3 research outputs found

    Increased Competitiveness and Work Readiness of Students Four Year Vocational High School (VHS)

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    This study aims to determine the level of achievement of the fourth year Vocational School education program towards increasing student competitiveness and work readiness. The main objective of the fourth year vocational program is to equip students and graduates with various competencies in order to develop graduates capabilities in finding jobs, assigning work, entrepreneurship, pursuing the work faced and renewing their work skills. This research was conducted through a literature review of references originating from the theories and results of relevant research, and continued through focus group discussions. Relevant references include the policies of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, guidance on the implementation of the fourth year vocational program, relevant research results, namely evaluations of four years vocational programs, and influencing factors in increase in competitiveness and work readiness graduates. The study found: (1) reviewed from the curriculum of fourth years vocational school graduates having more work experience in the industry in the fourth year; (2) in terms of the competency of fourth year vocational school graduates having better competence than the third year vocational program; (3) in terms of industry interest, fourth year vocational graduates have more acceptance as labor in the industry than third year graduates

    Contents. Analitika i kontrol. 2005. β„– 4

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    The research aims to find out: (1) how far PBL has been used as a learning model in the vocational environment; and (2) how far is the influence of PBL on learning outcomes? The study was conducted with literature studies through theoretical and empirical studies of references and relevant research results, and continued with focus group discussions (FGD). The relevant references include learning theories, and theories about problem base learning (PBL). While the study of the results of relevant research, is a study of studies on the influence of PBL on "learning out comes" in vocational high school students as an integral part of technical, vocational, education and training (TVET). The study concluded that: (1) PBL has been widely used in learning in the vocational environment; (2) PBL is able to improve student learning achievement both process and results; and (3) the number of students who actively study, the number of students who ask questions, and student learning outcomes increase significantly on the application of PBL

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Hand Sanitizer Non Alkohol Berbasis Tanaman Obat Keluarga

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    Dalam masa pandemi covid-19 ini, masyarakat rawan akan kesehatan mereka jika tidak ditanamkankebiasaan sesuai dengan SOP kesehatan, termasuk warga Perumahan Pondok Ridho, desa Sidodadi, kecamatan Taman, kabupaten Sidoarjo. Untuk itu, Tim PKM bermaksud untuk memberikan pelatihan bagi warga tersebut untukmembuat produk hand sanitizer yang non-alkohol. Hand sanitizer non-alkohol yang diproduksi ini menggunakanbahan-bahan alami yang sebenarnya sebagian sudah tersedia di sekitar mereka, yakni daun sirih danjeruk nipis.Namun, sebagian juga masih digunakan bahan-bahan kimia seperti gliserin dan hidrogenperoksida, yang masing-masing berfungsi sebagai humektan dan antiseptik. Dari kegiatan PKMproduksi hand sanitizernon-alkohol berbahan TOGA ini telah dihasilkan: (1) panduan pembuatanhandsanitizer non-alkohol berbahan tanaman TOGA yang dilengkapi materi kajianmengenai manfaat daun sirih dan buah jeruk nipis, serta lembar penilaian keterampilan dan lembar angket peserta,(2) pemaparan isi materi tersebut secara lisan dimana tim PKM dan mitra tetap mengikuti protokolkesehatan, (3) pembuatan handsanitizer non-alkohol berbahan TOGA dengan melibatkan pesertapelatihan menggunakan bahan-bahan yang telah disediakan, (4) praktik mandiri pembuatan handsanitizer non-alkohol berbasis TOGA yang dilakukan oleh para peserta didampingi tim PKM bersama mahasiswa, (5) umpan Balik hasil kegiatanPKM pelatihan pembuatan handsanitizer non-alkohol dilakukan dengan cara menyebarkan lembarpenilaian keterampilan dan lembar angket peserta, (6) secara keseluruhan mitra peserta pelatihan yang dinilai oleh tim penilai PKM sudah dapat dikatakan memiliki keterampilan dalam membuat hand sanitizer non-alkoholdalam kategori baik dan sangat baik. Tim penilai PKM sepakat seluruh mitra memiliki ketrampilan:1) mencuci bersih daun sirih dan jeruk nipis dan 2) menyiapkan perasan buah jeruk nipis danmemasukkan ke dalam wadah. Sementara, aspek keterampilan lainnya mitra peserta pelatihandinilai masih beragam dari kategori antara baik dan sangat baik