66 research outputs found

    Livre sauveur (Le)

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    An Analysis of the Consumption of Sausages in Scotland using Supermarket Data

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    This paper addresses consumers’ choices by looking into: current food choices made by different socio-economic groups; price barriers for diet improvement; and ways in which marketing may affect product choice. The study seeks: first, to analyze the differences in consumption of sausages of different nutritional composition among different socio-demographic and lifestage groups; and second, to measure whether it is possible to improve diet quality without affecting household expenditure. Sausages represent a relatively high proportion of red and processed meat purchases in Scotland, contributing significantly to the fat and sodium in the Scottish diet. The data used consisted of two-years of weekly information from a top-4, UK supermarket. The results suggest that it is possible to purchase similar quantities of a lower saturated fat or lower sodium sausage for the same price as a higher saturated fat or sodium sausage. However, it would cost more for some the groups to replace both a lower saturated fat and a lower sodium sausage in the household’s food basket.Scotland, saturated fats, sodium, consumer choices, sausages consumption, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    An Analysis of the Consumption of Sausages in Scotland using Supermarket Data

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    This paper addresses consumers’ choices by looking into: current food choices made by different socio-economic groups; price barriers for diet improvement; and ways in which marketing may affect product choice. The study seeks: first, to analyze the differences in consumption of sausages of different nutritional composition among different socio-demographic and lifestage groups; and second, to measure whether it is possible to improve diet quality without affecting household expenditure. Sausages represent a relatively high proportion of red and processed meat purchases in Scotland, contributing significantly to the fat and sodium in the Scottish diet. The data used consisted of two-years of weekly information from a top-4, UK supermarket. The results suggest that it is possible to purchase similar quantities of a lower saturated fat or lower sodium sausage for the same price as a higher saturated fat or sodium sausage. However, it would cost more for some the groups to replace both a lower saturated fat and a lower sodium sausage in the household’s food basket.Scotland, saturated fats, sodium, consumer choices, sausages consumption, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, D1,

    A Leitura do Literário no Brasil: Tensões e contradições establecidas nas práticas de leitura

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    It is critically consider issues related to Brazilians’ literary education,analyzing how their reader’s history was built (and the myth of the nonreader),in a reading practice sociology approach. We seek to understandwho the readership of colonial Brazil was until the early twentieth century,and how the transition of a European culture consumer’s country to acountry that produces its own culture was. Four major events thatcontributed to promote the reading culture in Brazil are discussed: a) thecensorship abolition in 1820; b) the end of the government monopoly overthe press in 1821; c) the establishment of higher education in Brazil in 1827;d) investments in public education, particularly for women, around 1834; e)the professionalization of writers. The story of the book and readers’education were constituted between the habit of servitude and the desire forfreedom

    La Gironde et le Bureau d'esprit public : livre et révolution

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    Anne Kupiec, The Gironde and the Bureau of Public Spirit; book and revolution. Anne Kupiec retraces the history of the Bureau of Public Spirit, created by Roland, Minister of the Interior, the 18 August 1792, and financed by the government. From both the cultural and political point of views its mission was pedagogical. Specifically, there would be intense publication activity (from almanacs and placards to scholarly treatises), sent from lecturers in the departments designed to incite attendance at public readings. At the same time, however, there is no doubt that it also had a partisan mission. The Bureau was the vector of propaganda from the future Gironde ; particularly that generated at the bosom of the popular societies. In another sense, the Bureau played the rôle of government informant as to the state of public opinion.Anne Kupiec, La Gironda e l'ufficio di spirito pubblico; libro e rivoluzione. Anne Kupiec descrive la storia dell'ufficio di spirito pubblico, creato da Roland, ministro degli Interni, il 18 Agosto 1792, e finanziato dal governo. La sua missione originale era pedagogica sul piano culturale quanto sul piano politico : attività intensa di pubblicazioni (dall'almanacco e dal manifesto al trattato dotto), missione di conferenzieri nei dipartimenti, incitamento alla lettura pubblica. Ma non c'è dubbio che la sua missione fosse ad un tempo sostenitrice : Pufficio riusci a trasmettere la propaganda della Gironda futura in particolare in seno alle società popolari. Nell' altro senso, l'ufficio svolse il ruolo d'informatore del governo quanto allo stato dell'opinione pubblica.Anne Kupiec, La Gironde et le Bureau d'esprit public; livre et révolution. Anne Kupiec retrace l'histoire du Bureau d'esprit public créé par Roland, ministre de l'Intérieur, le 18 août 1792, et financé par le gouvernement. Sa mission originelle était pédagogique au plan culturel comme au plan politique : intense activité de publications (de l'almanach et de l'affiche au traité savant), envoi de conférenciers dans les départements, incitation à la lecture publique. Mais il ne fait pas de doute que sa mission fut en même temps partisane : le Bureau fut le vecteur de la propagande de la future Gironde, en particulier au sein des sociétés populaires. Dans l'autre sens, le Bureau joua le rôle d'informateur du gouvernement quant à l'éclat de l'opinion publique.Kupiec Anne. La Gironde et le Bureau d'esprit public : livre et révolution. In: Annales historiques de la Révolution française, n°302, 1995. pp. 571-586
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