16 research outputs found

    Longitudinal Structural MRI Findings in Individuals at Genetic and Clinical High Risk for Psychosis: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Several cross-sectional studies report brain structure differences between healthy volunteers and subjects at genetic or clinical high risk of developing schizophrenia. However, longitudinal studies are important to determine whether altered trajectories of brain development precede psychosis onset. Methods: We conducted a systematic review to determine if brain trajectories differ between (i) those with psychotic experiences (PE), genetic (GHR) or clinical high risk (CHR), compared to healthy volunteers, and (ii) those who transition to psychosis compared to those who do not. Results: Thirty-eight studies measured gray matter and 18 studies measured white matter in 2,473 high risk subjects and 990 healthy volunteers. GHR, CHR, and PE subjects show an accelerated decline in gray matter primarily in temporal, and also frontal, cingulate and parietal cortex. In those who remain symptomatic or transition to psychosis, gray matter loss is more pronounced in these brain regions. White matter volume and fractional anisotropy, which typically increase until early adulthood, did not change or reduced in high risk subjects in the cingulum, thalamic radiation, cerebellum, retrolenticular part of internal capsule, and hippocampal–thalamic tracts. In those who transitioned, white matter volume and fractional anisotropy reduced over time in the inferior and superior fronto-occipital fasciculus, corpus callosum, anterior limb of the internal capsule, superior corona radiate, and calcarine cortex. Conclusion: High risk subjects show deficits in white matter maturation and an accelerated decline in gray matter. Gray matter loss is more pronounced in those who transition to psychosis, but may normalize by early adulthood in remitters

    Drum training induces long-term plasticity in the cerebellum and connected cortical thickness

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    It is unclear to what extent cerebellar networks show long-term plasticity and accompanied changes in cortical structures. Using drumming as a demanding multimodal motor training, we compared cerebellar lobular volume and white matter microstructure, as well as cortical thickness of 15 healthy non-musicians before and after learning to drum, and 16 age matched novice control participants. After 8 weeks of group drumming instruction, 3 ×30 minutes per week, we observed the cerebellum significantly changing its grey (volume increase of left VIIIa, relative decrease of VIIIb and vermis Crus I volume) and white matter microstructure in the inferior cerebellar peduncle. These plastic cerebellar changes were complemented by changes in cortical thickness (increase in left paracentral, right precuneus and right but not left superior frontal thickness), suggesting an interplay of cerebellar learning with cortical structures enabled through cerebellar pathways

    Mutation-related magnetization-transfer, not axon density, drives white matter differences in premanifest Huntington disease:Evidence from in vivo ultra-strong gradient MRI

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    White matter (WM) alterations have been observed in Huntington disease (HD) but their role in the disease-pathophysiology remains unknown. We assessed WM changes in premanifest HD by exploiting ultra-strong-gradient magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This allowed to separately quantify magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) and hindered and restricted diffusion-weighted signal fractions, and assess how they drove WM microstructure differences between patients and controls. We used tractometry to investigate region-specific alterations across callosal segments with well-characterized early- and late-myelinating axon populations, while brain-wise differences were explored with tract-based cluster analysis (TBCA). Behavioral measures were included to explore disease-associated brain-function relationships. We detected lower MTR in patients' callosal rostrum (tractometry: p = .03; TBCA: p = .03), but higher MTR in their splenium (tractometry: p = .02). Importantly, patients' mutation-size and MTR were positively correlated (all p-values < .01), indicating that MTR alterations may directly result from the mutation. Further, MTR was higher in younger, but lower in older patients relative to controls (p = .003), suggesting that MTR increases are detrimental later in the disease. Finally, patients showed higher restricted diffusion signal fraction (FR) from the composite hindered and restricted model of diffusion (CHARMED) in the cortico-spinal tract (p = .03), which correlated positively with MTR in the posterior callosum (p = .033), potentially reflecting compensatory mechanisms. In summary, this first comprehensive, ultra-strong gradient MRI study in HD provides novel evidence of mutation-driven MTR alterations at the premanifest disease stage which may reflect neurodevelopmental changes in iron, myelin, or a combination of these

    Macro- and micro-structural Insights into primary dystonia A UK Biobank study

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    Background Dystonia is a hyperkinetic movement disorder with key motor network dysfunction implicated in pathophysiology. The UK Biobank encompasses > 500,000 participants, of whom 42,565 underwent brain MRI scanning. This study applied an optimized pre-processing pipeline, aimed at better accounting for artifact and improving data reliability, to assess for grey and white matter structural MRI changes between individuals diagnosed with primary dystonia and an unaffected control cohort. Methods Individuals with dystonia (n = 76) were identified from the UK Biobank using published algorithms, alongside an age- and sex-matched unaffected control cohort (n = 311). Grey matter morphometric and diffusion measures were assessed, together with white matter diffusion tensor and diffusion kurtosis metrics using tractography and tractometry. Post-hoc Neurite Orientation and Density Distribution Imaging (NODDI) was also undertaken for tracts in which significant differences were observed. Results Grey matter tremor-specific striatal differences were observed, with higher radial kurtosis. Tractography identified no white matter differences, however segmental tractometry identified localised differences, particularly in the superior cerebellar peduncles and anterior thalamic radiations, including higher fractional anisotropy and lower orientation distribution index in dystonia, compared to controls. Additional tremor-specific changes included lower neurite density index in the anterior thalamic radiations. Conclusions Analysis of imaging data from one of the largest dystonia cohorts to date demonstrates microstructural differences in cerebellar and thalamic white matter connections, with architectural differences such as less orientation dispersion potentially being a component of the morphological structural changes implicated in dystonia. Distinct tremor-related imaging features are also implicated in both grey and white matter

    Mutation-related apparent myelin, not axon density, drives white matter differences in premanifest Huntington's disease: evidence from in vivo ultra-strong gradient MRI

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    White matter (WM) alterations have been observed early in Huntington’s disease (HD) progression but their role in the disease-pathophysiology remains unknown. We exploited ultra-strong-gradient MRI to tease apart contributions of myelin (with the magnetization transfer ratio), and axon density (with the restricted volume fraction from the Composite Hindered and Restricted Model of Diffusion) to WM differences between premanifest HD patients and age- and sex-matched controls. Diffusion tensor MRI (DT-MRI) measures were also assessed. We used tractometry to investigate region-specific changes across callosal segments with well-characterized early- and late-myelinating axonal populations, while brain-wise alterations were explored with tract-based cluster analysis (TBCA). Behavioural measures were included to explore disease-associated brain-function relationships. We detected lower myelin in the rostrum of patients (tractometry: p = 0.0343; TBCA: p = 0.030), but higher myelin in their splenium (p = 0.016). Importantly, patients’ myelin and mutation size were positively associated (all p-values < 0.01), indicating that increased myelination might be a direct result of the mutation. Finally, myelin was higher than controls in younger patients but lower in older patients (p = 0.003), suggesting detrimental effects of increased myelination later in the course of the disease. Higher FR in patients’ left cortico-spinal tract (CST) (p = 0.03) was detected, and was found to be positively associated with MTR in the posterior callosum (p = 0.033), possibly suggesting compensation to myelin alterations. This comprehensive, ultra-strong gradient MRI investigation provides novel evidence of CAG-driven myelin alterations in premanifest HD which may reflect neurodevelopmental, rather than neurodegenerative disease-associated changes

    Macro- and micro-structural insights into primary dystonia: a UK Biobank study

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    BACKGROUND: Dystonia is a hyperkinetic movement disorder with key motor network dysfunction implicated in pathophysiology. The UK Biobank encompasses > 500,000 participants, of whom 42,565 underwent brain MRI scanning. This study applied an optimized pre-processing pipeline, aimed at better accounting for artifact and improving data reliability, to assess for grey and white matter structural MRI changes between individuals diagnosed with primary dystonia and an unaffected control cohort. METHODS: Individuals with dystonia (n = 76) were identified from the UK Biobank using published algorithms, alongside an age- and sex-matched unaffected control cohort (n = 311). Grey matter morphometric and diffusion measures were assessed, together with white matter diffusion tensor and diffusion kurtosis metrics using tractography and tractometry. Post-hoc Neurite Orientation and Density Distribution Imaging (NODDI) was also undertaken for tracts in which significant differences were observed. RESULTS: Grey matter tremor-specific striatal differences were observed, with higher radial kurtosis. Tractography identified no white matter differences, however segmental tractometry identified localised differences, particularly in the superior cerebellar peduncles and anterior thalamic radiations, including higher fractional anisotropy and lower orientation distribution index in dystonia, compared to controls. Additional tremor-specific changes included lower neurite density index in the anterior thalamic radiations. CONCLUSIONS: Analysis of imaging data from one of the largest dystonia cohorts to date demonstrates microstructural differences in cerebellar and thalamic white matter connections, with architectural differences such as less orientation dispersion potentially being a component of the morphological structural changes implicated in dystonia. Distinct tremor-related imaging features are also implicated in both grey and white matter

    The impact of cumulative obstetric complications and childhood trauma on brain volume in young people with psychotic experiences

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    Psychotic experiences (PEs) occur in 5-10% of the general population and are associated with exposure to childhood trauma and obstetric complications. However, the neurobiological mechanisms underlying these associations are unclear. Using the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC), we studied 138 young people aged 20 with PEs (n = 49 suspected, n = 53 definite, n = 36 psychotic disorder) and 275 controls. Voxel-based morphometry assessed whether MRI measures of grey matter volume were associated with (i) PEs, (ii) cumulative childhood psychological trauma (weighted summary score of 6 trauma types), (iii) cumulative pre/peri-natal risk factors for psychosis (weighted summary score of 16 risk factors), and (iv) the interaction between PEs and cumulative trauma or pre/peri-natal risk. PEs were associated with smaller left posterior cingulate (pFWE < 0.001, Z = 4.19) and thalamus volumes (pFWE = 0.006, Z = 3.91). Cumulative pre/perinatal risk was associated with smaller left subgenual cingulate volume (pFWE < 0.001, Z = 4.54). A significant interaction between PEs and cumulative pre/perinatal risk found larger striatum (pFWE = 0.04, Z = 3.89) and smaller right insula volume extending into the supramarginal gyrus and superior temporal gyrus (pFWE = 0.002, Z = 4.79), specifically in those with definite PEs and psychotic disorder. Cumulative childhood trauma was associated with larger left dorsal striatum (pFWE = 0.002, Z = 3.65), right prefrontal cortex (pFWE < 0.001, Z = 4.63) and smaller left insula volume in all participants (pFWE = 0.03, Z = 3.60), and there was no interaction with PEs group. In summary, pre/peri-natal risk factors and childhood psychological trauma impact similar brain pathways, namely smaller insula and larger striatum volumes. The effect of pre/perinatal risk was greatest in those with more severe PEs, whereas effects of trauma were seen in all participants. In conclusion, environmental risk factors affect brain networks implicated in schizophrenia, which may increase an individual's propensity to develop later psychotic disorders