2,013 research outputs found

    Identification and characterization of H2N3 avian influenza virus from backyard poultry and comparison to novel H2N3 swine influenza virus

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    There are currently 16 identified H subtypes of influenza A; all 16 are known to infect avian species. In 2006 a novel influenza subtype (H2N3) was identified in a swine herd in Missouri. The hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) genes were found to be avian in origin, raising concern regarding the potential for inter-species transmission of avian viruses to swine and humans. In early 2007, H2N3 influenza virus was isolated from a duck and a chicken from two separate backyard poultry flocks in Ohio. The nearly coincidental isolation of the same subtype in unnatural hosts in the Midwest United States raised the question about the origin of the viruses and the potential for these viruses to adapt to a new host and easily spread to nearby flocks or herds. Therefore, the viruses were further characterized by DNA sequencing and in vivo chicken pathogenicity testing. The virus sequences were compared to those from the 2006 swine isolates. In addition, the avian viruses were tested for cross-reactivity by virus neutralization (VN) and hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) using a panel of H2 reference sera including serum from the Missouri swine virus. Serologic survey on swine herds and poultry flocks in Ohio for H2 virus infection was also conducted to assess virus spreading. Sequence comparisons for the H and N genes demonstrated that the avian viruses were similar, but not identical, to the swine viruses. Accordingly, the avian and swine isolates were also antigenically related as determined by HI and VN assays, suggesting that both avian and swine viruses originated from the same group of H2N3 avian influenza viruses. Although serological surveys using the HI assay on poultry flocks and swine herds in Ohio did not reveal further spreading of H2 virus from the index flocks, continuous surveillance will be necessary. Contemporary H2N3 avian influenza viruses appear to be easily adaptable to poultry and swine, raising concern regarding the potential for inter-species transmission of H2N3 avian virus to humans

    1:1 Laptop Experience And High-Stakes Testing: Effects On Eighth-Grade Student Achievement

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    Research on 1:1 laptop implementations is missing key information about student achievement on high-stakes assessment. This post hoc, quasi-experimental, quantitative study explores how 1:1 laptop access affects student achievement on the mandated eighth-grade online science assessment in five Mississippi school districts throughout the state. Fifth-grade science assessment results are used as a baseline for student achievement. Three research questions examined mean scale scores on the science assessment, change in scores from fifth to eighth-grade, and the effect on scale scores as the duration of the 1:1 laptop implementation increased. Two of the three experimental districts shoa significant difference in the mean scale scores. All three experimental districts shostatistically significant change in scale scores from fifth to eighth-grade. However, one of the control districts had higher scale scores than the comparable experimental district. Because of the mixed finding among the school districts, additional research should be conducted. Helpful information is provided for school administrators who are considering a 1:1 laptop implementation for their schools

    Translations: experiments in dialogic representation of cultural diversity in three museum sound installations

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    Using the example of three experimental museum sound installations, this paper discusses the translation into practice of the intention to make meaningful connections between diverse social positions and experiences. We use the term ‘dialogic’ to theorise these interactive intentions and show them at work in the content, development processes and form of the sound installations. Our discussion is framed by the collaboration between the authors across the disciplines of museum studies and creative practice

    Autonomous control procedures for shuttle rendezvous proximity operations

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    The results are presented of a study which uses fuzzy sets to model a Space Shuttle pilot's reasoning and actions while performing rendezvous proximity operation maneuvers. In this model fuzzy sets are used to simulate smooth and continuous actions as would be expected from an experienced pilot and to simulate common sense reasoning in the decision process. The present model assumes visual information available to the Shuttle pilot from the Shuttle Crew Optical Alignment Sighting (COAS) device and the overhead window and rendezvous radar sensor information available to him from an onboard display. This model will be used in a flight analysis simulator to perform studies requiring a large number of runs, each of which currently needs an engineer in the loop to supply the piloting decisions. This work has much broader implications in control of robots such as the Flight Telerobotic Servicer, in automated pilot control and attitude control, and in advisory and evaluation functions that could be used for flight data monitoring or for testing of various rule sets in flight preparation

    Exploring notions of genre in 'academic literacies' and 'writing across the curriculum': approaches across countries and contexts

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    The SIGET IV panel on genre in Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) and “academic literacies” (ACLITS) has set rolling a discussion of the similarities and differences in the two traditions, the former originating in the US in the early 1970s, the latter originating in England in the early 1990s. This paper maps out some elements of each in relation to the other and to genre, which we hope will set in motion further discussions and cross-fertilization

    Rustic Speech and Folklore

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    Estudio sobre la fonología dialectal inglesa, la gramática dialectal inglesa y el folklore inglés. -- Pertenece a la colección Varia del Salamanca Corpus. -- Elizabeth Mary Wright, 1863-1958. -- Elizabeth Mary Lea , 1864-1958. -- Rustic Speech and Folklore. -- 1913.[ES]Estudio general sobre la fonología, la gramática y el folklore dialectales ingleses. [EN] Monograph on English dialect phonology, grammar and folklore

    American Government in Action

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    This AVD project will focus on the development of student-centered learning activities and instructional strategies for a secondary government and economics teacher, Mary Ford, at Southside High School in Greenville, SC. The materials were created to provide more opportunity for students to be involved in their own learning process, analyze primary sources, and participate in self-guided learning in an effort for Government and Economics to be understood by students with varying interests and learning styles. This project was completed in three separate sections which each provide diverse lessons and address varying standards. The first section contains multi-purpose supplementary materials for the classroom as well as an interactive lesson utilizing Political Cartoons. The second section contains lessons analyzing primary sources as well as artwork and can be used within a unit on the Legislative Branch of Government in the US. The third section includes case studies of amendments to the Constitution of the United States. For this third activity each student will receive a modified court case pertaining to one of the Amendments to the Constitution. Students are to review their court case and submit in writing which Amendment they believe the case deals with

    Complex Factors in the Etiology of Gulf War Illness: Wartime Exposures and Risk Factors in Veteran Subgroups

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    Background: At least one-fourth of U.S. veterans who served in the 1990–1991 Gulf War are affected by the chronic symptomatic illness known as Gulf War illness (GWI). Clear determination of the causes of GWI has been hindered by many factors, including limitations in how epidemiologic studies have assessed the impact of the complex deployment environment on veterans’ health