35 research outputs found

    Kriminalističke provere u finansijskim istragama

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    The confiscation of crime-acquired assets, as an anti-crime measure has found full recognition in the legislations of most developed European countries in the last decade of the 20th century, as an effective way of battling organized crime. In Serbian practice, this institute is relatively new; it has been recently introduced, by the relevant normative-legal framework which was adopted more than three years ago. The mentioned framework set up a special investigating entity, the Financial Investigation Unit (FIU), as the organizational unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which, under the formal command of the public prosecutor, is taking a wide range of measures and actions aimed at establishing the existence of 'criminal assets'. Within the powers available to the FIU, one can find mostly traditional, already known police powers along with somewhat adapted ones specific to financial investigation and designed to gather evidence or take actions that have only informal importance. The subject of exploration here are adapted measures, including primarily background checks, comprising of a complex set of actions which confirm (or deny) the initial findings of the existence of property derived from crime. The author has analyzed the initial sources of findings about the criminal origin of property and then tried to point to the specifics of these checks in financial investigations, both in the form and contents, as well as in terms of standards that are established in this area and have marked the previous work of this investigation subject (FIU).U Srbiji je primena instituta oduzimanja imovine stečene kriminalom tekovina novijeg datuma, za razliku od većine razvijenih evropskih, gde je ovaj institut pronašao punu afirmaciju još tokom poslednje decenije 20. veka i gde je posmatran uglavnom kao efikasan vid borbe protiv organizovanog kriminala. Pravni okvir kojim je u Srbiji omogućeno efikasnije istraživanje dobiti stečene kriminalom, a koji se primenjuje nešto više od tri godine, predvideo je i osnivanje posebnog istražnog subjekta, Jedinice za finansijske istrage (JFI), organizacione jedinice zemalja Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova, koja pod rukovodećom ulogom javnog tužioca preduzima širok dijapazon mera i radnji usmerenih ka utvrđivanju postojanja 'kriminalne imovine'. U okviru ovlašćenja kojima raspolaže JFI pronalaze se mahom od ranije već poznata klasična policijska ovlašćenja, unekoliko prilagođena specifičnostima finansijskih istraživanja, namenjena prikupljanju dokaznog materijala ili preduzimanju radnji koje imaju isključivo kriminalistički značaj. Predmet interesovanja autora su drugonavedene radnje, a među njima prvenstveno kriminalističke provere, kao kompleksan skup radnji kojima se početna saznanja o postojanju imovine stečene kriminalom potvrđuju ili opovrgavaju. Autor analizira početne izvore saznanja o kriminalnom poreklu imovine koji su najzastupljeniji u praksi, a zatim ukazuje na specifičnosti koje navedeni vid provera poprima tokom finansijskih istraga, kako u pogledu forme i sadržine, tako i u pogledu standarda koji su na ovom planu uspostavljeni i koji su obeležili dosadašnji rad ovog istražnog subjekta

    Uticaj policijske supkulture na uspešnost u finansijskim istragama

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    The overall progress of society, as well as socially damaging phenomena which society confronts in an institutional manner, is increasing and complicating the police apparatus. However, in the context of dealing with activities aimed at gathering information and evidence related to criminal offenses, including offenses in the sphere of organized crime and corruption, and research trends of property acquired with those works, takes special attention to the role of the Criminal Investigation Department, or its organizational units specialized in the fight against organized crime, or other specialized bodies. The interactions of various factors within the police service and outside, which find the origin of activity in the same mission, are a potential source of disagreement, and it emphasizes the characteristics of the police profession, and the associated subculture. This paper analyzes the general characteristics of the police profession that can have repercussions on the efficiency of financial investigations and the necessary conditions that favor their success, and processes in which police officers involved in financial investigations are exposed to, in order to improve efficiency. Also, the paper identifies other circumstances, at the strategic and operational level, which can significantly affect the results achieved in the investigation process. Good cooperation among the subjects of criminal and financial investigations, starting financial investigations immediately after getting information about the crime and the assets obtained, and specialization of investigative subjects are only basic elements needed for success in financial investigations. Besides these, it is possible to identify a number of objective or subjective factors, which may affect the success of the implementation of financial investigations, which are mentioned in the paper. Special attention, especially in the context of societies with underdeveloped institutions and the questionable rule of law, deserves the will factor. Aforementioned factor emerges as a key element that can significantly affect the success of the research team, and indeed the expected results. It is therefore desirable that the general interest, presented in the normative framework, is consistent with the prevailing beliefs of research subjects, i.e. it is essential that these entities have a high degree of belief in the purpose and validity of what they do. Otherwise, the results will be absent, and the regulatory framework will appear as an empty form, without meaning and content.Sa opštim napretkom društva, kao i društveno štetnih pojava kojima se društvo suprotstavlja na institucionalan način, uvećava se i usložnjava i policijski aparat. Međutim, u kontekstu bavljenja delatnostima usmerenim na prikupljanje informacija i dokaznog materijala vezanog za krivična dela, uključujući i krivična dela iz sfere organizovanog kriminala i korupcije, kao i istraživanje tokova imovine stečene tim delima, posebnu pažnju zauzima uloga kriminalističke policije, odnosno njenih organizacionih jedinica koje su specijalizovane za borbu protiv organizovanog kriminala, odnosno drugih specijalizovanih tela (najčešće agencija ili posebnih istražnih subjekata). Interakcije različitih činilaca, u okviru policijske službe ili šire, čije delatnosti pronalaze ishodište u istoj misiji, potencijalni su izvor nesuglasica, što u prvi plan stavlja karakteristike policijske profesije, odnosno pripadajuće supkulture. U radu su analizirane opšte karakteristike pripadnika policijske profesije koje mogu imati reperkusije na uspešnost u finansijskim istragama kao i neophodne pretpostavke koje idu u prilog njihove uspešnosti, odnosno procesi kojima su izloženi policajci angažovani u finansijskim istragama, u cilju poboljšanja efikasnosti. Takođe, identifikovani su i druge okolnosti, na strategijskom i operativnom nivou, čije ostvarenje može znatno uticati na ostvarene rezultate u istraživačkom procesu

    O pravnoj prirodi instituta oduzimanja imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela

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    At the beginning, the author provides an overview of the most common views on the legal nature of the forfeiture of assets institute - derived from criminal acts, arising from the European Court of Human Rights, comparative law and local theory, and after gives his own observations concerning the relationship between this institute and measure of confiscation and links 'net' and 'gross' in the application of the principles of those Institutes. In the end, the author states in favor of the understanding of the institute forfeiture of assets derived from criminal acts, as sui generis measure.Autor najpre daje pregled najčešćih stavova o pravnoj prirodi instituta oduzimanja imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela koja proizlaze iz prakse Evropskog suda za ljudska prava, kao i stavove zastupljene u uporedno-pravnoj i domaćoj teoriji, nakon čega iznosi vlastite opservacije koje se tiču odnosa ovog instituta s merom oduzimanja imovinske koristi i vezu 'neto' i 'bruto' principa u primeni pomenutih instituta. Na kraju iznosi stav koji govori u prilog shvatanju instituta oduzimanja imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela kao mere sui generis

    Posebni oblici oduzimanja dobiti stečene kriminalom

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    Confiscation has existed in the domestic legal system for more than half a century. Considering limitations in practical implementation of this principle, espe­cially in the context of fighting against organized crime, the domestic legislator has recently offered new solutions for 'criminal property' confiscation in the form of criminal property confiscation procedure regulated by a special law. In this sense, this paper ana­lyzes the specific characteristics of organized crime phenomena, which require a different approach compared to the standard solutions in this area, criticizing such solutions, as well as the state of the local law and practice that preceded the adoption of the above mentioned regulation. The author concludes that criminal property confiscation may be considered as a desirable instrument in the fight against organized crime, whereby we should be careful in creating the related normative and legal framework, thus avoiding numerous negative effects that may challenge its creators. He also points out the international element that has significant influence in the design and practical implementation of the national models.Oduzimanje imovinske koristi postoji već više od pola veka u domaćem pravnom sistemu. S obzirom na ograničene domete u praktičnoj primeni ovog instituta, a naročito u kontekstu borbe protiv organizovanog kriminala, domaći zakonodavac je nedavno ponudio nova rešenja za oduzimanje 'kriminalne imovine', u vidu instituta oduzimanja imovine stečene kriminalom, uređenog posebnim zakonom. U tom smislu, u radu se analiziraju specifičnosti pojave organizovanog kriminala koje zahtevaju drugačiji pristup u odnosu na standardna rešenja u ovoj oblasti, a zatim iznose kritike u vezi s takvim rešenjem, kao i stanje u domaćem pravu i praksi koje je prethodilo donošenju pomenutog propisa. Autor zaključuje da se oduzimanje kriminalne dobiti može smatrati poželjnim instrumentom u borbi protiv organizovanog kriminala, pri čemu treba biti pažljiv u stvaranju pripadajućeg normativno-pravnog okvira, kako bi se izbegle brojne negativnosti kojima mogu podleći njegovi kreatori. Takođe, ukazuje na međunarodni element koji ostvaruje značajan uticaj u kreiranju i praktičnoj primeni nacionalnih modela

    Istraga u krivično-procesnom zakonodavstvu Bosne i Hercegovine, položaj i uloga policije u njenom sprovođenju

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    The author presents investigation as provided for in the criminal procedure legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Beside a number of theoretical issues related to the concept and aim of investigation, there is a brief account on the roles of prosecutor and judge in the preliminary inquiry (i.e. preliminary hearing). The central part of the paper focuses on the police as an active subject in charge of investigation, the powers and position of the police as compared to other participants at this stage of the preliminary inquiry. Finally, the closing part deals with legal provisions related to suspension and termination of the investigation.Autor u radu daje prikaz istrage u krivično-procesnom zakonodavstvu Bosne i Hercegovine. Osim nekoliko teorijskih pitanja koja se odnose na pojam i cilj istrage, u kratkim crtama je prikazan položaj i uloga tužioca i sudije za prethodni postupak (tj. sudije za prethodno saslušanje) u istrazi, dok je centralni deo rada posvećen policiji, kao aktivnom subjektu sprovođenja radnji u istrazi, njenim ovlašćenjima i položaja spram drugih subjekata koji učestvuju u ovoj fazi prethodnog postupka. Na kraju, prikazane su zakonske odredbe koje se odnose na obustavu i okončanje istrage

    Ima li alternativu oduzimanje imovine stečene kriminalom koje se sprovodi u krivičnom postupku?

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    In addition to confiscation of proceeds of crime in the criminal or its associate procedure, as exists in national law, the author suggests the existence of other models in the seizure of property whose legal origin is suspected, represented in foreign legal systems. Recognizing this fact, the central part of his work is about the civil law confiscation or seizure of proceeds of crime in the administrative proceedings and taxing criminal profit, as alternative or corrective forms of action present in comparative legal systems. Briefly has been given an overview of basic principles on which they are based, and pointed out the problems faced by entities engaged in the field of their practical application. After a brief presentation and analysis of these systems the author raises a rhetorical question: whether the use of civil law or administrative proceedings legitimate tool in the fight against crime or a shortcut that states use to mitigate the lack of efficiency of the instruments used in crime fighting? In doing so, he reminds that confiscation and forfeiture and the criminal or its associated procedure is exactly the kind of civil law Institute (prohibiting unjust) used in the realization of the goals of the criminal law. Essentially, it is a desirable tool, which can help to achieve (partial) restorative justice. However, putting discussed aspects of confiscation in the view of the domestic law, the author concludes that the decision which has been opted by domestic legislator is currently the best way for the practical implementation of the principle of prohibition of unlawful enrichment.Pored oduzimanja imovine stečene kriminalom u krivičnom ili u njemu pridruženom (adhezionom) postupku, kakav egzistira u domaćem pravu, postoje i drugi modeli oduzimanja imovine u čije se legalno poreklo sumnja, zastupljeni u inostranim pravnim sistemima. Autor je zbog toga centralni deo rada posvetio građanskopravnom oduzimanju imovine, odnosno oduzimanju imovine stečene kriminalom u upravnom postupku i oporezivanju kriminalne dobiti, kao alternativnim ili korektivnim vidovima delovanja prisutnim u uporedno-pravnim sistemima. Ukratko je dat prikaz osnovnih principa na kojima se oni baziraju i ukazano je na probleme s kojima se suočavaju subjekti angažovani na polju praktične primene. Stavljajući ove vidove oduzimanja imovine u ravan domaćeg prava, autor zaključuje da je rešenje za koje se opredelio domaći zakonodavac trenutno najbolji način za praktičnu realizaciju principa o zabrani neosnovanog bogaćenja

    Percepcija narkomanije i narko-kriminala u opštoj populaciji i populaciji studenata KPA

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    It is obvious that drug addiction and drug crime are the phenomena of the past, the present and the future. Any serious intentions to fight these phenomena assume serious research in order to observe the possible directions for future action of a wide range of entities involved in the fight against these social evils. In this sense, this paper presents the data from surveys completed in early 2015, on a sample of 413 respondents, related to the perception of threat of drug addiction and drug-crime to the society in Serbia. The authors of the research dealt with the respondents' views regarding the causes of drug abuse, the factors that may affect its reduction, as well as the causes of drug trafficking, the current trends and important factors for its control, with special reference to the police as an active participant in this process. The studied sample included, among others, 82 students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies based in Belgrade, in order to compare possible differences in attitudes within the general population and those who have been chosen to become police officers in the future. They used descriptive statistics and method of correlation. The research results showed that the students of the ACPS can be allocated as a separate entity, given that their views differ from the views of others respondents in the general sample, as well as the other respondents of the younger population. Specifically, the students of the ACPS have a more positive attitude when it comes to the perception of threat of drug addiction and the drug trafficking to the Serbian society, with more expressed critical attitude towards the educational system and the media, and followed by higher expectations from family in general in order to combat this social evils. Also, they are characterized by slightly favoring the role of police in fighting drug trafficking, with more accented perceptions of drug trafficking growth in the previous period of time compared to other respondents.Sasvim je izvesno da narkomanija i narko-kriminal predstavljaju fenomene prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti. Svaka ozbiljna namera suprotstavljanja ovim pojavama pretpostavlja njihovo ozbiljno istraživanje, u cilju sagledavanja mogućih pravaca daljeg delovanja širokog kruga subjekata koji su uključeni u borbu protiv ovih društvenih zala. U tom smislu, u radu se iznose podaci iz istraživanja dovršenog početkom 2015. godine na uzorku od 413 ispitanika, vezanog za percepciju ugroženosti društva u Srbiji narkomanijom i narko-kriminalom. Autor se u istraživanju bavio stavovima ispitanika vezanim za uzroke narkomanije, faktore koji mogu uticati na njeno smanjenje, kao i uzroka narko-kriminala, aktuelnih tendencija i bitnih faktora njegovog suzbijanja, s posebnim osvrtom na policiju kao aktivnog učesnika tog procesa. Istraživani uzorak činila su, između ostalih, i 82 studenta Kriminalističko-policijske akademije sa sedištem u Beogradu, kako bi se uporedile eventualne različitosti u stavovima u okviru opšte populacije i onih koji su se opredelili za policijski poziv. Rezultati istraživanja govore da se studenti KPA mogu izdvojiti kao poseban entitet, s obzirom da se njihovi stavovi razlikuju od stavova ispitanika iz opšteg uzorka, kao i ispitanika iz mlađe populacije. Naime, ti ispitanici imaju pozitivniji stav kada je u pitanju percepcija ugroženosti narkomanijom i narko-kriminalom, uz više izražen kritički odnos prema obrazovnom sistemu i medijima i veća očekivanja od porodice na planu sprečavanja ovog društvenog zla. Takođe, odlikuje ih blago favorizovanje uloge policije u borbi protiv narko-kriminala, uz izraženiju percepciju rasta narko-kriminala u prethodnom periodu u odnosu na ostale ispitanike

    Uporedni pregled sistema za istraživanje i oduzimanje imovine stečene kriminalom

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    In introduction author points to the necessity of adopting the institute of confiscation of criminal assets, supported by international experience, primarily due to the weakness of previously known institute confiscation of the proceeds of crime (for which the offender is being tried), showed in front of the phenomenon of organized crime. In doing so, he analyzes the modalities of confiscation of criminal origin present in modern legal systems and emphasizes the required standard of proof, as one of the key factors of their particularity. The following is a comparative review of the system for investigating and confiscation of criminal assets in Italy, Great Britain, Ireland, the Netherlands, Germany, France and the United States. There are emphasized the normative elements which affect to scope of application of this institute, especially in light of its connection to the criminal proceedings, as well as jurisdiction to realization of the investigation process and procedure of confiscation. In the final part, the author concludes that appropriate social and institutional responses are very important for the effective fight against crime, every time if there is a suspicion about illegally acquired wealth. In doing so, particular attention arouses organized crime, particularly in the light of contemporary global trends, which, unfortunately, significantly affect the possibility of the development of organized crime, and development and/or covering up its financial component. In this sense, the author emphasizes that the basic characteristics of the system for investigation and confiscation of criminal assets connected to the criminal proceedings, which are used in developed European countries and the United States: (1) changed the rules of evidence, which means less convenient role of suspects, (2) the application of this mechanism to a limited number of crimes, which often includes drug trafficking and other serious crimes or organized crime, and (3) the existence of specialized subjects and investigative powers, which vary in relation to the classical powers related to the investigation of criminal offenses.Nakon uvodnih izlaganja, u kojima se osvrće na modalitete oduzimanja imovine kriminalnog porekla prisutne u savremenim pravnim sistemima i naglašava zahtevani standard dokaza kao jedan od ključnih faktora njihovog specifikuma, autor u kratkim crtama daje uporedni pregled sistema za istraživanje i oduzimanje imovine stečene kriminalom u nekoliko evropskih zemalja i SAD. Pri tome, apostrofira normativne elemente kojima su određeni uslovi i delokrug primene ovog instituta, prvenstveno u svetlu vezanosti za krivični postupak, kao i nadležnosti za sprovođenje istražnog procesa i postupka oduzimanja. U završnom delu rada autor zaključuje da su osnovne karakteristike sistema za oduzimanje kriminalnog bogatstva vezanog za krivični postupak, koji se danas primenjuju u razvijenim evropskim zemljama i SAD, izmenjena pravila dokaznog postupka, koja podrazumevaju manje lagodnu ulogu lica u čije poštenje se sumnja, primena ovog instituta samo kod ograničenog kruga krivičnih dela i postojanje specijalizovanih istražnih subjekata i ovlašćenja

    O pravnoj prirodi instituta oduzimanja imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela

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    At the beginning, the author provides an overview of the most common views on the legal nature of the forfeiture of assets institute - derived from criminal acts, arising from the European Court of Human Rights, comparative law and local theory, and after gives his own observations concerning the relationship between this institute and measure of confiscation and links 'net' and 'gross' in the application of the principles of those Institutes. In the end, the author states in favor of the understanding of the institute forfeiture of assets derived from criminal acts, as sui generis measure.Autor najpre daje pregled najčešćih stavova o pravnoj prirodi instituta oduzimanja imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela koja proizlaze iz prakse Evropskog suda za ljudska prava, kao i stavove zastupljene u uporedno-pravnoj i domaćoj teoriji, nakon čega iznosi vlastite opservacije koje se tiču odnosa ovog instituta s merom oduzimanja imovinske koristi i vezu 'neto' i 'bruto' principa u primeni pomenutih instituta. Na kraju iznosi stav koji govori u prilog shvatanju instituta oduzimanja imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela kao mere sui generis

    Koncept istrage i reforma krivičnog procesnog zakonodavstva Srbije

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    The topic of this article is a critical analysis of professional issues in the investigation of the concept of reform of the criminal procedure legislation in Serbia which is still ongoing. Underlying issues have been analyzed from three aspects. First, general comments about the investigation and its relevance to criminal proceedings are provided and within those the issues for a long period of criminal procedure discussed in theory and practice are specifically emphasized. For example, there is a case to investigate the relationship between the concept and its effectiveness and thus the efficiency of the process as a whole. The second aspect of analyzed issues consist of questions related to the concept of prosecutorial investigation as an essential feature of the process of reform of the criminal procedure legislation in Serbia, where arguments of prosecutorial justification of the concept of judicial investigation have primarily been analyzed along with the principles by which a legislator should be guided in the standardization of the prosecutorial concept of investigation. Finally, the third - and the key aspect consists of the issues related to review of normative elaboration of the concept of prosecutorial investigation into the new RS CPC and the draft Law on Amendments to the legal text available to Serbian expert public, and not just Serbian. The main conclusion of expert critical analysis of this group of questions that are still in the draft of the Law on Amendments to the CPC concept of prosecutorial investigation in Serbia develops in a way that is consistent with the efforts of the majority of experts in Serbia and not only Serbia.Predmet analize u radu je stručno-kritička analiza pitanja koncepta istrage u procesu reforme krivičnog procesnog zakonodavstva Srbije koja je još uvek u toku. Predmetna pitanja analizirana su sa tri aspekta. Prvo su date opšte napomene o istrazi i njenom značaju za krivični postupak i u okviru istih su posebno apostrofirana pitanja koja su već duži period predmet rasprave kako krivičnoprocesne teorije tako i prakse. Slučaj npr. sa pitanjem odnosa koncepta istrage i njene efikasnosti a time i efikasnosti krivičnog postupka kao celine. Drugi aspekt analizirane problematike čine pitanja tužilačkog koncepta istrage kao bitnog obeležja procesa reforme krivičnog procesnog zakonodavstva Srbije, i u istom su pre svega analizirani argumenti opravdanosti tužilačkog nad sudskim konceptom istrage i načela kojima treba da se rukovodi zakonodavac u normiranju tužilačkog koncepta istrage. Na kraju, treći - ključni aspekt čine pitanja prikaza normativne razrade tužilačkog koncepta istrage u novom ZKP RS i u Radnoj verziji Zakona o izmenama i dopunama ovog zakonskog teksta dostupnoj stručnoj javnosti Srbije i ne samo Srbije. Osnovni zaključak stručno-kritičke analize ove grupe pitanja je da se tek u Radnoj verziji Zakona o izmenama i dopunama ZKP tužilački koncept istrage u Srbiji razrađuje na način koji je u skladu sa većinskim zalaganjima stručne javnosti Srbije i ne samo Srbije