26 research outputs found

    Kandungan Arsen (as), Berbentuk Suspensi Dan Terlarut, Di Perairan Teluk Manado

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    Penelitian tentang kandungan arsen (As) di Perairan Teluk Manado dan sekitarnya telah dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk: 1) mengukur kandungan As yang terdapat dalam kolom air Teluk Manado, baik berbentuk suspensi maupun terlarut; 2) mengevaluasi kandungan As yang berasal dari Sungai Bailang dan S. Tondano yang masuk ke Perairan Teluk Manado, dan mengevaluasi perbedaan kandungan As antara kedua sungai tersebut; 3) menilai status pencemaran As di Perairan Teluk Manado berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : 1) kandungan As dalam kolom air Perairan Teluk Manado sebesar < 0,0005 ppm; 2) konsentrasi As dalam kolom air yang masuk ke Perairan Teluk Manado sebesar < 0,0005 ppm untuk kedua bentuk As dari S. Bailang; 0,0012 ppm As bentuk suspensi dan 0,0011 ppm As bentuk terlarut dari S. Tondano; 3) status pencemaran As Perairan Teluk Manado masih dalam kondisi “aman”

    A Study on Management of Mangrove and the Knowledge of Local Community in Bahoi of West Likupang Subdistrict of North Minahasa District

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    A study on community based mangrove management was conducted in Bahoi of North Minahasa District of North Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. This aims of the study were to examine the management of mangrove including community involvement in the whole processes as well as the institutional settings; to examine knowledge and atitute of the community of Bahoi toward the management processes; to find out its impacts to the community and marine ecosystems. Methods used in this study were interviews and surveys. For the former, all key persons involving in the management including representative of government were interviewed. With the latter, 30 community members or around 10% of total population were randomly selected and requested to fill in questionnaries containing multiple choices questions to meet the objectives of the study. This study revealed that the management of mangrove has been projects driven activities since year 2000. Yet communities were partly involved in the management including during the establishment of organization and village Ordinance, the survey shows that only 30% of respondents actively involved. That is why 63% of respondent argue that the management processes is lacking and 23% recon that it should be improved. Moreover, 100% of respondents claim that they strongly support conservation of mangrove and other coastal resources; 90% of the respondent answer that cultural background (Sangiran ethnicity) drives their attitude about preserving the coastal resources. In terms of implication of the management mangrove and other coastal resources in Bahoi, they argue that it has resulted in improvement of income and a healthy mangrove ecosystem

    Geographic Information System Applications for BeachTourism Area Determination in Bitung City

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    This research was conducted with the aim to determine the suitability of beach tourism area in Bitung city by using Geographic Information System application. This information is necessary to support the provision of geospatial information the beach, so the tourist management in research into more optimum location. Suitability Analysis Zone (spatial) analysis of the suitability of the area is done by using Geographic Information System (GIS), a computer-based geospatial information system involving Arc GIS software 10.1. Based on analysis of the suitability of the area spatially, shows that, for beach tourism area in the area of research, can be divided into 4 (four) classes, namely: (1) land suitability classes by category S1 (Very appropriate) with an area of 376.76 ha (5.87%); (2) land suitability classes with category S2 (Subject) with an area of 262.97 ha (4:10%) (3) land suitability classes with category S3 (In accordance marginal) with an area of 640.48 ha (9.99%) and (4) land suitability classes categories N (Not available) with an area of 5133.79 ha (80.04%

    In Vitro Culture of Seaweed Kappaphycus Alvarezii Under Different Formulation of Growth Stimulating Substances and Culture Media

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh benih unggul secara berkelanjutan yang mengikuti karakteristik dari tanaman induk, menentukan formulasi terbaik dari substansi pertumbuhan merangsang. Secara umum, kombinasi sitokinin dan auksin digunakan, tetapi penelitian ini juga menambahkankombinasi sitokinin, giberelin, sitokinin dan asam absisat (AA). Parameter yang diukur adalah panjang tunas, jumlah tunas, dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup. Bakteri Vibrio Uji sp juga dilakukan sebagai penyebab kematian eksplan . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tunas terpanjang terdapat pada perlakuan C (S + A 1: 2,5) kultur dalam toples, 1,343 mm, 38% hidup, sementara jumlah tertinggi tunas ditemukan pada perlakuan B (S + A 1: 2) 8.86 . Jumlah tunas paling sedikit terdapat pada perlakuan J (S + AA 1: 2,5) yang dikultur dalam toples, 0,093 mm, 2,64 tunas, 10% hidup, sedangkan eksplan yang dikultur dalam botol memiliki panjang 0.051 mm, 1. 50 tunas , 4% bertahan hidup. Sebagai kesimpulan, pertumbuhan terbaik merangsang zat ditemukan dalam perlakuan C untuk panjang tunas dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup, sementara jumlah tunas terbanyak ditemukan pada perlakuan B. Penggunaan wadah budaya terbaik adalah topless yang diaerasi. Kultur in vitro juga dapat menggunakan formulasi S + G. Kematian eksplan disebabkan oleh Vibrio charchariae . Penggunaan formulasi S + AA memiliki pertumbuhan yang lebih rendah dari pada pengobatan kontrol

    Predation Intensity in Mangrove Ecosystem in Marine Protected Area, North Sulawesi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran intensitas predasi pada ekosistem mangrove di lima daerah perlindungan laut (DPL), yaitu Tumbak, Basaan, Blongko, Bahoi dan Tambun. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan pemasangan umpan Squidpops dalam waktu 1 jam dan menghitung jumlah umpan yang hilang selama umpan terpapar pada saat air pasang. Jenis ikan yang bermigrasi di daerah mangrove diperoleh melalui sensus visual; mega bentos dicatat. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan intensitas predasi di ekosistem mangrove pada 5 DPL Sulawesi Utara bervariasi pada tiap lokasi yang memiliki kemungkinan dipengaruhi oleh kondisi lokal, populasi ikan predator, tingkat gangguan saat pengamatan, metode dan tingkat kesukaan pada umpan yang disediakan

    Water Quality Status of Rivers in the Coastal City of Manado, North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

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    A study on water quality status of three riverine systems, S. Bailang (SB), S. Maasing (SM), and S. Tondano (ST), in coastal city of Manado, North Sulawesi Province, has been conducted to measure several water quality parameters, to analyse source and quality of wastewater discharge, and to assess the status of the rivers related to the water quality. Measurement of the parameters was conducted using three indicators, i.e. organic (BOD5) and in-organic (N-NO3 and P-PO4), and pathogenic microorganism (Escherichia coli [EC] and total coliform [TC]). The result showed that the level of water quality varied between the rivers. The average level of water quality (based on the observed parameters) in SB, respectively, was 0.317 mg/l, 0.093 mg/l, 2 mg/l, >2420 MPN, and >2420 MPN; in SM, respectively, was 0.029 mg/l, 1.859 mg/l, 17.7 mg/l, >2420 MPN, and >2420 MPN; and in ST, respectively, was 0.299 mg/l, 0.252 mg/l, 3.5 mg/l, >2420 MPN, and >2420 MPN. The level of water quality between the rivers was not significantly different (p>0.05), except based on the parameter of N-NO3 which was significantly different (p2420 MPN, dan >2420 MPN; di SM, berturut-turut, sebesar 0.029 mg/l, 1.859 mg/l, 17.7 mg/l, >2420 MPN, dan >2420 MPN; dan di ST, berturut-turut, sebesar 0.299 mg/l, 0.252 mg/l, 3.5 mg/l, >2420 MPN, dan >2420 MPN. Konsentrasi kualitas air ketiga sungai tersebut tidak berbeda secara signifikan (p>0.05), kecuali parameter N-NO3 (p<0.01). Secara umum, kondisi kualitas air ketiga sungai tersebut, menurut Peraturan Pemerintah No. 82, 2001) berada dalam status “tidak cocok” untuk Peruntukannya

    Impact of Fishing Activities on the Fisheries Resources and Manado Bay Aquatic Environment

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    Manado Bay waters have long been known as a center of artisanal fisheries activities because of the availability of abundant fisheries resources. However, continuous increase in technoligcal development and fish resources demand make natural resources exploitation tend to destruct the aquatic habitat and fish resources itself. Therefore, this study was aimed to inventory the types of fishing gears operated in Manado Bay; evaluate the possible impact on fish resources and environment; and analyze the status of fishing fisheries sustainability. This study was based on survey methods, through direct observation of fishing process and observations on the catch composition. Fisheries sustainability status was analyzed using Rapfish program. Common fishing gears used by fishermen in Manado Bay were multi hooks vertical hand line (noru), bottom hand line, trolling line, bottom long line, surface gill net, bottom gill net and traps. Fishing gears that do not have an impact on fish resources and environment is noru fishing, trolling and surface gill net, while bottom long line, bottom gill net and trap could potentially have negative impact on fish resources and physical seabed habitat. ordination sustainability status analysis of fishing fisheries in Manado Bay for each dimension is still considered as sustainable enough. Perairan Teluk Manado telah lama dikenal sebagai pusat aktivitas perikanan rakyat karena ketersediaan sumber daya ikan masih melimpah. Tetapi perkembangan teknologi dan permintaan sumber daya ikan yang terus meningkat menyebabkan pengeksploitasian sumber daya alam cenderung merusak habitat perairan dan sumber daya ikan itu sendiri. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginventarisir jenis-jenis alat tangkap yang dioperasikan di perairan Teluk Manado, mengevaluasi kemungkinan dampak alat tangkap terhadap sumber daya ikan dan lingkungan, dan menganalisis status keberlanjutan perikanan tangkap. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada metode survei, melalui pengamatan langsung terhadap proses penangkapan ikan dan mengamati keragaman komposisi hasil tangkapan. Status keberlanjutan perikanan dianalisis dengan program Rapfish. Alat tangkap yang umum digunakan oleh nelayan di perairan Teluk Manado terdiri dari yaitu pancing noru, pancing dasar, pancing tonda, rawai dasar, soma landra pajeko, soma landra rakit, jaring insang dasar dan bubu. Alat tangkap yang tidak memberikan dampak terhadap sumber daya ikan dan lingkungan adalah pancing noru, pancing tonda, soma landra pajeko dan soma landra rakit. Sedangkan alat tangkap yang berpotensi memberikan dampak pada sumber daya ikan dan kerusakan fisik habitat dasar perairan adalah pancing dasar, rawai dasar, jaring insang dasar dan bubu. Hasil ordinasi status keberlanjutan perikanan tangkap di Teluk Manado yang dianalisis pada masing-masing dimensi masih tergolong cukup berkelanjutan

    Study on Ecotourism Development in Olele Coastal Area, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province

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    Title (Bahasa Indonesia): Studi pengembangan ekowisata di Kawasan Pesisir Olele, Kabupaten Bone Bolango, Provinsi Gorontalo The purpose of this research is to evaluate coral reef and reef fish condition in coastal waters of Olele village; to study the feasibility of ecotourism development in that area and to formulate ecotourism development strategy. This study reveals that theecological condition of Olele waters is good, and it was shown bythe average coral cover which ishigher than 50%. Similarly, fish species is in very high abundance, with a total of 36 species and a total number of more than 12.993 fish, wherePseudanthias tukais the highest population. In terms of ecotourism feasibility development, total of Pirkins Score were 3,2, andthis can be categorized as moderate, meaning that Olele coastal area can be developed as ecotourism area. Finally, strategies for ecotourism development of Olele coastal area are; a) using Olele coastal resources for ecotourism destiny by promoting conservation values, b) infrastructure ecotourism development needs to be improved, c) integratrated ecotourism management policies should be included in policy for development of Kabupaten (disrict) government level; d) development of ecotourism need to cooperation between district government and private sectors.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi kondisi terumbu karang dan ikan karang yang berada di perairan pesisir Olele, mengkaji kelayakan pengembangan ekowisata di kawasan pesisir Olele dan merumuskan strategi pengembangan kawasan ekowisata. Dari hasil penelitian dan analisis data, kondisi ekologi perairan Olele berada pada kategori baik: karang pada stasiun 1 rata-rata memiliki tutupan karang hidup >50%, artinya bahwa keragaman karang tinggi. Sama halnya dengan spesies ikan, jumlah species sebanyak 36 spesies dan total jumlah individu sebanyak 12.993 dimana spesies terbanyak yaitu Pseudanthias tuka. Selanjutnya analisis kelayakan pengembangan ekowisata, total nilai scoringPirkins 3,2 atau berada pada level moderat, artinya dapat dikembangkan menjadi kawasan ekowisata. Untuk pengembangan ekowisata dikawasan Pesisir Olele, di rekomendasikan beberapa strategi yaitu; a) memanfaatkan sumberdaya pesisir sebagai target utama ekowisata dengan menjunjung nilai-nilai konservasi, b) infrastruktur penunjang pengembangan ekowisata perlu dibenahi, c) perlu dibuat kebijakan pengelolaan dan pengembangan ekowisata secara terpadu antar pemerintah daerah, d) adanya kerja sama antara pemerintah dan pihak swasta dalam hal pengelolaan objek wisata

    Alternative Strategy for Management of Ecotourism in Bunaken Island, Bunaken National Park, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Title (Bahasa Indonesia): Strategi alternatif untuk pengelolaan wisata bahari di Pulau Bunaken, Taman Nasional Bunaken, Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia The coral reefs of Bunaken Island is one of the attractions of the dive tourism, which has a diversity of marine life and the uniqueness of the objects for divers. To maintain its sustainability, it is necessary to study alternative management strategies of the reefs. This study aimed to describe and evaluate the current conditions in the management of marine tourism in Bunaken Island through formal and informal institutional analysis, and formulate alternative strategies as one of the priority strategies in the management of marine tourism of Bunaken Island. Alternative management strategies were analyzed using SWOT, while collecting data was carried out through field surveys using a questionnaire for visitors, communities, and stakeholder or industry-related tourism. Results of the study recommended that an alternative strategy for the management of Bunaken Island attractions should include: 1) increasing the active participation and involvement of local communities in the management of marine tourism destinations; 2) address the problem of garbage and cleanliness of the area; and 3) optimize the promotion of Bunaken Island adequately as the best maritime destination in the world. Terumbu karang di Pulau Bunaken merupakan salah satu objek wisata selam yang terkenal, di mana memiliki keanekaragaman biota laut dan keunikan panorama obyek penyelamannya. Untuk menjaga kelestariannya, maka perlu dikaji alternatif strategi pengelolaannya agar keberadaannya sebagai salah satu destinasi wisata yang penting bisa berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan mengevaluasi kondisi terkini dalam pengelolaan wisata baharĂ­ di Pulau Bunaken secara formal dan nonformal institusional; dan menyusun alternatif strategi sebagai salah satu prioritas strategi pengelolaan wisata baharĂ­ di Pulau Bunaken. Alternatif strategi pengelolaan dianalisis menggunakan SWOT, sedangkan pengambilan data melalui survei lapangan dengan menggunakan kuesioner pada pengunjung, masyarakat, dan stakeholder atau industri pariwisata terkait. Hasil penelitian merekomendasikan bahwa alternatif kebijakan untuk pengelolaan objek wisata di Pulau Bunaken meliputi: 1) meningkatkan peran aktif dan pelibatan masyarakat setempat dalam pengelolaan destinasi wisata bahari; 2) mengatasi masalah sampah dan kebersihan kawasan; dan 3) mengoptimalkan kembali promosi Pulau Bunaken secara memadai sebagai destinasi wisata bahari terbaik di dunia

    Fish Disease Mapping in North Sulawesi Province

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    Title (Bahasa Indonesia): Pemetaan penyakit ikan di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara This study aims to determine fish diseases and the causative pathogens, and to map the spread of the diseases in fish farms in North Sulawesi province. The organisms studied are freshwater and salt water fish. Fish samples were taken randomly both healthy fish and fish showing clinical signs of infections. Fish samples were randomly taken, 3 fishes from each sampling location, and only 1 fish farm was selected from each regency/city. Salt water fish were taken only from regency/city that has fish farm. To support the fish disease data, some water quality parameters were also measured in situ such as: temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), brightness and ammonia concentration. Results showed that the fish samples were infected with pathogenic parasites, bacteria and viruses. The bacteria were Vibrio carchariae, Vibrio mimicus, Vibrio damsel, Vibrio alginolyticus, Aeromonas hydrophilla, Pseudomonas sp, Vibrio sp, Aeromonas sp, Flexibacter sp, Pseudomonas flourescens. A. hydrophilla is the dominant species of bacteria in all freshwater fish samples from all sampling locations. The parasites were Dactylogirus sp, Trichodina sp, Ichthyopthirius multifiliis, Argulus sp, Lernea sp. Parasites Trichodina sp is the dominant parasite species found. The viruses were VNN virus (Viral Nervous Necrosis) KHV virus (Koi Herpes Virus). Virus NN virus was found only in grouper cultured in the floating net of Talengen village, district Sangihe Islands. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis penyakit ikan dan patogen penyebabnya serta memetakan penyebaran penyakit ikan di lokasi budidaya yang ada di provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Sampel yang digunakan adalah ikan air tawar dan air laut. Sampel ikan diambil secara acak baik ikan yang sehat maupun ikan yang memperlihatkan gejalah terinfeksi penyakit. Tiga ekor ikan sampel diambil dari setiap lokasi, dimana dipilih 1 lokasi budidaya di tiap kabupaten/kota. Sampel ikan air laut hanya diambil pada kabupaten/kota yang memiliki lokasi budidaya air laut. pengukuran beberapa parameter kualitas air juga dilakukan secara in situ seperti: suhu, pH, oksigen terlarut (DO), kecerahan dan kandungan amoniak. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa sampel ikan yang diperiksa terinfeksi pathogen parasit, bakteri dan virus. Jenis bakteri patogen yang ditemukan adalah: Vibrio carchariae, Vibrio mimicus, Vibrio damsel, Vibrio alginolyticus, Aeromonas hydrophilla, Pseudomonas sp, Vibrio sp, Aeromonas sp, Flexibacter sp, Pseudomonas flourescens. Bakteri Aeromonas hydrophilla merupakan jenis bakteri yang paling dominan yang ditemukan di semua sampel ikan air tawar di lokasi-lokasi budidaya tempat pengambilan sampel. Jenis-jenis parasit yang ditemukan adalah: Dactylogirus sp, Trichodina sp, Ichthyopthirius multifiliis, Argulus sp, Lernea sp. Jenis parasit yang dominan adalah Trichodina sp. Jenis virus yang ditemukan adalah: virus VNN (Viral Nervous Necrosis), virus KHV (Koi Herpes Virus). Virus VNN ditemukan hanya pada sampel ikan kerapu yang dibudidayakan di jaring apung Kampung Talengen, Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe