4,726 research outputs found

    Practical applications of probabilistic model checking to communication protocols

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    Probabilistic model checking is a formal verification technique for the analysis of systems that exhibit stochastic behaviour. It has been successfully employed in an extremely wide array of application domains including, for example, communication and multimedia protocols, security and power management. In this chapter we focus on the applicability of these techniques to the analysis of communication protocols. An analysis of the performance of such systems must successfully incorporate several crucial aspects, including concurrency between multiple components, real-time constraints and randomisation. Probabilistic model checking, in particular using probabilistic timed automata, is well suited to such an analysis. We provide an overview of this area, with emphasis on an industrially relevant case study: the IEEE 802.3 (CSMA/CD) protocol. We also discuss two contrasting approaches to the implementation of probabilistic model checking, namely those based on numerical computation and those based on discrete-event simulation. Using results from the two tools PRISM and APMC, we summarise the advantages, disadvantages and trade-offs associated with these techniques

    The growth of the small and medium-sized enterprises in the Polish economy and their influence on the labour market

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    The article has been structure as follows. Section 2 provides the characteristics and importance of the small and medium-sized enterprises. Section 3 outlines the main provisions of the European Charter for Small Enterprises. Section 4 presents data illustrating SMEs' growth trends and significance in Poland in the years 2003-2007 by the type of an enterprise, employment, and the share in GDP, foreign trade and investment. Section 5 discusses government's policies towards utilising the sector's growth potential for Poland. Section 6 presents major conclusions derived from the earlier discussion.W opracowaniu omówione są ilościowe i jakościowe cechy małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw, z ukazaniem zalet tych podmiotów. Zaprezentowane są postanowienia Europejskiej Karty Małych Przedsiębiorstw, wskazujące główne kierunki działań niezbędnych do pokonania barier ograniczających powstanie i funkcjonowanie sektora MSP. Przy pomocy danych statystycznych zaobserwowano zmiany w liczbie zarejestrowanych i aktywnych mikro, małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw oraz ich udział w tworzeniu zatrudnienia, PKB, w inwestycjach i handlu zagranicznym w Polsce w latach 2003-2007. Na tej podstawie zostały wskazane główne bariery ograniczające rozwój sektora MSP i kierunki działań państwa wobec tego sektora w Polsce warunkujące wykorzystanie jego potencjału rozwojowego

    Active Labour Market Programmes in Poland Between 2005 and 2010

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    An active labour market policy plays an important role in a situation characterized by high structural unemployment. Efficiently applied instruments of an active labour market policy can reduce this unemployment. Therefore, the main aim of this paper is to evaluate the role of the active labour market policy in Poland between 2005-2010, taking into consideration the characteristics of its main instruments, its participants, and expenditures.Podstawowym celem opracowania jest ocena skuteczności aktywnej polityki rynku pracy w zwalczaniu bezrobocia w Polsce w latach 2005-2010. Realizacja tego celu wymaga dokonania charakterystyki instrumentów tej polityki oraz usług urzędów pracy w procesie aktywizacji zawodowej bezrobotnych, ukazania wydatków na realizację aktywnej polityki rynku pracy oraz uczestników programów aktywnych, którzy dzięki nim uzyskali zatrudnienie. Podjęta jest także ocena efektów zatrudnieniowych i kosztowych związana ze stosowaniem aktywnej polityki rynku pracy

    Large conjugacy classes, projective Fraisse limits, and the pseudo-arc

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    We show that the automorphism group, Aut(L), of a projective Fraisse limit L, whose natural quotient is the pseudo-arc, has a comeager conjugacy class. This generalizes an unpublished result of Oppenheim that Aut(L) (and consequently, the group of all homeomorphisms of the pseudo-arc) has a dense conjugacy class. We also present a simple proof of the result of Oppenheim.Comment: 18 page

    The Structure of Unemployment in Poland and the European Union Between 2000 and 2012

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    The analysis will indicate the groups of the labour force with high risk of unemployment. Among the groups of high risk of unemployment are women, youth, people with low skills, and the long-term unemployed.Przeprowadzone analizy wykazały, iż do grup szczególnie zagrożonych na rynku pracy należy zaliczyć: osoby młode, kobiety, ludzi z niskim poziomem wykształcenia i długoterminowo bezrobotnych

    The group of homeomorphisms of the Cantor set has ample generics

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    We show that the group of homeomorphisms of the Cantor set H(K)H(K) has ample generics, that is, for every mm the diagonal conjugacy action g(h1,h2,...,hm)=(gh1g1,gh2g1,...,ghmg1)g\cdot(h_1,h_2,..., h_m)=(gh_1g^{-1},gh_2g^{-1},..., gh_mg^{-1}) of H(K)H(K) on H(K)mH(K)^m has a comeager orbit. This answers a question of Kechris and Rosendal. We show that the generic tuple in H(K)mH(K)^m can be taken to be the limit of a certain projective Fraisse family. We also present a proof of the existence of the generic homeomorphism of the Cantor set in the context of the projective Fraisse theory.Comment: final version, to appear in Bulletin of the London Mathematical Societ

    The definiteness hierarchy and strength of anaphoric link in Polish

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    Chapter FourteenZadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk


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    I know half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, I just don’t know which half joked John Wanamaker, who created the first department store in 1876 [15]. In spite of the passageof time Wanamaker’s saying is still in force. However, it may change soon thanks to coming intobeing of new discipline ââ¬â neuromarketing, which is combination of advertisements’ artistry andsciences (inter alia neuropsychology, cognitive psychology, neuroimaging, cognitive science,psycholinguistics). Neuromarketing postulates using fMRI, EEG, EMG or eye tracking techniquesfor the purpose of recognising consumers’ preferences toward specific goods and brands as well asmechanisms concerning decision-making process related to purchases. The goal of neuromarketingis to obtain the information - the human brain’s responses, which marketing stimuli (advertisement)is effective.the media, neuromarketing, advertisement

    Robustness of 3D Deep Learning in an Adversarial Setting

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    Understanding the spatial arrangement and nature of real-world objects is of paramount importance to many complex engineering tasks, including autonomous navigation. Deep learning has revolutionized state-of-the-art performance for tasks in 3D environments; however, relatively little is known about the robustness of these approaches in an adversarial setting. The lack of comprehensive analysis makes it difficult to justify deployment of 3D deep learning models in real-world, safety-critical applications. In this work, we develop an algorithm for analysis of pointwise robustness of neural networks that operate on 3D data. We show that current approaches presented for understanding the resilience of state-of-the-art models vastly overestimate their robustness. We then use our algorithm to evaluate an array of state-of-the-art models in order to demonstrate their vulnerability to occlusion attacks. We show that, in the worst case, these networks can be reduced to 0% classification accuracy after the occlusion of at most 6.5% of the occupied input space.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl