32 research outputs found

    Cauchy-Schwarz and Grüss-Landau inequalities for elementary operators and inner product type transformers on Q and Q* ideals of compact operators

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    Неједнакости Коши-Шварца и Грис-Ландауа за елементарне операторе и трансформере типа унутрашњег производа на Q и Q∗ идеалима компактних оператора Резиме: Листа од раније познатих и недавно установљених Cauchy-Schwarz-ових неједнакости за елементарне операторе, σ−елементарне трансформере и трансформере типа унутрашњег производа допуњена је следећом варијантом Cauchy-Schwarz-ове неједнакости у Schatten-von Neumann-овим идеалима: ZΩ AtA∗ t dµ(t) 12q − 1Z2 Ω AtXBt dµ(t)ZΩ Bt∗Bt dµ(t) 1 2r − 12 p 6 ZΩ A∗ t At dµ(t) 12q XZΩ BtBt∗ dµ(t) 1 2r p за све X 2 C p(H) и све p, q, r > 1 такве да је 2 p = 1q + 1r, уколико су фамилије оператора fAtgt∈Ω, fA∗ tgt∈Ω, fBtgt∈Ω, fBt∗gt∈Ω јако квадратно интеграбилне, такве да су RΩ AtA∗ t dµ(t) и RΩ Bt∗Bt dµ(t) (ограничено) инвертибилни оператори. Разматраће се такође и друге варијанте оваквих неједнакости, омогућене додатним условима комутативности и нормалности операторних фамилија fAng∞ n=1, fBng∞ n=1, fAtgt∈Ω и fBtgt∈Ω, односно степеном p-модификације унитарно инваријантних норми, као и примене ових неједнакости на одређене проблеме у теорији оператора, укључујући норма неједнакости за генерализоване функцијске деривације Pick-ових оператор вредносних функција и оператор вредносних Fourier-ових трансформација комплексних мера, као и неједнакости Grüss-Landau-овог типа.List of already known and recently established Cauchy-Schwarz inequalities for elementary operators, σ−elementary transformers and inner product type transformers is complemented by the next variant of Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in Schatten-von Neumann ideals: ZΩ AtA∗ t dµ(t) 12q − 1Z2 Ω AtXBt dµ(t)ZΩ Bt∗Bt dµ(t) 1 2r − 12 p 6 ZΩ A∗ t At dµ(t) 12q XZΩ BtBt∗ dµ(t) 1 2r p for all X 2 C p(H) and for all p, q, r > 1 which satisfes 2 p = 1q + 1r, if families of operators fAtgt∈Ω, fA∗ tgt∈Ω, fBtgt∈Ω, fBt∗gt∈Ω are strongly square integrabile, such that RΩ AtA∗ t dµ(t) and RΩ Bt∗Bt dµ(t) are (boundedly) invertible operators. Enabled by some additional conditions of commutativity and normality for operator families fAng∞ n=1, fBng∞ n=1, fAtgt∈Ω and fBtgt∈Ω, as well as by the degree of p-modifcations of unitary invariant norms, some others variants of those inequalities will also be considered, including their applications to the certain problems in operator theory, norm inequalities for generalized function derivations of Pick operator values functions and operator values Fourier transformations of complex measures, as well as some Grüss-Landau type inequalities

    Colloid electrohydrodynamics

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    This brief extracted review presents the recent development in basic and applied science and engineering of finely dispersed particles and related systems in general, but more profound and in-depth treatise are related to the liquid-liquid finely dispersed systems, i.e. emulsions and double emulsions. Twenty-five years ago, the idea, at first very fogy, came out from the pilot plant experiments related to the extraction Of uranium from wet phosphoric acid. In particular the solution of the entrainment problems, breaking of emulsions/double emulsions, as the succession of the extraction and stripping operations/processes, was performed In this pilot plant, secondary liquid-liquid phase separation loop was designed and carried out. The loop consisted of a lamellar coalescer and four flotation cells in series. Central equipment in the loop, relevant to this investigation, was the lamellar coalescer. The phase separation in this equipment is based on the action of external forces of mechanical and/or electrical origin, while adhesive processes at the inclined filling plates occur. Since many of related processes, e.g. adhesive processes, rupture processes and coalescence, were not very well understood, deeper research of these events and phenomena was a real scientific challenge

    Study of vacuum and freeze drying of bee honey

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    The aim of this research is to study the drying kinetics of vacuum-dried and freeze-dried bee honey produced from two different varieties: Sunflower honey (Helianthus Annuus L.) and Acacia honey (Robinia pseudo acacia L.). Vacuum drying treatments were carried out with the honey samples' initial temperatures of +25 degrees C, -20 degrees C, and -40 degrees C. Water content, total soluble solids, as well as the water activity of fresh and dried honey samples were determined. Freeze-drying of bee honey with initial sample temperature of -40 degrees C has resulted in shorter drying time (7-9 hours), moisture content (10%-12%), water activity (0.405-0.427 aW) and effective moisture diffusivity coefficient (8.26.10-7-9.51.0-7 m(2)/s). The high-performance liquid chromatography method was used when analyzing the impact that drying pre-treatments had on honey quality. The application of pre-treatments has led to an increase in hydroxy-methyl-furfural by 39-71%, and a decrease in diastase activity by 17-36%, all compared to fresh honey samples. The solutions of Verma model proved to be the best fit with the experimental results

    Study of vacuum and freeze drying of bee honey

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    The aim of this research is to study the drying kinetics of vacuum-dried and freeze-dried bee honey produced from two different varieties: Sunflower honey (Helianthus Annuus L.) and Acacia honey (Robinia pseudo acacia L.). Vacuum drying treatments were carried out with the honey samples' initial temperatures of +25 degrees C, -20 degrees C, and -40 degrees C. Water content, total soluble solids, as well as the water activity of fresh and dried honey samples were determined. Freeze-drying of bee honey with initial sample temperature of -40 degrees C has resulted in shorter drying time (7-9 hours), moisture content (10%-12%), water activity (0.405-0.427 aW) and effective moisture diffusivity coefficient (8.26.10-7-9.51.0-7 m(2)/s). The high-performance liquid chromatography method was used when analyzing the impact that drying pre-treatments had on honey quality. The application of pre-treatments has led to an increase in hydroxy-methyl-furfural by 39-71%, and a decrease in diastase activity by 17-36%, all compared to fresh honey samples. The solutions of Verma model proved to be the best fit with the experimental results


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    There are numerous methods for decontamination of animal feed, and a relatively inexpensive method is the application of inorganic adsorbents. Adsorbents from the group of alumosilicates are particularly important, especially bentonite. Inorganic adsorbents are able to detoxify foods contaminated with mycotoxins by their adsorption power, while minimizing the negative effects on the organism. The aim of this study was to examine and determine whether the use of natural bentonite has an effect on adsorption of aflatoxins from food. The influence of daily intake of bentonite at different doses (30 and 50 g / head) on the content of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) in milk of examined cows was examined. By mycotoxicological analysis of the feed it was determined that maize grains were infested with aflatoxin B1 (1.24 μg/kg) and that this was the cause of the AFM1 metabolite in raw milk of cows. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the content of AFM1 in milk of cows consuming food with a daily intake of 30 and 50 g bentonite was significantly reduced

    Uticaj provenijence bikova očeva na proizvodne osobine krava simentalske rase

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    The aim of the present study was to obtain relevant results related to the basic indicators of fertility and milk yield of Simmental cows, in production conditions on farms of agricultural producers, using appropriate mathematical and statistical procedures, i.e. to determine the influence of bull sires originating from Serbia, Austria and Germany on the implementation of the main breeding program and improvement of production traits of Simmental cows on the territory of Šumadija district. The study of the effect of bull sires who are originally from Serbia, Austria and Germany on performance traits of Simmental cows included a total of 303 cows in first three lactations. Milk production of cows descendents of bulls from the German population was higher compared with the production of cows originating from Austria in the first lactation by 58.29 kg and in the third by 67.72 kg, but in the second it was lower by 12.31 kg. The variability of age at first calving ranged from 766.93 (cows progeny of domestic bulls) to 813.06 days (cows progeny Austrian bulls). Average duration of service period had the interval of variation of 86.80 in cows from domestic bulls in the third lactation to 109.88 days in cows originating from Austrian bulls in the first lactation.Unapređenje fenotipova mlečnosti krava zahteva kontinuiran rad koji obuhvata sistematsko poboljšanje kvantitavnih genetskih osobina i permanentni rad na njihovom poboljšanom ispoljavanju. Visok prinos mleka, mlečne masti i proteina, pored selekcije zahteva i optimalno obezbeđenje paragenetskih faktora kao što su ishrana, držanje, odgoj, nega i dr. Proizvodnja mleka kod krava poreklom od bikova iz Nemačke populacije, bila je veća u poređenju sa proizvodnjom krava poreklom od bikova iz Austrije u prvoj lataciji za 58, 29 kg, u trećoj za 67,72 kg, ali je u drugoj bila manja za 12,31 kg. Kćeri domaćih bikova su imale niži sadržaj mlečne masti u I standardnoj laktaciji (3,91%) u odnosu na prvotelke čiji očevi potiču iz Nemačke (3,93%) i Austrije (3,96%), ali to pravilo nije uočeno u II i III laktaciji u kojima su razlike bile neznatne. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata osobina plodnosti krava prema poreklu bikova-očeva ustanovljene su razlike u uzrastu pri prvom telenju od 766,93 (krave od domaćih bikova) do 813,06 dana (krave od austrijskih bikova). Takođe, prosečno trajanje servis perioda kretalo se od 86,80 kod krava od domaćih bikova posle trećeg teljenja, do 109,88 dana kod krava poreklom od austrijskih bikova posle prvog teljenja. Na osnovu iznetog u zaključku može se konstatovati da je uvoz kvalitetnih priplodnih junica simentalske rase koje vode poreklo od bikova iz Nemačke i Austrije značajno uticao na poboljšanje osobina mlečnosti i plodnosti populacije krava u Šumadijskom okrugu

    Uticaj genetskih i negenetskih faktora na proizvodne osobine krava simentalske rase

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    This study covered 737 controlled first calving Simmental cows with, lactations concluded within one year. All first calving animals were on the farms of individual farmers in the municipalities of Kragujevac and Mladenovac. The research included the influence of bull sires, year and season of calving on milk yield and fertility. Least squares method was used to determine the average duration of lactation of 323.74 days. For a period of 305 days, heifers produced 3701.67 kg of milk, or 3644.58 kg of 4% FCM. The average production of milk fat was 144.26 kg and milk fat content was 3.88%. The interval from calving to first insemination lasted in average 124.19 days, and the animals were first calved at the age of 789.95 days. The bull sires had a highly significant effect (P (lt) 0.01) on the duration of lactation, milk yield and 4% FCM, milk fat yield and content and age of cows at first calving. The duration of service period was not under significant effect (P>0.05) of bull sires. Year of calving had a significant effect (P (lt) 0.01) on the duration of lactation, production of milk, milk fat and 4% FCM. Milk fat content, service period and age at first calving did not show significant variation due to the impact of different years of calving (P>0.05). Season of calving of cows demonstrated highly significant effect (P (lt) 0.01) on the production of milk and 4% FCM, and significant (P>0.05) on the production of milk fat, however it had no effect (P>0.05) on the milk fat content, duration of lactation and service period and age at calving.Ovim istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 737 kontrolisanih prvotelki simentalske rase, sa laktacijama zaključenim u toku jedne godine. Sve prvotelke su se nalazile na imanjima individualnih poljoprivrednih proizvođača. Istraživanja su obuhvatila uticaj bikova očeva, godine i sezone telenja na osobine mlečnosti i plodnosti. Metodom najmanjih kvadrata ustanovljeno je prosečno trajanje laktacije od 323,74 dana. Za vremenski period od 305 dana prvotelke su proizvele 3.701,67 kg mleka, odnosno, korigovano na 4%MKM 3.644,58 kg. Prosečna proizvodnja mlečne masti iznosila je 144,26 kg a sadržaj mlečne masti 3,88%. Interval od telenja do prve inseminacije trajao je u proseku 124,19 dana, a grla su se prvi put telila u uzrastu od 789,95 dana. Bikovi-očevi su imali visoko signifikantan uticaj (P (lt) 0,01) na trajanje laktacije, prinos mleka i 4%MKM, proizvodnju i sadržaj mlečne masti i uzrast krava pri prvom telenju. Na dužinu servis perioda bikovi-očevi nisu ispoljili značajnije dejstvo (P>0,05). Godina telenja imala je visoko značajan uticaj (P (lt) 0,01) na trajanje laktacije, proizvodnju mleka, mlečne masti i 4%MKM. Sadržaj mlečne masti, trajanje servis perioda i uzrast pri prvom telenju nisu pokazali značajnija variranja usled uticaja različitih godina telenja (P>0,05). Sezona telenja krava je visoko značajno uticala (P (lt) 0,01) na proizvodnju mleka i 4%MKM, značajno (P>0,05) na proizvodnju mlečne masti, a na sadržaj mlečne masti, trajanje laktacije i servis perioda, uzrast pri telenju nije imala značajnijeg uticaja (P>0,05)

    Mikromorfološke karakteristike ahenije populacija divljih, jednogodišnjih vrsta suncokreta

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    The aim of this research is to characterize wild annual sunflowers on the basis of achene micro-morphology. Plant material was grown up on an experimental field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad during 2015. Achene samples were hand-collected at the time of physiological maturity. Morphological measurements of achenes were performed using stereoscopic microscope Leica MZ16 with Leica DFC 320 Camera. The micro-morphological diversity of achenes was assessed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Obtained results indicated the presence of some quantitative and qualitative differences in achene characteristics among analyzed species, such as in their size, color, carpopodium and stylopodium shape, and distribution of trichomes on the achene surface. The carpopodium of examined species was asymmetrical at the maturity. Differences in the cuticle and wax ornamentation in different parts of the achenes, on the anticlinal walls of epidermal cells, were identified. The SEM analysis revealed the presence of non-glandular, multicellular bi-seriate trichomes (twin hairs) on the achene surface. This trichome type consisted of two elongated, parallel cells of different length. Considering the distribution of trichomes among the apical, median and basal regions of the fruit, most of the species demonstrated greater trichome density in the apical part.Cilj istraživanja u ovom radu je karakterizacija jednogodišnjih vrsta suncokreta na osnovu mikromorfoloških parametara ahenije. Biljni materijal uzgajan je na eksperimentalnom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu. Uzorci ahenija sakupljani su ručno tokom 2015. godine, u vreme fiziološke zrelosti. Morfološka merenja izvršena su primenom stereoskopskog mikroskopa Leica MZ16 sa Leica DFC 320 kamerom. Mikromorfološke karakteristike analizirane su pomoću skening elektronskog mikroskopa (SEM). Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na prisustvo kvalitativnih i kvantitaivnih razlika između analiziranih vrsta, u parametrima kao što su veličina i boja ahenije, karakteristike karpopodijuma i stilopodijuma, kao i distribucija trihoma. Pronađena je razlika u ornamentici kutikule i voska antiklinih zidova epidermalnih ćelija na različitim delovima ahenije. SEM analiza ukazala je na prisustvo nežlezdanih, višećelijskih, biserijatnih trihoma (twin hairs). Navedeni tip trihoma sastoji se od dve izdužene, paralelne ćelije različite dužine. Imajući u vidu različitu raspodelu trihoma na apikalnom, medijalnom i bazalnom delu, većina vrsta se karakteriše najvećom gustinom trihoma u apikalnom delu ahenije


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    The study, which included 9 Holstein-Friesian bulls from the Livestock Center of the PKB Corporation, analyzed the impact of the ejaculate collection season on certain semen properties (ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, sperm motility in native ejaculate, sperm dilution, number of doses of one ejaculate and mobility of spermatozoa after thawing). For the purposes of this analysis, data for the three-year (2011-2013) and one-year period (2014) were used. In the three-year period, based on 621 ejaculates of three bulls, the average values for examined properties were calculated and the season's impact on these properties analyzed. The results show that the ejaculate collection season had a very significant effect (p 0.05)

    The effect of bull sire provenance on production traits of Simmental cows

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    The aim of the present study was to obtain relevant results related to the basic indicators of fertility and milk yield of Simmental cows, in production conditions on farms of agricultural producers, using appropriate mathematical and statistical procedures, i.e. to determine the influence of bull sires originating from Serbia, Austria and Germany on the implementation of the main breeding program and improvement of production traits of Simmental cows on the territory of Šumadija district. The study of the effect of bull sires who are originally from Serbia, Austria and Germany on performance traits of Simmental cows included a total of 303 cows in first three lactations. Milk production of cows descendents of bulls from the German population was higher compared with the production of cows originating from Austria in the first lactation by 58.29 kg and in the third by 67.72 kg, but in the second it was lower by 12.31 kg. The variability of age at first calving ranged from 766.93 (cows progeny of domestic bulls) to 813.06 days (cows progeny Austrian bulls). Average duration of service period had the interval of variation of 86.80 in cows from domestic bulls in the third lactation to 109.88 days in cows originating from Austrian bulls in the first lactation