3 research outputs found

    Breeding and reproduction of grey mullet (Mugil cephalus L.)

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    Mazandaran and Gorgan provinces have temperate climate, thus they have more potential for aquatic animal culture. There are thousands hectare of salt and useless lands in adjacent to Caspian Sea. As these areas have provided a favorable back ground for aquatic animal culture. As a result, the successful results obtained from imported gray mullet (Mugil cephalus) culture project in north climate, it has demonstrated that the gray mullet has a good biocharacteristic for culturing in pond enclosure environment and in different aquatic conditions (fresh water, brackish water and salt water). From 1998 until 2001, the broodstock yield and gray mullet artificial propagation projects were performed by fisheries research center of Mazandaran in Ghomishan prawn culture station in adjacent to Caspian Sea (East north of Mazandaran Province). This investigation executed during two stages (phases). At first stage, the goal of this project included the survey of possibility available about matured fish as well as induction of final maturation and artificial propagation for producing of broodstock and larva. In addition, in this way, we will obtain new information about gray mullet propagation and culture as marine species. We introduce mass production in aquaculture. At present research, the possibility of broodstock yield and artificial propagation of gray mullet have investigated by gray mullet fingerlings imported from Hong kong and then they have cultured in earth ponds of Ghomishan areas during five years (1994-1998). In order to broodstock production in spring 1998, two earth ponds (0.5 hectare) were prepared. 100 specimens of fish stock (1-2.5 kg weight average and 5 years of age) placed in each pond. For providing of suitable water and nutrition, fish were fed by food containing rich protein (40%) with 3-5% body weight and maintained in water with 30-35 ppt salinity. The survey of sexual maturation was performed by sampling of sexual glands through year. There were four stages in dominant female broodstocks. This survey indicated that oocytes have emerged stage 1 (immature) from March to June, stage 2 (yolk vesicle) in September and stage 4 (yolk globule) in October. Three stages (first, second and third) of yolk formation in oocytes will occur but these stages take place in October, December and January respectively. It's obvious that oocytes will progress into the end of third stage (yolk formation) and then their growth was arrested. Ovum with 600 m diameter was observed when the water temperature declined less than 18 c and day time was short (from middle autumn to middle winter), on that time, fish were induced by hormone because lack of final maturation and ovulation, therefore, natural spawning was not occurred in pond condition. Furthermore, artificial propagation of mugil cephalus was occurred by hormonal induction. Hormonal induction was utilized by inject of many hormones (LHRH, Cph, HCG). Using different components of hormones and also their different doses obtained the best results from broodstock that the average ovum diameter was about 600 m. Several types hormones which were injected into gray mullet with two or several intermittent (24 h intervals) along with 20-25 c temperature and 30-35 ppt salinity. This condition can provide stage 4 maturity for fertilization. Totally (as whole), three intermittent fertilization was necessary for exiting of larva, larva production in first, second and third intermittents that were 2000, 2500 and 300 specimens respectively. Larva fed on chlorella algae and rotifera and they have maintained for 14-15 days. The results of obtainable research indicated the possibility of gray mullet broodstock production in cultural condition, artificial propagation and larva production. This research took place for the first time in north climate of Iran

    A survey on some risk factors and evaluation of their impacts on streptococcosis incidence in rainbow trout farms in west of Mazandaran province

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    This study aimed to investigate the effects of 5- parameter dissolved oxygen, PH, nitrite, nitrate and temperature of the water on Streptococcosis incidence in two groups of fry and grower fish. Research was performed at west Mazandaran province -Tonkabon region in 12 rainbow trout selected farms. Research conducted in 3 farms with well source water, 8 farms with water source of the river of Dohezar and one farm with water source of the river of Azarood, during 12 consecutive months. From 1390.04.01 to 1391.04.01, once time each month, and in each time 10 fish randomly sampled, inlet water were sampled simultaneously Of 1350 sampled fish 607 fish with an average weight 22.04 gr, average length 12.59 cm were in fry category and 743 fish with an average weight 156.25 gr, average length 23.32 cm in were grower category. Streptococcosis observed only in grower category Of 72 fish with clinical signs of the disease, 14 numbers were positive Streptococcosis (19.44%) and 58 numbers were negative Streptococcosis (80.55%). Three fish from grower category has not any clinical signs of disease and seemed to be healthy but were positive Streptococcosis in examinations (0.22% of total fish sampled. Fish with clinical signs of the disease but negative Streptococcosis were of at least 55.1 gr and at most weight 417 gr respectively. The results showed that 47.07% cases of Streptococcosis happened at 15.6°C water temperature, 35.29% at 16.98°C and 17.64% cases happened at 18.04°C so that 100% of Streptococcosis cases was observed at the average temperature of 16.99°C. In addition, the survey results show that despite relatively high levels of nitrite in source water of farms from wells, nitrite does not effect on the disease incidence. It seems that an optimal level of dissolved oxygen in water is effective in reducing the effectiveness of nitrite in this disease. According to equation coefficients logit model is as follows: According to Logit model, it seems that for every degree change in temperature and pH of water, morbidity change will diminish 0.37 % and 1.74 % respectively. 80.56% of fish sampled that had the clinical symptoms, was ranging from an average weight of 5.1 gr (fry) and 417 gr (grower fish), that despite having clinical signs of the disease were negative Streptococcosis. Isolation of Staphylococcus bacteria as well as Gram-negative bacilli from fish with clinical symptoms similar to the symptoms of Streptococcosis, may indicate the involvement of other pathogens in fish clinical signs

    Trout farms and other human activities effects on Cheshmehkileh river ecosystem in Tonekabon

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    Cheshmehkileh River and adjacent mountainous streams, play a strategic role as a historical axis for anthropogenic civilization, human welfare also habitat and migration pathway of commercial – biologic valuable fishes e.g. Caspian trout, Caspian kuttum, members of Cyprinidae family in south Caspian Sea drainage. Treats such as overfishing of Caspian trout and Red spotted trout stocks in mountainous headwaters, barriers construction and manipulations those are out of river carrying capacity developed by human activities, affected normal function of river as well. Sand mining big factories establishment next to the river, legal and illegal trade of river sediments, direct entry of Tonekabon landfill leakage into the river, development of Rainbow trout farms since 3 decades and huge effluents into the river containing dead fish and types of solids, escapement of cultured Rainbow trouts into the river, … are major minimum factors which needs basic information for integrating inclusively drainage management system. Cheshmehkileh River contains Headwaters of Dohezar (Daryasar & Nusha), Sehezar and Valamroud rivers during 13 monthly sampling phases between September 2009 and October 2010 based on macrozoobenthoses investigations by EPT, EPT/C EPA protocols, measurements of nominated physic-chemical and microbiologic parameters. Probability of Rainbow trouts escapement and invasion, existence, nutrition in Cheshmehkileh environment indeed investigated. Data analysis explained significant differences (P<0.05) between groups of measured parameters in different sampling stations. Dendogram of clustered analysis based on consolidation of major biologic/ physic-chemical and microbiologic parameters, separated stations No. 1, 3, 2, 4 in one group and remained classified in different groups. Station 8 and 9 similarly separated which expressed general similarities according to Sehezar river environment which were differs in comparison with other stations. Station 11 separated according to its natural quality of water and environment. Similarities between station 10 to Sehezar river stations 8 and 9 expressed general influence of Sehezar River more than Dohezar River in Cheshmehkileh condition especially in station No. 10. High scores of EPT and EPT/C indices in upstream stations 1, 3 and 8 also low score of indices in stations 7, 13 and 6 expressed levels of environment quality between these groups of stations. Maximum average biomass of macroinvertebrates belongs to Trichoptera order in Cheshmehkileh River. Significant decrease of biomass in stations 11, 12 and 13 in comparison with other stations stated environment degradation in mentioned stations relevant to excessive sand mining as well. Pollution resistant groups of invertebrates significantly increased in downstreams against upstream stations. Also disappearing of Plecoptera order in station No. 7, 9, 10 and 13 stated low quality of environment in comparison with upstream stations. Confirmation of effects quality and quantity for point and non-point sources of imported pollutants require specific management considerations in order to present exploitations, pollutants control and emergencies for river monitoring in forthcoming years