190 research outputs found

    Normal Levels of Sox9 Expression in the Developing Mouse Testis Depend on the TES/TESCO Enhancer, but This Does Not Act Alone

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    During mouse sex determination, transient expression of the Y-linked gene Sry up-regulates its direct target gene Sox9, via a 3.2 kb testis specific enhancer of Sox9 (TES), which includes a core 1.4 kb element, TESCO. SOX9 activity leads to differentiation of Sertoli cells, rather than granulosa cells from the bipotential supporting cell precursor lineage. Here, we present functional analysis of TES/TESCO, using CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in mice. Deletion of TESCO or TES reduced Sox9 expression levels in XY fetal gonads to 60 or 45% respectively relative to wild type gonads, and reduced expression of the SOX9 target Amh. Although human patients heterozygous for null mutations in SOX9, which are assumed to have 50% of normal expression, often show XY female sex reversal, mice deleted for one copy of Sox9 do not. Consistent with this, we did not observe sex reversal in either TESCO-/- or TES-/- XY embryos or adult mice. However, embryos carrying both a conditional Sox9 null allele and the TES deletion developed ovotestes. Quantitative analysis of these revealed levels of 23% expression of Sox9 compared to wild type, and a significant increase in the expression of the granulosa cell marker Foxl2. This indicates that the threshold in mice where sex reversal begins to be seen is about half that of the ~50% levels predicted in humans. Our results demonstrate that TES/TESCO is a crucial enhancer regulating Sox9 expression in the gonad, but point to the existence of additional enhancers that act redundantly

    A microRNA (mmu-miR-124) prevents Sox9 expression in developing mouse ovarian cells

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    In mammals, sex differentiation depends on gonad development, which is controlled by two groups of sex-determining genes that promote one gonadal sex and antagonize the opposite one. SOX9 plays a key role during testis development in all studied vertebrates, whereas it is kept inactive in the XX gonad at the critical time of sex determination, otherwise, ovary-to-testis gonadal sex reversal occurs. However, molecular mechanisms underlying repression of Sox9 at the beginning of ovarian development, as well as other important aspects of gonad organogenesis, remain largely unknown. Because there is indirect evidence that micro-RNAs (miRNA) are necessary for testicular function, the possible involvement of miRNAs in mammalian sex determination deserved further research. Using microarray technology, we have identified 22 miRNAs showing sex-specific expression in the developing gonads during the critical period of sex determination. Bioinformatics analyses led to the identification of miR-124 as the candidate gene for ovarian development. We knocked down or overexpressed miR-124 in primary gonadal cell cultures and observed that miR-124 is sufficient to induce the repression of both SOX9 translation and transcription in ovarian cells. Our results provide the first evidence of the involvement of a miRNA in the regulation of the gene controlling gonad development and sex determination. The miRNA microarray data reported here will help promote further research in this field, to unravel the role of other miRNAs in the genetic control of mammalian sex determination

    Guidelines for the use of cell lines in biomedical research

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    Cell-line misidentification and contamination with microorganisms, such as mycoplasma, together with instability, both genetic and phenotypic, are among the problems that continue to affect cell culture. Many of these problems are avoidable with the necessary foresight, and these Guidelines have been prepared to provide those new to the field and others engaged in teaching and instruction with the information necessary to increase their awareness of the problems and to enable them to deal with them effectively. The Guidelines cover areas such as development, acquisition, authentication, cryopreservation, transfer of cell lines between laboratories, microbial contamination, characterisation, instability and misidentification. Advice is also given on complying with current legal and ethical requirements when deriving cell lines from human and animal tissues, the selection and maintenance of equipment and how to deal with problems that may arise

    Neuronal migration and ventral subtype identity in the telencephalon depend on SOX1

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    Little is known about the molecular mechanisms and intrinsic factors that are responsible for the emergence of neuronal subtype identity. Several transcription factors that are expressed mainly in precursors of the ventral telencephalon have been shown to control neuronal specification, but it has been unclear whether subtype identity is also specified in these precursors, or if this happens in postmitotic neurons, and whether it involves the same or different factors. SOX1, an HMG box transcription factor, is expressed widely in neural precursors along with the two other SOXB1 subfamily members, SOX2 and SOX3, and all three have been implicated in neurogenesis. SOX1 is also uniquely expressed at a high level in the majority of telencephalic neurons that constitute the ventral striatum (VS). These neurons are missing in Sox1-null mutant mice. In the present study, we have addressed the requirement for SOX1 at a cellular level, revealing both the nature and timing of the defect. By generating a novel Sox1-null allele expressing β-galactosidase, we found that the VS precursors and their early neuronal differentiation are unaffected in the absence of SOX1, but the prospective neurons fail to migrate to their appropriate position. Furthermore, the migration of non-Sox1-expressing VS neurons (such as those expressing Pax6) was also affected in the absence of SOX1, suggesting that Sox1-expressing neurons play a role in structuring the area of the VS. To test whether SOX1 is required in postmitotic cells for the emergence of VS neuronal identity, we generated mice in which Sox1 expression was directed to all ventral telencephalic precursors, but to only a very few VS neurons. These mice again lacked most of the VS, indicating that SOX1 expression in precursors is not sufficient for VS development. Conversely, the few neurons in which Sox1 expression was maintained were able to migrate to the VS. In conclusion, Sox1 expression in precursors is not sufficient for VS neuronal identity and migration, but this is accomplished in postmitotic cells, which require the continued presence of SOX1. Our data also suggest that other SOXB1 members showing expression in specific neuronal populations are likely to play continuous roles from the establishment of precursors to their final differentiation

    Two alternative methods for the retrieval of somatic cell populations from the mouse ovary

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    Many modern techniques employed to uncover the molecular fundamentals underlying biological processes require dissociated cells as their starting point/substrate. Investigations into ovarian endocrinology or folliculogenesis therefore necessitate robust protocols for dissociating the ovary into its constituent cell populations. While in the mouse, methods to obtain individual, mature follicles are well-established, the separation and isolation of single cells of all types from early mouse follicles, including somatic cells, has been more challenging. Herein we present two methods for the isolation of somatic cells in the ovary. These methods are suitable for a range of applications relating to the study of folliculogenesis and mouse ovarian development. First, an enzymatic dissociation utilising collagenase and a temporary, primary cell culture step using neonatal mouse ovaries which yields large quantities of granulosa cells from primordial, activating, and primary follicles. Second, a rapid papain dissociation resulting in a high viability single cell suspension of ovarian somatic cells in less than an hour, which can be applied from embryonic to adult ovarian samples. Collectively these protocols can be applied to a broad array of investigations with unique advantages and benefits pertaining to both

    Sex reversal following deletion of a single distal enhancer of Sox9

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    Cell fate decisions require appropriate regulation of key genes. Sox9, a direct target of SRY, is pivotal in mammalian sex determination. In vivo high-throughput chromatin accessibility techniques, transgenic assays, and genome editing revealed several novel gonadal regulatory elements in the 2-megabase gene desert upstream of Sox9. Although others are redundant, enhancer 13 (Enh13), a 557–base pair element located 565 kilobases 5′ from the transcriptional start site, is essential to initiate mouse testis development; its deletion results in XY females with Sox9 transcript levels equivalent to those in XX gonads. Our data are consistent with the time-sensitive activity of SRY and indicate a strict order of enhancer usage. Enh13 is conserved and embedded within a 32.5-kilobase region whose deletion in humans is associated with XY sex reversal, suggesting that it is also critical in humans

    Understanding the molecular pathogenesis of SOX9 Y440X campomelic dysplasia

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    Human SOX9 mutations cause the skeletal malformation syndrome campomelic dysplasia (CD). Complete inactivation of the Sox9 gene in mice results in failure of cartilage formation. Studies in zebrafish and Xenopus suggest that Sox9 may be crucial for specification of the otic placode. In mice, loss of Sox9 results in failure of otic placode invagination. Heterozygous mutations in human SOX9 result in conductive and sensorineural deafness in some CD patients, implying a later morphogenetic role but phenotypic details are limited. Sox9-/- null mice die before morphogenesis of the inner ear is complete, precluding investigation of the role of Sox9 later in ear develop...postprin
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