259 research outputs found

    Reconfiguration de l'espace culturel Ă  Cuba

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

    Utilisation du biochar enrichi comme agent de bioremédiation des déversements pétroliers en milieu cÎtier : une nouvelle voie de valorisation des coproduits marins et forestiers

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    RÉSUMÉ: Lors de dĂ©versements pĂ©troliers cĂŽtiers, l'efficacitĂ© des techniques d'intervention est principalement limitĂ©e par l'Ă©paisseur de la nappe de pĂ©trole. Lorsqu'elle n'est qu'une fine couche iridescente, la rĂ©cupĂ©ration des hydrocarbures rĂ©siduels devient coĂ»teuse Ă©tant donnĂ© les quantitĂ©s importantes d'eau huileuse collectĂ©es. La biodĂ©gradation du pĂ©trole par les microorganismes hydrocarbonoclastes est alors l'ultime voie d'Ă©limination des hydrocarbures et est nettement diminuĂ©e en conditions hivernales. Ce travail vise Ă  dĂ©velopper un adsorbant pĂ©trolier novateur permettant la prolifĂ©ration de bactĂ©ries hydrocarbonoclastes afin de stimuler la dĂ©gradation des hydrocarbures. Le premier objectif est de confirmer la prĂ©sence de bactĂ©ries hydrocarbonoclastes dans l'estuaire maritime du Saint-Laurent en conditions hivernales par des analyses de metabarcoding. Cette Ă©tude a identifiĂ© onze genres bactĂ©riens hydrocarbonoclastes. Le deuxiĂšme objectif est de dĂ©montrer le potentiel d'un biochar, issu de la pyrolyse de biomasse forestiĂšre, enrichi par un hydrolysat de maquereau (peuplier450-EN) comme agent de bioremĂ©diation du pĂ©trole brut Heidrun. Cette maĂźtrise propose un protocole permettant de dĂ©terminer la capacitĂ© intrinsĂšque d'adsorption du pĂ©trole par le biochar. Le potentiel adsorbant de six biochars bruts (Ă©pinette blanche, peuplier faux-tremble et biomasse forestiĂšre confondue) pyrolysĂ©s Ă  400°C et 450°C a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ© et ils sont tous similaires. Le biochar de peuplier pyrolysĂ© Ă  450 °C (peuplier450) possĂšde une capacitĂ© d'adsorption intrinsĂšque du pĂ©trole de 0,83 ± 0,04 g de pĂ©trole /g de biochar et le biochar peuplier450-EN de 0,53 ± 0,16 g/g. Une expĂ©rience de bioremĂ©diation in vitro du pĂ©trole Heidrun par la souche bactĂ©rienne hydrocarbonoclaste Alcanivorax borkumensis a permis de comparer l'effet des biochars peuplier450 et peuplier450-EN sur les taux de biodĂ©gradation. Les ratios diagnostiques n-C17/pristane et n-C18/phytane ont dĂ©montrĂ© une biodĂ©gradation similaire pour ces deux biochars. La biocolonisation des grains de biochar a Ă©tĂ© visualisĂ©e par microscopie Ă  balayage Ă©lectronique. Ces biochars permettent la croissance bactĂ©rienne Ă  leur surface et dans leurs interstices. Ainsi, l'utilisation du biochar peuplier450 permettrait un retrait des hydrocarbures rĂ©siduels et contribuerait Ă  l'attĂ©nuation naturelle d'un dĂ©versement pĂ©trolier. Un tel adsorbant serait un atout pour la gestion des dĂ©versements pĂ©troliers en milieux cĂŽtiers comme la voie maritime du Saint-Laurent. -- Mot(s) clĂ©(s) en français : Biochar, coproduits de transformation du bois, Alcanivorax Borkumensis, biostimulation, biodĂ©gradation, pĂ©trole brut, hydrolysat de maquereau, adsorbant pĂ©trolier, capacitĂ© d'adsorption intrinsĂšque, bactĂ©ries hydrocarbonoclastes. -- ABSTRACT: In coastal oil spills, the effectiveness of response techniques is mainly limited by the thickness of the oil slick. When it is only a thin iridescent layer, the recovery of residual hydrocarbons becomes costly given the large amounts of oily water collected. The biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons by hydrocarbonoclastic microorganisms is then their ultimate route of elimination and is markedly reduced in winter conditions. This work aims to develop an innovative petroleum adsorbent allowing the proliferation of hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria to stimulate the biodegradation of hydrocarbons.The first objective is to confirm the presence of hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria in the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary under winter conditions by metabarcoding analysis. This study identified eleven hydrocarbonoclastic bacterial genera. The second objective is to demonstrate the potential of a biochar, derived from wood pyrolysis, enriched with mackerel hydrolyzate (poplar 450-EN) as a bioremediation agent for Heidrun crude oil. This paper proposes a protocol to determine the intrinsic oil adsorption capacity by the biochar. Thus, the adsorbing potential of six biochars (white spruce, poplar and combined forest biomass, pyrolyzed at 400 °C and 450 °C) was determined and they are all similar. Poplar biochar pyrolyzed at 450 °C (poplar450) has an intrinsic oil adsorption capacity of 0.83 ± 0.04 g crude oil / g biochar and the poplar450-EN of 0.53 ± 0.16 g/g. An in vitro bioremediation experiment of Heidrun crude oil by the hydrocarbonoclastic bacterial strain Alcanivorax borkumensis allowed to compare the effect of poplar450 and poplar450-EN biochars on biodegradation rates. The diagnostic ratios n-C17/pristane et n-C18/phytane showed similar biodegradation for these two biochars. The visualization of the biocolonization of biochar grains by scanning electron microscopy indicates that these two biochars allow bacterial growth on their surface and in their interstices.Thus, the biochar poplar450 allows the removal of residual hydrocarbons and contributes to the natural attenuation of an oil spill. This adsorbent would be an asset for the management of oil spills in coastal environments such as the St. Lawrence Seaway. -- Mot(s) clĂ©(s) en anglais : Biochar, wood processing by-products, Alcanivorax Borkumensis, biostimulation, biodegradation, crude oil, mackerel hydrolyzate, petroleum adsorbent, intrinsic oil adsorption capacity, hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria

    Plant Viruses as Nanoparticle-Based Vaccines and Adjuvants.

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    International audienceVaccines are considered one of the greatest medical achievements in the battle against infectious diseases. However, the intractability of various diseases such as hepatitis C, HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, and cancer poses persistent hurdles given that traditional vaccine-development methods have proven to be ineffective; as such, these challenges have driven the emergence of novel vaccine design approaches. In this regard, much effort has been put into the development of new safe adjuvants and vaccine platforms. Of particular interest, the utilization of plant virus-like nanoparticles and recombinant plant viruses has gained increasing significance as an effective tool in the development of novel vaccines against infectious diseases and cancer. The present review summarizes recent advances in the use of plant viruses as nanoparticle-based vaccines and adjuvants and their mechanism of action. Harnessing plant-virus immunogenic properties will enable the design of novel, safe, and efficacious prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines against disease

    Conception d'une méthode standardisée pour évaluer la flexibilité de la colonne vertébrale

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    La planification de l'instmmentation de la scoliose idiopathique est basĂ©e principalement sur la flexibilitĂ© rachidienne. Cependant, aucun test conventionnel n'Ă©value rĂ©ellement la flexibilitĂ© du rachis, puisque les forces impliquĂ©es dans la rĂ©duction des courbes scoliotiques ne sont pas considĂ©rĂ©es. L'objectif principal est donc de dĂ©velopper une mĂ©thode standardisĂ©e afin de mesurer la flexibilitĂ© de la colonne vertĂ©brale in vivo. Les objectifs secondaires sont de dĂ©velopper une mĂ©thode permettant de connaĂźtre les forces externes appliquĂ©es sur le patient lors du test, dĂ©velopper un protocole de test standardisĂ© et comparer la mobilitĂ© intervertĂ©brale obtenue Ă  l'aide de la nouvelle mĂ©thode avec celle acquise lors du test d'inflexion latĂ©rale maximale volontaire. La mĂ©thodologie a Ă©tĂ© basĂ©e sur les principes d'ingĂ©nierie de conception pour la qualitĂ©. Deux concepts prometteurs ont Ă©tĂ© retenus suite au remue-mĂ©ninge, la suspension et l'hyper-extension en dĂ©cubitus dorsal. Chaque concept a Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©, suite Ă  une Ă©tude clinique, au test conventionnel d'inflexion latĂ©rale maximal volontaire en ce qui conceme la rĂ©duction des angles de Cobb et la dĂ©rotation de la vertĂšbre apicale. De plus, les forces en jeu ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©es pour ces deux concepts, ce qui a permis de calculer des indices de flexibilitĂ© dans les deux cas. Ensuite, le concept de suspension et d'hyper-extension ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©es entre eux, par l'intermĂ©diaire d'un barĂšme d'Ă©valuation, afin de retenir la solution la plus prometteuse. Le concept retenu est la suspension. La rĂ©duction moyenne des courbes [26'^ (39%)] est similaire Ă  celle obtenue avec le test d'inflexion latĂ©rale [21° (37%)]. Toutefois, la dĂ©rotation de la vertĂšbre apicale [7° (28%)] est nettement supĂ©rieure [3° (12%)]. Les indices de flexibilitĂ© (1,64°/Nm pour le plan frontal et 0,51°/Nm pour le plan axial) sont en accord avec les rĂ©sultats obtenus lors d'Ă©tudes in vitro. Le test de suspension fournit davantage d'information que les tests conventionnels, puisqu'il prend en considĂ©ration les forces en jeu. Ce test devrait donc ĂȘtre prĂ©fĂ©rĂ© au test d'inflexion latĂ©rale. La notion de flexibilitĂ© peut aider Ă  amĂ©liorer la planification du traitement orthopĂ©dique de la scoliose idiopathique par une meilleure connaissance des forces requises dans chaque plan pour corriger les dĂ©formations

    The papaya mosaic virus (PapMV) nanoparticles; a promising tool in vaccine development.

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    There is a major need for the development of new technologies that will facilitate the speed of development of vaccine and show a very high safety profile. In the last 10 years, we have developed a new toll like receptor agonist (TLR) that can trigger innate immunity follow by a strong adaptive immune response. This new agonist targets specifically the TLR7/8 in the endosome of the immune cells. It is made of the coat protein (CP) of a plant virus self-assembled around an RNA that forms flexuous rod-shape nanoparticles of 15x100nm. The highly repetitive and crystalline nature of the nanoparticles are attractive to immune cells leading to its internalization into the endosome where the nanoparticles is broken down by the harsh conditions of this compartment which liberate the RNA that trigger TLR7/8 to induce innate immunity. Therefore, we can use those nanoparticles as an adjuvant and improve the immune response to an antigen or as an immune modulator through the trigger of innate immunity that can induce protection to viral infection or improve the immune response to tumour. Finally, we have showed that we can engineered the nanoparticles into a vaccine platform through fusion of B or T cell epitope at its surface and elicits an efficient and protective immune response to the fused epitope. We will discuss the advantage of using this platform in vaccine development or cancer immunotherapy and show several examples where it has been shoed to be efficient and promising

    Expression of Viral Antigen by the Liver Leads to Chronic Infection Through the Generation of Regulatory T Cells

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    Referred to by David E. Kaplan " Does Massive Antigen Burden Allow Hepatic Viruses to Induce Regulatory T Cells and Their Tolerance and Persistence?" CMGH Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Volume 1, Issue 3, May 2015, Pages 259-261International audienceThe constant exposure of the liver to food and bacterial antigens through the mesenteric circulation requires it to maintain tolerance while preserving the ability to mount an effective immune response against pathogens. We investigated the contribution of the liver's tolerogenic nature on the establishment of chronic viral infections. Methods: TTR-NP mice, which express the nucleoprotein (NP) of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) specifically in hepatocytes under control of a modified transthyretin (TTR) promoter, were infected with the Armstrong (Arm) or WE acute strains of LCMV. Results: The infection persisted for at least 147 days in TTR-NP mice. Expression of NP by the liver induced a strong peripheral tolerance against NP that was mediated by interleukin-10-secreting CD4+ regulatory T cells, leading to high PD-1 (programmed death-1) expression and reduced effector function of virus-specific T cells. Despite an active immune response against LCMV, peripheral tolerance against a single viral protein was sufficient to induce T-cell exhaustion and chronic LCMV Armstrong (Arm) or WE infection by limiting the antiviral T-cell response in an otherwise immunocompetent host. Regulatory T-cell depletion of chronically infected TTR-NP mice led to functional restoration of LCMV-specific CD4+ and CD8+ Tcell responses and viral clearance. Conclusions: Expression of a viral antigen by hepatocytes can induce a state of peripheral tolerance mediated by regulatory Tcells that can lead to the establishment of a chronic viral infection. Strategies targeting regulatory T cells in patients chronically infected with hepatotropic viruses could represent a promising approach to restore functional antiviral immunity and clear infection

    Transcriptomic analysis of the exit from dormancy of Aspergillus fumigatus conidia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Establishment of aspergillosis is depending upon the exit from dormancy and germination of the conidia of <it>Aspergillus fumigatus </it>in the lung. To gain an understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the early steps of conidial germination, we undertook a transcriptomic analysis using macroarrays constructed with PCR fragments from > 3,000 genes (around one third of the annotated <it>A</it>. <it>fumigatus </it>genome).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Major results of this analysis are the following: (i) conidia stored pre-packaged mRNAs transcripts (27% of genes have transcripts in the resting conidia; (ii) incubation at 37°C in a nutritive medium induced up- and down-regulation of genes: 19% of the total number of genes deposited on the array were up-regulated whereas 22% of the genes with pre-packaged mRNA in the resting conidia were down-regulated; (iii) most modifications were seen during the first 30 min of germination whereas very little modification of gene expression occurred during the following hour; (iv) one-year old conidia and one-week old conidia behaved similarly at transcriptional level.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Transcriptomic data indicate that the exit from dormancy is associated with a shift from a fermentative metabolism to a respiratory metabolism as well as a trend toward immediate protein synthesis.</p

    Étude sur la prĂ©servation des abeilles sauvages du Kauwberg (Uccle) dans une perspective de dĂ©veloppement agricole et ludo-sportif du site

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    Principaux constats · 95 espĂšces d’abeilles sauvages ainsi que 62 espĂšces de syrphes ont Ă©tĂ© recensĂ©es au sein du site du Kauwberg entre les annĂ©es 2020 et 2021. · Sur l’ensemble de la richesse d’abeilles sauvages, 15 espĂšces sont menacĂ©es (statut de liste rouge nationale) au sein du Kauwberg : une espĂšce en danger d’extinction, deux en situation vulnĂ©rables, dix en statuts presque menacĂ©es et deux dont les donnĂ©es sont dĂ©ficientes. · Sur l’ensemble de la richesse d’abeilles sauvages, 15 espĂšces sont oligolectiques et 80 polylectiques · N’ayant pas de liste rouge pour les espĂšces de syrphes de Belgique, 10 espĂšces enregistrĂ©es sont Ă  considĂ©rer comme rares Ă  trĂšs rares, ce qui dĂ©montre une nouvelle fois que le site du Kauwberg accueille riche biodiversitĂ© de pollinisateurs ; aucune n’est toutefois considĂ©rĂ©e en danger Ă  l’échelle europĂ©enne. · Les milieux ouverts et les potagers se rĂ©vĂšlent ĂȘtre les plus riches et abondants en abeilles sauvages. · Au sein des habitats ouverts et potagers, une dominance se dessine vis-Ă -vis d’Apis mellifera, omniprĂ©sente dans cette zone naturelle protĂ©gĂ©e. Recommandations de gestion · Constituer des bandes fleuries adaptĂ©es Ă  ces espĂšces d’abeilles oligolectiques et/ou menacĂ©es d’extinction. · Maintenir et Ă©difier de zones de nidification d’espĂšces oligolectiques et/ou menacĂ©es d’extinction : bois mort, zones dĂ©pourvues de vĂ©gĂ©tation orientĂ©es plein Sud (sabliĂšre, lisiĂšre de forĂȘt
) · Maintenir une activitĂ© maraĂźchĂšre dans le site, importante par la diversitĂ© floristique que ces micro-habitats proposent. · Maintenir les buttes artificiellement construites pour les activitĂ©s de dirtbike, utiles pour les nids des insectes/abeilles terricoles. · RĂ©duire la pression exercĂ©e par l’apiculture en rĂ©duisant voire supprimant les ruches prĂ©sentes directement sur le site. · Ouvrir le versant Ouest de la sabliĂšre pour augmenter l’opportunitĂ© de nidification des abeilles terricoles avec une mise en dĂ©fens du lieu de Mars Ă  Octobre de chaque annĂ©e pour aider Ă  la conservation et rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration de ces bourgades
