27,261 research outputs found

    Scattering measurements on natural and model trees

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    The acoustical back scattering from a simple scale model of a tree has been experimentally measured. The model consisted of a trunk and six limbs, each with 4 branches; no foliage or twigs were included. The data from the anechoic chamber measurements were then mathematically combined to construct the effective back scattering from groups of trees. Also, initial measurements have been conducted out-of-doors on a single tree in an open field in order to characterize its acoustic scattering as a function of azimuth angle. These measurements were performed in the spring, prior to leaf development. The data support a statistical model of forest scattering; the scattered signal spectrum is highly irregular but with a remarkable general resemblance to the incident signal spectrum. Also, the scattered signal's spectra showed little dependence upon scattering angle

    Noncontact true temperature measurement, 2

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    A laser pyrometer was developed for acquiring the true temperature of a levitated sample. The reflectivity is measured by first expanding the laser beam to cover the entire cross-sectional surface of the diffuse target. The reflectivity calibration of this system is determined from the surface emissivity of a target with a blackbody cavity. The emissivity of the real target can then be calculated. The overall system constant is obtained by passively measuring the radiance of the blackbody cavity (emissivity = 1.0) at a known, arbitrary temperature. Since the photosensor used is highly linear over the entire operating temperature range, the true temperature of the target can then be computed. The latest results available from this on-going research indicate that true temperatures thus obtained are in very good quantitative agreement with thermocouple measured temperatures

    Noncontact temperature pattern measuring device

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    Laser pyrometer techniques are utilized to accurately image a true temperature distribution on a given target without touching the target and without knowing the localized emissivity of the target. The pyrometer utilizes a very high definition laser beam and photodetector, both having a very narrow focus. The pyrometer is mounted in a mechanism designed to permit the pyrometer to be aimed and focused at precise localized points on the target surface. The pyrometer is swept over the surface area to be imaged, temperature measurements being taken at each point of focus

    Signaling pathways in osteogenesis and osteoclastogenesis: Lessons from cranial sutures and applications to regenerative medicine.

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    One of the simplest models for examining the interplay between bone formation and resorption is the junction between the cranial bones. Although only roughly a quarter of patients diagnosed with craniosynostosis have been linked to known genetic disturbances, the molecular mechanisms elucidated from these studies have provided basic knowledge of bone homeostasis. This work has translated to methods and advances in bone tissue engineering. In this review, we examine the current knowledge of cranial suture biology derived from human craniosynostosis syndromes and discuss its application to regenerative medicine

    Going deeper: molecular inflammatory scores in IBD

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    The management of IBD is evolving. Not long ago, symptomatic relief, or 'clinical remission' was the major treatment goal-if not the only goal-for most patients. However, the disconnect between inflammation and symptoms has been long recognised, and there is now abundant evidence that patients with silent inflammation, unsurprisingly, develop more disease-related complications than those with inactive disease.1 For this reason, current IBD management usually involves a 'treat-to-target' approach-a concept borrowed from rheumatology2-where objective measures of inflammation are used to ensure that treatment leads to resolution of inflammation as well as of symptoms.


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    Large-scale brush-control programs are being proposed in Texas to increase off-site water yields. Biophysical and economic simulation models are combined to estimate the effects of brush control on representative ranches in four ecological regions of the Edwards Plateau area of Texas. Net present values of representative ranches in three of four regions decrease with brush control. Cost shares necessary for ranches from the three regions to break even range from 7% to 31% of total brush-control costs. Any large-scale brush-control program will therefore require a substantial investment by the state of Texas.Agribusiness,