7 research outputs found


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    The American literary canons, mainly those of the nineteen fifties and the nineteen sixties, had consistently portrayed women as subservient citizens. Women in the American culture had been put under men's domination and thus lost their identity and been unable to determine their own fate. They played roles long prescribed by men, both in the home and in their social milieu. As products of the era, a number of Sylvia Plath's poems depict confrontation against this phenomenon of patriarchy in which women have been inferior to and abused by men; they fight for freedom and to regain their true roles as women and human beings

    Nowhere and everywhere: Navigating gendered urban spaces in Haruki Murakami’s After Dark

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    Nowhere and everywhere: Navigating gendered urban spaces in Haruki Murakami’s After DarkUrban space has been one of the most underexplored elements analyzed in literary works. However, as urban space gradually emerges as a culturally influencing element, a casual perusal of any text that employs urban space might result in an oversimplified analysis. This study examines the urban space of After Dark (2004), authored by Japanese writer Haruki Murakami (b. 1949). Accounting for the ways urban space is interwoven with the socio-cultural context, this study establishes a spatial reading of Murakami’s After Dark through the description of the city. With a poststructuralist approach, this study discusses how urban space is utilized and how it serves as an important part of the text instead of a mere backdrop; it reinforces the possibilities of setting as a thematic approach to major issues such as self-identity and the marginalization of women. As it is concluded, the urban space the novel presents have succeeded to show that they form, to some extent, women’s behaviours both directly and indirectly. Hence, the setting may present the main theme further analysed.Keywords: urban space, spatiality, women, self-identity, marginalizationTak di sana dan di mana pun: Menavigasi ruang kota bergender pada novel After Dark karya Haruki MurakamiSelama ini ruang urban masih menjadi unsur yang paling kurang digali dalam menganalisis karya sastra. Namun demikian, seiring dengan kenyataan bahwa ruang urban lambat-laun hadir sebagai unsur yang secara kultural berpengaruh, kajian kasual mengenai suatu teks yang memanfaatkan ruang urban mungkin justru menghasilkan analisis yang terlalu sederhana. Kajian ini menelisik ruang urban After Dark (2004), hasil karya pengarang Jepang, Haruki Murakami (lahir 1949). Dengan berpusat pada cara-cara ruang urban berjalin berkelindan dengan kontek sosio-budaya, kajian ini menghadirkan pembacaan ruang terhadap karya Murakami yang berjudul After Dark melalui deskripsi tentang kota yang digunakan sebagai latar. Dengan pendekatan pascastruktural, kajian ini membahas bagaimana ruang urban dimanfaatkan serta bagaimana hal tersebut menjadi bagian penting dari teks dan bukan hanya sekadar latar belakang; hal ini mendorong hadirnya kemungkinan latar sebagai subjek tematik untuk membahas isu-isu besar seperti identitas diri dan marjinalisasi perempuan. Sebagaimana yang diperoleh di kesimpulan, ruang urban yang ditampilkan dalam novel ini telah berhasil menunjukkan kemampuannya untuk membentuk perilaku tokoh-tokoh wanitanya baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Dengan demikian, latar tempat dapat menunjukkan tema utama sebuah karya yang layak diteliti lebih lanjut.Kata kunci: ruang urban, spatialitas, perempuan, identitas-diri, marjinalisas


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    In his novels, Dickens delivers important social messages through his empathetic characters living lives of misery, oppression, slavery, degradation, and exploitation under the so-called capitalistic system. These underclass people hollertheir plight of injustice and crises of the actual social milieu. In the Marxist perspective, these multiple crises are embedded in themes of exploitation, class consciousness, and sacrifice and revolution. Hence, the realism disguised under literary devices could hopefully accomplish dual purposes, both as a means of provoking a new kind of "social consciousness" among the bourgeoisie and as ameans of raising the proletariat's class consciousnes


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    Abstract: The American literary canons, mainly those of the nineteen fifties and the nineteen sixties, had consistently portrayed women as subservient citizens. Women in the American culture had been put under men’s domination and thus lost their identity and been unable to determine their own fate. They played roles long prescribed by men, both in the home and in their social milieu. As products of the era, a number of Sylvia Plath’s poems depict confrontation against this phenomenon of patriarchy in which women have been inferior to and abused by men; they fight for freedom and to regain their true roles as women and human beings


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    In his novels, Dickens delivers important social messages through his empathetic characters living lives of misery, oppression, slavery, degradation, and exploitation under the so-called capitalistic system. These underclass people holler their plight of injustice and crises of the actual social milieu. In the Marxist perspective, these multiple crises are embedded in themes of exploitation, class consciousness, and sacrifice and revolution. Hence, the realism disguised under literary devices could hopefully accomplish dual purposes, both as a means of provoking a new kind of "social consciousness" among the bourgeoisie and as a means of raising the proletariat's class consciousnes

    Confronted patriarchy in sylvia plath's poems

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    Abstract: The American literary canons, mainly those of the nineteen fiftiesand the nineteen sixties, had consistently portrayed women as subservientcitizens. Women in the American culture had been put under men s dominationand thus lost their identity and been unable to determine their own fate.They played roles long prescribed by men, both in the home and in their socialmilieu. As products of the era, a number of Sylvia Plath s poems depictconfrontation against this phenomenon of patriarchy in which women havebeen inferior to and abused by men; they fight for freedom and to regaintheir true roles as women and human beings.21 hl

    Grammatical Errors in Using Adverbial Clauses of Reason as Modifiers in Some Indonesian Journalistic Headlines

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    This journal article examines the grammatical construction of some TV news headlines, highlighting the issues that arise due to their structure. The primary concern is that the headlines use adverbial clauses or phrases of reason before the main clauses which inadvertently cause some confusion about the subjects and the actions of the news stories. That is because the adverbial clauses or phrases often function as appositives to modify the subject of the main clause. When used as clauses of reason as in the headlines, this grammatical construction creates ambiguity in understanding who is then performing the described actions. The study finds that these headlines are structurally complex and misleading, making them fail to convey their intended meaning. To address this issue, the article suggests that the headlines be rephrased to eliminate ambiguity. Improved headline construction not only enhances communication but also ensures that potential confusion for the audience is minimized