103 research outputs found

    Understanding aroma release from model cheeses by a statistical multiblock approach on oral processing

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    For human beings, the mouth is the first organ to perceive food and the different signalling events associated to food breakdown. These events are very complex and as such, their description necessitates combining different data sets. This study proposed an integrated approach to understand the relative contribution of main food oral processing events involved in aroma release during cheese consumption. In vivo aroma release was monitored on forty eight subjects who were asked to eat four different model cheeses varying in fat content and firmness and flavoured with ethyl propanoate and nonan-2-one. A multiblock partial least square regression was performed to explain aroma release from the different physiological data sets ( masticatory behaviour, bolus rheology, saliva composition and flux, mouth coating and bolus moistening). This statistical approach was relevant to point out that aroma release was mostly explained by masticatory behaviour whatever the cheese and the aroma, with a specific influence of mean amplitude on aroma release after swallowing. Aroma release from the firmer cheeses was explained mainly by bolus rheology. The persistence of hydrophobic compounds in the breath was mainly explained by bolus spreadability, in close relation with bolus moistening. Resting saliva poorly contributed to the analysis whereas the composition of stimulated saliva was negatively correlated with aroma release and mostly for soft cheeses, when significant

    In vivo aroma release measurements and sensory perception of flavoured milk proteins gels

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    International audienceThree mixed milk gels with different structures were formulated. The addition of increasingconcentration of chymosin resulted in an increase in gel hardness evaluated by penetrometrymeasurements. The in vivo release of aroma compounds from these gels was studied byAtmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionisation - Mass Spectrometry (APCI-MS) in Nosespaceconfiguration and with a panel of fourteen subjects. Aroma release was found to be stronglyaffected by structure variation. An increase in gel hardness resulted in an increase in theamount and the rate of aroma release. In parallel, sensory analysis was performed using theprofile method. Data treatment revealed that the different structures were perceived at thesensory level and could be described with numerous texture attributes. Intensity of saltperception was found to decrease from the softer to the harder gel. Overall aroma perceptionpresented a tendency to decrease with gel hardness. Aroma perception could not be correlatedwith aroma release parameters, and cross-modal interactions were not excluded to explainresults

    Effects of food texture change on metabolic parameters: short- and long-term feeding patterns and body weight

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    International audienceA complete diet was prepared withcooked pieces of meat, beans, cream starch, and water andpresented to the rats in two different textures: a blendedpure´e and a rough mixture that required a lot of chewing. Wehypothesized that this texture modification might changeboth anticipatory reflexes and feeding behavior. Feedingrate, meal size, intermeal intervals, and their correlationwere monitored in response to each texture. The long-term (6wk) effect on body weight was assessed. Periprandial plasmaglucose, insulin, glucagon, and lipid concentrations were assayed.Whole and background metabolism, respiratory quotient,and locomotion were measured using a computerizedcalorimeter of original design. In the short term, rats preferredthe mixture. However, after 3 wk, they ingested morepure´e than mixture and gained more body weight per gram offood ingested as pure´e. Insulin response declined earlier withthe mixture. During meals, glycerol and free fatty acid increasedearlier with pure´e, whereas in the postprandial period,glycerol increased earlier with mixture. The metabolicrate, however, was not significantly affected. We concludedthat texture, an everyday manipulation performed on food forhuman consumption, affects not only palatability of ingestantsbut als

    In Vivo Aroma Release of Milk Gels of Different Hardnesses: Inter-individual Differences and Their Consequences on Aroma Perception

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    International audienceThe effect of textural modifications of solid milk gels on in vivo aroma release and aroma perceptionwas investigated with a panel of 14 subjects. Great inter-individual differences were observed onaroma-release data, and the consequences of these differences on aroma perception were studied.From a hierarchical cluster analysis performed with several parameters extracted from release curves,the subjects were gathered into two groups, and a specific aroma-release profile was identified foreach one. Then, by using a sensory profile, we showed that the intensity of the aroma perceptionwas dependent on the release profile presented by the panelist. Second, we observed that, duringthe chewing phase, the aroma was perceived as more intense for the firmer gel and for panelists forwhom the aroma release begins during the chewing of the product

    In vivo aroma release depends on product characteristics

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    Changing cheese composition (more or less fat) and texture (soft to firm) modifies in vivo release of aroma compounds as a function of their hydrophobicity. An increase in cheese firmness induced an increase in the total amount of aroma released. A higher fat content led to a lower amount of release of the more hydrophobic compound

    Aroma perception in dairy products: the roles of texture, aroma release and consumer physiology. A review

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    Aroma perception is a determinant factor in food choices and acceptability by consumers. To be perceived, aroma compounds must be released in the mouth during food breakdown, transferred into the nasal cavity to reach the olfactory receptor and then be perceived. So, in order to control aroma perception, knowledge of the main factors that can influence in-mouth aroma release is of major importance. Focusing on dairy products, this review article investigates the factors due to: (i) food products, and mainly the influence of food composition and structure on aroma retention and release; (ii) the inter-individual variability of subjects, mainly chewing behaviour, saliva rate and composition and their influence on aroma release; and (iii) the interactions between food products and subjects and their impact on aroma release and perception. We also discuss the various instrumental and sensory methodologies that are often used to study aroma-texture interactions in dairy products, with particular focus on articles that compare in vivo aroma release and perception in dairy products. This review emphasizes that the relationship existing between in vivo aroma release and perception in dairy products is strongly dependent on the type of texture relative to two mechanisms; physicochemical mechanisms based on the modification of aroma release and a cognitive mechanism based on aroma-taste-texture interactions. These two mechanisms exist simultaneously but have more or less impact on aroma perception, depending on the type of texture

    Effet de la texture de gels riches en protéines sur la libération et la perception des arômes / Modification de la structure et impact sur la libération et la perception des arômes. Application à des systèmes fromagers modèles

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     Partenaires industriels : Fromageries Bel / Soredab / AromalyseL’objectif de notre travail est d’étudier les interactions texture-arôme au sein de matrices riches en protéines. Pour cela, nous avons mis au point trois matrices type « fromage frais » de compositions identiques mais ayant des textures significativement différentes. Ces matrices, à base de protéines de lait, sont obtenues par gélification lactique ou mixte avec différentes doses de présure, et sont aromatisées avec un arôme « fromage » contenant dix composés. A partir de ces matrices caractérisées rhéologiquement, une étude « Nosespace » a été réalisée par APCI-MS (Spectrométrie de Masse avec Ionisation Chimique à Pression Atmosphérique). Cette méthode consiste à analyser en continu la composition des effluves nasales expirées par le sujet et permet ainsi de suivre la libération des composés d’arôme au cours de la consommation des matrices. Un profil sensoriel a également été réalisé afin de décrire les perceptions de texture, saveur et arôme générées par la consommation de ces produits. Les résultats de l’APCI-MS montrent de nettes différences de composition des effluves nasales en fonction de la texture de la matrice. Plus la matrice est ferme (formules mixtes), plus la libération des molécules d’arôme est importante, mais plus elle semble être lente au cours de la consommation du produit. Le profil sensoriel a lui montré des perceptions significativement différentes au niveau de la texture et de certaines saveurs, mais pas de l’arôme. La tendance irait néanmoins dans le sens d’une perception plus intense de l’arôme avec la matrice la moins ferme (formule lactique). La comparaison des résultats obtenus par chacune des méthodes nous amène à supposer que les faibles différences observées sur la perception de l’arôme sont peut-être liées à des cinétiques de libération des composés d’arôme un peu différentes en fonction de la structure du produit
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