37 research outputs found

    Finding minimal polynomials of algebraic numbers of the form tan<sup>2</sup>(π/n) using Tschirnhausen’s transform

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Solutions of two problems are proposed based on the Tschirnhausen transform. The first problem is connected with the construction of minimal polynomials of the numbers of the form tan2(π/n) by means of the Tschirnhausen transform for all natural n > 2. The second problem consists in finding the exact roots of the equation x3 − 7x − 7 = 0. A solution of the problem is obtained from the fact that the roots of the equation produce the cyclotomic field Q7. Examples of construction of minimal polynomials are provided

    Practical recommendations on the improvement of the effectiveness of anti-corruption policy in universities

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The relevance of the study is conditioned by the expansion of the scale of corruption in higher education. The purpose of the article is to develop practical recommendations for improving of anti-corruption policy’s effectiveness at universities. The study involved 450 teachers, 1200 students from 140 Russian universities. The main results of the study are to identify the causes of bribery and popular tools of counteraction of corruption in universities, organizational and practical measures for improving of the anti-corruption policy’s effectiveness (the creation of the university’s anti-corruption environment, the formation of the stable orientation of students, faculty, staff of the university on anti-corruption activities, including in the content of higher education of teaching material about the anti-corruption policy). This study provides important findings. Firstly, the effectiveness of anti-corruption policy in universities is increased while forming of anticorruption outlook and anti-corruption attitudes among the entities of the educational process determining the intellectual and valuable-emotional attitude to corruption and influencing the readiness for anti-corruption activities. Secondly, the effectiveness of anti-corruption policy in universities is increased with the application of cognitive, activities-related, interactive and integrative methods’ complex

    Особенности структуры и функции респираторного эпителия при бронхиальной астме

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    Changes in structure and function of respiratory epithelium in bronchial asthma.Особенности структуры и функции респираторного эпителия при бронхиальной астме

    Degree of information medical university students about the role of papillomavirus infection in the development of cervical cancer

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    The article presents the comparative results of a survey of students of II, III, V courses of the Public health faculty of the Ural State Medical University on knowledge of the human papillomavirus (HPV), cervical cancer and vaccination against HPV. Students of the fifth year, who studied the discipline of obstetrics and gynecology, were more knowledgeable in the clinic, the diagnosis of cervical cancer. Both study groups had a low level of knowledge of the composition and mechanism of action of the vaccine and the vaccination regimen.В статье представлены сравнительные результаты анкетирования студентов II, III, V курсов медико-профилактического факультета УГМУ по вопросам знаний о вирусе папилломы человека (ВПЧ), раке шейки матки и вакцинации от ВПЧ. Студенты V курса, изучившие дисциплину акушерство и гинекологию, были лучше осведомлены в вопросах клиники, диагностики рака шейки матки. Обе группы исследования имели низкий уровень знаний по составу и механизму действия вакцины и режиму вакцинации

    Phylogenetic analysis of the microbial mat in the hot spring Garga (Baikal rift zone) and the diversity of natural peptidases

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    Hydrolytic bacteria (in particular, proteolytics) are the primary destructors in hot springs. The proteolytic bacteria are able to secrete enzymes that are active in wide ranges of pH and temperature. The aim of this work was to study the taxonomic composition, the structure of the bacterial microbial mat, and to study the distribution of peptidases in the thermophilic microbial Garga community. For the study, we sampled the microbial mat at a water temperature of 54.2 °C and a pH of 8.3. Hydrochemical analysis of water showed a high content of sulfates, 390 mg/dm3. The microelement composition of water showed that the Garga water had increased concentrations of B, Rb, Li, Ba, Sr. We analyzed the taxonomic diversity of the microbial community in the hot spring Garga at a temperature zone of 54 °C. The structure of the microbial mat is represented by various phylogenetic groups of mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria, with various metabolic and ecological functions. The dominant group in this community was the phylum Firmicutes (64 %). The analysis of the collected metagenomic sequences of the microbial community allowed the detected peptidases in the microbial community in the hot spring Garga to be for the first time systematized and characterized. Comparisons of metagenomic sequences of representative data showed a dominance of serine peptidase class enzymes. Natural peptidases in the investigated microbial community ensure the hydrolysis of biopolymers at the first stages of the destruction of organic matter and may have biotechnological relevance

    Оvarian teratoma in adolescents. problems of diagnostics and treatment

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    The article presents an analysis of 32 cases of ovarian teratoma in adolescent girls who received surgical treatment. The analysis of complaints, medical history, examination data and instrumental methods for diagnosing solid ovarian formations in girls were carried out. The volume of surgical treatment was estimated. A comparison of the data of the histological conclusion and the clinical picture of the ovarian tumor was carried out.В статье представлен анализ 32 случаев тератомы яичника у девочек подростков, получивших оперативное лечение. Проведен анализ жалоб, анамнеза заболевания, данных осмотра и инструментальных методов диагностики солидных образований яичников у девочек. Оценен объем оперативного лечения. Проведено сравнение данных гистологического заключения и клинической картины опухоли яичник

    Recurrent formulas for explicitly finding some minimal polynomials

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. When solving many applied problems, it becomes necessary to solve nonlinear equations, including the need to find the roots of polynomials. Therefore, the study of the properties of polynomials is an important problem. In the present paper, we obtain recurrence formulas for minimal polynomials over circular fields

    Normal Basis of the Maximal Real Subfield of a Circular Field

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    © 2019, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. We find a necessary and sufficient condition on the natural number n in order that the conjugates of an entire algebraic number α = 2 cos(π/n) form a normal basis of the field ℚ(α); we show that this normal basis at the same time is fundamental

    Normal Basis of the Maximal Real Subfield of a Circular Field

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    © 2019, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. We find a necessary and sufficient condition on the natural number n in order that the conjugates of an entire algebraic number α = 2 cos(π/n) form a normal basis of the field ℚ(α); we show that this normal basis at the same time is fundamental

    Finding minimal polynomials of algebraic numbers of the form tan<sup>2</sup>(π/n) using Tschirnhausen’s transform

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Solutions of two problems are proposed based on the Tschirnhausen transform. The first problem is connected with the construction of minimal polynomials of the numbers of the form tan2(π/n) by means of the Tschirnhausen transform for all natural n > 2. The second problem consists in finding the exact roots of the equation x3 − 7x − 7 = 0. A solution of the problem is obtained from the fact that the roots of the equation produce the cyclotomic field Q7. Examples of construction of minimal polynomials are provided