13,334 research outputs found

    Scaling relations of supersonic turbulence in star-forming molecular clouds

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    We present a direct numerical and analytical study of driven supersonic MHD turbulence that is believed to govern the dynamics of star-forming molecular clouds. We describe statistical properties of the turbulence by measuring the velocity difference structure functions up to the fifth order. In particular, the velocity power spectrum in the inertial range is found to be close to E(k) \~ k^{-1.74}, and the velocity difference scales as ~ L^{0.42}. The results agree well with the Kolmogorov--Burgers analytical model suggested for supersonic turbulence in [astro-ph/0108300]. We then generalize the model to more realistic, fractal structure of molecular clouds, and show that depending on the fractal dimension of a given molecular cloud, the theoretical value for the velocity spectrum spans the interval [-1.74 ... -1.89], while the corresponding window for the velocity difference scaling exponent is [0.42 ... 0.78].Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures include

    Flows, Fragmentation, and Star Formation. I. Low-mass Stars in Taurus

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    The remarkably filamentary spatial distribution of young stars in the Taurus molecular cloud has significant implications for understanding low-mass star formation in relatively quiescent conditions. The large scale and regular spacing of the filaments suggests that small-scale turbulence is of limited importance, which could be consistent with driving on large scales by flows which produced the cloud. The small spatial dispersion of stars from gaseous filaments indicates that the low-mass stars are generally born with small velocity dispersions relative to their natal gas, of order the sound speed or less. The spatial distribution of the stars exhibits a mean separation of about 0.25 pc, comparable to the estimated Jeans length in the densest gaseous filaments, and is consistent with roughly uniform density along the filaments. The efficiency of star formation in filaments is much higher than elsewhere, with an associated higher frequency of protostars and accreting T Tauri stars. The protostellar cores generally are aligned with the filaments, suggesting that they are produced by gravitational fragmentation, resulting in initially quasi-prolate cores. Given the absence of massive stars which could strongly dominate cloud dynamics, Taurus provides important tests of theories of dispersed low-mass star formation and numerical simulations of molecular cloud structure and evolution.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figures: to appear in Ap

    Turbulent Cooling Flows in Molecular Clouds

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    We propose that inward, subsonic flows arise from the local dissipation of turbulent motions in molecular clouds. Such "turbulent cooling flows" may account for recent observations of spatially extended inward motions towards dense cores. These pressure-driven flows may arise from various types of turbulence and dissipation mechanisms. For the example of MHD waves and turbulence damped by ion-neutral friction, sustained cooling flow requires that the outer gas be sufficiently turbulent, that the inner gas have marginal field-neutral coupling, and that this coupling decrease sufficiently rapidly with increasing density. These conditions are most likely met at the transition between outer regions ionized primarily by UV photons and inner regions ionized primarily by cosmic rays. If so, turbulent cooling flows can help form dense cores, with speeds faster than expected for ambipolar diffusion. Such motions could reduce the time needed for dense core formation and could precede and enhance the motions of star-forming gravitational infall.Comment: To appear ApJL, Nov.10, 4 ApJ style pages, Postscrip

    Self-Similar Graphs

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    For any graph GG on nn vertices and for any {\em symmetric} subgraph JJ of Kn,nK_{n,n}, we construct an infinite sequence of graphs based on the pair (G,J)(G,J). The First graph in the sequence is GG, then at each stage replacing every vertex of the previous graph by a copy of GG and every edge of the previous graph by a copy of JJ the new graph is constructed. We call these graphs {\em self-similar} graphs. We are interested in delineating those pairs (G,J)(G,J) for which the chromatic numbers of the graphs in the sequence are bounded. Here we have some partial results. When GG is a complete graph and JJ is a special matching we show that every graph in the resulting sequence is an {\em expander} graph.Comment: 13 pages, 1 tabl

    Oxygen Isotopes of Al-Rich Chondrules from Unequilibrated Ordinary Chondrites

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    Al-rich chondrules (ARCs) are a rare constituent of chondrites. They have relatively high bulk Al_2O_3 content (> 10 wt%), which is due to the presence of Al-rich phases, such as plagioclase, spinel, Al-rich glass etc. [1]. ARCs share some chemical and petrologic characteristics with Ca, Al-rich inclusions (CAis), and may represent a genetic link between ferromagnesian chondrules and CAis

    Star Formation in Dwarf Galaxies

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    We explore mechanisms for the regulation of star formation in dwarf galaxies. We concentrate primarily on a sample in the Virgo cluster, which has HI and blue total photometry, for which we collected Hα\alpha data at the Wise Observatory. We find that dwarf galaxies do not show the tight correlation of the surface brightness of Hα\alpha (a star formation indicator) with the HI surface density, or with the ratio of this density to a dynamical timescale, as found for large disk or starburst galaxies. On the other hand, we find the strongest correlation to be with the average blue surface brightness, indicating the presence of a mechanism regulating the star formation by the older (up to 1 Gyr) stellar population if present, or by the stellar population already formed in the present burst.Comment: 15 pages (LATEX aasms4 style) and three postscript figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Progress Made in Lunar In-Situ Resource Utilization Under NASA's Exploration Technology and Development Program

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    Incorporation of In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) and the production of mission critical consumables for 9 propulsion, power, and life support into mission architectures can greatly reduce the mass, cost, and risk of missions 10 leading to a sustainable and affordable approach to human exploration beyond Earth. ISRU and its products can 11 also greatly affect how other exploration systems are developed, including determining which technologies are 12 important or enabling. While the concept of lunar ISRU has existed for over 40 years, the technologies and systems 13 had not progressed much past simple laboratory proof-of-concept tests. With the release of the Vision for Space 14 Exploration in 2004 with the goal of harnessing the Moon.s resources, NASA initiated the ISRU Project in the 15 Exploration Technology Development Program (ETDP) to develop the technologies and systems needed to meet 16 this goal. In the five years of work in the ISRU Project, significant advancements and accomplishments occurred in 17 several important areas of lunar ISRU. Also, two analog field tests held in Hawaii in 2008 and 2010 demonstrated 18 all the steps in ISRU capabilities required along with the integration of ISRU products and hardware with 19 propulsion, power, and cryogenic storage systems. This paper will review the scope of the ISRU Project in the 20 ETDP, ISRU incorporation and development strategies utilized by the ISRU Project, and ISRU development and 21 test accomplishments over the five years of funded project activity

    The In-Situ Resource Utilization Project Under the New Exploration Enterprise

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    The In Situ Resource Utilization Project under the Exploration Technology Development Program has been investing in technologies to produce Oxygen from the regolith of the moon for the last few years. Much of this work was demonstrated in a lunar analog field demonstration in February of 2010. This paper will provide an overview of the key technologies demonstrated at the field demonstration will be discussed a long with the changes expected in the ISRU project as a result of the new vision for Space Exploration proposed by the President and enacted by the Congress in the NASA Authorization Act of2010

    A Dynamical Study of the Non-Star Forming Translucent Molecular Cloud MBM16: Evidence for Shear Driven Turbulence in the Interstellar Medium

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    We present the results of a velocity correlation study of the high latitude cloud MBM16 using a fully sampled 12^{12}CO map, supplemented by new 13^{13}CO data. We find a correlation length of 0.4 pc. This is similar in size to the formaldehyde clumps described in our previous study. We associate this correlated motion with coherent structures within the turbulent flow. Such structures are generated by free shear flows. Their presence in this non-star forming cloud indicates that kinetic energy is being supplied to the internal turbulence by an external shear flow. Such large scale driving over long times is a possible solution to the dissipation problem for molecular cloud turbulence.Comment: Uses AAS aasms4.sty macros. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Optimization study of high power static inverters and converters Final report

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    Optimization study and basic performance characteristics for conceptual designs for high power static inverter