85 research outputs found

    Effect of pheasant breeders management on eggs' fertility

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    The pheasant is the most common game bird in Italian countryside. The Italian pheasants' population can be considered as the result of different sub-species hybridisation (Cocchi et al., 2000). The evolution of pheasant farming methods has led to house breeding colonies in single family (1 male with 5-7 females) battery cages (Meriggi, 1992). The traditional housing facilities for breeding colonies were outdoor pens with a covered area, in the same pen different families were housed (Manetti, 1987)

    Polli ed altri volatili

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    La ricerca del DNA nel cane

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    Blood and plasma biochemical variables in laying hens of different strains and ages

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    Cet article présente une corrélation phono-sémantique attestée entre plusieurs formes lexicales de l’hébreu classique. Adopter la démarche de la théorie des matrices et des étymons permet d’envisager un réseau conceptuel rapprochant les concepts de « souffle », « sacré » et « odeur », réseau articulé par une série de similitudes d’ordre acoustique ou articulatoire. En effet, en hébreu comme dans les langues sémitiques en général, les formes lexicales renvoyant à ces notions sont souvent identiques ou très proches. Elles sont constituées d’une même base consonantique comme l’illustrent les étymons {ḥ,r} et {š,p} dont voici quelques exemples de réalisations : rûaḥ (ar. rūḥ) : « souffle, haleine, âme, vent, respiration, air, vie, esprit » ; rēaḥ (ar. rā’iḥa) : « odeur » ; reqaḥ : « parfum » ; nepeš (ar. nafs) : « souffle, haleine, odeur, parfum, vie » ; nâšap : « souffler » ; šâ’ap : « aspirer, humer, soupirer ».This article’s main objective is to present a phono-semantic link attested between some classical Hebrew words. The use of the Matrix and Etymons Theory leads us to describe a particular semantic web where the notions of “blowing, breathing”, “holiness” and “smell” seem to be articulated by some looking alike phonetic articulations or acoustic results. Indeed, in Hebrew as in any other Semitic language, these notions are often expressed by close or identical terms. Those ones are actually formed on a similar consonantal basis as the etymons {ḥ,r} and {š,p}: rûaḥ (ar. rūḥ): “breath, soul, blast of air, wind, air, life, spirit”; rēaḥ (ar. rā’iḥa): “smell”; reqaḥ: “perfume”; nepeš (ar. nafs): “breath, smell, perfume, life”; nâšap: “to blow”; šâ’ap : “to inhale, to smell, to sigh”.يتعرّض هذا المقال للعلاقة الصوتية الدلالية الموجودة بين مجموعة من الوحدات المعجمية في اللغة العبرية الكلاسيكية. وقد اعتمدنا في تحليلنا لهذه الوحدات على نظرية المصفوفات والأثول التي مكّنتنا من ملاحظة شبكة تصورية تجمع بين مفاهيم : «ريح، نفس» و«مقدّس» و«رائحة»، وهي تترابط في إطار سلسلة من التشابهات السمعية والتلفظية. ففي العبرية، كما هو الشأن عموما في اللغات السامية، الوحدات المعجمية التي تحيل على هذه المفاهيم تتشابه أو تتقارب. فهي تتشكل من نفس المكون الصامتي كما يبيّن ذلك تحقّق الأثلين : {ح، ر} و{ش، پ} في الكلمات التالية : rûaḥ : «روح، ريح، نفس، حياة» ؛ rēaḥ : «رائحة» ؛ reqaḥ : «عِطر، طِيب» ؛ nepeš : «نَفَس، رائحة، طِيب، حياة» ؛ nâšap : «هبّ، نفخ» ؛ šâ’ap : «تنفّس، مصّ، استنشق، رشف، تنهّد»

    Effect of lycopene on fowl sperm characteristics during in vitro storage

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    Chicken and turkey sperm contains high amounts of PUFAs and spontaneous peroxidation occurs during in vitro storage. For this reason, the addition of antioxidant to diluent takes special interest in the improvement of commercial extenders. The effects of lycopene added to fowl sperm was the object of this study. Semen of 13 roosters, from 36th to 43rd week of age, was collected and pooled. Fresh semen was evaluated at 0 h time and 4 aliquots of 500\u3bcL were diluted to 2 7109 sperm/mL by diluent Lake or Lake and lycopene at different concentrations (500\u3bcg/mL, 250\u3bcg/mL and 100\u3bcg/mL) and stored at 13/14\ub0C in a water bath for 24 h. Motility, forward progressive motility and viability were evaluated at 1 h, 6 h and 24 h. Sperm motility and forward progressive motility were not significantly (P > 0.05) affected by lycopene inclusion. For 500\u3bcg/mL treatment the viability parameter was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than for Lake or Lake with 250\u3bcg/mL and higher for Lake with 100\u3bcg/mL. Besides, among the treatments the 500\u3bcg/mL of lycopene reduced the viability loss between 6 h and 24 h of incubation. The results of the present study suggest positive effects of lycopene supplementation to extender on fowl sperm survival during liquid storage