266 research outputs found

    Banking Crises: Identification Problems and Resolution

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    This article examines crisis developments in the banking system and contains a classification of banking crises. Banking crises have many common characteristics, but often their course is different. They can vary in nature spread of the crisis in the national economy, the depth and severity, the number of affected financial institutions, among other symptoms. The most dangerous and devastating condition is called systemic banking crisis, a crisis that affected the entire national banking system. The author used method of system analysis, method of comparison and clusterization method. We will analyze resolution strategies and specific anti-crisis tools used in Russia and abroad, and applicable to different conditions. Identification of the crisis is needed to develop and adopt strategies to overcome it. Banking crises can cause different and sometimes completely contradictory factors. Practice shows that there is no universal strategy for normalizing the situation in the banking sector, but in any case it is necessary to note the importance of state participation in the process of overcoming the banking crises. In the absence of government intervention banking crises have serious consequences for the economy. The form of state participation in the process of overcoming a banking crisis and the extent of state involvement in solving the problems of insolvency of banks can be different: the government may restrict the measures to promote and support organization of private capital, to prefer the formal financial support of some banks, to take the banks under state control (control) or eliminate part of banks

    Public-private partnership in the sphere of physical culture and sports

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    According to many expert estimates, the share of state spending on the creation and development of infrastructure projects in the field of physical culture and sports in Russia remains low, and in the current crisis does not cover the existing needs. In this regard, the question of improving the efficiency of the use of budgetary funds and stimulating the flow of private investment in this area remains open. The article analyzes the Russian practice of public-private partnership in the field of physical culture and sports. The forms of public-private partnership in the designated area, development trends and measures of state support existing both at the Federal and regional levels are investigated. Based on the analysis of the ongoing projects, as well as legal mechanisms that ensure the rights of investors in the Russian Federation, conclusions are drawn on the need to improve the mechanisms of support for public-private partnership in the field of physical culture and sports, while it is advisable to determine transparent and unambiguous criteria for the allocation of public funds. The main purpose of the article is to generalize and systematize the mechanisms of state support of private investment in the sports industry. Since the implementation of such projects should take into account the specifics of this area, the current trends in the development of entrepreneurship in the sports sector. It was concluded that the interaction of business in the field of physical culture and sports with the state should achieve a balance between the private interests of business and social objectives that are set and should be addressed in the interests of societ

    Autonomous Vehicles within the Urban Space and Transport Security Challenges: Legal Aspect

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    Nowadays autonomous vehicles are getting widespread use in different parts of the world. In some countries, they are being tested within the urban traffic whereas other counties have been already operating them. Such vehicles possess a number of obvious advantages. We cannot but agree that these cars are the future. However, before complete implementation and mass use of autonomous transport on public roads, it is necessary to resolve a number of problems concerning their safety towards road-users. Except for ethical, economic, and other aspects, it also embraces the legal aspect

    Цифровые деньги на современном этапе: ключевые риски и направления развития

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    The article explores modern trends in the development of digital money. The purpose of the article is to identify and analyze the risks of digital money, and to study scientific approaches and tools for managing these risks. The authors use general scientific and special research methods, including comparative legal analysis and a systematization method, as well as methods of economic theory: positive analysis and scientific abstraction. The research highlights the strategic challenges and guidelines in the development of digital money in the Russian Federation and shows the difference and common features of digital and electronic money. Based on a comparative analysis of private and national digital money, we conclude that the digital money of Central Banks is more flexible and more reliable for consumers than private cryptocurrencies. We systematize the risks of digital money circulation at the micro, mezzo and macro levels, as well as identify the essential tools for managing them. The authors note that exogenous risk management tools are more typical for private cryptocurrencies, and endogenous tools will apply to digital money of central banks, in particular, the development of an appropriate configuration of Central Bank digital currency. The study may be useful for digital money users, as well as government agencies implementing policies and regulations on the issue and circulation of digital money in Russia.Статья посвящена исследованию современных тенденций в развитии цифровых денег. Цель статьи состоит в идентификации и анализе рисков, присущих цифровым деньгам, и определении научных подходов и инструментов управления обозначенными рисками. Авторы используют общенаучные и специальные методы исследования, включая сравнительно-правовой анализ и метод систематизации, а также методы экономической теории: позитивного анализа и научной абстракции. Выделены стратегические вызовы и ориентиры в развитии цифровых денег в Российской Федерации. Показаны отличие и общие черты цифровых и электронных денег. На основе сравнительного анализа характеристик частных и национальных цифровых денег сделан вывод, что цифровые деньги центробанков обладают большей гибкостью и более надежны для потребителей, чем частные криптовалюты. Систематизированы риски обращения цифровых денег на микро-, мезо- и макроуровнях, а также необходимый инструментарий для управления ими. Авторы отмечают, что для частных криптовалют более характерны экзогенные инструменты управления рисками, а для цифровых денег центральных банков актуальны эндогенные инструменты, в частности разработка соответствующей конфигурации цифровой валюты центробанка. Результаты исследования могут быть полезны для пользователей цифровых денег, а также для государственных органов при реализации политики в области регулирования эмиссии и обращения цифровых денег в России

    Development of an insurance industry image assessment index

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    The article discusses the results of the study of consumer attitudes towards the insurance sector in the Russian Federation. A low level of financial literacy, cases of fraud by insurers lead to the formation of a negative image of the insurance industry, even if the respondents have a positive experience of using insurance products. In world practice the relationship between reputation management of companies and their financial condition has been proven, however, a quantitative assessment of the insurance sector image has been not carried out earlier. The article offers a methodology for assessing the insurance sector image? using the author’s index, and provides an example of its calculation based on the Russian insurance market. The developed indicator will allows to objectively assess the dynamics of consumer attitudes to insurance, and to conduct a cross-country comparison of the indicator

    Influence of University Education on Changes in Students’ Value Orientations

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    Value orientations of young people are an issue that does not lose relevance in the agenda of  social and humanitarian  sciences and youth policy. Students are the driving  force of youth. Having  activity  and  reactivity,  as well  as  a  certain  intellectual background, namely  students  can stimulate social transformations. The University, as an agent of socialization, carries out not only educational activities, but also pedagogical and socializing work, that is why it is able to influence on the development of values and characteristics of students. The article is an analytical review of the data of a unique monitoring conducted since 2015 at the RUDN University in order to assess the effectiveness of pedagogical work at the University. In 2015 and 2019, 60% of 1st-year and 4th-year (graduate) students were surveyed using online questionnaires, respectively, which represents a quasi-panel. The theoretical framework is determined by the concept of M. Rokich about instrumental and terminal values, as well as Yu.A. Zubok’s and V.I. Chuprov’s concept about meaning-in-life values. The article presents data related to the value orientations of Russian students in the context of their changes in the course of study at the University, namely, issues of patriotism, life values, “idols” as models that students strive for, as well as personal characteristics, which determine the value orientations and other characteristics of an individual (instrumental). The main conclusion: life values and value orientations remain almost unchanged after 4 years of training, while personal characteristics may change throughout the process of training and education. The University can also affect such values as patriotism and the presence of an “idol”. For students of the RUDN University, the questions of patriotism are “difficult”, and idols are most often either family members or no one at all, which is confirmed by data from other surveys. The proposed conceptual model of monitoring may be of interest to employees of other universities and specialists in the field of education, youth work and youth sociology

    Prospects for digital transformation of the monetary systems

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    The active digitalization of financial markets generates new types of digital financial assets, and also raises questions about prospects of the national monetary systems development, taking into account the emerging digital financial instruments. The authors present the results of a study conducted via interviewing respondents about their attitude to cryptocurrencies, about the likelihood of cashless economies, and about the impact of economy digitalization on changing people’s lives. Current scientific studies show that a significant part of authors is inclined to believe that current digitalization trends will lead to the complete disappearance of cash, including cryptocurrencies will play an important role in this process. Low financial literacy, possible failures in electronic payment systems, the difficulty of adaptation for certain groups of the population are the reasons that delay the transition to cashless economies. However, a significant number of advantages that digital assets provide for the development of the economy, and the positive attitude of society to the changes taking place in the process of digital transformation, contribute to a further change in the monetary system

    «Healthy Personality» of a Modern University Student as a Research Concept

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    The issues of physiological and mental health of young people have always remained in the focus of researchers’ attention, however, there are practically no works where the “healthy personality” is considered more broadly, including the features of its functioning in a social context. The authors propose the concept of a “healthy personality”, which includes the following components: emotional stability and psychological well-being, a low degree of suggestibility and adherence to the values of goodness and security. These components meet the challenges of the modern world and underlie the ability of a student’s personality to withstand the challenges of extremism. A combination of techniques was used to create the concept: 1) “General Health Questionnaire” by Goldberg, 2) Schwartz Questionnaire and 3) “Suggestibility Test” by S.V. Klauchek and V.V. Delaryu. With the help of tools that include these methods and thematic blocks (attitudes towards the media, extremism, civic and political position), a questionnaire survey was conducted on a sample of 1,500 people representing the Russian students of three Moscow universities – RUDN University, Moscow State University and National Research University Higher School of Economics in terms of courses and areas of study.The purpose of the article is to develop a research concept of “healthy personality” based on a combination of existing methods used to measure conformity, psychological stability and emotional well-being and value orientations. As a result, the level of emotional stability and psychological wellbeing of Moscow students, the type of value orientations, and their level of conformity are revealed. The dominant personality type, calculated on the basis of the results of the methods, turned out to be “relatively healthy personality” (67.6%), one fifth of the respondents were classified as “healthy personality”, however, every tenth student is a “personality at risk”. The proposed concept can be used during sociological monitoring of educational services of the university in order to diagnose risk groups among first-year students

    The Effect of the Russian Subnational Debt on the Socio-economic Development of the Region

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    The actual problem currently in Russia is the high degree of differentiation level of socio-economic development of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The specified uneven development is a significant problem, requiring prudent and gradual approach. An important point is to determine the optimal size and form of regional borrowing, contributing to the socio-economic development of the region. This article examines the structure of the borrowing regions. Many regions have a significant amount of borrowing in the form of budget loans. Outlines the problem caused by the miscalculations of the regional authorities when conducting its own financial policy, and a more global objective reasons, which are a consequence of the current crisis situation in economy of the Russian Federation and the disparity of economic development. The basis for the paper is drawn from actual official data describing the state of the market of regional and municipal borrowing. Used methods of system analysis, comparison and clustering.The result is proved in the article that on the one hand the issue of securities does not stimulate socio-economic development of the region, on the other hand in the current situation, the desired reduction provide budget loans should pay attention of regions in the possible form of borrowing. With the improvement of the situation on the debt market regions will be stimulated to ensure that the overwhelming proportion of their debt would be the consequence of market borrowings, primarily in the form of securities.The article presents a comparison of different forms of regional borrowing and identified deficiencies inherent in different types of borrowing. It is concluded that a bank loan is the most popular form of market borrowing, as it has in relation to issuance of bonds less amount of disadvantages. According to the authors, for the development of the bonded form of the borrowing of regions should consider the infrastructure of the state support