131 research outputs found

    Vztah zemětřesení a vulkanismu v Západních Čechách a na Islandu

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    English abstract Most earthquakes occur as accompanying activity of large tectonic earth- quakes at the edges of lithospheric plates. Another type of seismic activity are earthquake swarms, which are characterized by series of earthquakes with several dominant shocks of similar strength. The origin of earthquake swarms is mostly combination of tectonic stress and movement of hydrothermal flu- ids along the fault plane. Mainly, swarms are observed within volcanic areas but even in areas without recent volcanic activity, like in West Bohemia. This region lies above an intra-continental rift zone the Eger Rift and it has been seismologically active in past years, including swarms in 2008, 2011, 2013 and 2014 monitored by the local seismic network WEBNET with dominant shocks of magnitudes below ML 4.5. All these events are located in depths between 7 and 11 km and they create 8 km long focal zone with N-S orientation. However, the latter swarm changed its character from a continuous occurrence with a dominant shock to a main shock and aftershock activity. Contrary, the region of Reykjanes peninsula in Iceland is located above the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which results in shallower depths between 2 to 9 km. Additionally, the seismic energy in this area is released as a typical swarm-like activity and migrates along...Institute of Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology and Applied GeophysicsÚstav hydrogeologie, inž. geologie a užité geofyzikyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Moment tensors of the largest events of the 2016 Central Italy earthquake sequence

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    Název práce: Momentové tenzory největších jevů zemětřesné série v centrální Itálii z roku 2016 Autor: Martin Labuta Ústav: Ústav hydrogeologie, inženýrské geologie a užité geofyziky Vedoucí diplomové práce: doc. RNDr. František Gallovič, Ph.D., Katedra geofyziky, Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta Abstrakt: Centrální Itálii zasáhla v roce 2016 zemětřesná série s největším zemětřesením o momentovém magnitudu Mw 6,5. 300 lidí zahynulo po prvním zemětřesení 24 srpna 2016 Mw 6,1 a město Amatrice utrpělo velké škody. S pomocí programu ISOLA jsou nalezeny nízkofrekvenční centroidy vybraných největších zemětřesení až do momentového magnituda Mw 4,5. Poté je provedeno prohledávání vícenásobnosti konečného zdroje daných zemětřeseních. Cílem této práce je nalezení iregularit na zlomových plochách. Tyto výsledky jsou poté porovnány s ostatními vědeckými pracemi a katalogy zemětřesení. Klíčová slova: zemětřesení, ISOLA, momentový tenzor, centroidTitle: Moment tensors of the largest events of the 2016 Central Italy earthquake sequence Author: Martin Labuta Department: Institute of Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology and Applied Geophysics Supervisor: doc. RNDr. František Gallovič, Ph.D., Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University Abstract: Central Italy was stuck by an earthquake sequence in 2016, with the largest earthquake of moment magnitude Mw 6.5. 300 people have died after the first earthquake on August 24th, Mw 6.1 and the city Amatrice was heavily damaged. Utilizing the software ISOLA, the low-frequency centroids are found of selected earthquakes with Mw above 4.5. Using these results, the multiple point finite seismic sources are obtained in order to determine fault irregularities. Afterwards, there is a comparison of these results with other academic papers and earthquake catalogs. Keywords: earthquake, ISOLA, moment tensor, centroidÚstav hydrogeologie, inž. geologie a užité geofyzikyInstitute of Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology and Applied GeophysicsPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Cooperation, partnership and integration of business entities of motor transport

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    Трансформаційні процеси в економіці та становлення ринкових відносин в Україні, сприяли зменшенню кількості великих підприємств транспорту і збільшенню малих, що мають 1—2 транспортні засоби і не в змозі утримувати власну виробничо-технічну базу для обслуговування рухомого складу. Дані зміни визначають необхідність реалізації нових механізмів створення конкурентних переваг різних за величиною суб’єктів господарювання у сфері транспорту, одним з яких є інтеграція суб’єктів господарювання шляхом створення стратегічних партнерств підприємств транспорту.Transformation processes in the economy and formation of market relations in Ukraine contributed to the decrease in the number of large transport companies and contributed to an increase in small, having 1-2 of the vehicle; they are unable to contain its own production and technical facilities for maintenance of rolling stock. These changes recognize the importance of implementing new mechanisms for creating competitive advantages of various largest economic entities in the transport sector, one of which is the integration of business entities by creating strategic partnerships transport enterprises

    NMR spectroscopic detection of chirality and enantiopurity in referenced systems without formation of diastereomers

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    Enantiomeric excess of chiral compounds is a key parameter that determines their activity or therapeutic action. The current paradigm for rapid measurement of enantiomeric excess using NMR is based on the formation of diastereomeric complexes between the chiral analyte and a chiral resolving agent, leading to (at least) two species with no symmetry relationship. Here we report an effective method of enantiomeric excess determination using a symmetrical achiral molecule as the resolving agent, which is based on the complexation with analyte (in the fast exchange regime) without the formation of diastereomers. The use of N,N′-disubstituted oxoporphyrinogen as the resolving agent makes this novel method extremely versatile, and appropriate for various chiral analytes including carboxylic acids, esters, alcohols and protected amino acids using the same achiral molecule. The model of sensing mechanism exhibits a fundamental linear response between enantiomeric excess and the observed magnitude of induced chemical shift non-equivalence in the 1H NMR spectra

    Estimation of Enantiomeric Excess Based on Rapid Host–Guest Exchange

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    Chiral molecules possess enantiomers that have non-superimposable chemical structures but exhibit identical nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra. This feature prevents the use of NMR spectroscopic methods for the determination of enantiomeric excesses (ee) of chiral molecules, using simple mixtures of their enantiomers. Recently, however, it was reported that the addition of a symmetrical prochiral molecule (a reporter or host) into a solution of chiral analyte can lead to estimation of ee through interactions involving rapid exchange of the chiral analyte (guest) in the formed host–guest complex. This is due to the ee-dependent splitting of NMR resonances of the prochiral host molecule based on averaging the chemical shift non-equivalency caused by the presence of a chiral guest. The mechanism is not dependent on diastereomer formation, and 1:1 host–guest complexes can also show ee-dependent NMR peak splitting. Prochiral molecules capable of ee sensing using the NMR technique are now referred to as so-called prochiral solvating agents (pro-CSAs). pro-CSAs represent a family of reagents distinct from the commonly used NMR chiral derivatizing reagents (where chiral auxiliaries are used to derivatize enantiomers to diastereomers) or chiral solvating agents (where chiral auxiliaries interact in an asymmetric manner with analyte enantiomers). pro-CSA methods are unique since neither pro-CSA nor NMR contains chiral factors, making the technique neutral with respect to chirality. Here, we review our recent work on this matter involving several different nominally achiral receptor molecules whose unique guest binding properties and solution characteristics (especially with regard to NMR spectroscopy) allow for the estimation of ee in the corresponding chiral guests

    Multimodal switching of a redox-active macrocycle

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    Molecules that can switch between multiple stable states in response to stimuli are promising for many applications, but are challenging to construct. Here, the authors design a resorcinarene switching manifold with multiple oxidation states and coupled charge-transfer states, which can access up to five distinct switch-states with unique optical outputs

    Nanomolecular singlet oxygen photosensitizers based on hemiquinonoid-resorcinarenes, the fuchsonarenes

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    Singlet oxygen sensitization involving a class of hemiquinonoid-substituted resorcinarenes prepared from the corresponding 3,5-di-t-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl-substituted resorcinarenes is reported. Based on variation in the molecular structures, quantum yields comparable with that of the well-known photosensitizing compound meso-tetraphenylporphyrin were obtained for the octabenzyloxy-substituted double hemiquinonoid resorcinarene reported herein. The following classes of compounds were studied: benzyloxy-substituted resorcinarenes, acetyloxy-substituted resorcinarenes and acetyloxy-substituted pyrogallarenes. Single crystal X-ray crystallographic analyses revealed structural variations in the compounds with conformation (i.e., rctt, rccc, rcct) having some influence on the identity of hemiquinonoid product available. Multiplicity of hemiquinonoid group affects singlet oxygen quantum yield with those doubly substituted being more active than those containing a single hemiquinone. Compounds reported here lacking hemiquinonoid groups are inactive as photosensitizers. The term ‘fuchsonarene’ (fuchson + arene of resorcinarene) is proposed for use to classify the compounds

    Undergraduate Conductors’ and Conducting Teachers’ Perceptions of Basic Conducting Efficacy

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    basic conducting, nonverbal conducting behaviors, conducting effectivenessThe purpose of this study was to examine undergraduate conductors’ and conducting teachers’ perceptions about basic conducting efficacy. At the beginning and end of the semester, undergraduate students (N = 19) enrolled in a basic conducting course (a) were surveyed about the importance of certain skills necessary for being an effective conductor and (b) viewed and rated their first videotaped conducting episode. Results indicated very few significant differences in participants’ ratings of important conducting skills or their own self-evaluation of nonverbal conducting skills. In addition, university conducting teachers (N = 9) evaluated videos of 10 conductors (five who had participated in the basic conducting course and five nonconductors who had not) who led a university concert band in an identical 1-minute excerpt of band music. No significant differences were found between the basic conductors and the nonconductors’ nonverbal conducting behaviors. Implications for conducting teachers, undergraduate conducting students, and preservice teachers are discussed.YesReviewed and accepted for publication in "Update: Applications of Research in Music Education" http://upd.sagepub.com/content/early/2014/10/23/8755123314554809.abstrac

    Dynamic Processes in Prochiral Solvating Agents (pro-CSAs) Studied by NMR Spectroscopy

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    Several dynamic processes, including tautomerism and macrocyclic inversion, in 1H-NMR prochiral solvating agents (pro-CSAs) are investigated. Various features of pro-CSA, including modes of interaction for complex formation, stoichiometry, binding strength and temperature effects were compared for three representative pro-CSA molecules. Structural effects of conjugated tetrapyrrole pro-CSA on the mechanism of enantiomeric excess determination are also discussed. Detailed analysis of species (complexes) and dynamic processes occurring in solution and their 1H-NMR spectral manifestations at various temperatures is presented