27 research outputs found

    Sub-Poissonian Phonon Lasing in Three-Mode Optomechanics

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    We propose to use the resonant enhancement of the parametric instability in an optomechanical system of two optical modes coupled to a mechanical oscillator to prepare mechanical states with sub-Poissonian phonon statistics. Strong single photon coupling is not required. The requirements regarding sideband resolution, circulating cavity power and environmental temperature are in reach with state of the art parameters of optomechanical crystals. Phonon antibunching can be verfied in a Hanburry-Brown-Twiss measurement on the output field of the optomechanical cavity.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Unraveling nonclassicality in the optomechanical instability

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    Conditional dynamics due to continuous optical measurements has successfully been applied for state reconstruction and feedback cooling in optomechanical systems. In this article, we show that the same measurement techniques can be used to unravel nonclassicality in optomechanical limit cycles. In contrast to unconditional dynamics, our approach gives rise to nonclassical limit cycles even in the sideband-unresolved regime, where the cavity decay rate exceeds the mechanical frequency. We predict a significant reduction of the mechanical amplitude fluctuations for realistic experimental parameters.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, equivalent to published versio

    Long-lived qubit from three spin-1/2 atoms

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    A system of three spin-1/2 atoms allows the construction of a reference-frame-free (RFF) qubit in the subspace with total angular momentum j=1/2j=1/2. The RFF qubit stays coherent perfectly as long as the spins of the three atoms are affected homogeneously. The inhomogeneous evolution of the atoms causes decoherence, but this decoherence can be suppressed efficiently by applying a bias magnetic field of modest strength perpendicular to the plane of the atoms. The resulting lifetime of the RFF qubit can be many days, making RFF qubits of this kind promising candidates for quantum information storage units. Specifically, we examine the situation of three 6Li^6\textrm{Li} atoms trapped in a CO2\textrm{CO}_2-laser-generated optical lattice and find that, with conservatively estimated parameters, a stored qubit maintains a fidelity of 0.9999 for two hours.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures; version 2 reports a much improved analysis; version 3 contains more details about the four-atom cas

    Divergence of predictive model output as indication of phase transitions

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    We introduce a new method to identify phase boundaries in physical systems. It is based on training a predictive model such as a neural network to infer a physical system's parameters from its state. The deviation of the inferred parameters from the underlying correct parameters will be most susceptible and diverge maximally in the vicinity of phase boundaries. Therefore, peaks in the divergence of the model's predictions are used as indication of phase transitions. Our method is applicable for phase diagrams of arbitrary parameter dimension and without prior information about the phases. Application to both the two-dimensional Ising model and the dissipative Kuramoto-Hopf model show promising results.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Laser theory for quantum optomechanics

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    Quantum state preparation for coupled period tripling oscillators

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    We investigate the quantum transition to a correlated state of coupled oscillators in the regime where they display period tripling in response to a drive at triple the eigenfrequency. Correlations are formed between the discrete oscillation phases of individual oscillators. The evolution toward the ordered state is accompanied by the transient breaking of the symmetry between seemingly equivalent configurations. We attribute this to the nontrivial geometric phase that characterizes period tripling. We also show that the Wigner distribution of a single damped quantum oscillator can display a minimum at the classically stable zero-amplitude state.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Fast Detection of Phase Transitions with Multi-Task Learning-by-Confusion

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    Machine learning has been successfully used to study phase transitions. One of the most popular approaches to identifying critical points from data without prior knowledge of the underlying phases is the learning-by-confusion scheme. As input, it requires system samples drawn from a grid of the parameter whose change is associated with potential phase transitions. Up to now, the scheme required training a distinct binary classifier for each possible splitting of the grid into two sides, resulting in a computational cost that scales linearly with the number of grid points. In this work, we propose and showcase an alternative implementation that only requires the training of a single multi-class classifier. Ideally, such multi-task learning eliminates the scaling with respect to the number of grid points. In applications to the Ising model and an image dataset generated with Stable Diffusion, we find significant speedups that closely correspond to the ideal case, with only minor deviations.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop, NeurIPS 202

    Laser Theory for Optomechanics: Limit Cycles in the Quantum Regime

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    Optomechanical systems can exhibit self-sustained limit cycles where the quantum state of the mechanical resonator possesses nonclassical characteristics such as a strongly negative Wigner density, as was shown recently in a numerical study by Qian et al. [Physical Review Letters, 109, 253601 (2012)]. Here we derive a Fokker-Planck equation describing mechanical limit cycles in the quantum regime which correctly reproduces the numerically observed nonclassical features. The derivation starts from the standard optomechanical master equation, and is based on techniques borrowed from the laser theory due to Haake's and Lewenstein. We compare our analytical model with numerical solutions of the master equation based on Monte-Carlo simulations, and find very good agreement over a wide and so far unexplored regime of system parameters. As one main conclusion, we predict negative Wigner functions to be observable even for surprisingly classical parameters, i.e. outside the single-photon strong coupling regime, for strong cavity drive, and rather large limit cycle amplitudes. The general approach taken here provides a natural starting point for further studies of quantum effects in optomechanics.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Unsupervised identification of topological order using predictive models

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    Machine-learning driven models have proven to be powerful tools for the identification of phases of matter. In particular, unsupervised methods hold the promise to help discover new phases of matter without the need for any prior theoretical knowledge. While for phases characterized by a broken symmetry, the use of unsupervised methods has proven to be successful, topological phases without a local order parameter seem to be much harder to identify without supervision. Here, we use an unsupervised approach to identify topological phases and transitions out of them. We train artificial neural nets to relate configurational data or measurement outcomes to quantities like temperature or tuning parameters in the Hamiltonian. The accuracy of these predictive models can then serve as an indicator for phase transitions. We successfully illustrate this approach on both the classical Ising gauge theory as well as on the quantum ground state of a generalized toric code.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Quantum Algorithmic Readout in Multi-Ion Clocks

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    Optical clocks based on ensembles of trapped ions offer the perspective of record frequency uncertainty with good short-term stability. Most suitable atomic species lack closed transitions for fast detection such that the clock signal has to be read out indirectly through transferring the quantum state of clock ions to co-trapped logic ions by means of quantum logic operations. For ensembles of clock ions existing methods for quantum logic readout require a linear overhead in either time or the number of logic ions. Here we report a quantum algorithmic readout whose overhead scales logarithmically with the number of clock ions in both of these respects. We show that the readout algorithm can be implemented with a single application of a multi-species quantum gate, which we describe in detail for a crystal of Aluminum and Calcium ions.Comment: 4 pages + 7 pages appendix; 5 figures; v3: published versio