959 research outputs found

    La circulación de las élites económicas en el Mediterráneo occidental medieval: El Magreb como polo de atracción de los mercaderes catalanoaragoneses

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    Within the phenomenon of the migrations in the scope of the Western Mediterranean, it is necessary to emphasise the migrations of the privileged classes, those of the money, with their incidence and repercussion in the local environments. It refers to the temporary or permanent character of the migratory flows, as well as to the importance that Jewish operators reached in this area

    Science and society: new connections in the digital world. A new scholar field to be researched

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    La relación entre ciencia y sociedad ha cambiado radicalmente en los últimos 30 años desde el denominado modelo de déficit cognitivo (centrado en la falta de cultura científica de los ciudadanos) hasta la participación del público en la ciencia. Una transformación impulsada por la irrupción de Internet que, no sólo ha favorecido un papel más activo de la sociedad en el desarrollo científico, sino que también ha generado un nuevo escenario de estudio centrado en el análisis de la democratización del proceso científico al amparo del universo digital y su impacto social y cultural. Aunque aún es incipiente, ya existe una corriente académica que ha puesto el foco de atención en este nuevo campo de investigación humanística. Estos autores apuntan, entre sus conclusiones, que el acceso abierto y la participación pública que posibilitan las herramientas de la Web 2.0 apoyan la socialización del proceso científico y contribuyen al desarrollo de una investigación e innovación responsable. En el presente trabajo se reivindica la importancia de desarrollar un marco teórico desde las ciencias sociales y humanidades digitales que permita analizar tanto el papel de Internet en el impulso de la RRI, como la calidad, efectividad y características de las interacciones digitales entre ciencia y sociedad.The relation between science and society has radically changed in the last 30 years from the deficit model — in which the general public is defined negatively due to its lack of knowledge — to the participative model. A transformation encouraged by the Internet irruption, which not only has improved a better role of society in scientific development but also it has created a new research field focused on the analysis of democratization of scientific process and its social and cultural impact. However, this research area is yet emerging, it just exists a strong academic framework aiming attention at this new field of humanistic research. These scholars indicate, among their conclusions, that open access and public engagement in science enhanced by web 2.0 tools promote the socialization of the scientific process and contribute to the consolidation of responsible research and innovation. The present article claims for the importance to develop a new framework from social sciences and digital humanities to study the Internet impact on the implementation of RRI and to analyze the quality, the effectivity and the characteristics of the digital connections between science and society

    The role of public universities and the primary digital national newspapers in the dissemination of Spanish science through the Internet and Web 2.0.

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    Over the past 10 years, enrolments in scientific degrees in Spain have dropped; at the same time, the level of scientific culture among Spanish digital natives is one of the lowest in Europe. This study has analyzed public Spanish universities’ use of the possibilities offered by Web 2.0 for disseminating research and reversing this situation. In addition, it has studied the scientific news in the Spanish context that appears in digital newspapers with the largest readerships in the country. The results obtained reveal the effort universities are making to publicize their scientific projects. Fully 72.90% have specific channels for science dissemination and 35.4% on Facebook. As for the digital periodicals, although all currently have sections dedicated to science and health, they produce few news stories about the results of Spanish research, which is only present in 35.4% of the information published

    Public communication of science in Spain: A history yet to be written

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    The history of public communication of science in Spain is yet to be written. Few academic studies exist that have tackled this subject. The political and economic history of the country have marked out the evolution of this discipline, which burst into the country at the end of the 20th century with the proliferation of initiatives such as the creation of science museums, the building of the Spanish Science Foundation and the development of a public Scientific Information service. Despite these efforts, the level of scientific culture for Spanish people is one of the lowest in Europe [OECD, 2016]

    Public engagement in science via Web 2.0 technologies. Evaluation criteria validated using the Delphi Method

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    The characteristics of interaction and dialogue implicit in the Web 2.0 have given rise to a new scenario in the relationship between science and society. The aim of this paper is the development of an evaluation tool scientifically validated by the Delphi method that permits the study of Internet usage and its effectiveness for encouraging public engagement in the scientific process. Thirty four indicators have been identified, structured into 6 interrelated criteria conceived for compiling data that help to explain the role of the Internet in favouring public engagement in science.HUM466 - Acceso y evaluación de la información científic

    Sobre la guerra y la paz: el acuerdo entre Tremecén y la Corona de Aragón (1362)

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    In 1362 Abu Hammu II and Peter III signed a treaty for five years. The negotiations between the two sovereigns, Peter's demands, Abu Hammu's concessions, the reasons for this agreement, all these questions have been discussed in the paper.[fr] En 1362 Abu Hammu II de Tlemcen et le roi catalanoaragonais Fierre III signent un traité qui aura une duration de cinq ans. Les ambassades, les negotiations entre les deux souverains, les demandes de Pierre, les concessions d'Abu Hammu, les pourquois de ce signature, tout ces questions ont été objet d'analyse

    Las relaciones diplomáticas y comerciales entre la Corona de Aragón y los Estados norteafricanos durante la Baja Edad Media

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    Peace treaties are included into a characteristic context of relationship between «Christian» countries and «Moslem» countries, whose principal peculiarity is a permanent state of war; an state of war just interrupted by the declaration of a truce strictly limited to a fixed number of years. From a theoretic viewpoint, the validity of a peace treaty would suppose an advantageous period to develop business dealing while the breaking-off or, simply, the non renewal of a truce would mark the suspension of business connections as well as the legality of piratical and corsair actions. This is the hypothesis. However, the question is not so simple. First, it is necessary to insist chat political «accidents» have a relative influence on the dynamic trade, but they cannot get to paralyze interchanges if diplomatics relations between the two states are non-existent, excepting the limited chronological spaces of hostilities and open confrontation. In fact, there are a lot of adaptation mechanisms to every position originated by the political situation. Then the problem is to know the sense of the treaties and their repercussion in business dealing. Between 1387 and 141O we have the chapters of a truce agreed in 1403 between Martin the Human, king of Aragon, and Martin the Young, king of Sicily, on one hand, and Abû Fâris, king of Tunis, on the other. In a parallel way, we know the existence of some consensus politics or negociation attempts of some other treaties by means of analyzing the contents of treaties and also by a chronological seriation. A comparison of the conclusions obtained through the commercial flow resulting from the study of official and private sources will permit us to discern the possible concordances and divergences between politic and economic levels. Finally, it is a question of confirming if a direct relation can be established or not between stages of war/stages of recessión and stages of peace/stages of expansion, always from a commercial point of view.Les traités de paix s'insèrent dans un contexte caractéristique des relations entre pays «chrétiens» et pays «musulmans», dont la principale particularité est l'existence permanente d'un état de guerre troublé seulement par la déclaration d'une trêve strictement limitée à un certain nombre d'années. Du point de vue théorique, un traité suppose l'existence d'une conjoncture favorable pour le développement des transactions commerciales tandis que la rupture des relations ou, simplement, la manque de reprise d'une trêve peut signifier la cessation de n'importe quelle modalité d'activité mercantile et, en même temps, la légalité des actions pirates au corsaires. Jusqu’ici l'hypothèse. Cependant, la question n'est pas tellement simple. Il faut préciser d'abord que les «accidents» politiques ont une relative influence sur la dynamique comemerciale, mais qu'ils n'arrivent pas à l’extrême de paralyser les échanges dans le cas où les relations diplomatiques entre les deux états soient inexistantes, exception faite de quelques espaces chronologiques limités pendant lesquels il y avait des hostilités et une confrontation ouverte. En fait, il y a une série de mécanismes d'adaptation pour chacune des situations originées par la conjoncture politique. Or, le problème consiste à savoir la signification des traités et leur répercussion sur les opérations mercantiles. Entre 1387 et 1410 nous avons, d'une part, les chapitres d'une trêve, celle conclue en 1403 entre Martín l'Humain, roi d'Aragon, et Martin le Jeune, roi de Sicile, d'une côté, et Abu Fâris, roi de Tunis, de l'autre. D'autre part, nous connaissons l'existence de concertations ou de tentatives de négotiation d'autres traités à partir de nouvelles documentaires indirectes. En conséquence, notre bue est, au moyen de l'analyse du contenu des traités et la réalisation d'une guerre et de paix. Une comparaison des conclusions obtenues avec le flux commercial résultant de l'étude des sources officielles et privées nous permettra de discerner les possibles concordances et divergences entre l'échelon politique et l'échelon économique. En définitive, il s'agit de constater si l'on peut établir une rélation directe ou non entre étapes d'état de guerre/étapes de récession et étapes de paix declarée/étapes d'expansion, toujours dans une perspective commerciale

    Discriminación salarial en el mercado de trabajo español con especial referencia al caso de Andalucía

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar cuáles son los factores que contribuyen a explicar las diferencias salariales entre hombres y mujeres en España y en Andalucía como caso particular. Para ello, se utiliza una variante al Método de Descomposición Salarial de Blinder-Oaxaca, en el cual se tiene en cuenta la censura de los datos salariales utilizados y se estiman ecuaciones de salarios suponiendo que la varianza no es constante sino dependiente de distintas características individuales. Utilizando estas técnicas y datos administrativos procedentes de un fichero de la Seguridad Social, los resultados indican que aproximadamente un 83% de las diferencias salariales medias, 17.3 puntos porcentuales, pueden ser consecuencia de la discriminación. Además, la cualificación requerida para un trabajo parece ser una fuente muy importante para explicar las diferencias salariales discriminatorias. Con respecto a Andalucía, encontramos evidencia de una menor discriminación salarial, en torno al 72.5% de los 17.7 puntos porcentuales observados en las diferencias salariales.discriminación Salarial, descomposición Oaxaca-Blinder, modelos censurados, Andalucía.