413 research outputs found

    Normering van kwaliteitszorg in de rechterlijke organisatie : een verkenning

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    In deze bijdrage zal ik eerst ingaan op kwaliteitsmanagement en de normering van kwaliteit in het algemeen. Vervolgens ga ik in op spanning tussen centrale sturing en autonomie en de betekenis van die spanning voor dienstverlenende organisaties van de overheid. Daarbij leg ik een verband met kwaliteitszorg als taakstelling voor deze organisatie. De uitkomsten van deze verkenning spits ik toe op de rechterlijke organisatie en op de vraag wat de wetgever met betrekking tot kwaliteitszorg zou moeten normeren. Ik sluit concluderend af met enige aanbevelingen voor de wetgever en voor rechters en gerechten

    Архитектоника комплекса «Русской Правды» П.И. Пестеля

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    Данная статья посвящена П.И. Пестелю, одному из идеологов декабристского движения, лидеру Южного общества. Автор статьи исследует комплекс "Русской Правды" П.И. Пестеля, его структуру и основные пласты.Ця стаття присвячена П.І.Пєстелю, одному з ідеологів декабристського руху, лідеру Південного товариства. Автор статті досліджує комплекс "Російської Правди" П.І. Пєстеля, його структуру та головні пласти

    De Leoniden van 1869 vanaf Mauritius

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    Introducing Procedural Guidelines in Ukraine and Greece

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    Procedural Guidelines are a means to enable judges and court staff to manage cases efficiently whilst upholding fair trial rights, by imposing limitations on parties, proportional to case characteristics. In his article, Dr. Langbroek reports about the successes and failures of introducing this concept in some courts in Ukraine and Greece

    Generating spatial quality through co-creation between public highway administrators and stakeholders:Experiences from the Blankenburg project (The Netherlands)

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    AbstractTransport infrastructure not only makes areas accessible, it also influences the spatial quality. Areas in turn affect the functioning of networks. Transport infrastructure and adjoining areas are thus symbiotically linked. Yet in practice it appears a challenge to effectively integrate infrastructure and area in planning and management. In policy-making and the planning science, joint planning or co-creation between public planning authorities and stakeholders is regularly mentioned as the key for integral development. But how to shape the process and instruments of co-creation, when the interests of the stakeholders vary and project frames (such as time and budget) are tight. The case study of the Blankenburgverbinding, as presented in this paper, addresses these questions. The Blankenburgverbinding is a new infrastructure project to the west of Rotterdam in The Netherlands, crossing a densely populated area including valuable ecological zones. A complex challenge that requires an integral solution. Through so-called design tables and counselling groups, various stakeholders are actively involved in the planning and design process. The search for integrated spatial quality is thereby the base.This paper describes the method of involvement, in particular the tensions between project management and participation. The aim of the paper is to give practical lessons and recommendations for co-creation at the interface between infrastructure and area, where the search for an optimal balance between mobility and spatial quality is the driver

    Relying on the Courts: about collegiate collaboration in courts as a counterbalance to professional hierarchy and as a necessary precondition for efficiently delivering, timely and consistent justice in Ukraine, Greece and the Netherlands

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    A judicial organization ensures that the work that is done – administering justice – is reliable. Citizens must be able to rely on the courts. Justice must be accessible, on time, and fair. In addition, it must be predictable and effective. And, moreover, the organisation of justice must be effective. It may cost a little, but it is predominantly taxpayers' money. There are two organizational principles that contribute to realizing those aims: hierarchy and cohesion. I assume that hierarchy and cohesion in organization must be in balance for the organization to function effectively. All kinds of horizontal and vertical interactions are needed, partly in relation to the societal environment of an organization, for it to flourish. This also applies to judicial organisations. One assumption is that professional judges are substantively inspired – and enjoy doing their job, and another is that people trust each other enough to work together. I illustrate this by the phenomenon of procedural guidelines as a result from judicial cooperation and a comparison of the situation of the judicial organizations of Ukraine, Greece and the Netherlands. I conclude that, when it comes to rule of law reviews of national judiciaries, much more attention should be paid to hierarchy and internal cohesion – cooperation along horizontal lines. Without such horizontal cooperation, judges cannot be adequately autonomous, impartial, and independent, because too much hierarchy enables the exertion of pressures also for other reasons than quality of court work

    Changing towards electric vehicle use in Greater Stockholm

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    This paper studies electric vehicle (EV) adoption in Greater Stockholm in Sweden using the Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM) and the Protection Motivation Theory as a framework and considers socio-cognitive, behavioural and socio-economic attributes that may influence the process towards electric vehicle use. TTM considers behavioural change as a process consisting of five stages-of-change rather than as an event. Some key findings were made: (1) from the earlier to the later stages-of-change, the attitude towards EVs becomes more positive, the knowledge about EVs increases and the self-efficacy is consistently increasing. (2) The threat appraisal and response efficacy of EVs increase from stage to stage in the stages prior to the actual change but have a lower level for the stages after the change. (3) The explanatory power of regression models modelling both pre-contemplation and all stages-of-change increases significantly when incorporating socio-cognitive variables such as self-efficacy, threat-appraisal, response efficacy and attitudes towards EVs. (4) The modal share of the car is consistently increasing throughout the stages-of-change. The results indicate that policy measures aiming at increasing knowledge and self-efficacy of car drivers related to EV use can stimulate electric vehicle adoption. Also, the relative advantages of EVs for car drivers should get more attention rather than only emphasizing the environmental advantages