57 research outputs found

    Numerical Modelling of Polycrystalline Diamond device for Advanced Sensor Design

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    Abstract Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) simulation tools are routinely adopted within the design flow of semiconductor devices to simulate their electrical characteristics. However, the device level simulation of diamond is not straightforward within the state-of-the-art TCAD tools. Physical models have to be specifically formulated and tuned for single-crystal CVD (scCVD) and polycrystalline (pcCVD) diamond in order to account for, among others, incomplete ionization, intrinsic carrier free material, dependences of carrier transport on doping and temperature, impact ionization, traps and recombination centers effects. In this work, we propose the development and the application of a numerical model to simulate the electrical characteristics of polycrystalline diamond conceived for sensors fabrication. The model is based on the introduction of an articulated, yet physically based, picture of deep-level defects acting as recombination centers and/or trap states. This approach fosters the exploration and optimization of innovative semiconductor devices conjugating the capabilities of CMOS electronics devices and the properties of diamond substrates, e.g. for biological sensor applications or single particle detectors for High Energy Physics experiments

    Use of standard CMOS pixel imagers as ionizing radiation detectors

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    The recent developments in the domain of the standard CMOS imagers for visible light, mainly in the reduction of the pixel size, has led us to investigate the suitability of some of these devices as ionizing radiation detectors. A standard 640x480 imager with 5.6x5.6 micrometer pixel size (Micron product type MT9V011) has been characterized with both photons ( 55Fe and 8 keV X-ray tube) than charged particles sources ( 500 MeV electrons). The main results obtained are: a small pixel multiplicity (4–5), for the detection of either X-ray or charged particles; a good linearity of the response; a S/N ratio ≫ 30 for a Minimum Ionizing Particle and an estimated sensitivity down to about 2 keV

    Advanced active pixel architectures in standard CMOS technology

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    This paper aims at exploring and validating the adoption of standard fabrication processes for the realization of CMOS active pixel sensors, for particle detection purposes. The goal is to implement a single-chip, complete radiation sensor system, including on a CMOS integrated circuit the sensitive devices, read-out and signal processing circuits. A prototype chip (RAPS01) based on these principles has been already fabricated, and a chip characterization has been carried out; in particular, the evaluation of the sensitivity of the sensor response on the actual operating conditions was estimated, as well as the response uniformity. Optimization and tailoring of the sensor structures for High Energy Physics applications are being evaluated in the design of the next generation chip (RAPS02). Basic features of the new chip includes digitally configurable readout and multi-mode access (i.e., either sparse of line-scan readout). © 2005 IEEE

    Performance of CMOS imager as sensing element for a Real-time Active Pixel Dosimeter for Interventional Radiology procedures

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    Staff members applying Interventional Radiology procedures are exposed to ionizing radiation, which can induce detrimental effects to the human body, and requires an improvement of radiation protection. This paper is focused on the study of the sensor element for a wireless real-time dosimeter to be worn by the medical staff during the interventional radiology procedures, in the framework of the Real-Time Active PIxel Dosimetry (RAPID) INFN project. We characterize a CMOS imager to be used as detection element for the photons scattered by the patient body. The CMOS imager has been first characterized in laboratory using fluorescence X-ray sources, then a PMMA phantom has been used to diffuse the X-ray photons from an angiography system. Different operating conditions have been used to test the detector response in realistic situations, by varying the X-ray tube parameters (continuous/pulsed mode, tube voltage and current, pulse parameters), the sensor parameters (gain, integration time) and the relative distance between sensor and phantom. The sensor response has been compared with measurements performed using passive dosimeters (TLD) and also with a certified beam, in an accredited calibration centre, in order to obtain an absolute calibration. The results are very encouraging, with dose and dose rate measurement uncertainties below the 10% level even for the most demanding Interventional Radiology protocols

    Study of radiation damage and substrate resistivity effects from beam test of silicon microstrip detectors using LHC readout electronics

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    We present the beam test results of single-sided silicon microstrip detectors, with different substrate resistivities. The effects of radiation damage are studied for a detector irradiated to a fluence of 2.4 multiplied by 10**1**4 n/cm**2. The detectors are read out with the APV6 chip, which is compatible with the 40 MHz LHC clock. The performance of different detectors and readout modes are studied in terms of signal-to-noise ratio and efficiency

    A Hydrogenated amorphous silicon detector for Space Weather Applications

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    The characteristics of a hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) detector are presented here for monitoring in space solar flares and the evolution of large energetic proton events up to hundreds of MeV. The a-Si:H presents an excellent radiation hardness and finds application in harsh radiation environments for medical purposes, for particle beam characterization and in space weather science and applications. The critical flux detection threshold for solar X rays, soft gamma rays, electrons and protons is discussed in detail.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Experimental Astronom

    Stability and efficiency of a CMOS sensor as detector of low energy beta and gamma particles

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    Radio Guided Surgery (RGS) is a nuclear medicine technique allowing the surgeon to identify tumor residuals in real time with a millimetric resolution, thanks to a radiopharmaceutical as tracer and a probe as detector. The use of beta(-) emitters, instead of gamma or beta(+), has been recently proposed with the aim to increase the technique sensitivity and reducing both the administered activity to the patient and the medical exposure. In this paper, the possibility to use the commercial CMOS Image Sensor MT9V115, originally designed for visible light imaging, as beta(-) radiation detector RGS is discussed. Being crucial characteristics in a surgical environment, in particular its stability against time, operating temperature, integration time and gain has been studied on laboratory measurements. Moreover, a full Monte Carlo simulation of the detector has been developed. Its validation against experimental data allowed us to obtain efficiency curves for both beta and gamma particles, and also to evaluate the effect of the covering heavy resin protective layer that is present in the "off the shelf" detector. This study suggests that a dedicated CMOS Image Sensor (i.e. one produced without the covering protective layer) represents the ideal candidate detector for RGS, able to massively increase the amount of application cases and the efficacy of this technique

    FOOT: a new experiment to measure nuclear fragmentation at intermediate energies

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    Summary: Charged particle therapy exploits proton or 12C beams to treat deep-seated solid tumors. Due to the advantageous characteristics of charged particles energy deposition in matter, the maximum of the dose is released to the tumor at the end of the beam range, in the Bragg peak region. However, the beam nuclear interactions with the patient tissues induces fragmentation both of projectile and target nuclei and needs to be carefully taken into account. In proton treatments, target fragmentation produces low energy, short range fragments along all the beam range, which deposit a non negligible dose in the entry channel. In 12C treatments the main concern is represented by long range fragments due to beam fragmentation that release their dose in the healthy tissues beyond the tumor. The FOOT experiment (FragmentatiOn Of Target) of INFN is designed to study these processes, in order to improve the nuclear fragmentation description in next generation Treatment Planning Systems and the treatment plans quality. Target (16O and 12C nuclei) fragmentation induced by –proton beams at therapeutic energies will be studied via an inverse kinematic approach, where 16O and 12C therapeutic beams impinge on graphite and hydrocarbon targets to provide the nuclear fragmentation cross section on hydrogen. Projectile fragmentation of 16O and 12C beams will be explored as well. The FOOT detector includes a magnetic spectrometer for the fragments momentum measurement, a plastic scintillator for ΔE and time of flight measurements and a crystal calorimeter to measure the fragments kinetic energy. These measurements will be combined in order to make an accurate fragment charge and isotopic identification. Keywords: Hadrontherapy, Nuclear fragmentation cross sections, Tracking detectors, Scintillating detector
