20 research outputs found

    Music from Both Sides

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    Matija (Matt) Arko, known to family and friends as Hojer (Hoyer), was born in Slovenia. He emigrated to the States as a teenager, bringing alongside his love for music and the accordion. Music became an important part of his life and his Hoyer instrumental trio became extremely popular amongst Slovenians as well as emigrants of other nationalities. By mixing elements of Slovenian traditional music and various popular American genres of the time, he created the foundations of the polka music, the appeal of which crossed ethnic boundaries and later on achieved general popularity. Most of Matija Arko’s tunes have been recorded on gramophone records, which give us insight into his musical activities and the history of Slovenian music in the USA. Very little is known in his homeland about Matija Arko, known in the States as Matt Hoyer, and his musical endeavours. This publication is English translation of the Slovenian edition, aims to shed light on his activities and music

    Morfološke in strukturne opredelitve ljudskega plesa. Primer parnega štajeriša

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    Članek predstavlja potek in rezultate morfološko-strukturne analize zapisanih variant parnih oblik štajeriša na Slovenskem. Poleg metodološkega uvida v raziskovanje ljudskega plesa prispeva tudi k izgrajevanju ustrezne terminologije, saj ob tem členi in določa začetne položaje plesalcev v paru in plesne drže pri parnih oblikah obravnavanega ljudskega plesa. *** This article presents the research process and results of a morphological and structural analysis of written notations of couple’s Steierisch dances in Slovenia. In addition to its methodological approach to studying folk dances, it also contributes to the development of appropriate terminology because it analyzes and defines the initial positions of each dancer in the couple, as well as the handholds found in the couple’s forms of the selected folk dance

    Nekateri pojavi plesnega folklorizma v Beli krajini do 2. svetovne vojne

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    Na nastanek in razvoj plesnega folklorizma v Beli krajini so odločilno vplivale različne prireditve, na katerih so domačini predstavljali svoje plesno izročilo. Avtorica v prispevku analizira nekatere izmed teh prireditev do 2. svetovne vojne, ki so pomembno sooblikovale uprizoritve ljudskega plesa. *** The origin and the development of dance folklorism in Bela krajina has been greatly influenced by different events in which local inhabitants demonstrated the dance heritage of the region. Examined are some of the events taking place prior to the Second World War that had a strong impact upon the birth of dance folklorism in that area

    Transformacije ljudskega plesa v predstavitvah za »druge«. Primer treh kol iz Bele krajine

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    Ko so nosilci tradicije opustili izvajalsko plesno prakso »zase« in se organizirali v plesno-folklorne skupine, se je ljudski ples vse bolj spreminjal v »ples za druge«, največkrat na odru. Spremenjen kontekst ljudskega plesa je povratno vplival tudi na ples sam, saj se je ljudski ples na odru moral podrediti zahtevam javnega uprizarjanja in scenskega izvajanja. Avtorica v prispevku analizira koreološke transformacije treh belokranjskih kol (Pobelelo kole, Lepa Anka in svatsko kolo), kakor so nastale v odrskih izvedbah belokranjskih folklornih skupin. *** No longer dancing for their own pleasure, dancers of traditional dances are now organized in folk dance groups. The character of traditional dances has been transformed to fit the “others”, meaning the spectators, who usually watch dances performed on stage. This modified context has in turn affected the dance itself. In the changed circumstances, dances performed onstage have to be adapted to meet the requirements of stage performance for the public. Analyzed are choreological transformations of three circle dances from Bela krajina (Pobelelo pole, Lepa Anka, and svatsko kolo), performed by folk dance groups of Bela krajina

    Glasba z obeh strani

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    Matija (Matt) Arko, known to family and friends as Hojer (Hoyer), was born in Slovenia. He emigrated to the States as a teenager, bringing alongside his love for music and the accordion. Music became an important part of his life and his Hoyer instrumental trio became extremely popular amongst Slovenians as well as emigrants of other nationalities. By mixing elements of Slovenian traditional music and various popular American genres of the time, he created the foundations of the polka music, the appeal of which crossed ethnic boundaries and later on achieved general popularity. Most of Matija Arko’s tunes have been recorded on gramophone records, which give us insight into his musical activities and the history of Slovenian music in the USA. Very little is known in his homeland about Matija Arko, known in the States as Matt Hoyer, and his musical endeavours. This publication (‘Music From Both Sides. Gramophone Records Made by Matija Arko and the Hoyer Trio’) aims to shed light on his activities and music.Matija Arko, po domače Hojer, rojen v Sodražici, se je v mladosti izselil v Ameriko in s seboj prinesel veselje do glasbe in harmonike. Glasba je postala pomemben del njegovega življenja in s svojo skupino Hoyer trio je postal zelo priljubljen med Slovenci v ZDA pa tudi med izseljenci drugih narodnosti. S prepletanjem slovenske ljudske glasbe in različnih oblik ameriške popularne glasbe tistega časa je postavil temelje t. i. polka glasbe, ki je zaradi privlačnosti prestopila etnične meje in pozneje dosegla vsesplošno popularnost. Veliko glasbe Matije Arka je dokumentirane in ohranjene na gramofonskih ploščah, ki nudijo vpogled v njegovo delo in zgodovino slovenske glasbe v ZDA. O Matiji Arku, v Ameriki bolj znanem kot Matt Hoyer, in o njegovem glasbenem ustvarjanju smo vedeli v Sloveniji zelo malo. S pričujočo knjigo želimo opozoriti nanj, na njegovo delovanje in na glasbo, ki je ohranjena na starih gramofonskih ploščah.;Matija (Matt) Arko, known to family and friends as Hojer (Hoyer), was born in Slovenia. He emigrated to the States as a teenager, bringing alongside his love for music and the accordion. Music became an important part of his life and his Hoyer instrumental trio became extremely popular amongst Slovenians as well as emigrants of other nationalities. By mixing elements of Slovenian traditional music and various popular American genres of the time, he created the foundations of the polka music, the appeal of which crossed ethnic boundaries and later on achieved general popularity. Most of Matija Arko’s tunes have been recorded on gramophone records, which give us insight into his musical activities and the history of Slovenian music in the USA. Very little is known in his homeland about Matija Arko, known in the States as Matt Hoyer, and his musical endeavours. This publication (‘Music From Both Sides. Gramophone Records Made by Matija Arko and the Hoyer Trio’) aims to shed light on his activities and music.Matija Arko, po domače Hojer, rojen v Sodražici, se je v mladosti izselil v Ameriko in s seboj prinesel veselje do glasbe in harmonike. Glasba je postala pomemben del njegovega življenja in s svojo skupino Hoyer trio je postal zelo priljubljen med Slovenci v ZDA pa tudi med izseljenci drugih narodnosti. S prepletanjem slovenske ljudske glasbe in različnih oblik ameriške popularne glasbe tistega časa je postavil temelje t. i. polka glasbe, ki je zaradi privlačnosti prestopila etnične meje in pozneje dosegla vsesplošno popularnost. Veliko glasbe Matije Arka je dokumentirane in ohranjene na gramofonskih ploščah, ki nudijo vpogled v njegovo delo in zgodovino slovenske glasbe v ZDA. O Matiji Arku, v Ameriki bolj znanem kot Matt Hoyer, in o njegovem glasbenem ustvarjanju smo vedeli v Sloveniji zelo malo. S pričujočo knjigo želimo opozoriti nanj, na njegovo delovanje in na glasbo, ki je ohranjena na starih gramofonskih ploščah

    Dancing For Ethnic Roots:

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    Folk dance ensembles within minority ethnic communities (Albanian, Bosniak, Montenegrin, Croatian, Macedonian and Serbian) in Slovenia were formed in the 1990s, after the breakup of Yugoslavia. The authors present the key reasons for the folklore activities that contributed to the emergence of the so-called minority folk dance ensembles, describe their beginnings and how they eventually became organized, institutionalized, and integrated into the amateur culture system in Slovenia. The goal of minority folk dance ensembles is to dance for ethnic roots, but at the same time, the desire to enrich the cultural space in their new county and to integrate into society in which they live


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    The book's main goal is to present one of the Slovenian folk dances, štajeriš (Steierisch or Steirisch), from choreological and dance-anthropological perspective. The introductory chapter frames the topic geographically, temporally and theoretically and provides the basis for the following two extensive chapters. The first part of the book is focused on the dance itself. It presents morphological and structural analysis of dance, leading to a morphological-structural analysis of the Slovenian štajeriš, with the primary structure derived from the number of dancers. In the second part of the book, the focus shifts from a dance to men. It starts off by presenting the syncretism of a dance, music and song in the štajeriš, to later focus on the role and meaning in man’s life, with the last section discussing the relationship between the men and the dance, where the dance is treated as a medium trough which both verbal and nonverbal communications is made possible. The central chapters are rounded off by a short chapter on the state of the štajeriš today, where it actually no longer lives among the people, but appears only as the revival of the past. In appendix, the book presents three previously unpublished records (Kinetography Laban scores) of štajeriš.Knjige podaja podobo štajeriša na Slovenskem, tako s koreološkega kot plesno-antropološkega vidika. Začetno poglavje uokvirja tematiko z geografskega, časovnega in teoretskega vidika in daje osnovo dvema temeljnima sklopoma v nadaljevanju. V prvem sklopu je najprej predstavljena morfološka in strukturna analiza plesa, v nadaljevanju pa je izvedena morfološko-strukturna analiza štajeriša na Slovenskem, pri čemer je osnovna delitev izvedena iz števila sodelujočih pri plesu. V drugem sklopu knjige se pozornost iz plesa preusmeri na človeka, na vlogo, ki jo je imel štajeriš v njegovem življenju, na ples kot medij, s katerim je človek sporočal o razumevanju sveta, sebe in drugega. Osrednja sklopa zaokrožuje krajše poglavje o odsevih nekdanje tradicije v sodobnosti, v novih okoliščinah, ko je t.i. ljudski ples doživel preobrazbo v folklorni ples. Poleg tega knjiga v dodatku prinaša zapise treh doslej še neobjavljenih štajerišev iz treh različnih krajev Slovenije, ki jih hrani arhiv Glasbenonarodopisnega inštituta

    Predgovor novih urednikov

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    Traditiones – the international scientific journal covering a wide range of topics in Slovenian and European ethnology, anthropology, folklore studies, ethnomusicology, and related fields – is in its 52nd year, and with this issue turning a new page. Since you are looking at a thoroughly redesigned journal, we have turned over a new page quite literally. We are grateful that this step has been entrusted to the undersigned new editors.Traditiones – mednarodna znanstvena revija, ki objavlja raznovrstne teme iz slovenske in evropske etnologije, antropologije, folkloristike, etnomuzikologije in sorodnih ved – v 52. letniku in s pričujočim zvezkom obrača novo stran. Ker je pred vami povsem prenovljena podoba revije, smo novo stran obrnili dobesedno. Hvaležni smo, da je bil ta korak zaupan podpisanim novim urednikom