727 research outputs found

    Complication rates in managing hepatic trauma: a cross-sectional study stratifying their outcomes

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    Background: Liver trauma is the most commonly observed injured organ in abdominal trauma. The objectives of this study was to determine and evaluate the rates of complication in the management of liver traumaMethods: This cross-sectional observational study using non-probability convenient sampling technique was done at surgical unit of Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences, Jamshoro, for 06 months. After ethical approval from Institute’s Institutional Review Board (IRB), patients presenting to surgical emergency of the hospital between ages 16 to 60 years having blunt or penetrating liver trauma within 04 hours of incident, either road traffic accident, sustaining a fall, sporting injury, knife or stab wound were include while patients of liver trauma conservatively managed or had severe co-morbid, not fit for anesthesia, with multiple organs lesions (polytrauma) and all hepatic injury patients that were hemo-dynamically stable were excluded. SPSS version 23 was used for data analysis keeping p-value <0.05 as significant.Results: Among 136 patients with mean age 32.33±11.23 years, 120(88.2%) were males. 122(89.7%) of the patients were admitted due to liver trauma of blunt variety while 14(10%) with penetrating liver injury. Overall mean duration of hospital stay was 13.1±4.58 days. 41(30%) patients reported intra-abdominal sepsis, followed by recurrent hemorrhage in 33(24%) of patients while in 22(16%) of patients, biliary leakage was observed. An insignificant difference persisted in either surgical intervention in terms of the complication rates.Conclusions: Higher complication rates were observed in patients with peri-hepatic packing, however outcome of both surgical techniques in terms of complication rates were found to be insignificant. Further studies are needed to shed light upon the findings or this study

    Effect of Temperature on Production Intracellular and Extracellular Invertase by Potential Indigenous Strain Kluyveromyces Marxianus Using Sugarcane Molasses

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    This study is focused on enzymolgy regarding enzyme purification technique and application of thermotolerant specie Kluyveromyces marxianus yeast in bio reactions for the research and optimization of fermentation temperature for intracellular and extracellular enzyme production. Fermentation studies were carried out in shake flask level to optimize intracellular and extracellular enzyme production by changing  process conditions like temperature range from (30 to 550C), the pH (5.5), speed (350).  The substrate type sugar cane molasses 15% added as a carbon and ammonium sulphate (0.75%) as nitrogen source. The optimized fermentation temperature was found 45oC, at pH 5.5, and rpm was 350. The production of  intracellular invertase was (890µmoles/min/g) while the extracellular (120µmoles/min/g) Kluyveromyces marxianus was greater efficiency as compared to other specie because of its metabolic activity, which express more heat stability and Invertase activty upto 650C. Keywords: Yeast, Fermentation, K.marxianus DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/9-9-02 Publication date:May 31st 201


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    Rose, locally called Gulab-Jo-Gul (In Sindhi) belongs to family Rosaceae.  Its botanicalname is Rosa indica L. in the order Rosales. Rosaceae is a larger plant family which have hundreds (100) of generas and over thousands of species which contains shrubs, herbs and trees etc. Rose is very much important plant from various aspects. It is widely used throughout the world including love movements, medical purposes, cosmetic uses, happy events, celebrations, welcome parties, ornamentallyas well as food tonic supplement, so, they have value but same time they are cultivated at small area in the country due to several reason. However they are climatically well adopted and tolerates adverse environmental conditions. Lack of improved production technology plus awareness about cultivation are major issues in every part of the globe. Unfortunately in agricultural research life, rose cultivation sector is most ignored around the world, less work and less promotion of its cultivation causing reduced availability. Therefore introduction of climatically well adopted production technology is essential which provides briefly guide to formers from scope of rose along with cultivation processes.Â

    Interpretation of Modified Electromagnetic Theory and Maxwell's Equations on the Basis of Charge Variation

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    Electromagnetic waves are the analytical solutions of Maxwell's equations that represent one of the most elegant and concise ways to state the fundamentals of electricity and magnetism. From them one can develop most of the working relationships in the electric and magnetic fields. Considering deeply the effect of charge variation in Maxwell’s equations for time varying electric and magnetic fields of charges in moving inertial frame, the magnitude of charge particles vary according to Asif’s equation of charge variation. Consequently the Maxwell’s equations give different results to an observer measuring at rest. This research paper explained the effect of charge variation in Classical Electromagnetic theory, Maxwell’s equations, Coulumb’s law, Lorentz force law when we are referring to any inertial frame.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i2.535

    Outcomes of surgical management of liver trauma at LUMHS Jamshoro

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    Background: Mortality from liver trauma remains high despite surgical advancements. The objective of this study was to determine the outcomes of surgical management of liver trauma at LUMHS Jamshoro.Methods: A cross-sectional observational study using non-probability convenient sampling technique was done at department of surgery LUMHS Jamshoro for 18 months. Patients between 14 to 50 years with blunt hepatic trauma presenting to the E.R. within 04 hours of incident were included and hepatic trauma patients managed conservatively, having multiple trauma and hemo-dynamically stable were excluded. SPSS version 20 was used for data analysis with mean and SD reported for qualitative and frequency and percentages for quantitative variables. Chi-square test was applied keeping p-value of < 0.05 as statistically significant.Results: From 136 patients with mean age of 32.33±1.23 years, 120 (88%) were male. 122 (89.7%) were admitted due to blunt trauma and 14 (10.3%) due to penetrating trauma. Peri-hepatic packing was performed in 116 (85.2%) and suture hepatorrhaphy in 20 (14.8%). Intra-abdominal sepsis was seen in 41 (30%) of patients followed by recurrent hemorrhage in 33 (24%) while 30 (22%) of patients died. Substantial differences (p < 0.001) were observed in terms of surgical technique and each of the complication i.e. sepsis, bile leak and recurrent hemorrhage among alive patientsConclusions: The most common post-operative complication was intra-abdominal sepsis followed by recurrent haemorrhage and bile leak. Significant mortality was observed in between type of complication as well as surgical technique

    Breakdown testing of wiring insulation

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    The dielectric strength of potential wiring insulation, recommended by NASA Lewis Research Center to replace existing M81381 (polyimide), was evaluated at high temperature. Results, given in view-graph format, show that their is no dependence of breakdown strength on temperature for the constructions tested and that their was little effect of frequency on the breakdown characteristics

    Heavily thickened pericardium with constrictive pericarditis.

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    A middle-aged male presented with symptoms of exertional shortness of breath and leg swelling for the past six months. Examination revealed raised jugular venous pressure (JVP), pitting pedal oedema, muffled heart sounds, bilateral pleural effusion and hepatomegaly. Echocardiogram showed features of constrictive pericarditis with heavily thickened pericardium, which was confirmed by cardiac computed tomography (CT). The patient underwent pericardiectomy following which echocardiographic features of constriction were reversed and the patient became asymptomatic

    Hyperdominant left anterior descending artery presenting as anterior wall ST segment elevation myocardial infarction: A rare coronary anomaly

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    We report on a 75 year-old man who presented with severe chest pain for four hours. Physical examination was unremarkable and he was haemodynamically stable. ECG done in the ED showed ST segment elevations along with Q waves in the anterior and inferior leads with T wave inversions. He was rushed to the catheterization lab where the left anterior descending (LAD) artery was 99%occluded in the proximal segment while distal left circumflex showed 50-60% lesion. He underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention to LAD with drug eluting stent and made an uneventful recovery. The LADwas found to be wrapping around the apex and continuing as the posterior descending artery (PDA). To the best of our knowledge, there are few case reports on the continuation of LAD across the left ventricular apex as PDA in the presence of a normally arising but small right coronary artery
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