29 research outputs found

    Toward the Typology of Traditional Instrumental Music of Serbia

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    This paper contains an overview of the research on traditional instrumental music in Serbia with a special focus on the latent ideas regarding typology. Namely, in comparison with traditional songs, instrumental music has not been thoroughly researched. Consequently, there is neither comprehensive systematization nor explicit typology of instrumental music. Meanwhile, the marginalization of some instruments in folklore practice has led to almost disappearance of particular genres and instrumental music styles and to the new problem of typology with historical dimension, i.e. inclusion of tradition’s dynamism. The main goal is the reaffirmation of that kind of thinking in Serbian ethnomusicological circles and the advocacy of systematization and typology in current and future projects

    Singing to the Accompaniment of the Gusle in Serbia: A Living Ancient Performing Art

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    A story about singing to the accompaniment of the gusle, an element of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) of Serbia inscribed in the Representative List of the ICH of Humanity in 2018, particularly regarding its safeguarding, is an illustration of the close connection between traditional folk art, education and science. In Serbia, the gusle – a simple, folk, singlestringed instrument – primarily accompanies songs about events from the legendary past, both from the distant and near history, of mythical and historical heroes. The key actor is the guslar – an epic singer who accompanies himself on the gusle. However, the presence of an auditorium – a social context – is an essential condition for this communication with ritual elements. Consequently, such art practice contributes to cohesive relationships in the community and becomes a constructive part of its identityEdited by European Music Council, Haus der Kultur, Bonn, German

    The Phonoarchive of the Institute of Musicology SASA: A Product and a Protagonist of the State Science and Cultural Policy

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    The subject of attention is the relation between the content-specific and dependent archive of the Institute of Musicology SASA (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts), the research praxes in ethnomusicology and musicology directly connected with the archive, and state politics, which influenced those praxes. The analysis of the history and content confirms the importance of this archive not only for the purpose of studying national cultural history, but also for the history of the aforementioned disciplines. The collection of traditional music recordings, “ethnomusicological phonoarchive” is especially indicative. Focusing on that part of the archive, it becomes possible not only to perceive the methodological development of national ethnomusicology, but also to comprehend the politics of research in this field in Serbia – from the hierarchy of social and cultural environments and acoustic expressions, to the politics of analyzing the relation between music and identity. Given that the Institute of Musicology SASA has been the only state funded institution of that type ever since its founding, perceiving the causal bond between the traditional music collections and development stages of the Serbian society is expected. As a part of contemporary scientific policy, the usage and the development of the archive collections potential through digitalization and the affirmation of possibilities in the domain of applied ethnomusicology, will also be represented.Book of Abstracts. Conference dedicated to the Centenary of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Finland. Vilnius 17-19 October 2018. Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore

    Zvoki manjšin kot predmet etnomuzikoloških raziskav v Srbiji

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    Even though the minority sounds have been a part of traditional music research as early as the pioneer stages of Serbian ethnomusicology, a comprehensive overview of these projects is still non-existent. Growing attention paid to research of minorities on a global scale, caused by significant changes in the demographic image of the world and approval of the potentials of applied ethnomusicology, inspired me to prepare a critical overview of the existent minority music research in Serbia. Special attention is paid to the current projects financed by the state funds. Several goals can be emphasized here: from the improvement of personal awareness about the state of minority music research on a national level, to the potential uses within the realm of applied ethnomusicology, to the benefits at service in various state bodies that define cultural and scientific politics. There is the potential to affect ideas and work within the discipline of ethnomusicology as well as in the governmental system, where individuals and institutions could profit by thinking of and treating culture as a sensitive ecosystem. Finally, my wish is to contribute to knowledge and understanding of the activities and works of Serbian ethnomusicologists as a pledge for coordinated activities in the future, with music research being complemented by disciplinary activism related to the cultural rights in the widest sense.Čeprav so bili zvoki manjšin del raziskav tradicijske glasbe že v pionirskem obdobju srbske etnomuzikologije, pa celovitega pregleda teh projektov zaenkrat še ni. Vedno večji pomen manjšinskih raziskav v globalnem merilu, ki je posledica pomembnih demografskih sprememb in afirmacije aplikativne etnomuzikologije, me je spodbudil k pripravi kritičnega pregleda obstoječih raziskav glasbe manjšin v Srbiji. Posebno pozornost namenjam tekočim projektom, ki jih financira država. Tukaj je možno izpostaviti več ciljev, kot so: izboljšanje ozaveščanja o stanju raziskav glasbe manjšin na nacionalni ravni, uporabnost rezultatov v sklopu aplikativne etnomuzikologije ter pri delu državnih komisij, ki oblikujejo kulturne in znanstvene politike. V zvezi s tem obstaja možnost idejnega in praktičnega izboljšanja etnomuzikološkega raziskovalnega dela ter vpliva na državne organe v smeri obravnavanja kulture kot občutljivega ekosistema. Nenazadnje, s tem prispevkom želim prispevati k znanju in razumevanju dejavnosti in del srbskih etnomuzikologov in zagotoviti koordinirane dejavnosti v prihodnje, pri katerih bo raziskovanje glasbe povezano z disciplinarnim aktivizmom v smeri kulturnih pravic v najširšem pomenu.Dvojezična publikacija

    Gusle-making in Serbia between Tradition and the Market

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    The place of gusle among the Serbian traditional instruments is on the one hand determined by its subordinate role in the vocal-instrumental performances of epics, and, on the other hand, by its prestigious status in the national culture owing to the overall significance of this genre. The relevance of research of gusle-making was pointed to not only in the material changes in the instrument itself manifested accross time, but also in the earlier literature of ethnographic kind. Ethnomusicological approaches from the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century mostly deal with musical practice and, hence – with music and musicians, putting the phenomenon of instrument-making on the margin. Gusles as a part of traditional epic performance practice were also examined from the perspective of communication theory which, once more, left the topic of instrument making unexplored. Therefore, the 2017 Meeting of the ICTM Study Group on Musical Instruments and its main theme served as an impetus for the research of this missing aspect.SIMP *5. Series of the ICTM Study Group on Musical Instruments. SIMP *5 is volume V of Studia Instrumentorum Musicae Popularis (New Series)

    Towards the Audiovisual Ethnomusicology: The Contribution from the Research of Serbian Epics

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    This paper has three main goals: to promote audiovisual ethnomusicology as a way of opening up new possibilities for music research, to contribute to the audiovisual ethnography of the Balkan epics, and to induce the upgrading of the state scientific policies in Serbia. The starting point has been the author’s personal experience from her long term research of Serbian epic singing accompanied by the gusle that the audiovisual records strongly improve the understanding of the guslars’performances as a complex communication processes. This type of media has a unique potential to represent visual and even olfactory sensations, which are both very important in addition to aural components of this type of communication. Furthermore, the visual component is necessary to represent social and spatial aspects of the gusalars’ private and public practices. Finally, the video recordings have turned out to be important for the research on some specific topics, such as the guslars’ musical cognition. The analysis of personal experiences leads to a more general consideration of the practical, ethical, and theoretical issues of the audiovisual ethnomusicology.This book is based on the Fifth Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe which was held at South-West University "Neofit Rilski" on 2-8 May 2016 in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM). Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe

    Marija Dumnić Vilotijević (Ed.): Narodna muzika Vranja

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    Jednou z najnovších zvukových publikácií Ústavu muzikológie Srbskej akadémie vied a ume- ní (SANU) je cenná zbierka terénnych zvukových nahrávok z juhosrbského mesta Vranje a jeho okolia. Publikáciu pripravila Dr. Marija Dumnić Vilotijević, etnomuzikologička a sa- mostatná vedecká pracovníčka ústavu. Ide o druhé vydanie v edícii Zvukové poklady Ústavu muzikológie SANU / The Sound Treasury of the Institute of Musicology SASA

    Multiculturalism of Kosovo and Metohija in the 1950s and 1960s Expressed in Traditional Music

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    CD bookle

    Institucionalizacija guslarske prakse i tradicija epskog pevanja uz gusle: jugoslovenski i postjugoslovenski kontekst

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    U radu se analiziraju takmičenja i udruženja kao najznačajnije organizacione institucije guslara u 20. veku na prostorima jugoslovenskih državnih zajednica i država-naslednica. Razmatrane su okolnosti utemeljenja i osnove njihovog funkcionisanja, kako bi se bolje razumele politike koje su one promovisale i norme koje su nametale, te konsekvence po dalji tok tradicije pevanja uz gusle.9. Međunarodni simpozij "Muzika u društvu", Sarajevo, 23-26. oktobar 2014