155 research outputs found

    Einfluss von Markenpersönlichkeitsdimensionen auf die Einzigartigkeit der Marke und die Einstellung zur Marke

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    Untersuchungen im Rahmen der Persönlichkeitspsychologie zeigen, dass zwischen bestimmten Dimensionen der menschlichen Persönlichkeit (‚Big Five’) und dem Erfolg des Individuums sowohl positive als auch negative Beziehungen bestehen. In der vorliegenden Studie wird untersucht, inwieweit sich diese Zusammenhänge auf das Konzept der Markenpersönlichkeit übertragen lassen. Dazu wird Markenerfolg über die wahrgenommene Einzigartigkeit der Marke und die Einstellung zur Marke operationalisiert. Zur Messung der Markenpersönlichkeit wird die ‚Brand Personality Scale’ von J. L. Aaker verwendet, die auf Analogien zur menschlichen Persönlichkeit beruht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Markenpersönlichkeitsdimensionen Kompetenz und Erregung/ Spannung die untersuchten Erfolggrößen positiv beeinflussen. Gleichzeitig zeigt sich, dass sich erfolgreiche Markenpersönlichkeiten durch eine nicht zu stark akzentuierte Schwerpunktsetzung auf eine einzelne Dimension und/oder eine hohe Variabilität über die Dimensionen hinweg auszeichnen. Die Ergebnisse korrespondieren mit den Befunden der Persönlichkeitspsychologie und leisten damit einen Beitrag zur theoretischen Fundierung des in der Praxis sehr gängigen Konzepts der Markenpersönlichkeit und bestätigen zugleich die Brauchbarkeit des zugrunde liegenden Anthropomorphismus

    Markenerfolg durch Persönlichkeit? Einfluss von Markenpersönlichkeitsdimensionen auf die Einzigartigkeit der Marke und die Einstellung zur Marke

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    Untersuchungen im Rahmen der Persönlichkeitspsychologie zeigen, dass zwischen bestimmten Dimensionen der menschlichen Persönlichkeit (Big Five) und dem Erfolg des Individuums sowohl positive als auch negative Beziehungen bestehen. In der vorliegenden Studie wird untersucht, inwieweit sich diese Zusammenhänge auf das Konzept der Markenpersönlichkeit übertragen lassen. Dazu wird Markenerfolg über die wahrgenommene Einzigartigkeit der Marke und die Einstellung zur Marke operationalisiert. Zur Messung der Markenpersönlichkeit wird die Brand Personality Scale von J. L. Aaker verwendet, die auf Analogien zur menschlichen Persönlichkeit beruht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Markenpersönlichkeitsdimensionen Kompetenz und Erregung / Spannung die untersuchten Erfolggrößen positiv beeinflussen. Gleichzeitig zeigt sich, dass sich erfolgreiche Markenpersönlichkeiten durch eine nicht zu stark akzentuierte Schwerpunktsetzung auf eine einzelne Dimension und/oder eine hohe Variabilität über die Dimensionen hinweg auszeichnen. Die Ergebnisse korrespondieren mit den Befunden der Persönlichkeitspsychologie und leisten damit einen Beitrag zur theoretischen Fundierung des in der Praxis sehr gängigen Konzepts der Markenpersönlichkeit und bestätigen zugleich die Brauchbarkeit des zugrunde liegenden Anthropomorphismus. --

    Fearful or functional - a cross-sectional survey of the concepts of childhood fever among German and Turkish mothers in Germany

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Fever is one of the most common presenting complaints in paediatrics and general practice. In the majority of cases nothing harmful is diagnosed. However, the subjective meaning of fever often varies between doctors and parents. Knowledge of the parents' concept of fever may help tailor counselling to their needs.</p> <p>In this study we determine 1) the influence of socio-economic status and cultural background on two concepts of fever which we labelled "functional" and "fearful", each representing typical experiences of mothers, and 2) the actions taken by the mothers related to these concepts.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A standardized interview study was conducted among German and Turkish mothers in Germany in 2009. The questionnaire consisted of 36 questions and 205 items. Interviews were conducted in 16 private practices of paediatricians and 2 paediatric emergency departments in an urban region of Germany. The two fever concepts were represented in 6 statements that could be rated with a six-point Likert scale. The association of the socio-economic status and the cultural background with one of the fever concepts was determined by a multiple logistic regression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 338 mothers (49% with a Turkish background) completed the interview (response rate 92%). The average age of mothers with a German background was higher (34.1 years vs. 32.0 years, p = 0.0001). Mothers with a Turkish background were more likely to relate to the concept "fearful" [adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR) 1.99; confidence interval (CI) 1.16-3.44]. Mothers with a middle or high socio-economic status were more likely to respond to the concept "functional" [middle: AOR, 0.53; CI, 0.30-0.92; high: AOR, 0.44; CI, 0.21-0.95].</p> <p>Mothers adhering to the concept "fearful" more often gave acetaminophen before the recommended interval of 6 hours (46.8% vs. 31.3%, p = 0.005) and visited out-of-hours services more frequently in the preceding 9 months than the other group (0.7 vs. 0.4, p = 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A Turkish migrant background and a low socio-economic status are associated with the fever concept "fearful". Mothers with these attributes seem to require specific and reassuring counselling as they use antipyretic drugs extensively and out-of-hours services frequently.</p

    Anglicismos y vida docente

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    Pertenece a la sección diaria del CVC (Centro Virtual Cervantes).Una de las vías de entrada de anglicismos en nuestra lengua es el mundo universitario y escolar.Peer reviewe

    YPdSn and YPd2Sn: Structure, 89Y solid state NMR and 119Sn Mössbauer spectroscopy

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    The stannides YPdSn and YPd2Sn were synthesized by high-frequency melting of the elements in sealed tantalum tubes. Both structures were refined on the basis of single crystal X-ray diffractometer data: TiNiSi type, Pnma, a=715.4(1), b=458.8(1), c=789.1(1) pm, wR2=0.0461, 510 F2 values, 20 variables for YPdSn and MnCu2Al type, Fm3¯m, a=671.44(8), wR2=0.0740, 55 F2 values, 5 parameters for YPd2Sn. The yttrium atoms in the new stannide YPdSn are coordinated by two tilted Pd3Sn3 hexagons (ordered AlB2 superstructure). In the Heusler phase YPd2Sn each yttrium atom has octahedral tin coordination and additionally eight palladium neighbors. The cubic site symmetry of yttrium is reflected in the 119Sn Mössbauer spectrum which shows no quadrupole splitting. In contrast, YPdSn shows a single signal at δ=1.82(1) mm/s subjected to quadrupole splitting of ΔEQ=0.93(1) mm/s. Both compounds have been characterized by high-resolution 89Y solid state NMR spectroscopy, which indicates the presence of strong Knight shifts. The spectrum of YPd2Sn is characterized by an unusually large linewidth, suggesting the presence of a Knight shift distribution reflecting local disordering effects. The range of 89Y Knight shifts of several binary and ternary intermetallic yttrium compounds is briefly discussed.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaf

    Structural and dynamic characterization of Li12Si7 and Li12Ge7 using solid state NMR

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    Local environments and lithium ion dynamics in the binary lithium silicide Li12Si7, and the analogous germanium compound have been characterized by detailed 6Li, 7Li, and 29Si variable temperature static and magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR experiments. In the MAS-NMR spectra, individual lithium sites are generally well-resolved at temperatures below 200 K, whereas at higher temperatures partial site averaging is observed on the kHz timescale. The observed lithium chemical shift ranges of up to 60 ppm indicate a significant amount of electronic charge stored on the lithium species, consistent with the expectation of the extended Zintl–Klemm–Bussmann concept used for the theoretical description of lithium silicides. Furthermore the strongly diamagnetic chemical shifts observed for the lithium ions situated directly above the five-membered Si5 rings suggest the possibility of aromatic ring currents in these structural elements. This assignment is confirmed further by 29Si{7Li} CPMAS-heteronuclear correlation experiments. The 29Si MAS-NMR spectra of Li12Si7, aided by 2-D J-resolved spectroscopy, are well suited for differentiating between the individual sites within the silicon framework, while further detailed connectivity information is available on the basis of 2-D INADEQUATE and radio frequency driven recoupling (RFDR) spectra. Variable temperature static 7Li NMR spectra reveal the onset of strong motional narrowing effects, illustrating high lithium ionic mobilities in both of these compounds.DFG (Ec168/9-1

    Crossovers in the thermal decay of metastable states in discrete systems

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    The thermal decay of linear chains from a metastable state is investigated. A crossover from rigid to elastic decay occurs when the number of particles, the single particle energy barrier or the coupling strength between the particles is varied. In the rigid regime, the single particle energy barrier is small compared to the coupling strength and the decay occurs via a uniform saddlepoint solution, with all degrees of freedom decaying instantly. Increasing the barrier one enters the elastic regime, where the decay is due to bent saddlepoint configurations using the elasticity of the chain to lower their activation energy. Close to the rigid-to-elastic crossover, nucleation occurs at the boundaries of the system. However, in large systems, a second crossover from boundary to bulk nucleation can be found within the elastic regime, when the single particle energy barrier is further increased. We compute the decay rate in the rigid and in the elastic regimes within the Gaussian approximation. Around the rigid-to-elastic crossover, the calculations are performed beyond the steepest descent approximation. In this region, the prefactor exhibits a scaling property. The theoretical results are discussed in the context of discrete Josephson transmission lines and pancake vortex stacks that are pinned by columnar defects.Comment: 13 pages, RevTeX, 7 PS-figure