27 research outputs found

    Analisis Dampak Tanggul Terhadap Elevasi Banjir Sungai Nagara Kalimantan Selatan

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    Nagara River is a river in South Kalimantan province with extensive swamp area which formsseasonal flood plain and protects downstream area from flooding and salt water intrusion. Theplan for land use change from the swamp area to plantation area involves building dyke on thesides of Nagara River. This research aims to analyze the elevation of Nagara River duringflooding when the swamp area is occupied as an extension of flood plain, compared that resultedfrom the scenario when this area is converted into plantation area which needs dyke on the sidesof the river for flood protection. There are two kinds of scenarios, first only one side of the riverwhich will be build dyke, and second both sides of the river will be built dykes. The analysisinvolved rainfall data analysis using daily module rainfall, design discharge analysis usingRational Method and hydraulic analysis using HEC-RAS software with one-dimensional steadyflow. The result shows that using dyke at elevation +11.00 m, the increase of water level is notsignificant while one side of the river is protected by dyke. An increase of 30 cm of water elevationis obtained using scenario of both sides are protected by dykes. The increase of water level maycause flooding in the area located at the upstream and downstream of the plantation area

    Peningkatan Keterkaitan Karyawan melalui Sistem Rekrutmen, Desain Pekerjaan, Kompensasi dan Iklim Organisasi dengan Lingkungan Kerja sebagai Variabel Moderasi

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    Kesuksesan sebuah Perusahaan tidak bisa hanya diukur melalui perolehan pendapatan secara tahunan, tapi juga harus dilihat berdasarkan sebaik apa pengelolaan sumber daya manusia yang ada di dalamnya. Pengelolaan tersebut salah satu tujuannya adalah untuk membentuk keterikatan karyawan, karena pada saat karyawan sudah merasa terikat dengan tempatnya bekerja, ia akan memberikan segenap USAhanya untuk bekerja sebaik mungkin bagi Perusahaan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan Perusahaan asuransi swasta pada divisi claim health provider, dengan jumlah sebanyak 94 orang, dan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan sampel jenuh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem rekrutmen, kompensasi dan iklim organisasi memiliki pengaruh langsung dalam membentuk keterikatan karyawan di divisi claim health provider, sedangkan variabel desain pekerjaan tidak memiliki pengaruh secara langsung. Selain itu lingkungan kerja ternyata tidak bisa menjadi variabel moderator yang dapat mendukung terbentuknya keterikatan karyawan

    Geospatial Analysis of Land Use Change in Way Kuripan Watershed, Bandar Lampung City

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    The purpose of the study is to analyze land use and land cover change impact on Way Kuripan discharge. Six scenarios of land use and land cover changes at Way Kuripan watershed area of 53.54 km² was developed based on geospatial analysis with Geographic Information System. Peak discharge is calculated by using rational method. From the six scenarios simulation, scenarios 1, 2, 3, and 4 maintained the protected areas of 80.15%. Land use and land cover changes done by changing areas from vacant land and agricultural areas to be residential, industrial and government office areas. From the analysis, peak discharge of scenarios 1, 2, 3, and 4 change slightly which are between 11.19% and 23.46%. These results are in contrast to scenarios 5 and 6, in which scenario 5 keep the protected areas about 53.35% while in scenario 6 left the protected areas around 30%. Those protected areas changed into residential areas. The result showed that in scenario 5, the peak discharge changed about 66.29%. While in scenario 6, it changed about 107.19%. It can be concluded that the existence of protected areas in Way Kuripan Watershed was very important role to reduce the peak discharge values

    Estimasi Potensi PLTMH Dengan Metode Regionalisasi Pada Ungauged Catchments Di Kecamatan Suoh

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    . Electricity is the major problem in Suoh sub-district because there is no electricity distributed by National Electricity Company (PLN). Suoh is located in the upstream of Way Semaka and water is available in river tributaries throughout the year which can be utilized for micro hydro power. This research aims to analyse the potency of the rivers including Way Hantatai, Way Sekandak and Way Gunung Lanang. The three rivers are categorised as ungauged catchments. Research method includes analysis of hydrologic similarity berween Way Semaka and Way Besai catchments, application of regionalization method where FDC for Way Semaka was developed from discharge data from Way Besai located close to Way Semaka. Measurement of flow variables in the rivers are used to verify dependable discharge calculated by regionalization method. The potency of electricity power is calculated based on dependable discharge Q50 and head. The result shows that hydrologic similarity exists between Way Semaka and Way Besai catchments. Calculated discharges based on river measurements comparable to dependable discharges between 80%-93% from the FDCs for the three rivers. The maximum electricity power which can be generated are 15.26 KW, 4.12 KW and 2.71 KW for Way Hantatai, Way Sekandak and Way Gunung Lanang respectively

    Perbaikan Tanah pada Tanah Granular dengan Vibrocompaction

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    Land requirements in big cities like Jakarta continues to increase with the growth in infrastructure development. Often the development and utilization of such land should be carried out on land that does not in accordance with the requirements. For example construction on the ground that is less stable during vibration or earthquake as granular soils. Compaction method is generally preferred in granular soil improvement because the method is suitable for use in soil layers not berkohesi that is not solid enough. Land improvements made to the land that has a fairly low technical characteristics become viable material used as a construction material. Benefits of using the technique of vibro compaction, among other things increase the weight of the volume of soil, reducing the decline foundation and reduce the impact of liquefaction

    Pengaruh Variasi Jarak Tiang Bor pada Tanah Lempung terhadap Daya Dukung dengan Metode Analisis

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    Letak lapisan tanah lempung kaku yang memiliki daya dukung cukup umumnya terletak pada kedalaman yang cukup jauh, sehingga pondasi tiang bor menjadi pilihan yang sering digunakan. Daya dukung pada kelompok pondasi tiang bor dipengaruhi oleh bahan pembentuk tiang, jarak antar tiang, banyaknya tiang yang digunakan dan susunan tiang. Variasi jarak yang digunakan pada kelompok tiang akan menyebabkan zona tegangan serta dapat menimbulkan keruntuhan tamah disekitar pondasi. Analisis efisiensi daya dukung kelompok tiang bor digunakan metode Converse Labarre dengan variasi jarak antar tiangbor  yang digunakan adalah 2,5D dan 3D serta perhitungan penurunan menggunakan metode Vesic. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan diameter tiang 1 meter didapatkan efisiensi daya dukung pada jarak 2,5D dan 3,0D berturut-turut adalah 4721,851 ton dan 5057 ton. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut maka jarak 2,5D merupakan  susunan kelompok tiang bor yang dipilih dengan penurunan sebesar 267,199 meter

    Nurturing quality of higher education through national ranking: a potential empowerment model for developing countries

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    This paper reviews the recently introduced National Higher Education ranking system in Indonesia in order to evaluate its potential as a sustainable model to improve the quality of higher education in the country. It is a scaffold towards an established world-universities ranking system that may prove formidable for a developing country. This ranking system is based on four quality criteria, namely quality of academics, of management, of research and of students, each with its own weighting factor and scale. It is found that the actions and inactions of institutions vis á vis their continuous quality improvement may reflect their ranks. In countries where the thirst for higher education is high such as in developing countries, institutions’ ranks play a decisive competitive role. A rational, transparent, bona fide and dependable national ranking system is realistic in helping to improve the quality of higher education in the country