5,383 research outputs found

    Modeling the Effects of Cap and Trade and a Carbon Offset Policy on Crop Allocations and Farm Income

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    A static, producer profit maximization framework is used to capture county level land use choice on the basis of profitability, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the farm gate as well as soil carbon sequestration as affected by tillage and soil type. Policy scenarios of a 5% GHG cap on agricultural emissions in conjunction with a carbon offset payment system, designed to provide producer payments for net carbon footprint (GHG emissions – soil carbon sequestration) reductions compared to a baseline are evaluated to determine potential changes to land use and or producer income as a result of different policy scenarios. Results suggest that a policy solely targeted at emissions can be counterproductive in the sense that acreage reductions of more input-intensive crops also lead to soil carbon sequestration reductions. Producer income effects are largely negative unless carbon prices reach nearly $100 per ton.Cap and Trade, Carbon Sequestration, GHG Emissions, Agriculture, Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Q50, Q58, Q54,

    Using Portfolio Theory to Enhance Wheat Yield Stability in Low-Income Nations: An Application in the Yaqui Valley of Northwestern Mexico

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    This study applies portfolio theory to wheat varietal selection decisions in order to find risk-minimizing outcomes while holding historical yields constant. Potential correlation across wheat cultivar yields increases the complexity of cultivar selection decisions, with gains in one attribute (yield potential) often associated with losses in another (yield stability). Using location-specific empirical data, portfolio theory can provide producers in low-income countries a tool for developing a recommended portfolio of varieties given a desired risk-aversion level. Based on data from Mexico’s Yaqui Valley, results suggest that sowing a portfolio of wheat varieties could have lowered yield variance by 22% to 33% in Northwest Mexico.optimal variety selection, portfolio analysis, wheat, Crop Production/Industries,

    The Impact of the CIMMYT Wheat Breeding Program on Wheat Yields in Mexico's Yaqui Valley, 1990-2002: Implications for the Future of Public Wheat Breeding

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    CIMMYT has invested a large and significant amount of public expenditures in wheat breeding research each year for several decades. Estimates of the impact of the wheat breeding program on wheat yield increases provides information to scientists, administrators, and policy makers regarding the efficacy and the rate of return to these investments, providing important information for future funding decisions. Using CIMMYT test plot data from the Yaqui Valley in Mexico from 1990-2002, regression results indicate that the release of modern CIMMYT varieties has contributed approximately 53.77 kg/ha to yield annually. The growing conditions of the experiment fields located in the Yaqui Valley approximate 40% of the developing world's wheat growing conditions. A rough estimate of the gains attributed to CIMMYT's wheat breeding program on a global scale is 304 million (2002) USD annually during the period 1990-2002. CIMMYT's total wheat breeding cost in 2002 was approximately 6 million dollars, making the benefit cost ratio approximately 50 to 1.Crop Production/Industries,

    Combining optical trapping in a microfluidic channel with simultaneous micro-Raman spectroscopy and motion detection.

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    Since their invention by Ashkin optical tweezers have demonstrated their ability and versatility as a non-invasive tool for micromanipulation. One of the most useful additions to the basic optical tweezers system is micro-Raman spectroscopy, which permits highly sensitive analysis of single cells or particles. We report on the development of a dual laser system combining two spatial light modulators to holographically manipulate multiple traps (at 1064nm) whilst undertaking Raman spectroscopy using a 532nm laser. We can thus simultaneously trap multiple particles and record their Raman spectra, without perturbing the trapping system. The dual beam system is built around micro-fluidic channels where crystallisation of calcium carbonate occurs on polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) beads. The setup is designed to simulate at a microscopic level the reactions that occur on items in a dishwasher, where permanent filming of calcium carbonate on drinking glasses is a problem. Our system allows us to monitor crystal growth on trapped particles in which the Raman spectrum and changes in movement of the bead are recorded. Due to the expected low level of crystallisation on the bead surfaces this allows us to obtain results quickly and with high sensitivity. The long term goal is to study the development of filming on samples in-situ with the microfluidic system acting as a model dishwasher

    The Impact of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Crop Agriculture: A Spatial- and Production-Level Analysis

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    With the Waxman-Markey Bill passing the House and the administration’s push to reduce carbon emissions, the likelihood of the implementation of some form of a carbon emissions policy is increasing. This study estimates the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the six largest row crops produced in Arkansas using 57 different production practices predominantly used and documented by the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service. From these GHG emission estimates, a baseline state “carbon footprint†was estimated and a hypothetical GHG emissions reduction of 5, 10, and 20 percent was levied on Arkansas agriculture using a cap-and-trade method. Using current production technology and traditional land use choices, results show that the trading of carbon-emitting permits to reduce statewide GHG emissions by 5 percent from the baseline would enhance GHG emissions efficiency measured as net crop farm income generated per unit of carbon emissions created. The 5 percent reduction in GHG emissions does cause marginal reductions in acres farmed and has marginal income ramifications. Beyond the 5 percent reduction target, gains in GHG emissions efficiency decline but remain positive in most counties through the 10 percent GHG reduction target. However, with a 10 percent GHG reduction, acreage and income reductions more than double compared to the 5 percent level. When GHG emissions are reduced by 20 percent from the baseline, the result is a major cropping pattern shift coupled with significant reductions in traditional row crop acreage, income, and GHG emissions efficiency.greenhouse gas emissions, carbon equivalents, sustainability, cap and trade, Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    How A Cap-and-Trade Policy of Green House Gases Could Alter the Face of Agriculture in the South: A Spatial and Production Level Analysis.

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    With the Waxman-Markey Bill passing the House and the Obama administration’s push to reduce carbon emissions, the likelihood of the implementation of some form of a carbon policy is increasing. This study estimates the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the six largest crops produced in Arkansas using 63 different production practices as documented by University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service. From these GHG estimates a baseline state “carbon footprint” was estimated and a hypothetical cap-and-trade carbon reduction of 5, 10, and 20% was levied on Arkansas agriculture. Results show that while a modest reduction in GHG emissions (5%) would only affect crop allocations amongst certain crops while marginally reducing state net returns, a 20% reduction would cause major cropping pattern shifts with some traditional row crops nearly disappearing.Cap-and-Trade, carbon, sustainability, Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Q28, Q52, Q54, Q56,

    Modeling Pine as a Carbon Sequestering Crop in Arkansas

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    Carbon Sequestration, Loblolly Pine, Carbon Offset, Carbon Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    The Impact of the CIMMYT Wheat Breeding Program on Mexican Wheat Producers and Consumers: An Economic Welfare Analysis

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    The increase in wheat production in Mexico’s Yaqui Valley from the breeding and development of semidwarf wheat varieties released by CIMMYT is quantified for the period 1990-2002, and the costs and benefits of the wheat research program are estimated and evaluated using a two-region model of the world wheat market.Public wheat breeding, benefit/cost analysis, agricultural research, wheat varieties, Crop Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Irrigation Restriction and Biomass Market Interactions: The Case of the Alluvial Aquifer

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    The U.S. Geological Survey has determined that irrigation in Arkansas’ Delta is unsustainable. This study examines how irrigation restrictions would affect county net returns to crop production. It also considers the effect of planting less water-intensive bioenergy crops—switchgrass and forage sorghum—in the event biofuel markets become a reality. Results suggest that sustainable irrigation restrictions without bioenergy crops would decrease producer returns by 28% in the region. Introducing these alternative crops would both reduce groundwater use and may restore state producer returns, albeit with significant spatial income redistribution to crop production throughout the state.biomass crops, ground water irrigation, spatial income redistribution, sustainability, Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, Financial Economics, Land Economics/Use, Political Economy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Risk and Uncertainty, Q24, Q25, Q32, Q42, O13,