10 research outputs found

    Determination of nickel and cobalt accumulation in edible tissues of Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) of the Anzali Wetland

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    This study was conducted to measure the accumulation of heavy metals (Co and Ni) in the edible tissues of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and comparison with international standards of FAO and FDA. Samples were caught from the West, Centre and East part of Anzali Wetland in autumn of 2012. Accumulations of heavy metals were measured by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The level of nickel in the West, Centre and East part of Anzali wetland was in permissible range. Cobalt was not observed in carp fish of western wetland. But, concentration of cobalt was not showed any significant differences compared with standard levels of FDA and FAO in East and Centre parts of wetland (p>0.05). The results showed that there were not significant differences of the cobalt and nickel in the tissues of carp among stations (p>0.05). According to the results, carp which caught from Western, Central and Eastern part of Anzali Wetland are suitable for human consumption

    Improvement the texture properties and acceptability of silver carp investigation on possibility of burger by addition pectin in the fish burger material

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    In this study the physical properties of silver carp burger over a period of six months at a temperature of -18 ċ were studied using pectin. Indicators such as hardness texture, juiciness, flavor and overall acceptance of the product containing. The product were evaluated using qualified assessors، the microbial, chemical markers to evaluate the qualitative change such as peroxide treatments, total volatile nitrogen bases ، total count of bacteria and examined psychotropic of tests six months of treatments carried out on a monthly basis. The results indicate that the addition of pectin 0.3 percent of total admissions acceptance of burgers tissue was obtained and significant differences are. The chemical test results were also increased with storage time burger in refrigerators -18 degrees. Range of volatile nitrogen bases out of 15.2±1.2 at the time of 26/5±1.17 mg/100, the peroxide from 0.6±0.61 to 3/56±0.6 meq/kg of oxygen was. Thus despite a significant increase in indicators of physical Chemical and sensory evaluation of texture analysis. In the past six months storage period of -18 degrees, burger productive uses of pectin 0/3 percent of the limit between acceptable and will was

    Study the added value and acceptance of fish patty produced by FPC of Abramis brama

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    Abrams brama distribution in the Caspian and most of it is in the Anzali lagon. Completed in the rivers to spawn or hibernate done, hibernation mass takes place in the well of the rivers, which feed the crustaceans, mollusks and aquatic insects are born. This fish is almost vertical and is able to search for food in the mud in shallow waters and residents due to competition for food with other species of plankton and plants inevitably feed. This fish has an economic value and good taste for meat consumption has become common. Fish patty prepared food that is easy to cook and good demand. The benefits of fish patty are the most of fresh fish, good use of raw materials, availability of several species of fish in the product, socio-economic benefits for fishermen and fishing industry, product nutritional value and high in protein rejection. Fish Protein Concentrate is a healthy food products, durable and of high nutritional value of fish and hygienic manner in which the protein and other nutrients found in fresh fish and more compact than the long-term maintenance and diverse the second is for the production of food products. The study aimed at producing FPC type A string of fish, fish cakes prepared by the FPC obtained and reviewed the nutritional value, acceptance and endurance cookies generated at room temperature for one month . After examination of the nutritional value, shelf-life tests using factors of corruption, TVB-N, pH, TBArs and sensory tests showed that the most important indicator of the value of food, especially protein product treatments with better FPC and the factors corruption is not much difference between 5% FPC and blank treatment. The final product is important in terms of nutritional value and shelf life, group 2 has a significant difference with other treatments and the final product can be made on the basis of treatment 2

    Compare the quality fish paste production of Kilka (Clupeonella cultriventris) and Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)

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    Qualitative changes in the fish spread a mixture of minced meat, fish Kilka (Clupeonella cultiventris) and silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) in pasteurized. Fish spread of fish products ready for consumption with soft tissue, such as butter is very good in the world market, ready to use paste of fish production due to the variety, taste good, able to use for all ages in the community a special place in the fisheries industry countries are active in the field of fisheries products. The valuable features of this product, it is possible to produce fish midget, cheap, circumstantial fished, farmed fish, waste and waste from the fish processing factories are notably food production of fish protein sources that have the flavor is very suitable for all age groups was the research goals, in order to process the cream edible fillets and minced meat (minced fish) cultured fish silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and fish in the Caspian Sea Kilka (Clupeonella cultriventris) are treated as a combination of four: 1. Silver carp minced meat 100% +30% filler +1% spice, thickeners, improved color, taste 2. Kilka minced meat 100% +30% filler +1% spice, thickeners, improved color, taste 3. Kilka and Silver carp minced meat 50+50 % +30% filler +1% spice, thickeners, improved color, taste 4. Silver carp and Kilka minced meat 75+25 % +30% filler +1% spice, thickeners, improved color, taste 5. Silver carp and Kilka minced meat 25+75 % +30% filler +1% spice, thickeners, improved color, taste. After the initial blanching minced meat (80oc temperature for 3 min) were processed, heat resistant glass samples processed at the full weight of 50 g were, after a hot air steam, capping has been pasteurized for 60 minutes at 80oc, after a hot air steam, capping has been pasteurized for 60 minutes at 80oc and the results show, treatment 100% Silver carp minced fish +30% filler +1% spice, thickeners, improved color, taste better than other treatments and data was significant (P<0.05)

    Investigation on the effects of quick and slow freezing on quality of tilapia meat

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    In this study, quality of fresh, slow frozen and quick frozen tilapia (gutted and) fillets and its changes during storage at -18°C were investigated. For preparation the samples, fresh tilapia fillets were frozen by slow and quick frozen methods. Slow frozen samples were prepared by storing the packed fillets directly in the -18°C. The sprila freezing tunle with -30C° was also used for preparation the quick frozen sample. The quick frozen samples were then stored at -18C for six months. Proximate composition, fatty acid profiles, TBA, PV, TVN, Total cuont, Drip loss, and sensory evaluation of the samples were determined in every month. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was used for study on the effects of the frozen condition on the microstructure of the fillets. Results indicated that two different frozen methods had significantly different effects on the quality of the samples. Most of the proximate composition (protein, moistre and fat) reduced during the storage. Quick frozen samples had significantly (P<0.05) lower reduction than slow frozen samples. All of the chemical quality indexes (PV, TBA, and TVN) increased during the storage as compered to the fresh samples. In these paramethers, the slow freezing had higher changes than quick freezing metods (P<0.05). The microbial properties of the samples showed decrese during the storage. Lower amont of total cuont was observed at the end of the storage time in the quick frozen samples than slow frozen once (P<0.05). The large changes in the fatty acid profiles of the sample were fond in all samples. During the storage SFA and MUF of the samples increased however, the PUFA decresed. A lower change was obseved in the quick frozen samples than slow frozen samples (P<0.05). Drip loss was increased in both frozen samples during the storage period. The percentage of the drip in the slow frozen samples was significantly higer than quick frozen samples (P<0.05). SEM micrographs were also showed that the chnges in the microstructur of the samples was different in the slow and frozen samples. Slow freezing methods had higher damge in the microstructure of the sample then quick freezing mathods. Sensory evaluation of the samples indicated that a better acceptability in the quick frozen samples than slow frozen sample (P<0.05)

    Laboratories risks evaluation in national fish processing research center laboratories

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    Risks assessment of laboratories of National Fish Processing Research Center was done in 2014 and 2015 to determine the risk factors, potential risks and provide action plans to prevent the occurrence of any risks and increasing awareness of staff to safety issues. All laboratories: Chemistry, Microbiology, sensitive assessment and physical were visited and all factors were evaluated. The method for evaluation was with Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) methods. The assessment process was designed and implemented in two phases, the first phase was the current situation of safety indexes, risks identification and distance to laboratory safety parameters included: working environment, physical factors, test methods and the human factors were done, then risk assessment and risk management of identified risks were followed by check list forms. The second phase was based on the findings, control measures and safety guidelines were done and provided. the highest risk score related to Microbiology laboratory with RPN 540 and then chemistry 360, because of the nature of sensory laboratory was not evaluated and There was no experiments in the physics laboratory and was ignored. After control measures, the risk number of laboratories decreased as follows: Microbiology to 18, chemistry to 12

    Survey of handling and freezing storage effects on quality of Aras dam's fresh water crayfish meat (Astacus leptodactylus)

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    Sampling for this study was carried out at the freshwater crayfish fishing season (May to December ) from the selected packs made from one of the harvesting centers at the first day ( harvesting and packing ) until the seventh day ( the export time ) using registered number to determine the handling effect ( live ) and changes in chemical and microbial indices in tail fillet stored at -18 ° C at days 1 and every 15 days considering 1 treatment and 3 replicates. The comparison of results mean (±SE) of the effects of handling on tested indices showed a significant reduction of protein percentage (dry weight) of tail filet at day 7 (13/85 ± 0/07) comparing with fishing day (16/1 ± 0/05) ( (p 0.05). Comparison of the mean (±SE) of total bacterial count (log CFU / g) and psychrophilic bacteria at different periods of tail fillet storage at - 18 °C showed significant differences at day1 ( 3.48 ± 0.00 and 1.0± 0.00) compared to day 180 ( 6.86± 0.85 and 6.75± 0.25) , respectively(p>0.05) .Comparison of Mean (±SE) of chemical indices for first day with day 180 were thiobarbituric acid ( mg malondialdehyde /kg ) (0.19/0 ± 0/07) and (1/45 ± 0/25), peroxide ( meq oxygen/ kg fat ) (0/81 ± 0/21) and (2/2 ± 0/3), total volatile basic nitrogen ( mg per 100 g fillet ) (13/21 ± 1/01) and (26/6 ± 1 / 40) and acidity (6/26 ± 0/08) and (6/55 ± 0/05), respectively which showed significant differences with each other (p < 0.05). Therefore, cited to the results of microbiological and chemical parameters, maximum shelf life longetivity of freshwater crayfish tail fillets packaged in the air is recommended as 5 months after freezing at – 18 °C

    Road-map of aquatic-food processing development of I.R. of IRAN

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    Scientific and practical planning for achieving the lofty goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the framework of development plan of 1404 is the requirement to achieve sustainable development. Establishing roadmap of industries and products was considered by the scientific and technology office of the deputy president, in order to achieve the abovementioned objectives and in line with the national scientific comprehensive map. Therefore, present study was conducted as the roadmap of national aquatic-food processing development using available approved documents e.g. Iran perspective of 1404, fifth developing plan of I.R. of Iran, developing plan of Iranian fisheries organization in 1400 and the available approved statistical data. Current perspective of the aquatic-food processing is presented at the first chapter of the study. The second chapter reviewed the problems and obstacles. Third chapter tabulated the published studies and researches in fish handling and processing so far. Finally fourth chapter recommends executive and research projects considering quantitative and qualitative objectives of Iran 1400 plan as well as fifth developing plan of Shilat-Iran (Iranian fisheries organization). Authors hope the study to be useful in the national planning of I. R. of Iran in the future