28 research outputs found

    看護学生の緩和ケアにおける がん性疼痛コントロールに対する初期体験

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    [Study design]. Inductive / exploratory study of qualitative factors.[Purpose]. To clarify how nursing students understand cancer pain control in palliative care.[Materials and methods]. As the first stage, we extracted learning experiences from 59 nursing students at College A. Inductive and exploratory analyses were performed from their reports submitted following a clinical practicum in palliative care. [Results]. Nursing student\u27s experiences with cancer pain control in palliative care was classified into three groups: 1)physical characteristics of "presence of continuous pain due to cancer", 2 psychological characteristics of "loss of ability brought about by cancer", and 3) family / social characteristics such as "lifestyle changes", "role changes", and "social isolation". From our analysis, "trying to understand the patient\u27s pain" and "reaching to understand the impact of cancer pain" were most important factors.[Conclusions]. Experiences of nursing student\u27s learning to understand pain control in palliative care contained two factors: "trying to understand the patient\u27s pain" and "reaching to understand the impact of cancer pain".【目的】本研究の目的は看護学生の緩和ケアおける,がん性疼痛コントロールをどの体験に基づき,どのように理解するのかを検討した。【方法】A大学看護学生59名に対する緩和ケアの臨地実習後レポートについて,がん性疼痛コントロールにおける理解の初期段階として,学生の体験を抽出し,帰納的・探索的に分析した。【結果】看護学生の緩和ケアにおけるがん性疼痛コントロールに対する体験は,「がんによる慢性的な疼痛が存在する」の身体的特徴であり,対象者の理解につながる体験では,「がんがもたらす能力の喪失」の心理的な特徴,「生活スタイルの変更」,「役割の変更」,「社会的孤立」の家庭・社会生活上の特徴の3つに分類ができた。さらに我々の分析から「その人の痛みを理解しようとすること」,「がんの痛みが及ぼす影響などを理解しようと少しでも歩み寄ること」が重要は因子であることがわかった。【結論】看護学生の緩和ケアにおける疼痛コントロールを理解する体験は,がんに対する疼痛緩和のプロセスに,学生が人間を尊重する姿勢として「その人の痛みを理解しようとすること」,「がんの痛みが及ぼす影響などを理解しようと少しでも歩み寄ること」であった。この2つの体験が,緩和ケアにおける疼痛コントロールを理解する初期段階と示唆できた

    Induction of functional xeno-free MSCs from human iPSCs via a neural crest cell lineage

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    iPS細胞から間葉系幹細胞の誘導方法を確立 --動物由来成分を含まず再生医療への利用に期待. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-09-15.A new method for inducing mesenchymal stem cells from iPS cells without using animal-derived components. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-09-27.Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) are adult multipotent stem cells. Here, we induced MSCs from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) via a neural crest cell (NCC) lineage under xeno-free conditions and evaluated their in vivo functions. We modified a previous MSC induction method to work under xeno-free conditions. Bovine serum albumin-containing NCC induction medium and fetal bovine serum-containing MSC induction medium were replaced with xeno-free medium. Through our optimized method, iPSCs differentiated into MSCs with high efficiency. To evaluate their in vivo activities, we transplanted the xeno-free-induced MSCs (XF-iMSCs) into mouse models for bone and skeletal muscle regeneration and confirmed their regenerative potency. These XF-iMSCs mainly promoted the regeneration of surrounding host cells, suggesting that they secrete soluble factors into affected regions. We also found that the peroxidasin and IGF2 secreted by the XF-iMSCs partially contributed to myotube differentiation. These results suggest that XF-iMSCs are important for future applications in regenerative medicine

    The Effects of Tutorial Education using PBL : Focusing on its relation to Communication Skills

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    The objective of this study is to ascertain the effects of PBL tutorial education program with respect to the relation between heuristic learning ability and communication skill (social skill). The research subjects are university nursing students, 88 freshmen and 87 sophomores. These subjects answered a questionnaire, comprised of 30 items from studyevaluation scales developed by MG. Laduceur, et al., and 18 items from social skill measures KiSS-18 developed by Kikuchi. The result was that, among the three sub-scales of the studyevaluation scales, group-study skill was the highest for both the freshmen and the sophomores. With respect to the relation between study-evaluation scales and social skill, it was revealed that students with higher communication skills tended to have higher heuristic study ability. The results suggested, therefore, that acquisition of communication skills contributed to the development of heuristic study ability.本研究はPBLを用いたテュートリアル教育における教育効果について、主体的学習能力と対人関係技能(社会的スキル)との関連から明らかにすることを目的とする。看護大学1年生88名と2年生87名を対象とし、MG.Laduceurら 1)の開発による学習評価スケール(30項目)と菊池 2)による社会的スキル尺度KiSS-18(18項目)を質問紙により調査した。その結果、学習評価スケールにおける3つのサブスケールのうち『グループ学習技術』が両学年ともに最も高かった。また、学習評価スケールと社会的スキルとの関連では、社会的スキルの高い学生ほど、主体的学習能力が高い傾向にあることがわかった。主体的な学習能力を身につけていくことにおいて、対人関係技能の習得も関与していることが示唆された


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    短期大学における女子学生の入学時の健康度と中途退学との関連 -自記式健康度チェック(THI)による評価を通して-

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    Compensation, insurance, and management of injuries in investigator-initiated clinical trials in Japan

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    Introduction: The recent revision of the Declaration of Helsinki strengthened the ethical obligation to provide compensation for harm of research subjects. However, the actual status of providing compensation has rarely been disclosed, especially in the situation of investigator-initiated clinical trials (IITs).Objectives: To figure out the actual situation of compensation for injured subjects of IITs in Japan and to identify the necessary steps to fulfill the ethical obligation of compensation.Method: We conducted two types of surveys of compensation in IITs in Japan over the past five years. A: questionnaire survey delivered to 1,700 institutions on (1) number and paid amount of compensation cases; number and amount of contract fees paid to insurance companies; and (2) institutional management system of compensation cases. B: complementary survey to the item (1) of the survey A, at two institutions, on contract fees paid to and insurance paid from insurance companies.Result: In the survey A, we found only two cases of compensation provided, but could not find any serious cases claiming payment from insurance companies, although we could not exclude possibility of undisclosed cases. In the survey B, at the two institutions, a substantial amount of contract fees has been paid to insurance companies without claiming insurance payment; however, the total amount for each institution is less than that expected for one case of a serious injury. Also we found that there remain several points to improve the institutional management system of compensation in IITs in Japan.Conclusion: To provide appropriate compensation for injured subjects of IITs, we need to develop an institutional management system, along with a system to gather statistical information of compensation cases, to achieve proper resource allocation. This system should also provide education for investigators and support staff to manage injury cases