30 research outputs found

    Coordinated Development between Urban Tourism Economy and Transport in the Pearl River Delta, China

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    Poduzetnici i poduzetništvo su najvažniji čimbenici gospodarskog i ekonomskog rasta razvijenih zemalja. Oni utječu ne samo na ekonomske i tehnološke komponente društva nego razvijaju socijalno i društveno okruženje za lokalne zajednice. Kroz pojačano zapošljavanje, jačaju stupanj obrazovanja stanovništva i osiguravaju stabilnost društva te posljedično poboljšavaju njegovu demografsku sliku. Prepoznavanje važnosti poduzetništva za nacionalnu ekonomiju je od presudne važnosti. Pravilnim upravljanjem resursa poduzetnici osiguravaju napredak i identifikaciju potrošača te unaprjeđenje svojih proizvoda. Za uspjeh poduzetničkog pothvata je nužno usmjeriti marketinške napore na klijente te temeljiti uspjeh na inovacijama i konstantnom razvoju kako bi poduzeće dugoročno osiguralo uzajamne korisne odnose s klijentima na obostranu korist. Prikazana je SWOT analiza tržišta pa primjeru ideje za poduzetnički pothvat Slavonske kuće te nastanak i razvoj poduzetničkog plana od poslovne ideje. Prikazane su ideje koje bi uz kreativan i uporan rad pomogle razvoju inovativnog poslovnog pothvata koji bi spojio tradiciju s modernim. U poduzetništvu je nužno težiti stalnom napretku te kontinuiranom istraživanju tržišta i osluškivanju potreba potrošača radi što boljeg ostvarivanja profita te zadovoljnih klijenata te se također u poslovnom pothvatu Slavonske kuće daju ideje i primjeri za daljnju nadogradnju i ostvarenje dugoročnih ciljeva za ovaj pothvat.Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship are the most important factors of economy and economic growth of developed countries. They affect not only the economic and technological components of society, but also develop the better social environment for local communities. Through increased employment, they increase the level of education of the population and ensure the stability of society and consequently improve its demographic profile. Recognizing the importance of entrepreneurship for the national economy is crucial for every country. The entrepreneurs ensure the progress and identification of consumers and the improvement of their products by properly managing their resources. For the success of an entrepreneurial venture, it is necessary to focus marketing efforts on customers and base success on innovation and constant development in order for the company to ensure good relationships with customers for mutual benefit in the long run. A SWOT analysis of the market is presented, as well as an example of an idea for an entrepreneurial venture of the Slavonian House and the emergence and development of an entrepreneurial plan from a business idea. Ideas were presented that would help to develop an innovative business venture that would combine tradition with modern values. In entrepreneurship, it is necessary to strive for constant progress, continuous market research and listen to the needs of consumers in order to earn profit and satisfied customers. In the end, the business venture Slavonian house provides ideas and examples for further upgrading and achieving long-term goals for this venture

    Study on the Decomposition of Factors Affecting Energy-Related Carbon Emissions in Guangdong Province, China

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    Guangdong is China’s largest province in terms of energy consumption. The energy-related carbon emissions in Guangdong province are calculated, and two extended and improved decomposition models for energy-related carbon emissions are established with the Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index method based on the basic principle of Kaya identity. Main results are as follows: (1) the energy-related carbon emissions from the three strata of industry, except the primary industry, and household energy consumption in Guangdong province show increasing trend from 1995 to 2009; (2) the main driving and inhibiting factors which influence energy-related carbon emissions are economic output and energy intensity, respectively, while the contributions of energy mix, industrial structures, population size and living standards are not significant during the period of interest. It is concluded that optimizing the energy mix by exploiting new energy sources and cutting down energy intensity by developing low-carbon technologies are the two most effective approaches to reduce carbon emissions for Guangdong province in the future. The results and proposals in this paper provided reference for relevant administrative departments in the Government of Guangdong province to develop policies for energy conservation and emission reduction as well as to promote development of low-carbon economy

    Sustainable Urban External Service Function Development for Building the International Megalopolis in the Pearl River Delta, China

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    This study is about the urban economic service function characteristics and the regional economic contact from the perspectives of region and industries. This paper analyzes the location quotient (LQ), urban external function capability (UEFC), and the characteristics and distribution of urban economic flow intensity (UEFI) of cities in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region of Guangdong Province, China. Results show: (1) the proportion of the UEFI of Guangzhou and Shenzhen in the PRD region decreased while the one of Foshan and Dongguan increased from 2005 to 2013; (2) the UEFI of Foshan gained the largest increase (532%) and Zhuhai showed the smallest increase (76%) from 2005 to 2013; (3) LQs of manufacturing in all cities were greater than one, indicating the overall external service capability of this sector was strong in the PRD region; (4) the numbers of cities whose LQs of tertiary sectors were greater than one reduced from 2005 to 2013, reflecting the urban external service capabilities of the tertiary sectors tended to be concentrated to fewer cities

    Coordinated Development between Urban Tourism Economy and Transport in the Pearl River Delta, China

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    By selecting the panel data from 2005 to 2014 of 9 cities in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) in China, this paper respectively establishes the evaluation index system of tourism economy and transport. It also applies a synthetic evaluation model and coupling coordination model to estimate comprehensive indices of tourism economy and transport system and their coordinated relationships. The results show that: (1) during 2005–2014, the synthetic indices of tourism economy generally presented constantly upward tendency and the synthetic indices of transport represented wave-like raising trend in the PRD region; (2) during 2005–2014, the 9 cities in the PRD region gradually tended to have coordinated development between tourism economy and transport, and the central area of the PRD region developed faster than the flanks; (3) the correlations between the tourism economy and transport of the cities with abundant tourism resources, developed economy, and advanced transport facilities were more remarkable, and the coordination degrees were higher. Besides, macro-policies, mega-events, and locations also impacted on coordinated development between the tourism economy and transport in the PRD region