15 research outputs found

    The Contribution of Lean Management—Industry 4.0 Technologies to Improving Energy Efficiency

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    The current socio-economic and environmental context obliges companies to increase their energy efficiency to be competitive, and the development of Industry 4.0 technologies should contribute to improve it. This article analyses the influence of Industry 4.0 technologies on energy efficiency and the mediation of quality management of production process variables. After a descriptive analysis, a correlation and regression analysis is presented using information from 72 projects for the integration of Industry 4.0 technologies in industrial companies. At a global level, it is confirmed that the four technology groups (Artificial Vision and Artificial Intelligence, Additive Manufacturing and Robotics, Big Data and Advanced Analytics, and Internet of Things) contribute to improving energy efficiency by an average of 15–25% in the processes where they are integrated. In addition, the regression model determines that improved decision-making capabilities strongly mediate the achievement of higher energy efficiency.The researchers are part of the IT1691-22 research team of the Basque university system. This research work has had the support of the projects ZIRKBOTICS and SOFIA, both R&D&I Projects of the Euskampus Foundation Programme: “Resilience COVID-19”

    Exploring the influence of industry 4.0 technologies on the circular economy

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    In the last decade, both Industry 4.0 technologies and the circular economy have expanded exponentially and they have received epistemological attention. However, there is a lack of studies about the influence that each of these technologies has on the main areas of action covered by the circular economy. This study responds to this gap by investigating the influence of the major technologies: Additive Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Vision, Big Data and Advanced Analytics, Cybersecurity, Internet of Things, Robotics, and Virtual and Augmented Reality on the main areas of action covered by the circular economy. Namely, reduction of inputs consumption, reuse, recovery, recycling and reduction of waste and emissions. An initial study, based on a survey of 120 project managers, and a multiple case study of 27 projects, through 31 personal interviews and review of internal and external documentation have been conducted in order to investigate the real influence of each technology on the circular economy. Overall, the results confirm the existence of a wide range of influences that Industry 4.0 technologies offer to companies for improved circularity. These improvements are mainly related to reduce material and energy consumption, and waste and emissions generation. However, there are important differences between the potential impacts of each technology. In particular, there is most evidence of the positive impact of additive manufacturing and robotics. Likewise, the results obtained suggest the need to continue exploring the new impacts generated by the continuous development and integration of technologies.This study was funded by the Basque Autonomous Government (Research Group GIC 15/176) and the project METASTANDARDS, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI). We also acknowledge the technical and human support provided by Circular Economy UniversityCompany Classroom (Faculty of Engineering Gipuzkoa, UPV/EHU, Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa)

    Willingness to Pay for Improved Operations and Maintenance Services of Gravity-Fed Water Schemes in Idjwi Island (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

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    Developing understanding of the economic value that communities ascribe to improved operations and maintenance (O&M) services has emerged as a key factor in achieving financial sustainability for rural water systems. The present study elicits household willingness to pay (WTP) for improved O&M services in eight gravity-fed water schemes in Idjwi Island (Democratic Republic of the Congo, DRC). A contingent valuation survey was implemented through an open-ended format questionnaire to 1105 heads of household and a log-linear regression model was employed to assess the factors influencing higher values. Findings show an average willingness to pay of 327 Congolese Francs (CDF) per month and 36 CDF per bucket. Results also indicate a significant WTP differential among studied schemes. The analysis of the conditioning factors reveals that the level of excludability, the participation in management meetings and the time employed in fetching water from an improved source are contingent with their WTP. The findings of this study are important for development agents trying to establish acceptable, affordable and practicable tariffs that help finance reliable rural water systems in Idjwi.This research was funded by ICLI and the University of the Basque Country

    How Do Technologies Based on Cyber–Physical Systems Affect the Environmental Performance of Products? A Comparative Study of Manufacturers’ and Customers’ Perspectives

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    In the academic literature, there are studies that link the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies with an improvement in product-related circular economy indicators. However, there are scarce studies carried out in business contexts that analyse the degree, the stage of the life cycle and the value given to these improvements by customers and Industry 4.0 technology manufacturers. To contribute to clarifying these fields, a multiple-case study of nineteen technology manufacturers has been conducted, with input from the experience of venture clients as users and active participants in a shared project. Both manufacturers and their customers agree that Industry 4.0 technologies have a positive impact on circular economy. Benefits depend on the type of technology and its application and are mainly concentrated in the manufacturing phase. Additive manufacturing appears to be the technology with the greatest potential to influence circular economy, but customers also highlight the influence of augmented/virtual reality. Most manufacturers and customers emphasise the biggest influence is on reducing material consumption. This serves to improve the critical variables of market positioning by reducing product costs. However, acquisition cost, as well as quality and safety specifications, are of greater importance to manufacturers and customers, which may limit the environmental benefits obtained

    Trend in environmental impact of the energy produced and distributed by wind power systems

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    Wind turbine (WT) manufacturers are focusing on reducing the cost of energy produced by new models; however, the same consideration has not been given to their environmental consequences, nor the academic literature. For these reasons, the case study focuses on the environmental performance of the energy generated and distributed by the models launched from 2010 to 2018 by a world-leading manufacturer. It has been shown that, in relation to the year of release, the impacts per kWh of electricity generated and distributed increase on annual average in the four categories of environmental impact analysed: Acidification potential, 11.3%; Eutrophication potential, 34.5%; Global warming potential, 7.8%; and Photochemical ozone, 3.2%. The "Raw material acquisition and WT manufacturing" phase accounts for 49% to 74% of the global impacts generated, depending on the model and the category analysed. This is mainly due to energy consumption in the manufacturing of blades and consumption of electrical and electronic components in cabinets and converter. In the "Construction of wind farms" phase, impacts vary between 21% and 41%. Transport, steel and concrete in the foundations and metals in the transmission network are the most critical aspects. In the “Operation and Maintenance" phase, impacts vary between 3.5% and 27%, but it is the phase with the highest growth in impact, mainly due to the replacement of larger blades. Finally, the "End of life" phase generates the lowest impact (between 0.3 and 4%). The research highlights the need to control the environmental impacts of all energy sources, including renewable energies.Eusko Jaularitz

    Adopción de Sistemas de Gestión de Ecodiseño en el sector de la construcción. Análisis de la perspectiva de los diferentes agentes involucrados

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    Partiendo de los resultados de un estudio de casos previo realizado con 9 estudios de arquitectura, hemos desarrollado una investigación cualitativa mediante un grupo de expertos tipo Delphi con objeto de analizar de las principales motivaciones, el proceso de adopción, los resultados y el grado de satisfacción obtenidos por los estudios de arquitectura y el resto de agentes que participan en el proceso de adopción del estándar ISO 14006. Entre los principales resultados, destacan las dificultades que tienen los estudios para obtener información medioambiental de las materias primas, el escaso reconocimiento medioambiental en relación al coste que otorga el cliente y el papel que tiene la administración pública impulsando programas de promoción, aumentando el nivel de exigencia de la legislación medioambiental y valorando aspectos medioambientales en los concursos públicos. Asimismo, es destacable que los principales agentes que intervienen en el proceso han mostrado un nivel de satisfacción medio o medio-alto.In order to analyze the main reasons, the adoption process, outcomes and satisfaction obtained by the architecture firms and other actors involved in the process of adopting the ISO 14006 eco-design standard, we developed a qualitative research using a Delphi type methodology, based on the results of a previous multiple case study research conducted with nine architecture firms. Among the main results, it should be highlighted the difficulties faced by architecture firms to obtain environmental information of raw materials, the poor recognition given by the client to environmental aspects compared with costs and the limited role of government supporting eco-design adoption, increasing the level of requirements of environmental legislation, and taking into account environmental issues in public tenders. It is also noteworthy the main stakeholders involved in the adoption and certification process of the ISO 14006 have demonstrated a medium or medium-high level of satisfaction

    Caracterización de las empresas de éxito de mercado e innovación en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco (CAPV)

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    [SPA] A lo largo de los últimos años, se ha profundizado en el estudio del crecimiento de la empresa, y es actualmente, en tiempos de una grave y profunda crisis económica, cuando el tema ha tomado mayor relevancia si cabe entre los responsables políticos, en el ámbito académico, consultores estratégicos, sociedades de inversión (capital riesgo, business angels…), y emprendedores, entre otros. Entre las empresas que crecen, son el subconjunto de empresas que crecen a ritmos elevados, y lo hacen además de forma prolongada las que presentan un especial interés. Por un lado, son grandes generadoras de empleo, con un fuerte potencial innovador, aspectos éstos intrínsecamente unidos a la capacidad para hacer nacer y crecer nuevas actividades de un país. Pero además, son empresas que proporcionan rendimientos elevados para los inversores, beneficios para los empresarios, y aportan mayor satisfacción y motivación a los trabajadores. Luego, conocer la realidad y el conjunto de características que distinguen a las empresas más dinámicas del resto resulta determinante para poder obtener conclusiones que permitan dar referencias sobres sus estrategias y contribuir de esta manera a mejorar la competitividad de la industria en CAPV, y por ende, de la economía vasca. El interés que suscitan las empresas que, en un periodo de tiempo definido, son capaces de mantener unas tasas de crecimiento marcadamente superiores al resto, ha traído consigo la proliferación de trabajos de investigación en torno al tema, con el fin último de extraer aquellos parámetros distintivos que, conjugados de forma concreta, determinan el éxito de dichas empresas. El periodo de análisis, de 2006 a 2009, comprende los últimos años de bonanza económica y el comienzo de la recesión que actualmente vivimos. Cabe por ello considerar los resultados con un interés especial, por cuanto se refieren a empresas excelentes, que aún a pesar de la honda y prolongada crisis económica y financiera, han sabido adecuarse a los tiempos y crecer con fuerza

    Adopting Ecodesign Management Systems in the construction sector. Analysis from the perspective of stakeholders

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    In order to analyze the main reasons, the adoption process, outcomes and satisfaction obtained by the architecture firms and other actors involved in the process of adopting the ISO 14006 eco-design standard, we developed a qualitative research using a Delphi type methodology, based on the results of a previous multiple case study research conducted with nine architecture firms. Among the main results, it should be highlighted the difficulties faced by architecture firms to obtain environmental information of raw materials, the poor recognition given by the client to environmental aspects compared with costs and the limited role of government supporting eco-design adoption, increasing the level of requirements of environmental legislation, and taking into account environmental issues in public tenders. It is also noteworthy the main stakeholders involved in the adoption and certification process of the ISO 14006 have demonstrated a medium or medium-high level of satisfaction

    Análisis del proceso de adopción de sistemas de gestión de ecodiseño en cooperativas del sector de bienes de equipo

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    The ISO 14006 standard eco-design or eco-design was created in 2011 to complement the successful ISO 14001 environmental management standard. There are a lot of references in the literature to analyze the process of adoption of ISO 14001; however, the eco-design standard has not received much attention. In this regard, in order to contribute to alleviate this deficiency, the aim of this article is to make an exploratory analysis on the process of adoption and integration of ISO 14006 in Management-Environmental Spanish cooperative enterprises that have pioneered do it statewide. After analysis of the main reasons that led companies to adopt the standard ISO 14006, research has focused on analyzing the impact of the adoption, both operationally and in terms of outcomes, in enterprises. In all, they are drawn a number of conclusions that are expected to be of interest both for companies and for other stakeholders, such as public decision makers who aim to establish policies aimed at improving efficiency in environmental management and resources.; La norma ISO 14006 de diseño ecológico o ecodiseño se creó en 2011 con el fin de complementar el estándar ISO 14001 de gestión medioambiental. Aunque hay una gran cantidad de referencias en la literatura que analizan el proceso de adopción de la ISO 14001, el estándar de ecodiseño no ha recibido tanta atención dado que no ha tenido la difusión esperada. A este respecto, con el fin de contribuir de paliar esta carencia, el objetivo de este artículo es realizar un análisis exploratorio sobre el proceso de adopción e integración de la ISO 14006 en la gestión ambiental de dos cooperativas vascas que han sido pioneras en hacerlo a nivel estatal. Tras el análisis de los principales motivos que han llevado a las empresas a adoptar la estándar ISO 14006, la investigación se ha centrado en el análisis del impacto de dicha adopción, tanto a nivel operativo como en términos de resultados, en las empresas. Con todo ello, sean extraído una serie de conclusiones que se esperan pueda ser de interés tanto para las empresas y para y a otros grupos de interés, tales como los decisores públicos que tienen como fin establecer políticas orientadas a la mejora de la eficiencia en la gestión medioambiental y de los recursos.; Diseinu ekologiko edo ekodiseinu ISO 14006 araua 2011an argitaratu zen, ingurugiroa kudeatzeko ISO 14001 araua osatzearren. Literaturan, ISO 14001 enpresetan ezarri eta ziurtatze prozesuari buruzko erreferentzia asko daude, ostera ISO 14006 arauaren inguruko erreferentziak gutxi dira, bere zabalkundea espero zena baino eskasagoa izan baita. Horregatik, artikulu honen asmoa bi euskal kooperatiba enpresen kudeaketa sisteman ISO 14006-ren ezarpen eta integrazio prozesuari buruzko azterketa erakustea da. Bi enpresa hauek aitzindariak dira arlo honetan. Hargatik, prozesua martxan jartzeko erabakiaren zergatiak, prozesua beraren nondik norakoak ISO 14006-ren araberako ziurtagiria erdietsi arte, eta lortutako emaitza ekonomikoak aztertu ditugu. Bereziki, ISO 14006-ren ezarpen eta integrazio prozesuaren eragina maila operatibo eta ekonomikoan arreta jarri dugu.Honi esker, ISO 14006 arauaren araberako kudeaketa sistema ezartzeko asmoa daukaten enpresentzat eta bere inguruko interes-taldeentzat, esaterako, ingurugiroaren eta baliabideen kudeaketa eraginkortasuna hobetzeko politika publikoak ezartzen dituzten erakundeentzat, interesgarriak izan daitezkeen ondorioak aurkezten ditugu

    Assessing the influence of industry 4.0 technologies on occupational health and safety

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    The aim of this article is to know the impact that the different Industry 4.0 technologies have on occupational health and safety risks, with special attention to the new emerging risks generated. To achieve this objective, an analysis of the literature was carried out. It allowed us to design a survey that was answered by 130 managers and/or technicians of pioneering companies in the development of Industry 4.0 technologies. Next, 32 of these projects were selected and a multiple case study was conducted through 37 in-depth interviews. Moreover, other source of information were analysed (project reports, technical reports, websites..).The findings highlight that the analysed technologies (Additive Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Vision, Big Data and/or Advanced Analytics, Cybersecurity, Internet of Things, Robotics and Virtual and Augmented Reality) help to reduce occupational health and safety risks (physical and mechanical). However, its impact depends on the type of technology and the method of application. Influences in new emerging risks (mainly psychosocial and mechanical) have been detected in all technologies except in Internet of Things. In addition, additive manufacturing, artificial intelligence, machine vision, the internet of things, robotics and virtual and augmented reality help to reduce ergonomic risks and artificial intelligence, big data and cybersecurity psychosocial risks. The results obtained have implications for policy makers, managers, consultants and those in charge of managing occupational health and safety risks in industrial companies