16 research outputs found

    Strategic Development Prospects for the Labor Market in Romania, as Introduced by the Europe 2020 Strategy

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    The paper presents some necessary, but not sufficient aspects, introduced first by the Europe 2020 Strategy. We designed scenarios of the economic structure of Romania using 2008 data as a fixed base and the comparable Database EIMBussiness_PolicyResearch2009. On the basis of input variables, the increase in value added and the growth of productivity for the period 2008-2020 are projected, both internally determined in the definition cell located at division level in conditions of average dimension of the unit constant. Simulating for the extremes of the historical spectrum of input variables, we further auto-project the gross value added and the apparent productivity and we dimension the number of employed persons and of enterprises for four scenarios.labor force and employment, size and structure, simulation of growth of apparent productivity

    Self-employment and unemployment relationship in Romania – Insights by age, education and gender

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    We check on the short term if self-employment in Romania influences unemployment and vice versa. Age, education and gender characteristics treat both variables, and self-employment considers both cases with and without employees. The objective is to look at the job creation and unemployment reduction in quarterly variation during the 1999Q1–2017Q3 period. On autoregressive models, we apply the Toda and Yamamoto (1995) procedure, detailed by Giles (2011), to assess for Granger Causality. We found for unemployment rates a push effect in the self-employment rate for adults and youth with low education level to self-employment without employees’ rate for adults and self-employment with employees’ rate for old adults. We establish a ‘Schumpeter’ effect for the adult with a low level of education self-employment to unemployment, for adults’ males with tertiary education and selfemployed, and older adults self-employed without employees to unemployment. We conclude that unemployment work as an inclusion mechanism for some vulnerable groups but inefficient for others. Self-employment with employees is less diversified, indicating a high-risk aversion and low start-up effect. In general, the labour market presents a unidirectional flexibility effec

    Perspectives of Human Capital Core Specialization for Digital Transformation in Romania

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    The actual challenge is the digital transformation and the higher education holds the leading role to digital adoption and new skills providing. Based on the challenges highlighted by COVID19 pandemic, the new business models are shaped considering the digital transformation and the future jobs creation. They are requiring human resources with specific new skills and knowledge, educated in new teaching programs. The purpose of the study was to explore the Romanian higher education system capacity to create human capital core specialization for digital transformation in view to design a sustainable occupational mobility. It used the theory based analysis as a logic model, particularly in terms of the causal linkages between outputs and the different levels of outcome. Higher education spatial and temporal analysis were conducted with focus on study programs with relevant content for digital transformation creation in the framework the unified matriculation register. The specialized study programs are the intervention that should make the difference in digital transformation. Interdisciplinarity is the core of the new digital occupations formalization which request to develop and update an appropriate taxonomy based on a common scientific framework. The study offers practical inputs to design new tools for interdisciplinary management in creation of new occupational standards, to design study programs adequate for the new digitalized economy. A second finding refers to the domains that are faster moving forward to the new dimensions of digital adoption and futures jobs, the labor mobility, flexibility and hybrid or remote opportunities being part of the new business paradigm

    Mapping post crises the European job growth in travel agencies and tour operator reservation services

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    World Tourism Organisation, declares the Tour Operators as tourism engine of strategically importance to support jobs and inclusive growth in all regions. Tour operators emerges following the 2008 crises, as a global job engine. Its atypical profile of highest human capital concentrator in tourism, attract and retain talents, works digital with a high-intensity information use. Is a rapid adopter of technological innovation, generate high value added in highly competitive global markets. We look in this paper to understand why employment is growing or declining in a regional tourism tour operator sector during 2008–2018, in some EU28 regions? We use Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis to map the indicator ‘tour operator’s employment growth’ components decomposed by the Shift Share Analysis Method. Analysed Eurostat data for 266 regions (281 regions) indicates that for the average regional tour operators employment growth heterogeneity is driven almost at half by region-specific factors. The main contributions are: identifying this indicator as appropriate to be a core one in OECD (2013) tourism competitiveness framework & redefine tour operator sector as a core sector of tourism in the Global model of tourism of Harrison


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    Identifying locations that are part of the LAU2 two types of clusters HH and LL which indicates similarities in the level of unemployment registered, with the same tendency level indicator in neighbourhood values is achieved by spatial statistical analysis method Local Indicators of Spatial Association LISA (Anselin 1995, 1996) and calculated in Geoda Software. Each location LAU2’s type (national, HH or LL) is profiled as calculated in SPSS by the statistical mean of characteristics relevant indicators to the labour market: The number of registered unemployed, number of employees, average population density / km2, average number of people entering the LAU2 following the change of domicile by reference environment and national levels in 2010 and 2013 in Romania. Data source is provided by National Institute of Statistic INS – TEMPO online database, socio-economic indicators detailed level LAU2 / NUTS 5, with a selection for 2010 and 2013. These research results have been achieved in the Project NUCLEU PN - 420 118: Spatial distribution of market indicators cohesion policy, made in 2014 and in the project DYNAHU

    The regions development characterisation by diversity/variety of the firms - study case for Romania

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    In this paper we try to find empirical evidence regarding the region diversity by firm characteristics, using spatial data from Tempo (INS Romania database) at NUTS 1, 2 and 3 region level for the period 1997-2008. Using instruments of statistical analysis of spatial data (Anselin, Varga) we try to sketch the spatial pattern of firm agglomerations and values of main firm's characteristics (size class according to employee's number and economic activity by NACE Rev.1 sections). Starting point is represented by the discussion made by Saviotti(*) regarding the efficiency vs diversity/variety in economic development respectively development versus growth. The pattern variation of the regions "profile" by diversity/variety of the firms could offer an image for the structural transformation of economic development tendencies of it in the last decade. (*) Pier Paolo Saviotti, INRA GAEL, Grenoble, and CNRS GREDEG I2C, Sophia Antipolis, France:"Is there a direction in economic development?", Pech, 200

    Key skills development at firm level in regional perspective - case study for Romania

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    In view to define the need for change in the knowledge economy perspective an important place is occupied by the key competences development. In the new global context, with the digital and knowledge economy emergence"company expects current and prospective employees to bring this set of skills to the workplace".(a- Learning for the 21st century) . Some key competences are already recognized with transversal value by the employers - the ability to think creatively and logically in order to identify, formulate and solve problems, the ability to synthesize information, the ability to develop new skills, applying knowledge to the new situations, communicating, collaborating, making decisions and included into the "learning skills" literature etc. Based on the results of the Survey applied at national level, representatively at region NUTS 2 level, in Romania in 2008, we try to develop the firm perspective regarding the demand for the key skills development in regional perspective on medium term. (a)***, Learning for the 21first Century, A Report and Mile Guide for 21st Century Skills, pg.7, www.21scienturyskills.or

    Mapping European high-digital intensive sectors—regional growth accelerator for the circular economy

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    Globalization and the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0 act as shocks on regional labor markets and regional economies. The presence of a digital economy has high spillover effects on regional development, job creation, economic resilience, and sustainability; furthermore, it valuates eco-innovation and the clean economy. We believe that the process of digital transformation has a robust impact on the green and clean aspects of the entire economy. The consistency of high digital-intensive (HDI) sectors can be evaluated through high digital-intensive employment, human resources, and technological infrastructure, as these are the main pillars of digital transformation. The shift-share analysis method (SSM) is used in this study on employment growth during 2008–2018 for the EU27, the United Kingdom, and Norway, combined with a second stage of exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA). The findings on national growth, industrial mix, and competitiveness are presented in GIS mapping system considering the Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISA) technique at the NUTS2 level. This approach allows us to determine the clustering level of high digital-intensive employment and sectors, resilience based on connectivity and eco-innovation, and the regional potential of digital transformation. Policymakers and political or governmental decision-makers could consider the results of the present study as the starting point for developing and implementing their policies for a sustainable green regional economy and determine the emerging area patches that need to be stimulated

    Brief Feature of Poverty and Rural poverty and the Circle of Decline in Romanian Rural Area

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    In recent years, poverty has become quite important, affecting a large part of the population, which also means driving a sustained effort for specific forms of social assistance. More and more strong signals are being drawn to reduce poverty and social exclusion among vulnerable groups, especially in a rural areas, where the decline in poverty is much more pronounced. This means knowing and continuously analyzing these rural contingencies facing poverty, finding solutions to improve the social assistance system that intensifies the poverty reduction and support social inclusion and employment growth, actions that respond more pronounced in the current economic and social challenges, in line with the dynamics of the social dimensions. This dynamic has multiplied the tensions that social assistance systems have to deal with, thus multiplying the need for adequate, coherent, effective, and efficient social programs. The paper depicts a picture of poverty and the circle of decline in Romania, with particular reference to the rural area that is most affected by poverty. The indicators analyzed in the dynamics suggest that, despite efforts to reduce poverty, even if there have been declines since the beginning of the decade, values remain high, which intensifies the efforts to reduce vulnerabilities and poverty risks faced by a large part of the population, especially in a rural area