21 research outputs found


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    Plot is one of the elements in a work of fiction. However, when researching works of fiction, plot is the most important element of fiction. This can happen because the plot leads to the clarity of the story, so if the researcher is more able to recognise the plot, it will be easier to understand the story displayed. Plot can be found in works of fiction, such as: Films, fairy tales, comic stories, and fables. However, this research uses film as research material. This is because films are much more popular in the modern era than other types of fiction. As a result, because of its popularity, there are many films that have been made, so of course it will be much more varied as to what kind of film plot can be researched. In this study, the researcher will analyse the plot of Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck's das Leben der Anderen. The purpose of the research is to find out how the plot stages of Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck's das Leben der Anderen. This research will use Burhan Nurgiyantoro theory and use the research method used by researchers is descriptive qualitative. A method that depends on the researcher's observations in examining the research being studied. By using data sources and data in the form of: script, dialogue and subtitles. The result is that the film das Leben der Anderen by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck has a forward plot with A-B-C-D-E scheme. The scheme can be divided into three parts, namely: 1). The initial stage. The initial stage contains the introduction of characters and settings to the audience. This stage consists entirely of the setting stage and is denoted by the symbol (A). 2). The middle stage. The middle stage contains the conflict emergence stage, the conflict escalation stage and the climax. In the middle stage the conflict is raised and will increase until it reaches the climax and is symbolised by symbols (B), (C), (D). 3). Final stage. The final stage contains the resolution stage. The stage that displays the final fate of the character in the film. and is denoted by the symbol (E)


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    Advertising is a medium that is often used by a company to convey information. Instagram social media is often used for advertising because it is able to reach various levels of society, especially young people. Burger King as one of the widely recognized fast food restaurant franchises also uses Instagram media in advertising. In its Instagram account, @burgerkingde, Burger King Deutschland makes several advertisements that carry vegan messages. The purpose of this research is to find out the denotative and connotative meanings of advertisements made by Burger King Deutschland. The research method used is qualitative research supported by Roland Barthes' semiotic theory and the theory of vegan lifestyle. The results of this study show that Burger King Deutschland's eight advertisements carry vegan messages through diverse delivery


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    Literature is able to describe the elements of the human personality that can be seen in the personalities of the characters. Therefore, the personality of the characters in literary works can be understood with the help of psychology. The film Goodnight Mommy shows problems related to the personality of the main character. Based on the psychological phenomena of the characters in the film, this study aims to find out personality dynamics and the factors causing the emergence of the main character's personality dynamics in the Goodnight Mommy film. The dynamics of the character's personality is the source of the problems that occur, therefore research is also needed on the factors that cause the emergence of the dynamics of the character's personality. The theory used is Freud's Psychoanalytic theory related to the working mechanism of the id, ego, and superego, which is supported by Grace's theory which discusses the influencing factors of human personality. This study uses qualitative methods, the data collection technique is observation. In analyzing the data, the researcher used content analysis techniques. This study resulted in the finding that the great desire of the Id is directed by the control of the Ego, while the Superego has not worked perfectly to encourage the Ego to pursue more moralistic matters in Elias as the main character. So that the main character is considered as an individual who cannot adapt. The emergence of the dynamics of the main character's personality is caused by influencing factors: 1) Affective, 2) Curious motives, 3) Love motives, 4) Emotions, 5) Ecological and 6) Supporting stimuli


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    This research examines the narrative functions in the fairy tales of Frau Holle, Rotkӓppchen and Brüderchen und Schwesterchen by Brüder Grimm. German fairy tales can be analyzed with Vladimir Propp's theory of narrative structure, which is not limited to Russian fairy tales. The problem that arises in this research is what functions appear in Brüder Grimm's collection of fairy tales? The purpose of this study is to analyze the narrative function in Frau Holle, Rotkӓppchen dan Brüderchen und Schwesterchenby Brüder Grimm. In this research, the expected benefit is to add a reference related to Vladimir Propp's narrative structure theory, particularly in analyzing the function of narrative in fairy tales. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of narrative functions in Frau Holle, Rotkӓppchen dan Brüderchen und Schwesterchen obtained in this research are absentation, interdiction, violation, reconnaissance, delivery, complicity, villainy, departure, the first function of the donor, victory, return, transfiguration, punishment, and wedding


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    Adolescents are prone to failing to overcome difficulties in adjusting to their social environment. Therefore, in-depth information is needed to understand the meaning of independence. This research examines the meaning of independence represented by the character Rocca through dialog and scenes in the film Rocca verändert die Welt. The representation of independence in the film is analyzed using Roland Barthes' semiotic signification approach and Laurence Steinberg's concept of independence. The expected benefit of this research is to provide a new view of independence. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. The results of this study show that independence in Germany is influenced by local wisdom values in Germany such as the values of independence, responsibility, and humanity that underlie the way people think and act. The independence represented in Rocca's character in the movie Rocca verändert die Welt, includes independence in learning, being responsible for oneself and the surrounding environment, having self-confidence, having a sense of caring for others, and not easily depending on those closest to them

    Metanarasi dalam Novel Metamorfosa Karya Franz Kafka

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    Di era posmodernisme, sastra sering dianggap sebagai pemikiran. Salah satu karya sastra yang mencerminkan pemikiran adalah novel Metamorfosa karya Kafka. Melalui tokoh dan dunia yang ditampilkan, serta penceritaannya, Metamorfosa mampu merefleksikan pemikiran pengarang tentang masalah-masalah sosial, psikologi, dan politik masyarakat yang dipenuhi dengan dominasi dan kekuasaan. Kajian difokuskan pada dua pertanyaan. Pertama, metanarasi apa saja yang tergambar dalam novel Metamorfosa karya Kafka? Kedua, problematika sosial apa yang ditimbulkan dengan adanya metanarasi dalam novel Metamorfosa karya Kafka? Kajian dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori metanaratif Lyotard. Untuk menemukan dan mendeskripsikan metanarasi-metanarasi dalam Metamorfosa, digunakan konsep “differend” dan “fragmentasi” yang dikemukakan oleh Lyotard. Kajian menghasilkan temuan bahwa novel Metamorfosa merefleksikan pemikiran Kafka mengenai kesewenangwenangan yang disebabkan oleh metanarasi-metanarasi yang berkembang di masyarakat. Kesewenangwenangan tercermin dalam tiga fragmen, yakni kesewenangwenangan dalam dunia kerja, kesewenangwenangan dalam keluarga, dan kesewenangwenangan dalam lingkungan sosial.Melalui tiga fragmen tersebut dapat dilihat penyimpangan yang dilakukan pihak-pihak yang kuat, yang menimbulkan penderitaan, bahkan kehancuran yang berakhir dengan kematian  bagi pihak yang lain.    

    Metanarasi dalam Novel Metamorfosa Karya Franz Kafka

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    Di era posmodernisme, sastra sering dianggap sebagai pemikiran. Salah satu karya sastra yang mencerminkan pemikiran adalah novel Metamorfosa karya Kafka. Melalui tokoh dan dunia yang ditampilkan, serta penceritaannya, Metamorfosa mampu merefleksikan pemikiran pengarang tentang masalah-masalah sosial, psikologi, dan politik masyarakat yang dipenuhi dengan dominasi dan kekuasaan. Kajian difokuskan pada dua pertanyaan. Pertama, metanarasi apa saja yang tergambar dalam novel Metamorfosa karya Kafka? Kedua, problematika sosial apa yang ditimbulkan dengan adanya metanarasi dalam novel Metamorfosa karya Kafka? Kajian dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori metanaratif Lyotard. Untuk menemukan dan mendeskripsikan metanarasi-metanarasi dalam Metamorfosa, digunakan konsep “differend” dan “fragmentasi” yang dikemukakan oleh Lyotard. Kajian menghasilkan temuan bahwa novel Metamorfosa merefleksikan pemikiran Kafka mengenai kesewenangwenangan yang disebabkan oleh metanarasi-metanarasi yang berkembang di masyarakat. Kesewenangwenangan tercermin dalam tiga fragmen, yakni kesewenangwenangan dalam dunia kerja, kesewenangwenangan dalam keluarga, dan kesewenangwenangan dalam lingkungan sosial. Melalui tiga fragmen tersebut dapat dilihat penyimpangan yang dilakukan pihak-pihak yang kuat, yang menimbulkan penderitaan, bahkan kehancuran yang berakhir dengan kematian bagi pihak yang lain


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    This paper aims to describe the characterization of the main character in the tale der Richter und derTeufel, Aschenpüster mit der Wünschelgerte, die Hexe und die Königskinder by Ludwig Bechstein and the moral values of the main character in the tale der Richter und der Teufel, Aschenpüster mit der Wünschelgerte, die Hexe und die Königskinder by Ludwig Bechstein. This paper uses character characterization theory according to Marquaẞ and three kinds of moral values according to Nurgiyantoro.This type of research is qualitative research with data sources in the form of a collection of Ludwig Bechstein tales. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of the research are as follows 1) The der Richter character has evil, unfair, disrespectful, arrogant, cunning, selfish characters. Three forms of bad moral values are arrogant, do not have compassion, are punished for their bad actions. 2) The Aschenpüster character has a spoiled, persistent or never giving up, diligent, patient, obedient, character. Three forms of good moral values, namely persistence, sincerity, patience, and reward. 3) The die Hexe characters are evil, greedy, angry, cruel. Three forms of bad moral values are evil, arbitrary, greedy, are punished for their bad deeds


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    This study aims to describe the inner conflict of Martha's character and how to overcome the conflict in the film Bella Martha by Sandra Nettelbeck. The theory used in this research is Sayuti's conflict theory, Lewin's inner conflict theory, and Johnson's conflict resolution theory. This research method is descriptive, using a qualitative approach. The data source in this study is the Bella Martha film by Sandra Nettelbeck; the research data is about inner conflict and how to resolve conflict. Data analysis techniques include watching movies over and over again, understanding, collecting data, and interpreting data. The data that has been collected is described according to theory and concludes. The results of this study can be concluded that Martha's character experiences minor inner conflicts and moderate inner conflicts. Martha's character overcomes her conflicts by using three styles: Turtle, Shark, and Owl. Another reason for choosing this film was because it won the Creteil International Women's Film Festival Grand Prix Award and was nominated for the Goya Award for Best European Film in 2002. In addition, this film was adapted into an American version entitled No Reservation


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    One of the most literary works that has been translated into various languages is poetry. As a form of figurative expression, metaphor in poetry directly expresses a comparison between two things in a short form. This study discusses the procedure for translation metphors of the source text into the target text in the book Syahwat Keabadian. This study uses a qualitative method. The purpose of this study is to describethe procedures applied in translating the metaphor of Nietzsche's poetry into Indonesian. The theory used in this analysis is the theory of metaphor translation procedures by Newmark. The data collection method uses the technique of note. The results show that of the 15 data analyzed, there are 3 procedures used in translating metaphors, such as translating the metaphor of the source language into the same metaphor in the target language by producing the same image as 11 data, a total of 3 data metaphor translated into another metaphors that have same meaning by producing a different image, and using the same metaphor combined with a literal description or additional description as much as 1 data