957 research outputs found

    Existence of probability measure valued jump-diffusions in generalized Wasserstein spaces

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    We study existence of probability measure valued jump-diffusions described by martingale problems. We develop a simple device that allows us to embed Wasserstein spaces and other similar spaces of probability measures into locally compact spaces where classical existence theory for martingale problems can be applied. The method allows for general dynamics including drift, diffusion, and possibly infinite-activity jumps. We also develop tools for verifying the required conditions on the generator, including the positive maximum principle and certain continuity and growth conditions. To illustrate the abstract results, we consider large particle systems with mean-field interaction and common noise

    Values underlying farmers' business development decisions: evidence from Swedish agriculture using Zaltman metaphor elicitation technique

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    Purpose: This study aimed to uncover the values that underlie farmers' strategic choices for business development. In particular, we uncovered farmers' values related to business development through farm diversification and compared these with values regarding business development through non-diversified farm activities.Methodology: We considered diversified and non-diversified farm activities as two possible strategic orientations related to farm development. For each strategic orientation, the study systematically uncovered its values grounded on in-depth interviews with 23 farmers in Sweden, using the Zaltman metaphor elicitation technique. We analyzed values in terms of use- and non-use values related to the choice of strategic orientation.Findings: The results suggested that a heterogeneous set of use- and non-use values guide choices for farm strategic orientation. Particularly, for non-diversified farm activities, we identified eight values, of which three were categorized as use values and five as non-use values. For diversified farms, we found four values, all of which were categorized as non-use values.Practical Implications: Our results highlight that policymakers need to approach farm development differently for each strategic orientation, considering that the underlying values between these two groups differ. Also, for farm advisors, results can be useful for improving and adapting the communication and interaction with farmers, which can further improve the content and influence of advisory services.Theoretical Implications: The Zaltman metaphor elicitation technique expands the methodology of eliciting farmers' values and especially regarding farmers' strategic choices.Originality: This paper extends the knowledge of the driving forces that underlie farmers' choices for farm business development

    Biologisk mÄngfald i jordbrukslandskapet

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    Naturbetesmarker utgör en landskapstyp som minskat avsevÀrt under 1900-talet i och med omfattande omstÀllningar i jordbruket. Dessa marker hyser en rik biologisk mÄngfald sett till djur-, vÀxt- och svamparter, och den minskade arealen naturbetesmarker har sÄledes inneburit att lÀmpliga biotoper för mÄnga av dessa arter successivt försvunnit. Till följd av detta Àr flera arter knutna till dessa landskap idag upptagna pÄ den nationella rödlistan och kunskap om arternas livskrav Àr viktiga för arbetet med bevarandet av dessa arter. I kombination med ekologiska studier Àr Àven kunskap om historisk markanvÀndning en viktig faktor som kan hjÀlpa till att förklara arters förekomst pÄ en lokal. I denna studie har den historiska markanvÀndningen för 5 av Uppsala lÀns mest Àngssvampsrika lokaler studerats i syfte att identifiera vilken typ av hÀvd som kan ligga till grund för lokalernas artrikedom. Att studien fokuserar pÄ svampar beror pÄ att det Àr en organismgrupp som ofta glöms bort dÄ man diskuterar biologisk mÄngfald, detta trots att svampar spelar en viktig roll i ekosystemet. Under projektet har inventeringsdata frÄn lokalerna samt de nationella Àngs- och hagmarksinventeringarna mellan 1987-1993 och 2002-2004 kombinerats med historiska kartstudier för att kunna dra slutsatser om hur markanvÀndningen sett ut pÄ dessa lokaler över tid. Studien visar att de undersökta lokalerna historiskt sett inte har varit utnyttjade som odlingsmark, utan troligtvis har nyttjats som betes- eller slÄttermarker, frÀmst till följd av att de inte varit lÀmpade för uppodling. Vissa av lokalerna har dessutom tidigare varit tÀckta med ett trÀd- eller buskskikt, en förutsÀttning som lÀgger grunden för vidare forskning kring Àngssvamparnas livskrav eftersom dessa frÀmst Àr förknippade med öppna grÀsmarker.Semi-natural grasslands constitute a landscape type that has seen a significant decrease during the 20th century, mainly caused by the major shifts in agricultural practices during this time. Semi-natural grasslands host a rich biodiversity in terms of animal, plant and fungal species and the reduced acreage of these lands has thus meant that suitable habitats for many of these species have gradually disappeared as well. As a result, many of the species associated with these landscapes are today listed on the Swedish National Red list of threatened species and knowledge of their life requirements are important for the conservational work aimed at retaining their existence. Combined with ecological studies, knowledge of the historical land use of these landscapes is another important factor that may help explain the occurrence of specific species at a specific site. In this study, the historical land use of five sites in Uppsala County with a high number of grassland fungi have been studied with the aim of identifying the type of management which may have formed the basis of species richness at these sites. This study focuses on fungi, as they constitute a group of organisms that are often overlooked when discussing biodiversity, despite the fact that fungi play an important role in the ecosystem. During the project, inventory data from the sites, as well as the two national grassland field surveys conducted between 1987-1993 and 2002-2004 have been combined with studies of historical maps in order to identify how the land has been managed historically. The study shows that, historically, the surveyed sites have not been used as arable land, but more likely as pasture lands or hay meadows, mainly because they have not been suitable for cultivation. Some sites showed a history of forest vegetation, a fact that could constitute the basis for further research on the life requirements of grassland fungi, as these are primarily associated with open grasslands

    Analysis Of Flowering Time, Hybrid Vigor, Yield, And Lodging In Maize

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    Maize (Zea mays L.) is an important crop and an excellent model organism to study genetic systems. It captures remarkable diversity, which can be observed on both the genotypic and phenotypic level. Because of its diversity, maize responded very effectively to artificial selection during domestication and improvement. Maize adapted to very diverse environments. This adaptation has been possible through heritable changes in flowering time, responses to photoperiod and temperature, and plant architecture. Understanding the underlying architecture of these traits will allow us to utilize all the variation offered and increase productivity for a more sustainable agriculture. The following studies focus on analysis of three different traits. First, is a reanalysis of one of the first generation structured association mapping studies of the Dwarf8 locus with flowering time, using new mapping populations and statistical approaches. This trait is highly correlated with population structure, and we found that basic structured association methods overestimate the phenotypic effect in the region, while mixed model approaches perform better. Combined with analysis of the maize NAM population, it is concluded that the QTL effects at the general location of the d8 locus are from extended haplotypes and that d8 is not associated with flowering time. Second, hybrids were developed using the NAM inbred population crossed to a common tester to examine hybrid vigor in terms of plant height and flowering time, as well as yield. A number of QTL were identified for all three traits using joint linkage mapping. Additionally, reasonable prediction accuracies (~0.55) were obtained using ridge regression in the hybrids. This study gives us a better understanding of yield and hybrid vigor. Last, damage caused by lodging is a significant problem in maize production, resulting in 5-20 % annual loss in yield. In this study, more than 1,500 diverse inbred lines crossed to a common tester were evaluated across multiple environments. Due to a large sample size and despite multiple environments with lodging events occurring at different points in time, we were able to utilize joint linkage mapping to identify a number of QTL with small effects for lodging

    TRIAGE pÄ akuten

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    Konceptet triage kom till redan pÄ 1800-talet under Napoleons tid och anvÀnds idag pÄ akutmottagningar vÀrlden över. Triage Àr en kort fysisk undersökningen som Àr av stor betydelse för att kunna kÀnna igen kritiskt sjuka patienter pÄ ett snabbt och effektivt sÀtt sÄ de som Àr i störst behov av vÄrd behandlas först. En idealisk triage bör inte ta mer Àn tvÄ minuter att utföra. Vid triagering Àr det viktigt att först och frÀmst bedöma luftvÀgar, andning och cirkulation, som omfattar puls, slemhinnor, CRT, andningsfrekvens och mönster för att kunna upptÀcka livshotande tillstÄnd som krÀver omedelbar veterinÀrvÄrd. Genom den hÀr bedömningen kan sedan en prioritering av patienterna ske. Patienterna delas in i olika kategorier efter en strukturerad triageskalas kriterier. Idag Àr det framför allt fyra stycken triageskalor som anvÀnds internationellt. Samtliga Àr femgradiga och Àr utformade av experter inom akutsjukvÄrden. Det har visat sig genom studier att prioriteringen av patienter sker pÄ ett mer korrekt sÀtt om en strukturiserad triageskala anvÀnds vid triage. Den hÀr litteraturstudien innehÄller information om de fysiologiska grundparametrarna som Àr viktiga att undersöka vid en triage och i vilken ordning de bör undersökas, en kortare beskrivning av de triageskalor som anvÀnds frÀmst idag och vad djursjukskötarens roll Àr vid triage av akuta patienter.The concept of triage was introduced as early as the 1800s during the time of Napoleon and is nowadays used as a priority system in the emergency rooms around the world. Triage is a brief physical examination which is of a great importance to be able to detect critically ill patients in a rapid and effective way so that those in most need of care will be treated first. An ideal triage should not take more than two minutes to perform. During a triage it is important to first and foremost examine the airway, breathing and circulation, which includes: heart rate, mucous membranes, CRT, breathing frequency and pattern to be able to detect life threatening conditions that requires immediate veterinary care. Through this assessment a prioritizing of patients can be made. The patients are divided into different categories according to criteria of a structured triage scale. Today there are primarily four triage scales that are used internationally. All are five-level scales and are designed by experts in the emergency care. It has been shown through studies that a prioritization of patients becomes more accurate if a standardized triage scale is used. This literature review provides information about the basic physiological parameters that are important to examine during a triage and in what order they should be performed, a brief description of the most common triage scales that are mainly used today and what the veterinary technicianŽs role is when it comes to triage of the emergency patients

    The importance of the mother : effects of early maternal deprivation in mammals

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    DĂ€ggdjur diar sina ungar under den första tiden efter förlossningen men hos mĂ„nga arter bestĂ„r moderskapet av mer Ă€n att bara erbjuda mat. MĂ„nga dĂ€ggdjur som hĂ„lls i fĂ„ngenskap har separerats frĂ„n sina mödrar lĂ„ngt tidigare Ă€n vad som sker i naturen och separationen sker ofta abrupt utan möjlighet för ungarna att successivt vĂ€nja sig vid de nya förutsĂ€ttningarna som separationen innebĂ€r. Syftet med den hĂ€r litteraturstudien Ă€r att undersöka vad som Ă€r viktigt i moder-unge-relationen, för att sedan titta pĂ„ hur dĂ€ggdjurs beteende pĂ„verkas av att förlora sin mamma tidigt i livet, och hur problemen kan undvikas med exempel frĂ„n hĂ€st, fĂ„r, nötkreatur, gris, gnagare, mink och primat. Det sociala bandet som bildas mellan moder och unge strax efter födseln Ă€r viktigt för att de ska kĂ€nna igen varandra och hos vissa arter Ă€r det livsviktigt för ungarnas nĂ€ringsintag och överlevnad. Hos de flesta arter verkar dock moderns nĂ€rvaro och omvĂ„rdnad vara minst lika viktig, om inte viktigare för ungarnas utveckling och vĂ€lbefinnande. Av sin mamma lĂ€r sig ungarna var de hittar vatten och föda, hur de ska förhĂ„lla sig till obekanta miljöer och djur. StressnivĂ„n hos ungarna sĂ€nks nĂ€r mamman Ă€r nĂ€rvarande och de fĂ„r lĂ€ttare att hantera rĂ€dsla och stress, nĂ„got som formar ungarna och hjĂ€lper dem hantera olika situationer genom hela livet. Hos dĂ€ggdjur som blir avvanda och separerade frĂ„n sina mödrar för tidigt ser man ofta en högre grad av stereotypier, rĂ€dsla, stress, depression och problem med sociala situationer som ofta stannar kvar hos djuren nĂ€r de nĂ„r vuxen Ă„lder. För att undvika problemen Ă€r det viktigt att ha en strategi vid avvĂ€njningen/separationen. Det verkar inte vara frĂ€mst Ă„ldern hos ungarna vid avvĂ€njningen som Ă€r av betydelse utan hur separationen gĂ„r till. Att efterlikna den naturliga avvĂ€njningen genom en successiv avvĂ€njningsmetod, undvika isolering i samband med separationen och att se över utfodring och berikning Ă€r viktigt för att minska risken för problem hos djur i samband med separation frĂ„n modern.During early stages of life mammals suckle their mothers, but in many species the presence of the mother has beneficial effects beyond the provision of food. Many animals kept in captivity are taken from their mothers long before their natural time of weaning. The separation is often quick and does not provide the young any opportunity to gradually get used to the new environment without their mother. The aim of this literature study is to look into the meaning and importance of the mother-young relationship, and how deprivation of the mother in early life impacts the behavior of mammals, and also how to prevent the problems that might develop due to the separation from the mother with examples from horses, sheep, cows, pigs, rodents, minks and primates. The social bond that forms between mother and young shortly after birth is important for the two to recognize each other, and in some species it is crucial for the young’s survival and food intake. For most species it seems like the presence of the mother and her care is as important for the development and comfort of the young. The mother teaches them where to find food and water, and how they should relate to different environments and animals. The level of stress in the young decreases when the mother is present and it makes them more able to cope with stress even as adults. Early weaned animals often develop stereotypic behavior, increased fear, stress, depression and problems in social situations. It is not rare to see that these behaviors remain when the animal enters adulthood. It is important to have a strategy for the weaning or separation to avoid these problems. It seems like the age of weaning is less important than the way it is done. Gradual weaning, avoiding isolation after separation from the mother, and the use of correct feeding and environment enrichment minimizes the risk of developing problems due to separation of the mother

    Antibiotic usage in surgically treated cases of canine pyometra

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    Pyometra is defined as a bacterial uterine infection with accumulation of pus in the lumen. The disease affects middle-aged to older non-spayed female dogs. Pyometra is a serious disease which can lead to life-threatening complications such as peritonitis and sepsis. In some parts of the world, peri-operative antimicrobial therapy is recommended to all dogs with pyometra. In Sweden, peri-operative antibiotics is only recommended to bitches with peritonitis, sepsis or moderate to severely affected general condition. Antibiotics can save lives because of its ability to kill bacteria but overuse can contribute to increased antimicrobial resistance and cause unwanted side effects in individual animals. Increasing antimicrobial resistance is a growing global threat that can lead to therapy failure and a future with incurable bacterial diseases. Expected benefits of using antibiotics should therefore be weighed against potential unwanted effects. A retrospective study was performed using data from 776 bitches diagnosed with pyometra that were treated by ovariohysterectomy (OHE) at the University Animal hospital (UDS), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden during the years 2013 to 2016. The aim was to investigate peri-operative antibiotic therapy and the proportion of bitches that recovered uneventfully without antibiotics. About half of the bitches in the present study were treated with antibiotics peri-operatively. Most of these bitches were given antibiotics after surgery. A little less than half of the bitches recovered without antibiotics. None of the bitches that had not received antibiotic treatment peri-operatively died because of pyometra or complications to the disease. The results of the study showed that the current Swedish recommendations of antibiotic treatment were followed and that perioperative antibiotics can be avoided in nearly half of the bitches with pyometra without negative effects if careful clinical evaluation is performed according to current routines at UDS, SLU.Pyometra Àr en varbildande bakteriell infektion i livmodern som vanligen drabbar medelÄlders och Àldre intakta tikar. Omkring 20 % av okastrerade tikar insjuknar i pyometra innan 10 Ärs Älder. Det Àr en allvarlig sjukdom som kan leda till livshotande tillstÄnd sÄ som peritonit och sepsis. Patogenesen Àr komplex och inte helt klarlagd, men hormonella effekter framför allt av progesteron pÄ endometriet, under upprepade löpcykler, underlÀttar bakterieinfektion och dÀrmed utveckling av pyometra. Bakterierna tillhör hundens egen normalflora och Escherichia coli (E. coli) Àr vanligast förekommande vid pyometra. Den mest effektiva och sÀkraste behandlingen av pyometra Àr ovariohysterektomi (OHE). I vissa andra delar av vÀrlden rekommenderas peri-operativ antibiotika till alla hundar. I Sverige rekommenderas inte peri-operativ antibiotikabehandling till tikar med pyometra och opÄverkat eller lindrigt-mÄttligt pÄverkat allmÀntillstÄnd. Peri-operativ antibiotikabehandling Àr indicerat vid mÄttligt till kraftigt nedsatt allmÀntillstÄnd, vid peritonit eller om risk för septikemi föreligger. Genom att avdöda bakterier kan antibiotika mÄnga gÄnger vara livsrÀddande, men antibiotikaanvÀndning kan ocksÄ vara skadligt genom att bidra till ökad resistensutveckling eller biverkningar hos den enskilda individen. Antibiotikaresistens Àr ett globalt vÀxande problem. Terapisvikt vid antibiotikabehandling blir allt vanligare, och resistenta mikrober leder till att bakteriella infektioner inte lÀngre kan botas. FörvÀntad nytta av antibiotikaanvÀndning bör dÀrför alltid vÀgas mot eventuella oönskade effekter och risker. En retrospektiv studie genomfördes för att kartlÀgga antibiotikaanvÀndningen i samband med kirurgisk behandling vid pyometra hos hund under tidsperioden 2013-2016 pÄ ett av Sveriges större djursjukhus, Universitetsdjursjukhuset (UDS), Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU), Uppsala. Detta för att fÄ en uppfattning om hur mycket antibiotika som faktiskt anvÀnds vid kirurgisk behandling av pyometra hos tik och hur stor andel tikar som tillfrisknar frÄn sjukdomen trots att de inte behandlats med antibiotika. UngefÀr hÀlften av kirurgiskt behandlade tikar med pyometra behandlades peri-operativt med antibiotika. Den vanligaste anvÀnda antibiotikasubstansen var aminopenicillin. Breddning av antibiotikaspektrat skedde med enrofloxacin post-operativt i 18,8 % av fallen. I nÀstan hÀlften av de kirurgiskt behandlade fallen (45,0 %) behövdes inte antibiotika för tillfrisknande. Ingen tik som inte behandlades med antibiotika dog pÄ grund av komplikationer eller dÄlig prognos till pyometra. Sammantaget visar resultaten att antibiotikaanvÀndningen följde de gÀllande svenska rekommendationerna. Studien visar ocksÄ att antibiotika kan undvikas hos nÀstan hÀlften av alla tikar med pyometra utan fara för hundens liv förutsatt att noggrann klinisk bedömning görs enligt de gÀllande rutinerna pÄ UDS, SLU

    Discovering and Assessing Enterprise Architecture Debts

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    The term Enterprise Architecture (EA) Debts has been coined to grasp the difference between the actual state of the EA and its hypothetical, optimal state. So far, different methods have been proposed to identify such EA Debts in organizations. However, these methods either are based on the transfer of known concepts from other domains to EA or are time and resource intensive. To overcome these shortcomings, we propose an approach that uses an interview format to identify EA Debts in enterprises and a method that allows a qualitative assessment of identified EA Debts. The proposed approach is supported by the designed framework that consists of an interview format and a process for determining thresholds of certain EA Smells

    5,6-Dioxo-1,10-phenanthrolin-1-ium nitrate

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    In the title salt, C12H7N2O2 +·NO3 −, the monoprotonated cation is connected to the nitrate anion by a hydrogen bond. Weak C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds hold the planar cations together in a layer structure

    Evaluation of the dao1 gene as a selectable marker in transformation of apple rootstock M26 as well as transformation of a vector containing GA20 oxidase gene into Agrobacterium

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    The aim of this project was to evaluate the possibility to use D-alanine as a selective marker instead of commonly used antibiotics and herbicides in transformation of apple rootstock M26. The transformation was carried out using Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain C58C1(pGV3101) containing the vector pPCV70:dao1. The vector contained the dao1 gene resistant to D-amino acids and the nptII gene resistant to antibiotic, kanamycin. The dao1 encodes for the enzyme D-amino-acid oxidase (DAAO). The enzyme detoxifies D-amino acids, such as, D-alanine, which are harmful to plants. The transformed explants were grown on medium containing increased concentrations of D-alanine, with a starting concentration of 1.2 mM. Eight putative transgenic clones were obtained from the selection medium. However, further molecular analyses have to be carried out to confirm the result. A second experiment was performed to transform the GA20 oxidase gene into A. tumefaciens to get a ready-to-use transformation vector. The vector containing the GA20 oxidase gene was transformed into the A. tumefaciens strain C58C1(pGV3850). DNA from the strain was isolated and digested. The result was visualized on an agarose gel under UV light. The conclusion of the experiment is that the vector containing GA20 oxidase gene has been transformed into the strain C58C1.Syftet med detta projekt var att undersöka möjligheten att vid transformering av Ă€pplegrundstammen M26 genomföra selektion med hjĂ€lp av D-aminosyra (D-alanin) istĂ€llet för andra vanligt förekommande selektionsĂ€mnen, sĂ„ som antibiotika och herbicider. Transformeringar med D-alanin som selektionsĂ€mne genomfördes, med Agrobacterium tumefaciens stammen C58C1(pGV3101) innehĂ„llande vektorn pPCV70:dao1. Vektorn innehöll Ă€ven genen nptII, som ger de transformerade explantaten resistans mot antibiotika, kanamycin. dao1 genen kodar för enzymet D-amino-acid oxidase (DAAO). Enzymet bryter ner det giftiga Ă€mnet D-alanin till ofarliga Ă€mnen för vĂ€xten. De transformerade explantaten odlades pĂ„ medium innehĂ„llande ökande koncentration av D-alanin, med utgĂ„ngskoncentrationen 1.2 mM. Åtta putativa transformerade kloner selekterades pĂ„ selektionsmediet. Ytterligare molekylĂ€ra analyser mĂ„ste dock genomföras för att bekrĂ€fta resultaten. Försök genomfördes Ă€ven för att transformera en vektor innehĂ„llande GA20 oxidas genen i A. tumefaciens, för att fĂ„ fram en vektor fĂ€rdig för anvĂ€ndning vid transformering av vĂ€xter. Vektorn innehĂ„llande GA20 oxidas genen och nptII genen transformerades in i A. tumefaciens stammen C58C1(pGV3850). DNA frĂ„n A. tumefaciens var sedan isolerad och fragmenterad. Resultatet visualiserades pĂ„ en agarose gel under UV ljus. Slutsatsen av försöket Ă€r att vektorn transformerats in i A. tumefaciens stammen C58C1
