177 research outputs found

    Constrained extremal problems in the Hardy space H2 and Carleman's formulas

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    We study some approximation problems on a strict subset of the circle by analytic functions of the Hardy space H2 of the unit disk (in C), whose modulus satisfy a pointwise constraint on the complentary part of the circle. Existence and uniqueness results, as well as pointwise saturation of the constraint, are established. We also derive a critical point equation which gives rise to a dual formulation of the problem. We further compute directional derivatives for this functional as a computational means to approach the issue. We then consider a finite-dimensional polynomial version of the bounded extremal problem

    Constrained optimization in classes of analytic functions with prescribed pointwise values

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    We consider an overdetermined problem for Laplace equation on a disk with partial boundary data where additional pointwise data inside the disk have to be taken into account. After reformulation, this ill-posed problem reduces to a bounded extremal problem of best norm-constrained approximation of partial L2 boundary data by traces of holomorphic functions which satisfy given pointwise interpolation conditions. The problem of best norm-constrained approximation of a given L2 function on a subset of the circle by the trace of a H2 function has been considered in [Baratchart \& Leblond, 1998]. In the present work, we extend such a formulation to the case where the additional interpolation conditions are imposed. We also obtain some new results that can be applied to the original problem: we carry out stability analysis and propose a novel method of evaluation of the approximation and blow-up rates of the solution in terms of a Lagrange parameter leading to a highly-efficient computational algorithm for solving the problem

    Constrained L2L^2-approximation by polynomials on subsets of the circle

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    We study best approximation to a given function, in the least square sense on a subset of the unit circle, by polynomials of given degree which are pointwise bounded on the complementary subset. We show that the solution to this problem, as the degree goes large, converges to the solution of a bounded extremal problem for analytic functions which is instrumental in system identification. We provide a numerical example on real data from a hyperfrequency filter

    Identifiability Properties for Inverse Problems in EEG Data Processing and Medical Engineering with Observability and Optimization Issues

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    International audienceWe consider inverse problems of source identification in electroen-cephalography, modelled by elliptic partial differential equations. Being given boundary data that consist in values of the current flux and of the electric poten-tial on the scalp, the aim is to reconstruct unknown current sources supported within the brain. For spherical layered models of the head, and after a pre-liminary data transmission step, such inverse source problems are tackled using best rational approximation techniques on planar sections. Both theoretical and constructive aspects are described, while numerical illustrations are provided

    Uniqueness results for inverse Robin problems with bounded coefficient

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    In this paper we address the uniqueness issue in the classical Robin inverse problem on a Lipschitz domain \Omega\subset\RR^n, with L∞L^\infty Robin coefficient, L2L^2 Neumann data and isotropic conductivity of class W1,r(Ω)W^{1,r}(\Omega), r\textgreater{}n. We show that uniqueness of the Robin coefficient on a subpart of the boundary given Cauchy data on the complementary part, does hold in dimension n=2n=2 but needs not hold in higher dimension. We also raise on open issue on harmonic gradients which is of interest in this context

    Inverse skull conductivity estimation problems from EEG data

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    International audienceA fundamental problem in theoretical neurosciences is the inverse problem of source localization, which aims at locating the sources of the electric activity of the functioning human brain using measurements usually acquired by non-invasive imaging techniques, such as the electroencephalography (EEG). EEG measures the effect of the electric activity of active brain regions through values of the electric potential furnished by a set of electrodes placed at the surface of the scalp and serves for clinical (location of epilepsy foci) and functional brain investigation. The inverse source localization problem in EEG is influenced by the electric conductivities of the several head tissues and mostly by the conductivity of the skull. The human skull isa bony tissue consisting of compact and spongy bone compartments, whose shape and size vary over the age and the individual’s anatomy making difficult to accurately model the skull conductivity

    Source localization using rational approximation on plane sections

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    N° RR-7704 http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00613644International audienceIn functional neuroimaging, a crucial problem is to localize active sources within the brain non-invasively, from knowledge of electromagnetic measurements outside the head. Identification of point sources from boundary measurements is an ill-posed inverse problem. In the case of electroencephalography (EEG), measurements are only available at electrode positions, the number of sources is not known in advance and the medium within the head is inhomogeneous. This paper presents a new method for EEG source localization, based on rational approximation techniques in the complex plane. The method is used in the context of a nested sphere head model, in combination with a cortical mapping procedure. Results on simulated data prove the applicability of the method in the context of realistic measurement configurations

    Solutions to inverse moment estimation problems in dimension 2, using best constrained approximation

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    International audienceWe study an inverse problem that consists in estimating the first (zero-order) moment of some R2-valued distribution m supported within a closed interval S ⊂ R, from partial knowledge of the solution to the Poisson-Laplace partial differential equation with source term equal to the divergence of m on another interval parallel to and located at some distance from S. Such a question coincides with a 2D version of an inverse magnetic "net" moment recovery question that arises in paleomagnetism, for thin rock samples. We formulate and constructively solve a best approximation problem under constraint in L2 and in Sobolev spaces involving the restriction of the Poisson extension of the divergence of m. Numerical results obtained from the described algorithms for the net moment approximation are also furnished

    Bounded Extremal Problems in Bergman and Bergman-Vekua spaces

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    International audienceWe analyze Bergman spaces A p f (D) of generalized analytic functions of solutions to the Vekua equation ∂w = (∂f /f)w in the unit disc of the complex plane, for Lipschitz-smooth non-vanishing real valued functions f and 1 < p < ∞. We consider a family of bounded extremal problems (best constrained approximation) in the Bergman space A p (D) and in its generalized version A p f (D), that consists in approximating a function in subsets of D by the restriction of a function belonging to A p (D) or A p f (D) subject to a norm constraint. Preliminary constructive results are provided for p = 2
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