5 research outputs found

    Education innovations: new wartime experience of Ukrainian universities

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    The study defines the significance of the development and support of educational innovation processes in Ukraine during the difficult period of Russian military aggression and determines the specifics of the introduction of pedagogical innovations in universities in wartime conditions. The classification of education innovations is highlighted, and several innovative approaches to the organization of distance/blended learning are presented. Using the results of the survey of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ukraine) students as an example, their attitude to distance learning as a large-scale innovation is presented, and several opinions regarding the use of ebooks and electronic teaching aids are characterized. The management aspect of the organization of the university educational process is substantiated. The necessity of effective planning of an innovative strategy for the development of an educational institution is emphasized, the principal’s focus on qualitatively new changes, psychological and pedagogical staff interaction based on empathy and partnership, the formation of a common vision of the directions of professional progress of a modern university

    Моделювання хмарного середовища навчання в освітньому закладі

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    The analysis and systematization of scientific and practical experience has made it possible to determine the following: requirements of the pedagogical and student community to the learning environment of an educational establishment are constantly increasing, which is caused by intensive development and active use of information and communication technologies both at educational establishments for solving educational problems and beyond. It is recognized that development of the Internet, transition of the general secondary education to various services contributes to rapid introduction of cloud-oriented learning environment for improving organizational and educational activities of subjects of education, which in the future may lead to improvement of the general secondary education system.Аналіз і систематизація наукового та практичного досвіду дозволили визначити: вимоги педагогічної та учнівської громадськості до середовища навчання навчального закладу постійно зростають, що зумовлено інтенсивним розвитком та активним використанням інформації й комунікаційних технологій як у навчальних закладах для вирішення освітніх проблем, так і за їх межами. Визнано, що розвиток мережі Інтернет, перехід загальної середньої освіти на різноманітні сервіси сприяє швидкому впровадженню хмарно-орієнтованого навчального середовища для вдосконалення організаційно-виховної діяльності суб’єктів освіти, що в майбутньому може призвести до вдосконалення система загальної середньої освіти

    Financial aspects of maintaining business activities in the face of unexpected changes

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    In the context of the war, the external environment is characterized by a growing level of uncertainty. Rising energy prices, the closure of airspace in Ukraine, rising inflation, a 30% decline in GDP in 2022, and the destruction of infrastructure as well as supply chains have necessitated adjustments to the company’s operations and changes to its financial plan. The research aims to assess the financial aspects of doing business in the face of unexpected changes. The research methodology is based on the case study of a company that supplies energy resources to Ukraine. The main research methods used are in-depth interviews with the staff to assess the existing strategy, employee motivation system, efficiency of the organizational structure, and financial aspects of the company’s activities. The results demonstrate that an important stage in the development of a financial plan in wartime is the audit of business activities. It includes an understanding of the current state of the organizational, financial, and human aspects of the company’s functioning. An in-depth interview with the company’s personnel shows the level of effectiveness of the interaction of all these aspects of the business. Changes in the financial system involve organizational changes: company structure, motivation system, customer interaction, and service improvement. The study shows that the interaction of organizational, financial, and motivational components contributed to the synergy of the company’s resources and their mobilization in the face of the growing risks of a company’s crisis. Financial planning by business segments and precision in the distribution of employees’ responsibilities increases the level of motivation and involvement of staff in all business processes. Moreover, the distribution of centers and areas of responsibility should be linked to the incentives and motives of employees


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    Introduction. Agriculture is one of the largest and most important sectors of the Ukrainian economy. The food security and independence of the state, the state of the internal and external markets, and, consequently, the standard of living of the population are directly dependent on its functional state. Mykolaiv region has significant opportunities for the development of the agricultural sector. There are favorable natural and climatic conditions, fertile land, labor resources and long-standing cultivating traditions. The region is considered one of the regions of intensive agriculture in Ukraine and has significant land resources. Purpose. The article presents the analysis of the development of production and sale of crop production by the agrarian enterprises of the Mykolaiv region, as well as revealing ways to increase the volume of their production and sales. Results. The crop area of main agricultural crops in all categories of farms was analyzed, and structural changes for 2010-2016 were revealed. The priority branch of the agro-industrial complex, which has an important strategic significance, first of all, is determined by the level of production of which the food security of the state depends, its economy and welfare of the population. The dynamics of agricultural crop yields in agrarian enterprises as the determining factor of influence on the efficiency of activity in the field of plant growing is researched. The dynamics of gross collections of crop production in agricultural enterprises is analyzed and the contribution of the Mykolaiv region to the national production of grain is determined. The volumes and average prices of sales of agricultural products by agrarian enterprises are investigated and it is determined that the modern development of the agrarian sector of the economy requires special attention to the formation and activation of the activities of market infrastructure entities. The production of which crops are an essential source of cash receipts and financial support of agricultural enterprises. Conclusions. Thus, today, in order to improve the results of economic activity in the field of plant growing in Mykolaiv region, it is necessary, namely: rational use of available agricultural land; to strengthen the material and technical base of the agrarian sector; introduction of new technologies, new varieties of crops; introduction of a complex of organizational, technological and financial measures aimed at the effective use of irrigated lands; to intensify the activities of market infrastructure entities

    System-Cluster Technology of e-Learning Improvement under the Conditions of COVID-19

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    The paper defines the scientific provisions on the feasibility and effectiveness of using e-learning under conditions of quarantine restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was proved that within the use of e-learning there has been a convergence between the scientific and methodological bases and the learning process itself, and new approaches to the general didactic and information content of e-learning courses within the education process have been formed. Modern platforms of e-learning are examined and a scheme involving the synchronous technology of e-learning was formed. Within the framework of the suggested learning platform, effective learning tools under conditions of quarantine restrictions were identified, the use of which allows the most successful solution of didactic tasks facing e-learning to be ensured on the basis of the everyday use of digital media and electronic devices for learning purposes. The fractal-cluster technology of an e-learning organization was suggested for an introduction. The functional dependencies on the forms and technologies of the educational process for the efficiency of higher education were obtained. The expediency of introducing fractal-cluster structures into the organizational component of the educational process was determined. Based on the tools of the fractal-cluster approach, a model of organization of the educational process in the information-entropy format was formulated