18 research outputs found

    Coerced Modernization in the Eastern European Countryside

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    Mungiu-Pippidi A. (2010), A Tale of Two Villages. Coerced Modernization in the East European Countryside, CEU: Budapest–New York, pp. 232

    Where did all the irrigators go? Trends in irrigation and demographics in Kansas

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    Presented at the 2006 Central Plains irrigation conference on February 21-22 in Colby, Kansas.The 2000 United States Census indicated that Kansas had grown by 8.51 percent in population since 1990, compared to the national average growth rate of 13.15 percent. Only nine (9) of 105 counties in Kansas experienced growth equal to or greater than the national average growth rate. From 2000-2004 only 8 counties grew at or above the national average growth rate. In 1990, Kansans were 1.00 percent of the U.S. population, in 2004 only 0.94% of the population. The 2004 population estimates had 56 of 105 counties in Kansas declining in population since 2000. Of the 54 counties overlying the High Plains aquifer, only three (3) counties had equal or greater growth than the national average. In addition the census also indicated a cultural transition as many counties experienced domestic out-migration and foreign immigration. Agricultural Census data document a 5.26 percent decrease in the total market value of agricultural products from 1997 to 2002, while the total number of farms increased 4.58 percent in Kansas during the same period. The number of Irrigated farms decreased by 3.58 percent with total irrigated acres declining by only 1.07 percent to 2.678 million acres over the same five year period. Total acreage in crop production declined 1.59 percent, while the market value of crops sold decreasing 24.9% from 3.22billionin1997to3.22 billion in 1997 to 2.42 billion in 2002. Since 1990, irrigation technology has dramatically changed to more efficient low pressure pivot and SDI (subsurface drip irrigation) systems. With more efficient water use, irrigators have been able to grow significantly more corn and other water intensive crops. Given the 3.5 percent decrease in the number of irrigated farms since 1997, the resulting 1.08 percent decline in irrigated acres indicates increased acreage efficiency by remaining irrigators. This presentation intends to demonstrate spatial and temporal trends in irrigation and demographics for Kansas, with focus on the 54 counties overlying the High Plains Aquifer


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    David L. Brown, Valerie J. Bunce, Douglas T. GurakThis dissertation investigates the relationship between socioeconomic and spatial development in Eastern Europe from a historical perspective. I examine how global and national processes affect localities, and what their impact is on the spatial distribution of population and economic activities over time. The backdrop for this study is the historical transformation of Eastern Europe from a predominantly agricultural region to a modern industrial one, even if this modernity can be labeled as "delayed", "distorted" or "dependent" when compared to the Western experience. When investigating socioeconomic and spatial development over time, I focus on the impacts of two fundamental processes, historical legacies and development policies. Legacies and policies must be connected in order to understand their impact on patterns of socioeconomic and spatial development over time, and to assess trends for the future. I approach the study of social and spatial development from an interdisciplinary standpoint, working at the intersection of development sociology, social demography, political science and population geography. The conceptual project of this study is to connect these disciplines' accumulated knowledge on Eastern Europe, and articulate causal links between processes described by these fields. Although each field has accumulated considerable knowledge on development in the region separately, there hasn't been a systematic effort to connect these findings in a historical perspective. I use a comparative framework to achieve this goal, and hence I discuss the Eastern European development trajectory vis-?-vis the Western experiences. The particular contribution of this study is to connect the political theory of Eastern European "backwardness" to an analysis of the region's socio-demographic change, population redistribution and urbanization in particular. The dissertation's empirical project is to examine population distribution and urbanization dynamics in Eastern Europe. I investigate how spatial development occurred in the context of broader socioeconomic development, and how various policies and legacies affected settlement morphology and population redistribution. This analysis will use the cases of Hungary and Bulgaria. Hungary will be the central analytical case of this study, and I will use Bulgaria to demonstrate the intraregional heterogeneity of Eastern Europe.Polson Institute for Global Development, Echo Survey Institut

    Micropolitan Areas & the Measurement of Urbanization

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    Rural New York Initiative Research & Policy Brie

    The Political Economy of Urban Reclassification in Post-Socialist Hungary

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    Kulcsar L. J. and Brown D. L. The political economy of urban reclassification in post-socialist Hungary, Regional Studies. Urban reclassification is usually a statistical exercise, acknowledging that places have met certain development criteria. In some countries, though, it is also an important political game. Local leaders believe that the urban title is the key to future development, while national politicians perceive reclassification as a tool to increase political capital. This study examines the political economy of urban reclassification in Hungary in a historical perspective, discussing the pro-urban development legacy and reclassification dynamics. Contemporary political and development motives are also examined. Statistical analysis investigates the impact of reclassification on urbanization trends. [image omitted] Kulcsar L. J. et Brown D. L. L'economie politique du reclassement urbain dans la Hongrie des annees postsocialistes, Regional Studies. D'habitude, le reclassement urbain s'avere une exercice statistique, reconnaissant le fait que certains endroits ont satisfaits certains criteres de developpement. Cependant, dans certains pays il constitue aussi un jeu politique important. Les leaders locaux croient que etre considere urbain est la cle du developpement futur, tandis que les hommes politiques nationaux considerent le reclassement comme un outil qui sert a augmenter le capital politique. Cette etude cherche a examiner l'economie politique du reclassement urbain en Hongrie d'un point de vue historique, discutant l'heritage en faveur du developpement urbain et la dynamique du reclassement. On examine aussi les motifs politiques et de developpement contemporains. Une analyse statistique examine l'impact du reclassement sur les tendances a l'urbanisation. Reclassement urbain Amenagement du territoire Annees postsocialistes Urbanisation Kulcsar L. J. und Brown D. L. Die politische Okonomie der urbanen Reklassifizierung im postsozialistischen Ungarn, Regional Studies. Bei einer urbanen Reklassifizierung handelt es sich normalerweise um eine statistische Massnahme, mit der zur Kenntnis genommen wird, dass Orte bestimmte Entwicklungskriterien erfullt haben. In einigen Landern ist sie jedoch auch ein wichtiges politisches Spiel. Die Fuhrungspersonen vor Ort nehmen an, dass der urbane Titel den Schlussel zur kunftigen Entwicklung darstellt, wahrend die Politiker auf nationaler Ebene die Reklassifizierung als Mittel zur Erhohung des politischen Kapitals betrachten. In dieser Studie untersuchen wir die politische Okonomie der urbanen Reklassifizierung in Ungarn aus historischer Perspektive und erortern das Vermachtnis der prourbanen Entwicklung sowie die Dynamik der Reklassifizierung. Ebenso werden zeitgenossische politische und Entwicklungsmotive untersucht. In einer statistischen Analyse ermitteln wir die Auswirkung einer Reklassifizierung auf Urbanisierungstrends. Urbane Reklassifizierung Regionalentwicklung Postsozialismus Urbanisierung Kulcsar L. J. y Brown D. L. La economia politica de la reclasificacion urbana en la Hungria postsocialista, Regional Studies. La reclasificacion urbana es normalmente un ejercicio estadistico en el que se reconocen los lugares que han cumplido ciertos criterios de desarrollo. Sin embargo, en algunos paises tambien es un importante juego politico. Los lideres locales creen que el titulo urbano es la clave para el futuro desarrollo mientras que los politicos nacionales perciben la reclasificacion como una herramienta para aumentar el capital politico. En este estudio analizamos la economia politica de la reclasificacion urbana en Hungria desde una perspectiva historica y abordamos el legado de desarrollo prourbano y las dinamicas de reclasificacion. Tambien examinamos los motivos politicos y de desarrollo contemporaneos. Mediante analisis estadisticos investigamos el impacto de la reclasificacion en las tendencias de urbanizacion.Urban reclassification, Regional development, Post-socialism, Urbanization,

    The Chain of Equivalent Demands in the Rise of Rural Neo‐populism. Introduction to Special Issue

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    Since the referendum on Brexit on June 23, 2016, many observers have highlighted the territorial dimension of the profound political changes that have taken place in Western countries. In every country where citizens have been called to the polls, a significant difference has emerged between urban and rural areas, between large and medium- sized cities, and between the centers and suburbs of the most important cities. Someone brought together all the so- called populist voting areas— rural, medium, and peripheral— under the definition of places left behind (Rodríguez- Pose 2017 ). Others have instead emphasized the fault between city and country, to highlight the decisive role that citizens of rural areas have had in particular in the consensus for various populist parties and leaders (Carrosio 2020 ; Emanuele 2018 ; Marcinkiewicz 2017 )

    Hyper-extractive counties in the U.S.: a coupled-systems approach

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    In this paper, we advance a theoretical framework for defining hyper-extractive coupled-systems in the United States. Our purpose is to extend a model constructed for an agricultural system in Southwest Kansas into a general theory that can be used to successfully classify counties across the U.S. that depend on the extraction of natural resources. We begin with developing the theoretical foundations for the hyper-extractive coupled-system. We then fit this theory within the existing literature regarding the classification of rural counties. Finally, drawing on a coupled human–natural systems theoretical framework (Liu et al., 2007), we develop a new spatially based empirical measure of rural context that captures the complex, multidimensional interactions between humans and their natural environments. GIS hot spot and factor analytic techniques are used to empirically identify existing coupled-systems, linking contiguous counties in the rural U.S. based on 35 indicators of land use, employment patterns, demographics, physiography, and climate. In addition to identifying three different types of hyper-extractive counties across the U.S., our approach reveals a number of other coupled-systems based on agriculture and ranching, mining, manufacturing, scenic amenities, and forestry and fishing

    Stosowanie zakwaszonej gnojowicy w aspekcie wypłukiwania pierwiastków z gleby w uprawach polowych

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    The state of soils was presented in the aspect of environmental protection when using acidified slurry was used as fertilizer to protect ammonia from escaping into the atmosphere. The use of concentrated sulfuric acid to lower the pH of the slurry and thus retain nitrogen in the soil and then use it by crops gives a double benefit, reduces nitrogen losses, and reduces the cost of mineral fertilizers that should be purchased. Injecting raw slurry below the surface of the soil has some benefits in the form of reducing ammonia emissions, but it does not affect the use of fertilizers with the addition of sulfur, which is ensured in the case of acidification of the slurry. Additional benefit is to obtain environment protection. Leaching of elements from grassland and corn crop soil treated with raw cattle slurry and acidified cattle slurry (m3 ha-1) was presented. The K content was highest in the leachate collected after the application of the last batch of acidified slurry. Yield tests were conducted on similar soils as presented in the tables for grass, using six 500 m2 plots with corn, cultivar ES Cirrus, with acidified slurry and one test plot with non-acidified slurry. Analysis of variance and significant difference among the treatment means were separated using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at a probability level of 0.05. Based on statistical analysis, it was demonstrated that crop yields of corn grain increased when fertilized with acidified slurry, at an average of 4 t·ha-1. During field tests corn crop yield varied from 14 t·ha-1 to 18 t·ha-1 when non-acidified and acidified slurry were used. The yield on the grassland was approx. 30 t·ha-1. The soil sorption complex, in combination with its buffer properties and acidification, did not affected the pH value. This makes the acidification process safe for plants and for the soil environment.W pracy przedstawiono badania na temat stanu gleby w aspekcie jej ochrony przy stosowaniu zakwaszonej gnojowicy jako nawozu chroniącego przed ulatnianiem się amoniaku do atmosfery. Zastosowanie stężonego kwasu siarkowego w celu obniżenia pH gnojowicy i zatrzymania w ten sposób azotu w glebie, a następnie wykorzystania go przez rośliny uprawne daje podwójną korzyść, zmniejsza straty azotu i obniża koszty zakupu nawozów mineralnych. Wtłaczanie gnojowicy surowej pod powierzchnię gleby przynosi pewne korzyści w postaci ograniczenia emisji amoniaku, ale nie wpływa na ograniczenie stosowania nawozów z dodatkiem siarki, co jest zapewnione w przypadku zakwaszania gnojowicy. Dodatkową korzyścią jest aspekt ochrony środowiska. W badaniach przedstawiono wymywanie pierwiastków z gleby na użytkach zielonych i uprawy kukurydzy przy stosowaniu niezakwaszonej gnojowicy bydlęcej oraz zakwaszonej gnojowicy bydlęcej (m3 ·ha-1). Zawartość K była największa w próbie po zastosowaniu ostatniej partii zakwaszonej gnojowicy. Doświadczenie z kukurydzą przeprowadzono na podobnych glebach jak w przypadku doświadczenia z trawami, na sześciu poletkach o powierzchni 500 m2 z odmianą ES Cirrus z zakwaszoną gnojowicą i poletkiem testowym z niezakwaszoną gnojowicą. Analizę wariancji i istotne różnice między średnimi zabiegów wykonano przy użyciu testu wielozakresowego Duncana (DMRT) na poziomie prawdopodobieństwa 0,05. Na podstawie analizy statystycznej wykazano, że plon ziarna kukurydzy wzrósł przy nawożeniu zakwaszoną gnojowicą średnio o 4 t·ha-1. Podczas badań polowych plon ziarna kukurydzy wahał się od 14 t·ha-1 do 18 t·ha-1, przy nawożeniu gnojowicą niezakwaszoną i zakwaszoną. Plon na użytkach zielonych wyniósł ok. 30 t·ha-1. Kompleks sorpcyjny gleby, w połączeniu z jego właściwościami buforowymi i zakwaszeniem, nie wpłynął na wartość pH. Dzięki temu proces zakwaszania jest bezpieczny dla roślin i środowiska glebowego