1,147 research outputs found

    Thermoregulatory and cardiovascular responses to creatine, glycerol and alpha lipoic acid in trained cyclists

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It has been shown that supplementation with creatine (Cr) and glycerol (Gly), when combined with glucose (Glu) necessary for the enhancement of Cr uptake by skeletal muscle, induces significant improvements in thermoregulatory and cardiovascular responses during exercise in the heat.</p> <p>Purpose</p> <p>To determine whether Cr/Gly-induced thermoregulatory and cardiovascular responses are maintained when the majority (~75%) of the Glu in the Cr/Gly supplement is replaced with the insulintropic agent alpha lipoic acid (Ala).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>22 healthy endurance trained cyclists were randomly assigned to receive either 20 g/day (4 × 5 g/day) of Cr, 2 g <sup>.</sup>kg<sup>-1</sup> BM per day (4 × 0.5 g <sup>.</sup>kg<sup>-1</sup> BM per day) of Gly and 150 g/day (4 × 37.5 g/day) of Glu or 20 g/day (4 × 5 g/day) of Cr monohydrate, 2 g <sup>.</sup>kg<sup>-1</sup> BM per day (4 × 0.5 g <sup>.</sup>kg<sup>-1</sup> BM per day) of Gly (100 g/day (4 × 25 g/day) of Glu and 1000 mg/day (4 × 250 mg/day) of Ala for 7 days for 7 days. Exercise trials were conducted pre- and post-supplementation and involved 40 min of constant-load cycling exercise at 70% O<sub>2</sub> max by a self-paced 16.1 km time trial at 30°C and 70% relative humidity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Median and range values of TBW increased significantly by 2.1 (1.3-3.3) L and 1.8 (0.2-4.6) L in Cr/Gly/Glu and Cr/Gly/Glu/Ala groups respectively (<it>P</it> = 0.03) and of BM not significantly by 1.8 (0.2-3.0) kg and 1.2 (0.5-2.1) kg in Cr/Gly/Glu and in Cr/Gly/Glu/Ala, respectively (<it>P</it> = 0.75). During constant load exercise, heart rate (HR) and core temperature (Tcore) were significantly lower post-supplementation: HR was reduced on average by 3.3 ± 2.1 beats/min and by 4.8 ± 3.3 beats/min (mean ± SD) and Tcore by 0.2 ± 0.1 (mean ± SD) in the Cr/Gly/Glu and Cr/Gly/Glu/Ala, respectively The reduction in HR and Tcore was not significantly different between the supplementation groups.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In comparison to the established hyper hydrating Cr/Gly/Glu supplement, supplement containing Cr/Gly/Ala and decreased amount of Glu provides equal improvements in thermoregulatory and cardiovascular responses during exercise in the heat.</p

    Social Work handbook

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    1999 handbook for the Board of Studies in Social Wor


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    The purpose of this study was to compare the pressure distribution patterns of the stable kick and unstable kick from the kick movement of a Tai-Chi Chuan athlete. A national elite female Tai-Chi Chuan athlete was the subject for this study. The Tekscan HR Mat Pressure Measurement System was used to collect the vertical ground reaction force and the pressure history of the standing foot in right kicking movement and left kicking movement. All the data of the standing foot were divided into metatarsals, tarsals and phalanges to calculate the partial force and partial pressure. The pressure-time diagram of the phalanges, metatarsals and tarsals indicated that the pressure histories trended to be stable in each time as the lefl kick completed, and the phalanges produced 'snatchy' and larger pressures acting on the ground

    Electrically induced heat dissipation in metallized film capacitors

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    Optical and Magnetooptical Spectroscopy of the Nanostructural Multilayered Films: Possible Applications

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    The aim of the paper is to show the potential of the spectroscopic ellipsometry and magnetooptical (MO) spectroscopy for probing of the multilayered films (MLF) with sublayer thickness of about a few nanometres. The main approach applied by us is based on the comparison of the experimental optical and MO properties with the simulated ones based on various models of the MLF. Specifically, as shown, such an approach can be useful for studying the nature of unusual MO properties and the interfaces in MLF comprising the noble and 3d-transition metals (3d-TM). The high sensitivity of the applied spectroscopic methods for the monitoring of the solid-state reactions in the 3d-TM/Si MLF induced by ion-beam treatment or by thermal annealing is also demonstrated. The optical properties of various silicides formed spontaneously or induced by various treatments at interfaces are evaluated experimentally and compared with the results of first-principle calculations.В данной работе показаны возможности спектральной эллипсометрии и магнитооптической (МО) спектроскопии для изучения структуры и особенностей физических свойств многослойных металлических пленок (МСП) с толщинами составляющих слоев порядка единиц нанометров. Основной подход исследования базируется на сравнении экспериментально измеренных оптических и МО свойств МСП с модельными, полученными для различных моделей структуры МСП. Было показано, что данный подход позволяет выяснить природу необычных МО свойств, а также структуру интерфейсной области в МСП, состоящих из слоев благородных и 3d-переходных металлов (ПМ). Также в работе продемонстрирована высокая чувствительность спектральной эллипсометрии для изучения твердотельных реакций в МСП 3d-ПМ/Si, вызванных ионной бомбардировкой или термическим отжигом. Оптические свойства различных силицидов 3d-ПМ, сформированных спонтанно либо в результате различных воздействий на МСП, были изучены экспериментально и сравнены с результатами теоретических первопринципных расчетов.В даній роботі показані можливості спектральної еліпсометрії та магнітооптичної (МО) спектроскопії для вивчення структури та особливостей фізичних властивостей багатошарових металевих плівок (БШП) з товщинами складаючих їх шарів порядку одиниць нанометрів. Основний підхід дослідження базується на порівнянні експериментально одержаних оптичних та МО властивостей БШП з модельними, що були одержані для різних моделей структури БШП. Було показано, що даний підхід дозволяє визначити природу незвичайних МО властивостей, а також природу інтерфейсної області БШП, що складаються з шарів благородних та 3d-перехідних металів (ПМ). В роботі також паказана висока чутливість спектральної еліпсометрії для вивчення твердотільних реакцій в БШП 3d-ПМ/Si, зумовлених іонним бомбардуванням або термічним відпалом. Оптичні властивості різних силіцидів 3d-ПМ, що було зформовані спонтанно або завдяки зовнішньому впливу, були вивчені експериментально та порівняні з результатами теоретичних першопринципних розрахунків

    The Abelian/Nonabelian Correspondence and Frobenius Manifolds

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    We propose an approach via Frobenius manifolds to the study (began in math.AG/0407254) of the relation between rational Gromov-Witten invariants of nonabelian quotients X//G and those of the corresponding ``abelianized'' quotients X//T, for T a maximal torus in G. The ensuing conjecture expresses the Gromov-Witten potential of X//G in terms of the potential of X//T. We prove this conjecture when the nonabelian quotients are partial flag manifolds.Comment: 35 pages, no figure

    Отражение света от нелинейно-оптической диэлектрической пленки на бигиротропной магнитоэлектрической подложке под углами, близкими к углам Брюстера

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    Теоретически исследовано отражение света от границы раздела диэлектрической пленки, которая характеризуется кубической оптической нелинейностью, на бигиротропной магнитоэлектрической подложке. Получены зависимости коэффициентов отражения от угла падения света для основных магнитооптических конфигураций: полярной, продольной и поперечной. Изучено влияние магнитоэлектрического и магнитооптического вкладов в электрическую поляризацию такой двуслойной структуры на состояние поляризации света, отраженного под углами, близкими к углам Брюстера.Теоретично досліджено відбиття світла від границі розподілу діелектричної плівки, яка характеризується кубічною оптичною нелінійністю, на бігіротропній магнітоелектричній підкладці. Отримано залежності коефіцієнтів відбиття від кута падіння світла для основних магнітооптичних конфігурацій: полярної, поздовжньої та поперечної. Вивчено вплив магнітоелектричного та магнітооптичного внесків в електричну поляризацію такої двошарової структури на стан поляризації світла, яке відбито під кутами, близькими до кутів Брюстера.The reflection of light from the interface of a dielectric film characterized by a cubic optical nonlinearity on a bigyrotropic magnetoelectric substrate is investigated theoretically. The incidence angle dependence of reflection coefficients are obtained for all principal magneto-optical configurations: polar, longitudinal, and transverse. The influence of magnetoelectric and magneto-optical contributions to electric polarization of the bilayered structure on polarization state of light, reflected at angles close to the Brewster angles is measured

    A joint sustainable order-packing vehicle routing optimisation for the cold chain e-fulfilment

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    Due to the new normal caused by the pandemic, consumer behaviour has now shifted to online shopping not only for general commodities but also for food and other perishable products. Therefore, e-commerce fulfilment is now integrated with cold chain capabilities to satisfy stringent requirements on time-criticality and product quality, leading to the concept of cold chain e-fulfilment. Aiming to achieve the desired insulation effect within a specific timeframe, use of thermal packaging materials could be excessive, which creates an adverse environmental impact on our ecosystem. Aligning with low-carbon business practices, this study proposes a novel joint optimization model, namely the Joint Optimization of Sustainable Order Packing and Multi-Temperature Delivery Problem (JOSOPMDP), for order packing and vehicle routing decisions, where the optimal packaging and distribution solution is achieved through the combinatorial optimisation of two complicated problems, rather than making two independent decisions. It promotes sustainable use of thermal packaging materials without negatively influencing product quality and customer satisfaction. To evaluate its viability and performance, three sets of computational experiments are subsequently conducted. It is found that the proposed model is feasible to strike a balance between order packing and vehicle routing decisions. Compared with the traditional strategy, the average total cost and satisfaction level are improved by 3.26% and 47.88%, respectively. Consequently, this research fosters sustainable thinking in the cold chain e-fulfilment process, minimizing environmental impact

    Tunable Superconducting Properties of a-NbSi Thin Films and Application to Detection in Astrophysics

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    We report on the superconducting properties of amorphous NbxSi1-x thin films. The normal-state resistance and critical temperatures can be separately adjusted to suit the desired application. Notably, the relatively low electron-phonon coupling of these films makes them good candidates for an "all electron bolometer" for Cosmological Microwave Background radiation detection. Moreover, this device can be made to suit both high and low impedance readouts