51 research outputs found

    Quale profilo educativo per il facilitatore della comunicazione.

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    La figura professionale del facilitatore della comunicazione: quale formazione? A livello nazionale, la formazione del Facilitatore della comunicazione risulta assai disomogenea e non ancora definita da precisi e condivisi percorsi formativi. La molteplicità di diciture utilizzate per denominare tale ruolo, infatti, varia da provincia a provincia, da regione a regione. A seguito di tale disomogeneità, proliferano anche le definizioni: da “addetto alla comunicazione” a “istruttore”; da “mediatore alla comunicazione” a “operatore per la disabilità sensoriale”; fino alle più diffuse “lettore-ripetitore” e/o “facilitatore della comunicazione”. Tali differenze rispecchiano un vuoto istituzionale dovuto all’assenza di una normativa – a livello nazionale - che stabilisca quale debba essere la figura e il ruolo professionale di tale operatore. La relazione presentata al Convegno, cerca di fare chiarezza su questi punti, portando ad esempio l'esperienza formativa dell'università di Verona, in particolare il Master di I livello in Educatore esperto per la disabilità sensoriale

    Pedagogia speciale e approccio inclusivo: una nuova pedagogia o il guadagno di una nuova prospettiva?

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    Today, the inclusive approach represents an indispensable perspective, which has enriched and expanded the cultural and scientific horizon of several disciplines, including Special Pedagogy. However, unlike other disciplines, which in addressing the themes of their studies and research make use of the inclusive perspective, Special Pedagogy is now debating whether to assume inclusion in its object of study, to the point of renaming itself "Pedagogy of Inclusion". The author does not believe that this hypothesis should be pursued, both for historical and epistemological reasons, especially if this renaming would move into the background of theoretical and scientific reflection the research and studies on disability, and just to avoid that the special pedagogical identity could be dispersed

    Improving learning abilities and inclusion through movement: the Movi-Mente© method

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    Currently, challenges regarding preschooler children are mainly focused on a sedentary lifestyle. Also, motor activity in infancy is seen as a tool for the separate acquisition of cognitive and socio-emotional skills rather than considering neuromotor development as a tool for improving learning abilities. The paper utilized an observational research method to shed light on the results of practicing neuromotor exercises in preschool children with disability as well as provide implications for practice

    Didattica speciale e sviluppo delle competenze lavorative e di vita indipendente

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    This article highlights the importance of specific teaching actions promoted at school and aimed to promote the acquisition of job-related and independent living skills in students with disabilities. This theme has a particular value in the context of secondary schools, where teachers must plan extended work-related learning experiences (PCTO), as foreseen by a specific section of the IEP. This is an educational challenge, consisting in finding practical and meaningful connections between teaching actions and the Life Project. The reference to the ICF, as required by the new IEP (Legislative Decree 66/2017), represents an opportunity for teachers to design PCTOs addressed to students with disabilities, define specific educational objectives and monitor the training experience. This article reports an experience conducted by the University of Verona that elaborated an online platform for supporting the design of the IEP based on ICF. This platform offers a series of tools for the analysis of competencies and job potentiality of students with disabilities. Also, the article refers to the project developed by the Vicenza Provincial School in 2021/2022, that established the “Interinstitutional Working Table for the elaboration of Pathways aimed to the Development of Traversal Skills and provide Career Guidance (PCTO)” with the precise purpose of developing a shared protocol of intervention between schools and job services in order to promote job-related skills in students with disabilities at school


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    Luigi d’Alonzo, Fabio Bocci, Stefania Pinnelli, Didattica speciale per l’inclusione,Brescia, Editrice la Scuola, 2015 di Angelo Lascioli, Università degli Studi di Verona Angelo Lascioli, Verso l’Inclusive Education, Edizioni del Rosone, Foggia, 2014,pp. 102. di Fabio Bocci / Università degli Studi Roma Tre Catia Giaconi e Simone Aparecida Capellini, Conoscere per includere. Riflessioni e linee operative per professionisti in formazione, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2015, pp. 189 di Fabio Bocci / Università degli Studi Roma Tre Pasquale Moliterni, Didattica e scienze motorie. Tra mediatori e integrazione,Armando, Roma, 2013, pp. 320. di Luigi d’Alonzo, Università Cattoloca di Milan

    L’orientamento al lavoro dei giovani con disabilità: approfondimenti sulla situazione italiana e irlandese

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    L’articolo analizza il tema dell’orientamento al lavoro dei giovani con disabilità, in riferimento a quanto avviene in Italia e Irlanda. Dallo studio emerge la necessità di progettare l’orientamento al lavoro a partire dalla scuola, promuovendo le competenze per rendere possibili ed effettivi i diritti previsti dalla Convenzione ONU dei Diritti delle Persone con Disabilità. In particolare, il diritto all’autodeterminazione, all’inclusione sociale e lavorativa. A tale scopo risulta fondamentale integrare le specifiche progettualità riguardanti l’orientamento al lavoro, alla più ampia e articolata definizione del PEI, nell’ottica del progetto di vita e della transizione verso la vita adulta

    A Scoping Review on Teacher Agency for Inclusive Education: Mapping Existing Evidence and Conceptual Frameworks

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    In recent years, inclusive education research in Italy and internationally has reflected upon teacher agency and its implications for students’ full inclusion. Since teacher agency for inclusive education is an emerging theoretical construct, interpreted in different ways in the literature, it is first necessary to aggregate existing studies, appraising both theoretical conceptualizations and available evidence. To this objective, we conducted a systematic scoping review of recent international literature on the topic. Eight theoretical frameworks emerged from the literature. Also, barriers to teacher agency were mapped. Among those, the absence of structural resources, the dominant ableist culture, the perceived inadequacy in the relationship with the students with disability, the special education teacher unpreparedness on specific learning contents, the marginalization of the special education teacher, the absence of shared planning, and the lack of school administration support. On the other hand, teachers proved they are capable of change towards more inclusive practices thanks to resilience, teamwork, and beliefs on students’ abilities

    Educazione professionale: non sommatoria ma dialogo di saperi

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    Articolo onlin


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    L'apporto della didattica speciale e delle tecnologie didattiche alla costruzione di una scuola inclusiv

    Dysgraphia, educational interventions and didactic implications: from prevention to intervention

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    Dysgraphia is a widespread disorder among school children. The prevalence for developmental writing disorders is about 7\u201315% among school-aged children (D\uf6hla, & Heim, 2016; Katusic, Colligan, Weaver, & Barbaresi, 2009). It has become clear now that learning to write has an unquestionable educational value. According to Konnikova (2014), it is not only what children write that matters, but how they write. That\u2019s why we need to examine and understand which education and didactic methods can be useful to teach handwriting to those children that find it difficult or that, despite all the efforts, have an unreadable handwriting. It is also necessary to investigate the best way to intervene, especially since writing difficulties are often related to other learning disabilities. This paper contains the conclusions of a lengthy period of observations and data collecting on those children identified by the authors, who suffer from writing difficulties. This work was aimed at identifying an educational working methodology to prevent writing difficulties or recover from them. We will describe here early manifestations of dysgraphic disorder and show efficient educational and didactic intervention tools within the school context
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