339 research outputs found

    Sequence of protein expression of bone sialoprotein and osteopontin at the developing interface between repair cementum and dentin in human deciduous teeth

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    Experimental periodontal regeneration studies have revealed the weak binding of repair cementum to the root surface, whereas attachment of cementum to dentin preconditioned by odontoclasts appears to be superior. The aim of this study has been, therefore, to analyze the structural and partial biochemical nature of the interface that develops between resorbed dentin and repair cementum by using human deciduous teeth as a model. Aldehyde-fixed and decalcified tooth samples were embedded in acrylic or epoxy resins and sectioned for light and transmission electron microscopy. Antibodies against bone sialoprotein (BSP) and osteopontin (OPN), two noncollagenous proteins accumulating at hard tissue interfaces in bone and teeth, were used for protein A-gold immunocytochemistry. Light microscopy revealed a gradually increasing staining intensity of the external dentin matrix starting after the withdrawal of the odontoclast. Labeling for both BSP and OPN was first detected among the exposed collagen fibrils and in the intratubular dentin matrix when odontoclasts had withdrawn but mesenchymal cells were present. Subsequently, collagen fibrils of the repair cementum were deposited concomitantly with the appearance of labeling for BSP and OPN over the intratubular, intertubular, and peritubular dentin matrix. Labeled mineralization foci indicated the advancing mineralization front, and the collagenous repair matrix became integrated in an electron-dense organic material that showed labeling for BSP and OPN. Thus, no distinct planar interfacial matrix layer lies between the resorbed dentin and the repair cementum. The results suggest that odontoclasts precondition the dentin matrix such that the repair cementum becomes firmly attache

    Lymphocyte blastogenesis to plaque antigens in human periodontal disease

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66210/1/j.1600-0765.1977.tb00135.x.pd

    Women Inmates: An Exploration of Misconduct and Victimization Behind Bars

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    Experimental periodontal regeneration studies have revealed the weak binding of repair cementum to the root surface, whereas attachment of cementum to dentin preconditioned by odontoclasts appears to be superior. The aim of this study has been, therefore, to analyze the structural and partial biochemical nature of the interface that develops between resorbed dentin and repair cementum by using human deciduous teeth as a model. Aldehyde-fixed and decalcified tooth samples were embedded in acrylic or epoxy resins and sectioned for light and transmission electron microscopy. Antibodies against bone sialoprotein (BSP) and osteopontin (OPN), two noncollagenous proteins accumulating at hard tissue interfaces in bone and teeth, were used for protein A-gold immunocytochemistry. Light microscopy revealed a gradually increasing staining intensity of the external dentin matrix starting after the withdrawal of the odontoclast. Labeling for both BSP and OPN was first detected among the exposed collagen fibrils and in the intratubular dentin matrix when odontoclasts had withdrawn but mesenchymal cells were present. Subsequently, collagen fibrils of the repair cementum were deposited concomitantly with the appearance of labeling for BSP and OPN over the intratubular, intertubular, and peritubular dentin matrix. Labeled mineralization foci indicated the advancing mineralization front, and the collagenous repair matrix became integrated in an electron-dense organic material that showed labeling for BSP and OPN. Thus, no distinct planar interfacial matrix layer lies between the resorbed dentin and the repair cementum. The results suggest that odontoclasts precondition the dentin matrix such that the repair cementum becomes firmly attached. © Springer-Verlag 2005.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Gingival fluid cytokine expression and subgingival bacterial counts during pregnancy and postpartum: a case series

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess gingival fluid (GCF) cytokine messenger RNA (mRNA) levels, subgingival bacteria, and clinical periodontal conditions during a normal pregnancy to postpartum. Materials and methods: Subgingival bacterial samples were analyzed with the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization method. GCF samples were assessed with real-time PCR including five proinflammatory cytokines and secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor. Results: Nineteen pregnant women with a mean age of 32years (S.D. ± 4years, range 26-42) participated in the study. Full-mouth bleeding scores (BOP) decreased from an average of 41.2% (S.D. ± 18.6%) at the 12th week of pregnancy to 26.6% (S.D. ± 14.4%) at the 4-6weeks postpartum (p < 0.001). Between week 12 and 4-6weeks postpartum, the mean probing pocket depth changed from 2.4mm (S.D. ± 0.4) to 2.3mm (S.D. ± 0.3) (p = 0.34). Higher counts of Eubacterium saburreum, Parvimonas micra, Selenomonas noxia, and Staphylococcus aureus were found at week 12 of pregnancy than at the 4-6weeks postpartum examinations (p < 0.001). During and after pregnancy, statistically significant correlations between BOP scores and bacterial counts were observed. BOP scores and GCF levels of selected cytokines were not related to each other and no differences in GCF levels of the cytokines were observed between samples from the 12th week of pregnancy to 4-6weeks postpartum. Decreasing postpartum counts of Porphyromonas endodontalis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were associated with decreasing levels of Il-8 and Il-1β. Conclusions: BOP decreased after pregnancy without any active periodontal therapy. Associations between bacterial counts and cytokine levels varied greatly in pregnant women with gingivitis and a normal pregnancy outcome. Postpartum associations between GCF cytokines and bacterial counts were more consistent. Clinical relevance: Combined assessments of gingival fluid cytokines and subgingival bacteria may provide important information on host respons

    The role of a circumferential septal fiberotomy (CSF) in enhancing orthodontic stability- a randomized controlled clinical trial

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenInngangur: Mælt hefur verið með að gera fiberotomiu eftir tannréttingameðferð til að auka stöðugleika. Sú kenning var prófuð í þessari rannsókn. Efni og aðferðir: Níu einstaklingar sem voru að ljúka tannréttingameðferð voru valdir til að taka þátt. Neðri boginn var fjarlægður úr sporum, fiberotomia var framkvæmd í annarri hlið frá augntönn til miðframtannar en hin hliðin þjónaði hlutverki viðmiðunarhóps. Í byrjun og á 4 vikna fresti í allt að 6 mánuði voru tekin mát og ljósmyndir. Irregularity Index Little var notaður til að mæla þrengsli á módelum, en ljósmyndir af módelum voru skannaðar inn og tölvuforrit greindi allar breytingar sem urðu á tönnum á tímabilinu. Hliðrunarhreyfingar sem og snúningshreyfingar sem og breytingar á tannholdsindexum voru skráðar. Hvorug mælingaraðferðin sýndi marktækan mun á stöðugleika í þeirri hlið sem var skorin miðað við viðmiðunarhóp. Tannhold skaðaðist ekki við fiberotomiuna. Niðurstöður: Þar sem fiberotomia virðist ekki auka stöðugleika tanna eftir tannréttingameðferð, er ekki hægt að mæla með aðferðinni.Introduction: Circumferential septal fiberotomy (CSF) following orthodontic treatment has been propagated to improve stability and prevent relapse of tooth alignment. The hypothesis of no difference of performed CSF and controls was tested. Material and Methods: In 9 consecutively admitted patients at the end of orthodontic tooth alignment the lower archwire was removed. CSF was performed from canine to the central incisor on a randomly chosen side, while the contralateral side served as unsurgerized control. At baseline and every 4 weeks up to 6 months, study casts were taken and 1) analyzed using the Irregularity Index of Little and 2) photographed, traced and superimposed digitally. The translational and rotational movements of teeth as well as gingival parameters were analyzed as well. By using the II and by superimposing the tracings, no statistically significant differences were found between test (CSF) and control sides for any parameters. Moreover, CSF did not impinge on the gingival tissues. Conclusion: Since CSF did not improve stability of orthodontically aligned teeth nor prevent relapse during the healing phase of up to 6 months, CSF should not be recommended following orthodontic therapy. Key words: Fiberotomy, orthodontic treatment, stability, rotational relapse, gingival recession

    Sequential osseointegration of a novel implant system based on 3D printing in comparison with conventional titanium implants.

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    OBJECTIVES To evaluate the sequential osseointegration of a novel titanium implant system based on a 3D printing technology in comparison with conventional titanium implants. MATERIAL AND METHODS Two novel titanium implants based on 3D printing were tested in the mandible of eight Beagle dogs. As a control, two different commercially available titanium implants were used. The implants were staged to accommodate healing periods of 2 and 6 weeks. The primary outcome variable was bone-to-implant contact (BIC) in non-decalcified tissue sections and micro-CT analysis. RESULTS Histomorphometrically, the proportions of tissues adjacent to the implant surfaces were similar for all implants, whereas the BIC percentage of new mineralized bone was greater for the control implants after both 2 and 6 weeks (p < .05). Micro-CT analysis revealed increasing osseous volume and BIC from 2 to 6 weeks. In contrast to the histomorphometry, the BIC evaluation with the micro-CT data revealed a significantly higher BIC for the two test implants compared with controls (p < .001). The analysis of the total implant surface area disclosed a value that was approximately double as high for the test compared to the control implants. CONCLUSIONS The novel titanium implant system based on 3D printing yielded values for osseointegration that were adequate and satisfactory. The higher percentage of new mineralized bone in the control implants is explained by the fact of a completely different three-dimensional surface area

    Higher solubility and lower onset temperature of protein denaturation increase the osteoconductive capacity of collagen membranes: A preclinical in vivo study.

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    OBJECTIVES Collagen membranes are extensively used for guided bone regeneration procedures, primarily for horizontal bone augmentation. More recently, it has been demonstrated that collagen membranes promote bone regeneration. Present study aimed at assessing if structural modifications of collagen membranes may enhance their osteoconductive capacity. METHODS Twenty-four adult Wistar rats were used. Bilateral calvaria defects with a diameter of 5 mm were prepared and covered with prototypes of collagen membranes (P1 or P2). The P1 membrane (positive control) presented a lower onset temperature of protein denaturation and a higher solubility than the P2 membrane (test). The contralateral defects were left uncovered (NC). After 1 and 4 weeks, the animals were euthanized. A microcomputed tomography analysis of the harvested samples was performed within and above the bony defect. Undecalcified ground sections were subjected to light microscopy and morphometric analysis. RESULTS Bone formation was observed starting from the circumferential borders of the defects in all groups at 1-week of healing. The foci of ossification were observed at the periosteal and dura mater sites, with signs of collagen membrane mineralization. However, there was no statistically significant difference between the groups. At 4 weeks, remnants of the collagen fibers were embedded in the newly formed bone. In the P2 group, significantly more bone volume, more new bone, and marrow spaces compared to the NC group were observed. Furthermore, the P2 group showed more bone volume ectocranially then the P1 group. CONCLUSIONS Bone formation subjacent to a P2 membrane was superior than subjacent to the P1 membrane and significantly better compared to the control. Modifications of the physico-chemical properties may enhance the osteoconductive competence of collagen membranes, supporting bone formation outside the bony defects

    Randomized multicenter study on the plaque removal efficacy of 2 interdental brushes around the base of orthodontic brackets.

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    INTRODUCTION The objective of this multicenter study was to analyze the efficacy of cleaning 2 interdental brushes (IDBs) around brackets in patients with fixed orthodontic appliances. METHODS The study design was a multicenter, randomized, examiner-blinded crossover study with 3 interventions, the first of which was a baseline intervention. This study included 20 patients (12 females, 8 males) aged 12-18 years with fixed orthodontic devices examined at the Department of Orthodontics, University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, and the Children's Dental Clinic St. Gallen. The outcome was a conventional, cylindrically shaped IDB (IDBG-S [IB]; Top Caredent GmbH, Schönau, Germany) was examined in comparison with an innovative waist-shaped IDB (Circum, CDB-8 [CB]; Top Caredent GmbH). The participants did not use the IDB themselves. The brushing procedure was performed professionally by 1 operator (C.E.). Each buccal tooth surface with a bracket was split into 8 areas, the main areas being 1 and 8. These main areas, which were difficult for toothbrushes to reach, were mesial (area 1) and distal (area 8) of the bracket edges in the gingival direction. Plaque index (PI) scores were assessed at 2 examinations before and after the cleaning procedure on 8 tooth surfaces in the area with orthodontic brackets. A computer-generated program randomly allocated the IDB sequence to the participants. Examiners (L.Z.-G. and Y.W.) assessing the outcomes were blinded to the intervention and the randomized allocation of participants to the different IDBs. RESULTS Both IDBs showed a plaque removal effect (CB, 0.68 [interquartile range, 0.63-0.77]; IB, 0.43 [interquartile range, 0.33-0.55]). The difference between the 2 IDB was statistically significant (P = 0.002). In particular, the CB yielded a higher plaque removal efficacy (CB effect, 0.68; IB effect, 0.21) at the main areas 1 and 8, which were difficult to reach. Ten participants were randomized to each sequence, and all 20 completed the study. No side effects or adverse events were reported or observed. CONCLUSION The waist-shaped brush head of the CB significantly enhanced plaque reduction in total and particularly in problem areas. REGISTRATION This trial was registered at the German Clinical Trials Registry (no. DRKS00014088; https://www.drks.de/drks_web/navigate.xxdo?navigationId=trial.HTML&TRIAL_ID=DRKS00014088) PROTOCOL: The protocol was not published before trial commencement. FUNDING This study was supported by the manufacturer Top Caredent GmbH, Schönau, Germany, which provided all interdental brushes used in this study

    Vertical Alveolar Ridge Regeneration by Means of Periosteal Activation-A Proof-of-Principle Study.

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    AIM To assess the possibility of vertical alveolar ridge augmentation by means of activation of the periosteum. MATERIALS AND METHODS Six adult male Beagle dogs were used for the study. All premolars and first molars were extracted, and one vertical saucer-shaped bony defect was created on each side of the mandible. After 3 months of healing, full-thickness muco-periosteal flaps were elevated, and one distraction device was placed on each side of the mandible. The distraction plate was left submerged, and the activation mechanism connected to the distraction rod was exposed intra-orally. The protocol of periosteal activation (PP: periosteal 'pumping') was initiated after a latency of 7 days. The alternation of activation and relaxation at the rate of 0.35 mm/12 h during 5 days was followed by the sole activation of 0.35 mm/12 h for 5 days (PP group). Devices were left inactivated on the contralateral control side of the mandible (C group). All animals were euthanized after 8 weeks of consolidation. Samples were analysed histologically and by means of micro-CT. RESULTS New mature lamellar bone was formed over the pristine bone in all groups. More intensive signs of bone modelling and remodelling were observed in the PP group compared to the C group. Mean new bone, bone marrow, connective tissue and total volumetric densities were greater in the PP group (p < 0.001, p = 0.001, p = 0.003 and p < 0.001, respectively). No differences were observed in the relative area parameters. Total tissue volume and bone volume were higher in the PP group (p = 0.031 and p = 0.076, respectively), while the bone mineral densities were higher in the C group (p = 0.041 and p = 0.003, respectively). Trabecular number, trabecular thickness and trabecular separation values were similar between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS Regeneration of vertical alveolar bone ridge defects may be enhanced by activation of the periosteum, without the application of bone grafting materials

    Addition of Synthetic Biomaterials to Deproteinized Bovine Bone Mineral (DBBM) for Bone Augmentation-A Preclinical In Vivo Study.

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    (1) Aim: To investigate the effect of synthetic bone substitutes, α-tricalcium phosphate (α-TCP) or bi-layered biphasic calcium-phosphate (BBCP) combined with deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM), on bone formation. (2) Methods: Thirty critical size defects were randomly treated with the following five different treatment modalities: (1) negative control (NC, empty), (2) DBBM, (3) α-TCP + DBBM (1:1), (4) BBCP 3%HA/97%α-TCP + DBBM (1:1), and (5) BBCP 6%HA/94%α-TCP + DBBM (1:1). The samples, at four weeks post-surgery, were investigated by micro-CT and histological analysis. (3) Results: A similar level of new bone formation was demonstrated in the DBBM with α-TCP bone substitute groups when compared to the negative control by histomorphometry. DBBM alone showed significantly lower new bone area than the negative control (p = 0.0252). In contrast to DBBM, the micro-CT analysis revealed resorption of the α-TCP + DBBM, BBCP 3%HA/97%α-TCP + DBBM and BBCP 6%HA/94%α-TCP + DBBM, as evidenced by a decrease of material density (p = 0.0083, p = 0.0050 and p = 0.0191, respectively), without changing their volume. (4) Conclusions: New bone formation was evident in all defects augmented with biomaterials, proving the osteoconductive properties of the tested material combinations. There was little impact of the HA coating degree on α-TCP in bone augmentation potential and material resorption for four weeks when mixed with DBBM
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