2,719 research outputs found

    Method to determine the speed of vehicles by means of noise levels variation

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    Statistical Pass-By Index is a parameter defined on ISO 11819-1: 1997, that pretends to measure the influence of road surfaces on traffic noise. One of the base parameters of this index is speed of vehicles on the road. The present paper shows a method to determine the speed of vehicles on the road using the shape of noise levels variations, and shows the improvement that this method can give one the selection of most correct pass-by levels

    Influencia do tempo de mistura no processamento mecanizado de uma dieta administrada a un efectivo de bovinos da raça alentejana

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    Com o objectivo de conhecer a influência do processamento mecanizado em dietas administradas em efectivos bovinos, efectuaram-se dois tipos de avaliações: uma avaliação qualitativa e uma avaliação granulométrica. Na avaliação qualitativa foram considerados os teores percentuais em matéria seca, proteína bruta, ADF e NDF, e na avaliação granulométrica, a proporção de partículas acima dos 9.5 mm, 4 mm, 1 mm e fundo. Ambas as avaliações foram efectuadas considerando 3 tempos de mistura de 5, 15 e 20 min. de um reboque unifeed de eixo horizontal. Verificou-se que com o aumento do tempo de mistura, nomeadamente entre os 5 e os 15 minutos, há uma redução significativa da fracção de maior dimensão comparativamente com a de menor dimensão, e que nos 15 min. se verificam fenómenos de destroçamento/agregação. Quanto á avaliação qualitativa, verifica-se que apesar de, ao aumentar o tempo de mistura, se verificar homogeneidade no conteúdo em matéria seca, há contudo até aos 15 min. um aumento significativo da fracção fibrosa, e dos 15 aos 20 minutos uma redução significativa da fibra e aumento significativo do teor proteico. Os resultados obtidos sugerem influência do processamento mecanizado neste tipo de dietas pelo tempo de mistura praticado, e desta forma desvios entre a dieta formulada e a administrada

    Sensitivity of EAS measurements to the energy spectrum of muons

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    We have studied how the energy spectrum of muons at production affects some of the most common measurements related to muons in extensive air shower studies, namely, the number of muons at the ground, the slope of the lateral distribution of muons, the apparent muon production depth, and the arrival time delay of muons at ground. We found that by changing the energy spectrum by an amount consistent with the difference between current models (namely EPOS-LHC and QGSJ et -II.04), the muon surface density at ground increases 5% at 20° zenith angle and 17% at 60° zenith angle. This effect introduces a zenith angle dependence on the reconstructed number of muons which might be experimentally observed. The maximum of the muon production depth distribution at 40° increases ∼ 10 g/cm 2 and ∼ 0 g/cm 2 at 60°, which, from pure geometrical considerations, increases the arrival time delay of muons. There is an extra contribution to the delay due to the subluminal velocities of muons of the order of ∼ 3 ns at all zenith angles. Finally, changes introduced in the logarithmic slope of the lateral density function are less than 2%.Peer Reviewe

    Estimativa de chuvas usando pluviômetros plásticos.

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    Uso de termômetro de baixo custo para estimar a evapotranspiração das culturas.

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    O presente trabalho compara valores de ETo estimados pelo método de Hargreaves, empregando-se dados de temperatura obtidos em uma estação meteorológica automática e utilizando-se um termômetro de máxima e mínima de base plástica, do tipo Capela.bitstream/item/31575/1/cot102.pd

    The muonic longitudinal shower profiles at production

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    In this paper the longitudinal profile of muon production along the shower axis is studied. The characteristics of this distribution is investigated for different primary masses, zenith angles, primary energies, and different high energy hadronic models. It is found that the shape of this distribution displays universal features similarly to what is known for the electromagnetic profile. The relation between the muon production distribution and the longitudinal electromagnetic evolution is also discussed

    Tacit Knowledge Sharing: A Literature Review Applied to the Context of the Brazilian Judiciary

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    Knowledge has been occupying the center of studies and research for some time, and this chapter seeks to contribute to the depth of this collection and aims to offer articles that deal with tacit knowledge and the sharing of that knowledge. The observed understanding with this literature review was that organizations are moving from a traditional model that is attached to physical and tangible assets to another, where knowledge, especially tacit, is treated as an organizational asset that, despite being immaterial, becomes valuable and a generator of wealth
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