 1.0 V. The results demonstrate that the mid-wave transmittance dominates at these low bias voltages, and the transmittance ratio continuously varies over different applied biases. Additionally, radiometric characterization, including array uniformity and measured noise equivalent temperature difference for the double DWELL devices is computed and compared to the same results from the original first generation DWELL. Finally, higher temperature operation is explored. Overall, the double DWELL devices had lower noise equivalent temperature difference and higher uniformity, and worked at higher temperature (70 K and 80 K) than the first generation DWELL device

    Additional Comparison of Iced Aerodynamic Measurements on a Swept Wing from Two Wind Tunnels

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    Artificial ice shapes of various geometric fidelity were tested on a wing model based on the Common Research Model. Low Reynolds number test were conducted at Wichita State University's Walter H. Beech Memorial Wind utilizing an 8.9% scale model, and high Reynolds number tests were conducted at ONERA's F1 wind tunnel utilizing a 13.3% scale model. Several identical geometrically-scaled ice shapes were tested at both facilities, and the results were compared at overlapping Reynolds and Mach numbers. This was to ensure that the results and trends observed at low Reynolds number could be applied and continued to high, near-flight Reynolds number. The data from Wichita State University and ONERA F1 agreed well at matched Reynolds and Mach numbers. The lift and pitching moment curves agreed very well for most configurations. This confirmed results from previous tests with other ice shapes that indicated the data from the low Reynolds number tests could be used to understand ice-swept-wing aerodynamics at high Reynolds number. This allows ice aerodynamics testing to be performed at low Reynolds number facilities with much lower operating costs and generate results that are applicable to flight Reynolds number

    Imunosni odgovor BALB/c miševa oralno imuniziranih rekombinantnim cjepivom od serovara Salmonella Typhimurium s ugrađenim antigenima enterotoksigenog soja Escherichia coli

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    Salmonella Typhimurium ghost vaccines containing antigens of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) were obtained by a strain harboring pMMP184, which carries a ghost cassette. The immune responses of BALB/c mice orally vaccinated with these ghost vaccines were determined in this study. Total IgG against S. Typhimurium were highly detected by the oral immunization route in BALB/c mice. IgGs against ETEC antigens in the ghost cells carrying F41 and intimin were detected at 4 weeks after vaccination. However, FedF elicited a delayed induction of IgGs, whereas FedA immune response failed to or barely induced IgGs after vaccination. Proliferations of CD3e/CD4-T cells were observed in splenocytes of BALB/c mice immunized with S. Typhimurium ghost cells carrying FedF. However, CD45R-B220/CD23-B cells were proliferated by ghost cells carrying FedA, F41, and intimin. The immunized BALB/c mice showed 25~50% protection against challenge with wild type S. Typhimurium, when compared to control mice. Therefore, it is assumed that oral vaccination of S. Typhimurium ghost cells has the potential to protect mice against pathogenic E. coli.Salmonella Typhimurium rekombinantna cjepiva što sadrže antigene enterotoksigenih sojeva Escherichia coli (ETEC) proizvedena su od soja koji posjeduje pMMP184 i nosi rekombinantnu kasetu. Istražen je imunosni odgovor BALB/c miševa oralno cijepljenih tim rekombinantnim cjepivima. Ustanovljena je visoka razina ukupnih IgG za S. Typhimurium nakon oralne imunizacije miševa BALB/c. Imunoglobulini IgG za antigene ETEC u rekombinantnom cjepivu koje sadrži F41 i intimin bili su dokazani četiri tjedna nakon cijepljenja. Ipak, FedF je potaknuo kasnu tvorbu imunoglobulina IgG, dok FedA nije potaknuo ili je potaknuo slab imunosni odgovor nakon cijepljenja. Proliferacija CD3e/CD4-T stanica bila je dokazana u splenocitima miševa BALB/c imuniziranih rekombinantnim cjepivom S. Typhimurium s ugrađenim FedF. Međutim, stanice CD45R-B220/CD23-B proliferirale su nakon cijepljenja rekombinantom FedA, F41 i intimin. Imunizirani miševi BALB/c pokazivali su 25~50% zaštitu nakon izazivačke infekcije serovarom S. Typhimurium u usporedbi s necijepljenim kontrolnim miševima. Stoga se pretpostavlja da oralno cijepljenje s rekombinantnim stanicama serovara S. Typhimurium ima potencijal da zaštiti miševe od infekcije patogenim sojevima E. coli

    Effects of Particle Sizes on Sintering Behavior of 316L Stainless Steel Powder

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    In rapidly evolving powder injection molding technology, the wide prevalence of various microstructures demands the powders of smaller particle sizes. The effects of particle size on the sintering behavior are critical to not only shape retention of microstructure but also its mechanical properties. This study investigates the effects of three different particle sizes on the sintering behavior of the 316L stainless steel (STS316L) samples, prepared by powder injection molding, via the dilatometry experiments. For this purpose, the STS316L powders of three different mean particle sizes, i.e., 2.97, 4.16, and 8.04 mu m, were produced for STS316L. The samples for the dilatometry test were prepared through powder-binder mixing, injection molding, and solvent and thermal debinding. Dilatometry experiments were carried out with the samples in a H-2 atmosphere at three different heating rates of 3, 6, and 10 K/min. The shrinkage data obtained by dilatometry experiments was collected and analyzed to help understand the densification and the sintering behaviors in terms of particles size and heating rate. The master sintering curve (MSC) model was used to quantify the effects of particle sizes. In addition, we investigated the microstructure evolutions in terms of particles sizes.open1186sciescopu

    Independent Effects of Reynolds and Mach Numbers on the Aerodynamics of an Iced Swept Wing

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    Aerodynamic assessment of icing effects on swept wings is an important component of a larger effort to improve three-dimensional icing simulation capabilities. An understanding of ice-shape geometric fidelity and Reynolds and Mach number effects on the iced-wing aerodynamics is needed to guide the development and validation of ice-accretion simulation tools. To this end, wind-tunnel testing was carried out for a 13.3%-scale semispan wing based upon the Common Research Model airplane configuration. The wind-tunnel testing was conducted at the ONERA F1 pressurized wind tunnel with Reynolds numbers of 1.610(exp 6) to 11.910(exp 6) and Mach numbers of 0.09 to 0.34. Five different configurations were investigated using fully 3D, high-fidelity artificial ice shapes that maintain nearly all of the 3D ice accretion features documented in prior icing-wind tunnel tests. These large, leadingedge ice shapes were nominally based upon airplane holding in icing conditions scenarios. For three of these configurations, lower-fidelity simulations were also built and tested. The results presented in this paper show that while Reynolds and Mach number effects are important for quantifying the clean-wing performance, there is very little to no effect for an iced-wing with 3D, high-fidelity artificial ice shapes or 3D smooth ice shapes with grit roughness. These conclusions are consistent with the large volume of past research on icedairfoils. However, some differences were also noted for the associated stalling angle of the iced swept wing and for various lower-fidelity versions of the leading-edge ice accretion. More research is planned to further investigate the key features of ice accretion geometry that must be simulated in lower-fidelity versions in order to capture the essential aerodynamics

    Summary of Ice Shape Geometric Fidelity Studies on an Iced Swept Wing

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    Understanding the aerodynamic impact of swept-wing ice accretions is a crucial component of the design of modern aircraft. Computer-simulation tools are commonly used to approximate ice shapes, so the necessary level of detail or fidelity of those simulated ice shapes must be understood relative to high-fidelity representations of the ice. Previous tests were performed in the NASA Icing Research Tunnel to acquire high-fidelity ice shapes. Some of those ice shapes are based on aircraft certification requirements. From this database, full-span artificial ice shapes were designed and manufactured for both an 8.9%-scale and 13.3%-scale semispan wing model of the CRM65 which has been established as the full-scale baseline for this swept-wing project. These models were tested in the Walter H. Beech wind tunnel at Wichita State University and at the ONERA (Office national d'etudes et de recherches aerospatiales) F1 facility, respectively. The data collected in the Wichita State University wind tunnel provided a low-Reynolds number baseline study while the pressurized F1 facility produced data over a wide range of Reynolds and Mach numbers with the highest Reynolds number studied being approximately Re = 11.9 by 10 (sup 6). Three different fidelity representations were created based on three different icing conditions. Lower-fidelity ice shapes were created by lofting a smooth ice shape between cross-section cuts of the high-fidelity ice shape. Grit roughness was attached to this smooth ice shape as another fidelity variant. The data indicates that the geometric fidelity of the ice shapes resulted in significant differences in lift and drag. These results were similar at both facilities over the wide range of test conditions utilized

    Comparison of Iced Aerodynamic Measurements on a Swept Wing from Two Wind Tunnels

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    Artificial ice shapes of various geometric fidelity were tested on a wing model based on the Common Research Model. Low Reynolds number tests were conducted at Wichita State University's Beech Memorial Wind Tunnel, and high Reynolds number tests were conducted at ONERA's F1 wind tunnel. The aerodynamic performance data from the two facilities were compared at matched or similar Reynolds and Mach number to ensure that the results and trends observed at low Reynolds number could be applied and continued to high Reynolds number. For both clean and iced configurations, the data from Wichita State University and F1 agreed well at matched or similar Reynolds and Mach numbers. The lift and pitching moment curves agreed very well for most configurations. There appeared to be 0.2-0.3deg offset in the angle of attack between the Wichita State University and F1 data, possibly due to different flow angularities in the test sections of the two facilities. There was also an offset in the drag values between the two facilities from an unknown cause. Overall, the data compared very well between the low Reynolds number test at Wichita State University tunnel and the high Reynolds number test at F1. This indicated that data from the low Reynolds number tests could be used to understand iced-swept-wing aerodynamics at high Reynolds number

    Independent Effects of Reynolds Number and Mach Number on the Aerodynamics of an Iced Swept Wing

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    Aerodynamic assessment of icing effects on swept wings is an important component of a larger effort to improve three-dimensional (3D) icing simulation capabilities. An understanding of ice-shape geometric fidelity and Reynolds and Mach number effects on the iced-wing aerodynamics is needed to guide the development and validation of ice-accretion simulation tools. To this end, wind tunnel testing was carried out for a 13.3-percent-scale semispan wing based upon the Common Research Model airplane configuration. The wind tunnel testing was conducted at the Office National dEtudes et de Recherches Arospatiales (ONERA) F1 pressurized wind tunnel with Reynolds numbers of 1.6 x 10(exp 6) to 11.9 x 10(exp 6 ) and Mach numbers of 0.09 to 0.34. Five different configurations were investigated using fully 3D, high-fidelity artificial ice shapes that maintain nearly all of the 3D ice-accretion features documented in prior icing wind tunnel tests. These large, leading-edge ice shapes were nominally based upon airplane holding in icing conditions scenarios. For three of these configurations, lower fidelity simulations were also built and tested. The results presented in this paper show that while Reynolds and Mach number effects are important for quantifying the clean-wing performance, there is very little to no effect for an iced wing with 3D, high-fidelity artificial ice shapes or 3D smooth ice shapes with grit roughness. These conclusions are consistent with the large volume of past research on iced airfoils. However, some differences were also noted for the associated stalling angle of the iced swept wing and for various lower fidelity versions of the leading-edge ice accretion. More research is planned to further investigate the key features of ice-accretion geometry that must be simulated in lower fidelity versions in order to capture the essential aerodynamics