8 research outputs found

    Anomalous tag diffusion in the asymmetric exclusion model with particles of arbitrary sizes

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    Anomalous behavior of correlation functions of tagged particles are studied in generalizations of the one dimensional asymmetric exclusion problem. In these generalized models the range of the hard-core interactions are changed and the restriction of relative ordering of the particles is partially brocken. The models probing these effects are those of biased diffusion of particles having size S=0,1,2,..., or an effective negative "size" S=-1,-2,..., in units of lattice space. Our numerical simulations show that irrespective of the range of the hard-core potential, as long some relative ordering of particles are kept, we find suitable sliding-tag correlation functions whose fluctuations growth with time anomalously slow (t1/3t^{{1/3}}), when compared with the normal diffusive behavior (t1/2t^{{1/2}}). These results indicate that the critical behavior of these stochastic models are in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class. Moreover a previous Bethe-ansatz calculation of the dynamical critical exponent zz, for size S0S \geq 0 particles is extended to the case S<0S<0 and the KPZ result z=3/2z=3/2 is predicted for all values of SZS \in {Z}.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Bethe Ansatz for the Weakly Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process and phase transition in the current distribution

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    The probability distribution of the current in the asymmetric simple exclusion process is expected to undergo a phase transition in the regime of weak asymmetry of the jumping rates. This transition was first predicted by Bodineau and Derrida using a linear stability analysis of the hydrodynamical limit of the process and further arguments have been given by Mallick and Prolhac. However it has been impossible so far to study what happens after the transition. The present paper presents an analysis of the large deviation function of the current on both sides of the transition from a Bethe ansatz approach of the weak asymmetry regime of the exclusion process.Comment: accepted to J.Stat.Phys, 1 figure, 1 reference, 2 paragraphs adde

    Equilibrium and dynamical properties of the ANNNI chain at the multiphase point

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    We study the equilibrium and dynamical properties of the ANNNI (axial next-nearest-neighbor Ising) chain at the multiphase point. An interesting property of the system is the macroscopic degeneracy of the ground state leading to finite zero-temperature entropy. In our equilibrium study we consider the effect of softening the spins. We show that the degeneracy of the ground state is lifted and there is a qualitative change in the low temperature behaviour of the system with a well defined low temperature peak of the specific heat that carries the thermodynamic ``weight'' of the ground state entropy. In our study of the dynamical properties, the stochastic Kawasaki dynamics is considered. The Fokker-Planck operator for the process corresponds to a quantum spin Hamiltonian similar to the Heisenberg ferromagnet but with constraints on allowed states. This leads to a number of differences in its properties which are obtained through exact numerical diagonalization, simulations and by obtaining various analytic bounds.Comment: 9 pages, RevTex, 6 figures (To appear in Phys. Rev. E

    Two ways to solve ASEP

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    The purpose of this article is to describe the two approaches to compute exact formulas (which are amenable to asymptotic analysis) for the probability distribution of the current of particles past a given site in the asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) with step initial data. The first approach is via a variant of the coordinate Bethe ansatz and was developed in work of Tracy and Widom in 2008-2009, while the second approach is via a rigorous version of the replica trick and was developed in work of Borodin, Sasamoto and the author in 2012.Comment: 10 pages, Chapter in "Topics in percolative and disordered systems

    Transient behavior in Single-File Systems

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    We have used Monte-Carlo methods and analytical techniques to investigate the influence of the characteristics, such as pipe length, diffusion, adsorption, desorption and reaction rates on the transient properties of Single-File Systems. The transient or the relaxation regime is the period in which the system is evolving to equilibrium. We have studied the system when all the sites are reactive and when only some of them are reactive. Comparisons between Mean-Field predictions, Cluster Approximation predictions, and Monte Carlo simulations for the relaxation time of the system are shown. We outline the cases where Mean-Field analysis gives good results compared to Dynamic Monte-Carlo results. For some specific cases we can analytically derive the relaxation time. Occupancy profiles for different distribution of the sites both for Mean-Field and simulations are compared. Different results for slow and fast reaction systems and different distribution of reactive sites are discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 19 figure

    Determinant representation for some transition probabilities in the TASEP with second class particles

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    We study the transition probabilities for the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP) on the infinite integer lattice with a finite, but arbitrary number of first and second class particles. Using the Bethe ansatz we present an explicit expression of these quantities in terms of the Bethe wave function. In a next step it is proved rigorously that this expression can be written in a compact determinantal form for the case where the order of the first and second class particles does not change in time. An independent geometrical approach provides insight into these results and enables us to generalize the determinantal solution to the multi-class TASEP.Comment: Minor revision; journal reference adde