20 research outputs found
Anxiety-related and activity measures in the open field test.
<p>All four experimental groups from the FCG cross spent an equal amount of time in the aversive central portion of the arena (<b>A</b>), made equal numbers of entries into this area (<b>B</b>), and showed equal latencies in making the first entry into this zone (<b>C</b>). There was a significant interaction between SRY DEPENDENCE and SEX CHROMOSOME COMPLEMENT on activity within the open field, consistent with gonadally female mice with an XX karyotype being more active than gonadally female mice with an XY karyotype, and gonadally male mice with an XY karyotype being more active than gonadally male mice with an XX karyotype (<b>D</b>).</p
Anxiety-related, activity and exploratory measures in the light-dark box test.
<p>Mice with an XY karyotype spent a greater proportion of time in the dark compartment of the apparatus than mice with an XX karyotype, irrespective of gonadal type (<b>A</b>, *p<0.05). The four experimental groups displayed equivalent numbers of transitions between the two boxes (B). Gonadally male mice tended to take longer than gonadally female mice to enter the aversive light box (C) irrespective of karyotype (*p<0.05). The four experimental groups demonstrated equivalent degrees of exploratory behaviour as indexed by rearing (<b>D</b>).</p
Anxiety-related and activity measures in the elevated zero maze.
<p>Gonadally female mice spent significantly less time than gonadally male mice on the aversive open quadrants of the elevated zero maze irrespective of karyotype (<b>A</b>, *p=0.05), and made fewer entries into these zones (<b>B</b>, *p<0.05).</p
Anxiety-related and activity measures on the elevated plus maze.
<p>The four groups of mice from the FCG cross spent equal time in the open arms of the elevated plus maze (<b>A</b>), and made equivalent numbers of entries into these zones (<b>B</b>). Gonadally female mice spent significantly longer time in the relatively unaversive closed arms than gonadally male mice irrespective of karyotype (<b>C</b>, *p<0.05), but all four groups made equal numbers of entries into these zones (<b>D</b>).</p
Brain <i>Sry</i> expression levels (A) and serum testosterone levels (B) in gonadally male FCG mice.
<p>There was no significant difference in brain Sry expression between male FCG mice and whilst mean serum testosterone levels were higher in XY-<i>Sry</i> mice than XX<i>Sry</i> mice, this difference was not statistically significant.</p
Measures of activity, shelter time and food consumption over a 24hr continuous monitoring period.
<p>Gonadally female mice were more active than gonadally male mice irrespective of karyotype, as indexed by horizontal activity (<b>A</b>) but there was no difference between the four experimental groups on a second measure of activity, number of running wheel revolutions (<b>B</b>). All four groups spent equal amounts of time in the shelter (<b>C</b>). Gonadally male mice, and mice with an XY karyotype, consumed more food per unit bodyweight than gonadally female mice (*p<0.05) and mice with an XX karyotype (<b>D</b>).</p
List of primers used in the RT-qPCR and ChIP-qPCR experiments.
<p>List of primers used in the RT-qPCR and ChIP-qPCR experiments.</p
List of probes/genes part of the ‘Regulation of immune response’ clusters associated with the consolidation (CONSOL), Recall (REC) and extinction (EXTNOR) Affymetrix datasets.
<p>List of probes/genes part of the ‘Regulation of immune response’ clusters associated with the consolidation (CONSOL), Recall (REC) and extinction (EXTNOR) Affymetrix datasets.</p
Flow-chart of methods and data analysis.
<p>The three different datasets (CONSOL, REC, EXTNOR) are analysed and filtered down to number of different gene candidate subsets based on normalization, fold change directionality, ontological annotation and over-representation analysis, and evolutionary conservation of promoter structures. Links to the different figures and tables are included in the black boxes.</p
List of primers used in the RT-qPCR and ChIP-qPCR experiments.
<p>List of primers used in the RT-qPCR and ChIP-qPCR experiments.</p