556 research outputs found

    Desempenho de variedades de bananeira em sistema orgânico na região Semiárida da Bahia.

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    A produção e o consumo de alimentos orgânicos, incluindo as frutas, crescem anualmente. A República Dominicana (18.621 ha), o Equador (12.062 ha), o Peru (5.681 ha) e a Costa Rica (4.605 ha) são os maiores produtores de banana orgânica (2). Já a União Europeia, Estados Unidos e Canadá são os maiores importadores. Acredita-se que o Brasil possui em torno de 1% de sua área cultivada com banana ? aproximadamente 5.000 ha - em sistema orgánico ou em processo de conversão

    Statistical characterization of residual noise in the low-rank approximation filter framework, general theory and application to hyperpolarized tracer spectroscopy

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    The use of low-rank approximation filters in the field of NMR is increasing due to their flexibility and effectiveness. Despite their ability to reduce the Mean Square Error between the processed signal and the true signal is well known, the statistical distribution of the residual noise is still undescribed. In this article, we show that low-rank approximation filters are equivalent to linear filters, and we calculate the mean and the covariance matrix of the processed data. We also show how to use this knowledge to build a maximum likelihood estimator, and we test the estimator's performance with a Montecarlo simulation of a 13C pyruvate metabolic tracer. While the article focuses on NMR spectroscopy experiment with hyperpolarized tracer, we also show that the results can be applied to tensorial data (e.g. using HOSVD) or 1D data (e.g. Cadzow filter).Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure

    Contribution of irisin pathway in protective effects of mandarin juice (Citrus reticulata Blanco) on metabolic syndrome in rats fed with high fat diet

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    The beneficial effects of Citrus fruits and their secondary metabolites on the cardio- vascular system are well established. Moreover, growing evidence suggests beneficial role for prevention of obesity and related dysfunctions. Citrus reticulata Blanco (Rutaceae) is one of the most consumed Citrus fruits, but it is poorly investigated. Mandarin juice obtained from C. reticulata fruits, collected in the Horti Simplicium of Pisa Charterhouse, presents a high amount of flavanone glycosides, including hesper- idin and a number of polymethoxyflavonoids, in particular nobiletin and tangeretin. On Wistar rats fed with a high fat diet for 21 days, mandarin juice significantly con- tained the percentage weight gain, reduced visceral adipose tissue and the inflamma- tory markers TNF and IL-6. Furthermore, mandarin juice influenced irisin pathway, increasing its plasma levels. Finally, supplementation with mandarin juice contributed to improve mitochondrial membrane potential, partially compromised with high fat diet, making mitochondria less susceptible to harmful events, such as ischemia. Taken together, these results suggest that C. reticulata, through its main metabolites, is able to produce beneficial effects in metabolic syndrome and to promote browning pro- cess, through involvement of the novel interesting irisin pathway

    Parâmetros para o manejo de irrigação da pupunheira no Vale do São Francisco.

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    O consumo de água e o coeficiente de cultura da pupuneira foram estimados do plantio até a quinta colheita de palmito, durante dois anos e três meses, em Juazeiro-BA. Os valores desses parâmetros aumentaram consideravelmente até o décimo terceiro mês após o plantio (primeira colheita), devido ao crescimento contínuo das plantas. Com os cortes realizados aproximadamente a cada três ou quatro meses, os valores apresentaram variações devido à redução do número de plantas por área

    A Path-integral for the Master Constraint of Loop Quantum Gravity

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    In the present paper, we start from the canonical theory of loop quantum gravity and the master constraint programme. The physical inner product is expressed by using the group averaging technique for a single self-adjoint master constraint operator. By the standard technique of skeletonization and the coherent state path-integral, we derive a path-integral formula from the group averaging for the master constraint operator. Our derivation in the present paper suggests there exists a direct link connecting the canonical Loop quantum gravity with a path-integral quantization or a spin-foam model of General Relativity.Comment: 19 page

    Cultivo da bananeira irrigada no Submédio São Francisco.

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    A cultura da banana está presente em todos os estados brasileiros, sendo a fruta com maior volume de produção após as frutas cítricas. Planta de demanda hídrica relativamente elevada, a bananeira desempenha papel preponderante na maioria dos perímetros irrigados no Nordeste do Brasil, incluindo a região do Submédio São Francisco. A obtenção de altas produtividades da cultura, com a qualidade da fruta conforme demandas dos mercados, exige o uso de técnicas adequadas e a atenção especial dos produtores em todas as fases do seu cultivo. Ciente disso, a Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura, situada em Cruz das Almas, BA, em parceria com a Embrapa Semiárido, localizada em Petrolina, PE, elaborou este sistema de produção para a cultura irrigada da bananeira no Submédio São Francisco, contando com a colaboração de técnicos e produtores que atuam nesta região do Vale do Rio São Francisco. Este sistema de produção apresenta as informações técnicas necessárias ao cultivo da bananeira nas fases de estabelecimento do plantio, tratos culturais, controle de pragas e doenças, manejo na colheita e pós-colheita, além de informações sobre o processamento da fruta e cuidados que devem ser dispensados durante o manuseio e a utilização dos agrotóxicos. Procurou-se inserir os avanços tecnológicos para melhorar a qualidade da fruta produzida na região e aumentar sua competitividade no mercado nacional. Desta forma, espera-se que este sistema de produção contribua, significativamente, como instrumento de mudança na forma de produzir banana irrigada na área de abrangência da região, agregando tecnologia ao sistema, para melhoria da renda e da qualidade de vida do agricultor.bitstream/item/224773/1/Cultivo-da-Bananeira-Irrigada-no-Submedio-Sao-Francisco.pdf2. ed

    Yield and distribution of biomass and nutrients in peach palm cropped under irrigation in the semi-arid area of brazilian Northeast.

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    The objective of this paper was to quantify the biomass and the nutrient concentration in the components of the peach palm (Bactris gasipaes H.B.K.)

    Shape in an Atom of Space: Exploring quantum geometry phenomenology

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    A phenomenology for the deep spatial geometry of loop quantum gravity is introduced. In the context of a simple model, an atom of space, it is shown how purely combinatorial structures can affect observations. The angle operator is used to develop a model of angular corrections to local, continuum flat-space 3-geometries. The physical effects involve neither breaking of local Lorentz invariance nor Planck scale suppression, but rather reply on only the combinatorics of SU(2) recoupling. Bhabha scattering is discussed as an example of how the effects might be observationally accessible.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures; v2 references adde

    The volume operator in covariant quantum gravity

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    A covariant spin-foam formulation of quantum gravity has been recently developed, characterized by a kinematics which appears to match well the one of canonical loop quantum gravity. In particular, the geometrical observable giving the area of a surface has been shown to be the same as the one in loop quantum gravity. Here we discuss the volume observable. We derive the volume operator in the covariant theory, and show that it matches the one of loop quantum gravity, as does the area. We also reconsider the implementation of the constraints that defines the model: we derive in a simple way the boundary Hilbert space of the theory from a suitable form of the classical constraints, and show directly that all constraints vanish weakly on this space.Comment: 10 pages. Version 2: proof extended to gamma > 1
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